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Renegade (Ruthless Tendencies Book 2)

Page 23

by D. M. Burns

  “Bet you have no problem with me pulling an Isabella now, huh?” He asks.

  “Nope.” I shook my head and pointed at the screeching chick. “She won’t have a problem with the three-inch dick difference either.” I smirk. “Actually, it’d be appreciated. Brown sugar is on the way now and I don’t want her upset.” Ramp flipped me off but took pity on me. He collected the shrieking chick and politely walked her ass out. Which was a good thing because I was about to have Hoss come cart her ass out of here.

  Eyes on the prize, focused. Time for the cherry on top… I have a surprise for Asia. One that’ll pay off big time for the both of us, I hope. Twirling my keys around my finger, I whistle while moving my ass through Club Chaos for the parking lot. I spot Hoss perched at the end of the hall. Asia and Hoss are tight now. Which I guess is a good thing for him. He knows firsthand what happens when she’s aggravated. Her chokehold is no joke.

  “What’s up boss?” He asks.

  “Just going to pick my bundled trio up,” I smirk.

  “Will you guys be here tonight for the big fight?” He asks.

  “Not if everything goes my way.” He chuckles. Hoss knows my plans.

  “You tell that walking lethal lullaby I said hi then.” He holds the door open for me. I laugh at his reference to the first run-in he had with her.

  “Will do.”

  “Good luck.” He says.

  “Hold on. I’ll come around and get you. Are you sure you can’t see? No peeking.” I put the truck in park.

  “This blindfold is effective. Although, I’ll admit that I like it better when it’s used behind closed doors.” She giggles. My girl is one horny little moma. Her hands are pressed against the thin fabric I place over her eyes, holding it securely in place.

  “You’ll like this too brown sugar, I promise.” I jump out of the truck and round to her side. Helping her down, I slam the truck door and guide her over to where I want her. Positioned just perfectly. “You ready?”

  “Yeah.” She says.

  “I gotcha baby,” I whisper in her ear.

  I loosen the blindfold and let it fall away from her face then tuck it back into my pocket for use later. We’re standing in front of the new home for Grace Jujitsu. This was the place that I purchased right after Mr. Frazier showed it to Asia. He clued me in on how much she loved this location. Of course, I took it from there.

  Mr. Frazier helped by turning down every single offer she placed over the last few months. He knew I was building this for her. Her dreams are my dreams, period. Rampage handled the property purchase and the construction crew. Rebel handled all the techie bullshit and hacked her computer to get the logo designs she created. Rage stocked the place with equipment and training requirements. Reese design the layout and color scheme from the information she got from Asia. Everything that those brown sugar eyes dreamed about is done. Just like I promised all those years ago.

  “Brown sugar, this is your dream fulfilled.” I take her little hand in mine as the tears start to flow and lower myself down on one knee. She covers her mouth with her free hand while peering down at me. The entire Chaos family has their faces plastered to the glass windows. They’re all hanging onto my every word. I don’t give a shit. My everything is standing right in front of me.

  “Oh God, Ryice.” She breathlessly sighs.

  “Brown sugar… My Hate Wars for you were real until they weren’t. Hell, even my Ruthless Tendencies were laced with so much love for you that it was damn comical.” I laugh. “The reality is that you never switched sides on me. You never turned your back. You simply made life adjustments thinking you were protecting me. The ultimate sacrifice, I get it, baby. But no more…” I shake my head and stare at those brown sugar eyes. “We’ve wasted over five years missing out on life, on us. I want that life along with everything else we damn well deserve and more. I want you and my boys, always. Right where you’ve always belonged, with me.” I kiss the inside of her palm and smile.

  “Make my dreams come true, yeah? Marry me.” I pull out a small black box from my coat pocket and thumb the top back revealing the rock that my ride and die ninja deserves. “You were always mine Asia. It runs deep.”

  “Jesus. Yes.” She says between hiccups of happiness. I slide the massive ring on her hand and kiss her round belly. “I love you so much Ryice. Oh my God.” I stand up and wrap her crying little body up in my arms. The doors to Grace Jujitsu fly open and everyone joins our moment.

