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Renegade (Ruthless Tendencies Book 2)

Page 10

by D. M. Burns

  “What about us Asia? Maybe we can do the long-distance relationship thing until you’ve got the experience under your belt. Explored the opportunity, whatever.”

  I’m grasping onto anything like a desperate chick, but I don’t care. Because I am desperate, for her. People can call me a pussy if they want to. I love this fucking girl. We can take turns traveling back and forth. Where there’s a will there’s a fucking way. This can work. Why does it feel like I’m hanging out on that tree limb all alone though?

  “Ren… I think we need to… Uhmm.” She won’t even look at me.

  “Asia just fucking spit it out.” I try to control my voice but it’s a feeble attempt. My words come out harshly. I’ve never talked to her like this before. Never had a reason too. Until now. “You what? What do you think we need to do?” I flip my hand out at her.

  Her lips tremble and fuck me. I know what’s coming. Don’t fucking say it, baby. Don’t… Those brown sugar eyes find mine and the tears break free. Streaming down her face easily now. Why the fuck do I want to comfort her? This chick is breaking my god damn heart, but I want to fold her into me and keep her there, close. Mine for the keeping. Chase those words away from her lips that I know will change everything as soon as their airborne, deadly rotting virus. Something she can never take back. Baby don’t say it. I shake my head.

  “I don’t want to lose you. We can be friends Renegade.” Her voice cracks but her eyes stay on me. “The long-distance thing will never work. I wouldn’t expect you to do that for me.” She looks down to the floor studying those sexy, god damn boots. The same ones that I still want wrapped around my fucking waist. Fuck.

  “What the fuck changed? What happened in a week, Asia? We’ve talked about ALL this shit already, months ago. You were going to stay here with me. We had plans, us. TOGETHER. What the fuck? Are you seeing someone else? Is that it?” I seethe. The cords in my neck are straining.

  “No. God no…” Her body recoils when she answers me. That’s a genuine response. Thank God for that. A bastard would die, brutally. Rage would have company in that steel box except my stay would be an extended one.

  “Renegade…” She whispers. I can hear her quiet sobs but fuck her. She just ripped my god damn heart out. She knows it. She’s okay with it. The damage is done.

  “So, in less than a week you’ve decided not to choose us, huh? I don’t buy this shit, Asia. You have one last go at this babe.” I turn to face her. My eyes pleading for the fucking truth. “Tell me the truth and let’s fix this together. Talk to me baby.” She shakes her head no as the tears stretch down her face. She casts her eyes back to the floor.

  “This cut… It runs deep… But only because I love you, Asia. Fucking deep baby.” I grip the back of my neck and look up to the ceiling, turn in a full circle, and head for the door. “Fuck the friendship bullshit, Asia. I wish you the best of luck.”

  I rip the door open and stalk out of that fucking room fast. Making my way for the front doors. If I don’t get out of here now, away from her and this school, I’ll give new meaning to Ruthless Tendencies. Having all these fuckers in attendance thinking Rage has been reincarnated on steroids.

  chapter 14 - asia

  Last night turned out to be a blast, not. Epic buzzkill and nothing short of downright embarrassing pretty much sums up girl’s night. I’ve already filtered my way through five texts from Reese. She apologized for the asshole tendencies that played out between her husband and Renegade. All the shit she’s absolutely not responsible for, period.

  Their grown ass men that are rarely ever led around on a leash. Sure, Rage willingly follows Reese around like a lovesick pup. Funny how shit comes full circle, huh? It used to be the other way around. Rage’s sole purpose in life is to shield her. But Renegade, on the other hand, he has his own set of rules. His endgame is unknown. He knew damn well what he was doing.

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful that he came forth and provided me with valuable insight for the game that Chance was trying to run on me. It meant the world. It also fed my hungry heart with the knowledge that Ren even gave a shit. Something that I didn’t think he associated with me anymore, caring. It sparked up some hope that maybe one day the concept of being friends won’t be a foreign topic for him where I’m concerned.

  With that being said, that thing between Chance and I was an innocent exchange, on my behalf anyway, and under no circumstances warranted Renegade’s reaction. That entire display was that of a jealous alpha male.