  It’s a family fucking reunion of dysfunction. It’s our family of Chaos.

  chapter 36 – asia

  one year later

  Flipping off the lights in the gym the automatic sensors engage casting a soft glow throughout my training center. Hearing the hushed laughter flowing out of the backroom I head in that direction with a smile playing on my lips. When I lean into the doorframe of the play center, I watch Rage and Reese rock my nine-month-old twin baby boys. Raid and Zaid are awesome babies. They love their aunt and uncle very much.

  Ryice and I were married by the same Elvis impersonating priest that Rage and Reese were. We all flew out together and made a weekend out of it. Ren and I didn’t want to wait. Between Grace Jujitsu, Club Chaos, Renegade Investigations, and preparing for the babies, we were under enough stress. Adding a wedding to the chaos would’ve taken me out of the game. Honestly, all I wanted was Renegade, period.

  My parents were in Japan visiting when the weekend hookup of marriage bliss commenced but they, like me, love Ryice. They knew the gym and babies were our main focus. On top of all that, my husband also juggles his thriving security firm and remains the watchdog for Club Chaos. They understood our need to prioritize. Seriously, I don’t know how he does it all while maintaining his sanity. He makes it look easy though.

  After my c-section, Renegade dove in without batting an eye. He took care of me and the boys proving to be the best dad. A flipping natural but I always knew he would be. We’re stronger together. We always were. Feeding off one another, becoming one unstoppable force. It’s like we never missed a beat. I’m a lucky lady and I give thanks every single night to the big man upstairs.

  Last week I visited my Peaceful Place and had a long talk with Baby Grace. I get to do that often now. Renegade and I bought that property together. We decided to turn that land into a large family park and playground. It’s beautifully done too.

  We named it Grace’s Green Acres. Nothing but life and laughter surround that piece of land. It felt like the right thing to do. That place embodies a piece of my heart as well as a part of my past. Turning it into a park for everyone to enjoy brought my heart so much joy and calm. It was therapy for my soul.

  The tree that I buried my sentimental chest next to still remains in tack with the heart and initials Reese’s Pieces carve into it so many years ago. Renegade and I take the boys at least once a week. It’s relaxing and I feel like Baby Grace watches over each one of us. It’s time well spent.

  Learning that dark times come and go is key. Acceptance will follow in due time. Life’s going to happen. That means with the good comes the bad. What matters the most is the people we have at our sides. When I fell into that deep bottomless pit, Ren saved me. He pulled me out and folded me into his safe center. Trust in each other is essential. My life shines bright and I know that has everything to do with Renegade and our boys. My life has purpose and meaning. They’re my entire life, facts.

  “Hey, you fashion queen,” Deke says.

  Turning around to face him, I smile brightly. Deke teaches a class here three nights a week. He’s a badass in karate and his talents are needed as an instructor. Ren and I bumped heads over my decision to hire him in the beginning. Ren asked me how I’d like it if Serena visited Club Chaos three nights a week. I told him that as soon as Deke’s mouth came into contact with my vagina then that comparison would have merit. Seeing as that was not the case, we’d skip the argument.

  Renegade said that he didn’t see a difference. To that, I simply chuc
kled, demonically. But not before I slung a knife with precision past his face successfully burying it into the sheetrock beside him. Not many know that I’m proficient with a blade, a silent talent I keep to myself. Ten plus years of training will do that for you. That’s something else that my grandpops taught me, slicing skills. #bladegame

  In my defense, I was eight months pregnant. My patience was thin, and my body was a playhouse for two mini Renegade’s. I was not in the mood to be messed with and thankfully Ren let it go. Smart man. Now, for the most part, Ren tries to play nice with Deke, sorta.

  “You out for the night?” I ask.

  “Yeah, headed over to Ashlin’s. Nightshift security duty calls.” He shrugs. “You should visit soon. She was asking about you the other day.” Deke says.

  When Deke steps forward to hug me bye, the atmosphere shifts. I feel him before I see him. His hand slides possessively across my lower back from behind. I lean into Renegade and let out a sigh. This is Mine over Matter, always. He shakes his head slowly at Deke.

  “I’ve told you not to touch my wife, Garrison. It’s a warning that I won’t repeat.” I giggle. Deke smiles wide and laughs out loud. Ren is a silent assault waiting to happen.

  “You do know that I’m probably the reason why you guys are together, right?” Deke tilts his head at Renegade.

  “Don’t fucking care. You won’t be the reason why we’re not. That I can promise you.” Ren growls.

  “Jesus.” I giggle. “A little tip for you Deke. You should ask Ashlin out.” I can feel it. Ashlin has always had a thing for this sexy Italian. He clearly needs to aim his efforts in the right direction.

  “She’s my boss, crazy lady.” His eyes scrunch together but that side lip tips up. “Did she tell you that?” Men are so clueless.

  “She didn’t have to Deke. A woman in love can spot another. Her divorce was over a year ago. Ask her out.” I say.

  “Yeah, maybe. See you guys next week.” Deke winks at me and Ren growls while pulling me closer into his side.

  “You ready to get our boys and head home honey?” I mumble as I turn to Ryice and smile.

  “Yeah, brown sugar. Let’s do that. I need to spend as much time with my trio as I can. Soon I’ll be up for murder charges. Deke’s going to die soon.” I giggle.

  My Sweetest SAFE Kept Secret.

  My Favorite Miscalculation Of Perfection.

  My Greatest Grief – Turned Victory.

  My Reasoning.

  My Only One.

  My Renegade. My Boys.


  Epiloge – Renegade

  Four years later

  Make no mistake, I live up to my name. I’ve done shit over the years I’m not proud of. Some of which have made grow men piss themselves and others I helped bridge the gap to the Grim Reaper himself. Mostly my actions were necessary and involved my brothers. Required lethal measures to say the least. I’d do it again without a second thought. All in the name of my Chaos family. You see, that’s what happens when someone fucks with what’s mine.

  Rebel and Rampage damn near set off a chain of events derived straight out of the gates of hell. But of course, on cue, Renegade to god damn rescue. With an added side dish of Rage too and boom. All of us together produce epic resolution with monumental results. Similar to a last four-course meal request for a condemned soul. The four of us will serve you a faithful departure. That’s what protectors do; we shield those we love. We don’t fuck around. We handle shit, game over.

  That’s another story for an entirely different day though. Bottom line, the Renegade in me is alive and well, standing guard. Keeping my masterful eyes open for sin lurking around us, me and mine. I’m a boss in this trade. It’s who I am. What I excel at. It’s in my blood.

  Years ago, before those baby brown sugar eyes came back to me, I was an epic motherfucker. Empty of the love she took away and full of hate in every way. I didn’t understand it, her reasoning. The hurt and confusion I had pent up inside of me was an unstable fuckery foundation for my Ruthless Tendencies.

  Retribution, retaliation and seeking recourse was my ploy. In reality, all I ever wanted was Asia, period. Those years spent without her lacked every-fucking-thing leaving my world a bleak and blank white lifeless canvas. Asia and my boys paint it with blinding bright colors.

  Zaid and Raid are scarily similar to staring at me and Rampage all over again. Time repeating itself. The natural cycle of life, I guess. Except I did catch Raid pulling the damn legs off bugs the other day. I didn’t tell Asia. It could just be a little kid thing at this point. But he did attempt to put Mr. Binkles, his momma's cat, in the dryer last week. That damn thing already looks like a puffball and sheds like a fucking Shetland pony.

  Honestly, the cats a pain in the ass but still a beating heart, and Asia loves her fur baby. Raid’s only five, so I’ll give him a few years before I start feeling a certain type of way about that. His Rebel level of genius is concerning though. By the way, Rebel and Raid are tight. Shocker, huh?

  My main obligation in this life is to steer my boys down a path that leads them to becoming honorable men. That’s what I’m here for. Now, Zaid’s our little warrior protector. The laid-back observer with off the charts smarts when it comes to numbers. He’s a combo of all the great traits from his uncle Rampage and I. Ramp and Rage both favor Zaid because he acts just like a combo of them dumped into his little chamber of a body. Both of my boys are healthy, happy and good kids. I’m blessed and I know this.