  Tossing me over his shoulder and carrying my ass out of that bar was a total dick move. It was like a bad Flintstones rerun where Wilma was accidentally running loose out of the confines of her kitchen and Fred was returning her back to her rightful place in the house. What the hell? I’m so not that chick. Never will be, ever.

  For God's sake, it was only a damn phone number. One that I’d probably never dial anyway. Jesus. It wasn’t like I was dicking Chance on the spot. Did I think about it? Sure. Physical attraction is the first initial reaction and I’m only human. The guy was beautiful but no.

  The only person I feel the least bit sorry for is Rebel. Shit timing. He really did nothing wrong but show face and chuckle. Which is understandable in his stoned state of mind. He paid the price though. He got punched. In the windpipe. Could’ve been worse though. My dick aim game is strong. There are always positives to negatives. You just have to look for them. Poor guy.

  Reb takes more undeserved shit and abuse from the female gathering in his fam’s clan than anyone. I’ve got to drop by Swanks and apologize in person to my lovable little red-eyed blunt baker. Maybe pick him up a new digital gadget or score him a dime bag of that superb. Or snag him some cough drops to soothe that aching throat. Damn.

  For whatever reason, the hangover God’s seen it fit to spare me from last night’s events. I took advantage without questioning. I’m moving my ass this morning at the speed of light to meet with the owner of a new space that just come available. Mr. Frazier, the Alfred Hitchcock look-a-like from the prior strip mall, called me and said that this would be a perfect fit. It’s only ten minutes from the other location that Ren stole out from under me. I’m still feeling a certain type of way about his asshole tendencies, raw.

  Perhaps, this new location is God’s way of telling me to keep my chin up he’s got this, me. My fingers are crossed as I climb out of my car. The guy told Mr. Frazer that he’d showcase the place to me today. All the lights are burning bright within the space as I approach. It’s huge and spacious. Everything I’ve been looking for.

  When I step through the doors, I spot the backside of a very regal and built man dressed in business attire. His dirty blonde hair is groomed well, and his hands are clasped behind him. He’s staring out into the empty shell of the building, contemplating I suppose.

  My skin starts to prickle with awareness sweeping down over me. Almost comparable to a gush of cold air wrapping around my body from an unforeseen spirit crossing my path. Delivering me a chilling warning of sorts. I stop immediately in my tracks. The tic-tacking sound of my heels comes to an end and I gulp back the thick lump of terror clogging up my throat. When the man turns around it feels like someone connects a high kick to the breastbone, effective.

  “I thought I’d never see you again Asia. You’re a sight to behold.” His voice is that of Satan’s offspring. Smooth. Silky. Satanic.

  Those dark blue sadist sapphires comb the length of me. The overwhelming need to run soars through my being. My fists open and close, a nervous habit. It’s like a nasty lethal injection for a junkie's quick but last fix. My hands start to tremble and the weight on my shoulders roots me to the spot. He tilts his head to the side and smirks while slowly descending like the deviant devil he truly is.

  Someone that I once considered a good friend before he proved otherwise. How could I have been so stupid not to see him for the sadistic fuck he is? Disguised in a football uniform back in school and now a business suit but he’s the devil’s teammate
all the same.

  “Miss me?” He asks. I wrap my arms around myself suddenly aware of the situation at hand. “Oh, come on now. Tell me you haven’t forgotten me, Miss. Grace.” He clucks his tongue while shaking his head from side to side mockingly in his approach. That fucking smirk playing on his face. The man all grown up. The shit my nightmares are made of. “You’re absolutely stunning Asia. Time has cultivated you into a lovely woman.” He licks his lip.

  “Fuck you, Jake.” That was the wakeup call I needed to straighten my spine and find my voice.

  “That can be arranged, again.” He chuckles.

  “What? Did you buy stock in Rohypnol? It’d be a wise investment for you since Date-Rape is your thing.”

  Clenching my fists at my sides, my knuckles pop. I prepare for a fight that’ll surely have people questioning my sanity, bloody and animalist. This motherfucker has no idea. Too bad, I left my gun in the car. One wrong move and I’d end all my nightmares, him.