  I remember the first time I laid eyes on Asia in the hallways of Creekside High. That was a fucking life-changing moment for me. She was mean-mugging Rage. Plotting his death sentence out over her best friend no doubt. My ninja warrior. My peaceful existence found behind brown sugar colored eyes. When I whistled and those baby browns snapped to mine, I knew… I fucking knew she was it for me. We were made for each other.

  That once energetic fun-loving football fuckboy never dream of having a heart this full. Hell, at one point I believed that I was too damn good for her. So, fucking wrong. That joke was on me. Anger can make you think and do stupid shit, period. Ego and pride be damned. Without my boys and her, I’m lost.

  Standing in the doorway, I watch my wife rocking solo in her chair as she stares out the window that overlooks the lake. This is where I normally find her after our boys are tucked away for the night. We bought a house just a few miles down from the park that we built as a memorial.

  Grace’s Green Acres is her heart kept memory. After that park was completed it was like she stepped out of that dark place mentally and she’s never returned. My girl loves deep and feels everything. The move here made her happy and that’s my job, overseeing her happiness. Like a boss, I manage that shit with an iron fist.

  These last five years have been filled with blessings that revolve around her. Asia is full of smiles coupled with a complete life. Her passion for our family captivates me. Where my boys are my life, she’s the world we exist and thrive in. Without her, everything goes back to that blank colorless scheme. Fuck that.

  My Ruthless Tendencies are reserved for those that would even try to fuck with what’s mine. That being Asia Carter. She is Mine over Matter. Just thinking about that kind of fuckery has me wanting to rewrite history Renegade style with a smile on my face. Painting a Picasso picture of pain worthy of sadistic appreciation in a fucked for life gallery. Reminiscing coupled with evil thoughts causes me to chuckle and I gain her attention. She tilts her beautiful face my way and smiles wide. I send her a wink.

  “How did Rage do tonight?” She stands and moves my way. Her ivory silk nightgown flowing on the floor in waves around her sexy ass body. Those deep brown locks swaying to the middle of her back with each step she takes. Fucking perfection just like her. Asia stayed home with the boys tonight because Rage’s fight didn’t kick off until midnight.

  “His last career bout and the other guy spit on him.” I shake my head. “Rage went fucking insane, slaughtered him.
Knocked his damn teeth the fuck out. He went ballistic and slammed three of the other guys training members around like lab rats caught up in his cage for attempting to pull him off the spitting son-of-a-bitch. Epic Rage.” I laugh and shrug my shoulders. “True Rage fashion, he went out with a bang baby.”

  “Wow. I can’t really blame him, Ren.” She runs those fingernails through my hair and I wrap my arms around her. Come to daddy little moma.

  “Nah, I don’t blame him either but Rage is lethal when pissed off like that. He was flying that bird finger high in the sky.” I smirk.

  “Typical.” She lays her head on my chest. My girl is tired, as she should be.

  “Where were your thoughts at baby?” I ask. She was zoned out. I’m curious about what’s in that elegant mind of hers.

  “Uhmmm. I’m just thankful Ren.” Bullshit. She’s never unaware of my presence unless digging deep in thought.

  “You’re a bad liar baby.” I slide my hand up her back appreciating the soft silky texture of her gown. “Reese is pregnant. She told Rage tonight after his fight. The man is on cloud nine. Never seen him like that. Soft and shit.” I say.

  “Yeah, I know. Uhmmm, so am I.” Her arms brush around my sides and she burrows herself a little deeper into my chest. “Pregnant that is.” Damn, my girl. I close my eyes and look up to the ceiling giving a mental fist bump to the big man upstairs. Thank you, big man. Your miracles are appreciated.

  “Is it mine?” I chuckle when she punches my side. “Brown sugar, I already know.” She tilts her head back and peers up at me. I look down at her and smile.

  “How?” She whispers.

  “You cut back on the sessions at the gym. You’re excessively tired and your sex game is raw and uncut. That’s all the signs of my hormonal, sex-crazed little moma. Glad to have her back.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her. She smiles and before she has a chance to look away, I capture those blow pop lips.


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