  “I’m sorry about that night. I tried to explain that several times. That’s water under the bridge Asia. Why don’t you let that go, hmmm?” His voice holds no remorse. It’s more of a crazy demented man demand.

  “You’d be a smart man to stay back. Something we both know is a far cry for you but that’s your only warning. You raped me, Jake. That changed my life forever.” He looks away. I swipe angrily at the heated tears as they roll down my face. When did those get there? I’m pissed they’ve made an appearance. Fucking weakness. “Without the drugs coursing through my system, I’d say you stand a good chance of getting exactly what you deserve. Fucked in a sense without the pleasurable intercourse.” I smile and wave him forward, coaxing the bastard in.

  Bracing myself, I shift my body and square up my shoulders. I’ve pretty much lost everything because of this man. Presenting me with a chance to even the scorecard with him is a sweet temptation I’ll partake. He quirks his eyebrows at me. That’s right asshole come to moma. I trained harder with unwavering dedication after everything that went down with this malevolent motherfucker. I never drink anything received from an untrusting source, ever.

  “No need for the hostility? I just wanted to offer you this opportunity. To help you open your own training facility or whatever.” He looks off to the side. Almost like he’s collecting his thoughts then continues, “We shared something special.”

  “Don’t you dare bring that up. You have no right.” I hiss the words out.

  “Alright. Shit Asia… Just let me do this. All of this is yours.” He holds his hands out. “Free and clear. I own this place. I’m giving it to you. I want you to be successful. I owe you.” He runs his hands through his hair.

  How the fuck does he know about my dreams for Grace Jujitsu? This guy’s completely insane to think a building can wipe the slate clean. He ruined my life. I lost it all. In the end. I lost everything.

  “I don’t want shit from you Jake, nothing at all. If you come near me again, I’ll turn your future into the prophecy I’ve had the great fortune of foreseeing for nearly five years.” I speak with conviction in my voice.

  “Oh, yeah? Enlighten me beautiful.” He says.

  “Your fucking death.” I turn for the door leaving him there with every intention of full filling that promise should I see him again.

  chapter 15 – renegade

  What the actual fuck is Asia doing meeting up with this slimy motherfucker. How do I know her whereabouts you ask? Simple… I put a god damn tracker underneath her badass little ride. If you’re wondering why then you truly haven’t been keeping up, huh? She’s my dirty obsession. My high school love gone wrong. And apparently, I still have a fixation for the little ninja warrior. Let’s just say she’s my covert celebrity crush turned side job.

  Jake the fucking Snake is a certifiable piece of shit. One that Rage told me all about when he got out of prison, in detail. When he got word that Jake had raped a girl while supposedly getting his college educational experience in, his first call was to me.

  It’s beyond me how Rage was even able to attain this type of information behind bars. Resourceful fucker. Hell, I gave up trying to figure out that mystery long ago. His focus was hell-bent on paving a peaceful path for Reese. Diligent motherfucker that he is saw to it with my help.

  Essentially, I arranged to have my head of security at the Club Chaos location in California keep his eyes on Reese. Racer Foryette did just that with weekly check-ins and updates. Sellers never fuck with Reese. Looks like I need to firmly plant a seed where this asshole’s roots are beginning to settle in the ground. Time to fertilize Asia’s rose garden. This is exactly why I installed the damn tracker. I’ve got all of you rethinking those premature stalker judgments, huh?

  Asia comes barreling out of the glass doors looking like a hostile huntress on the prowl. She’s fucking pissed but it looks like she’s been crying too. I’ve kept my eyes on them this entire time. So, I know he didn’t touch her. Hell, the dude didn’t even get within ten feet of her. Whatever Jake’s intentions were, you can bet, she flatlined his dreams of a sunny forecast for a beautiful day.

  When I catch sight of his business bitch ass sauntering up to the glass walls leering at her, I grind my teeth together painfully. His eyes linger on her exit a little too long for my liking. But it’s his growing smirk that sends chills up my spine. Crazy fucker.

  After Asia left for LA it was rumored that those two hooked up, but I didn’t buy into that shit. Seeing this meet and greet right here though has that devious fucker looking over my shoulder whispering out the lucid possibilities. My curiosity is an edgy motherfucker teetering on the insane side of that steep cliff. Might as well give it that extra push.

  When Asia peels off burning half the rubber off her tires and kicking up a black cloud, I climb out of my truck. Welcoming my way through the front doors like I own the place. This rapist fuck spins around wide-eyed and expectant.

  “Ahhhhh…” I frown and poke my bottom lip out. “Were you expecting someone else?” I tuck my hands into my suit pants and slowly move in his direction.

  “What do I owe this pleasure Renegade?” He sounds disappointed. Too bad fucker. He smirks. This bastard knows why I’m here.

  “Being the Harvard grad and all, I’m fairly certain you can figure it out. Let’s cut the shit, yeah?” I offer him up a smirk too.

  “Yeah, I suppose.” He tilts his head and shrugs. “I anticipated seeing you. Anywhere that girl went back in school, you always followed close behind. You still love her, huh?” Schooling my reaction, I’m not giving him shit. He grits those words out like there painful. “She’s a hard one to let go. Believe me, I get it.” He winks at me.

  Oh, the pricks got actual feels for my girl. I’ll be god damn. That realization sends off an acidy burning sensation in the pit of my stomach. My need for information has me clinching the inside of my pants pockets. He won’t be able to talk if I follow through with what my devious side compels me to do. Control is key.

  “Don’t bait me, Sellers. It’s not needed. You already have my undivided attention. But I’m curious… What exactly do you mean when you say that, “you get it”? I use air quotes on those last words then quickly shove my hands back into my pockets. “Are those delusional fuckers inside that head of yours coloring up some new fantasies for a make-believe family of two?” His smirk falters and his brows crease together.

  “Ahhhh, I see. You still don’t know, do you? She never told you. Wow. And here I thought you two were close. My bad.”

  His head drops back and the laugh that leaves him is a hearty one. The manic sound bounces off the empty belly of the building. My entire structure is stretched rubber band tight and my jaw is clinched together.

  When he composes himself, he says, “So, you come here fishing for facts.” He shakes his head slowly.

  “Jake, you like the sunny side of the dirt pile, right? Fucking with Asia will have you begging for that red clay compact granulate life. We both know you don’t want that. You
have no claim to her. So, do yourself a favor and stay away or don’t. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty if you know what I mean.” I quirk my brows at him. I’ll play his little game. I inch a few steps closer only stopping when I’m standing a couple of feet from him.

  “See that’s where your wrong Renegade. To own a security firm that specializes in investigations, I’d have thought you’d put it together by now. That’s telling while also shocking considering your success but whatever.” He shrugs as if not affected. I can feel the build-up of dread consuming my chest. This is fucking bad.

  “Spare me the climatic bullshit, yeah? This is not a political debate, you dick.” I jerk my wrist out and pretend to look at my watch then focus back on the bastard in front of me.

  “Fuck you, Renegade. You, your brothers or cousin don’t control me. And I don’t owe any of you shit. You came to the wrong person if you think I’ll tell you anything about Asia. What she wants you to know, she’ll share with you herself. Otherwise, put your professional skills to some god damn use. Now get the fuck off my property.” He goes to walk by me, and I step into him.

  “You’ll back the fuck off and stay away from her.” I bump into him again. “Or you’re going to learn the hard way why they call me the Renegade.” My voice is laced with venom-filled promises.

  He clamps his mouth shut and looks off to the side. Stepping away, I move my ass for the door. This shit has left a bad unsettling feeling in my gut. Time to dig deep and do what I do best, uncover the truth.

  chapter 16 - Renegade

  Five years ago

  Climbing my big body through Asia’s window is no easy feat. Honestly, it’s proving to be pretty fucking challenging but doable. God forbid for any of the neighbors to catch sight of my oversized ass in the act. Squeezing through a tiny innocent girl’s window in the wee hours of the night warrants a call to the local authorities.


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