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The Beginning: In the Families Footsteps (A Terri Walker Series Book 1)

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by Robert Segulin

  Then Sienna smiled at them both and said, “well I do believe that Charlie will be having a great big thing that will be keeping his mind occupied for some time. Right Jenny?”

  Jenny just gave Sienna a look and a head shake of no. Then Sienna said, “Terri, remember when we first all met Jenny she would always keep up with Charlie’s unit at a bar. Drink for drink. She was an amazing drinker Bob used to say. The person that the words drinks as if they had a hollow leg, was said about. And now what I see here today, and after a terrible life threating situation that Terri was just in, after all you are her sister in law. Jenny, so you gave up drinking since we last saw you?”

  Terri took a gulp of air along with me, and then Jenny lowered her head and said, “yes, Charlie will be busy changing diapers soon.”

  We all laughed at what she just said, not because being with child was funny, but Charlie and diapers. Just as we were all laughing at the statement from Jenny of Charlie, in he came. We then became quiet, because we know that it is Jenny’s right to tell Charlie that he is going to be a father. But we hoped that she told him here, so we could witness his facial expression, and if needed, help him off the floor, from the news.

  I could tell that Charlie was looking at each one of us and trying to figure out the sudden silence when he came in. I know my brother and he knows’ me, so what I tried to do is make conversation quickly about the shooting, so he would get his mind on that instead of what may or may not be going on at our table.

  “Charlie! So, is everything under control back at the coffee shop, and am I in any type of trouble from being involved in a gun battle there?” I asked him. Trying hard to make conversation of me and about that situation only now.

  Sienna jumped into the conversation and said, “Charlie do not blame Terri for anything other than saving the lives of the professor, me, and the others in the coffee shop.”

  Then Charlie smiled and turned to Jenny and said, “So sweetie, no comment from you?”

  Jenny just smiled back and said nothing. Then Charlie waved for the waiter and told him to bring another round of drinks and to add a beer for himself. Then he sat down and just had a smile on his face that I knew meant I know.

  When the waiter came back with the drinks, he put down a glass of wine in front of Sienna and me, then the beer in front of Charlie, then a glass of water with a twist of lime in front of Jenny. Charlie looked up and raised his glass and toasted to Terri for a job well done. Then put his beer down and turned to his wife, best friend, unit partner, and someone who is holding a secret from him now.

  Then he said, “Jenny I see that your hollow leg must be full today because you are having water instead of your usual 6 beers, in the amount of time you have been here with the others.”

  We all looked shocked because we now know that Charlie has some type of an idea that something is off with Jenny. Then Jenny said, “I am not feeling very well today, is that ok with you that I get sick every so often?”

  Charlie smiled and responded with another shocker and said, “no problem being a bit sick this morning, and I know that it will pass after you have our child.”

  Jenny’s face became white and tried to smile but could only mumble, “how long have you known?”

  “I knew ever since you would get up early and go into the bathroom to throw up. I was concerned at first thinking that with all the places that we go you might have encountered some virus or something. Then I saw a phone number that I didn’t see before come on your caller ID, and it was from a Doctor. I checked up on the doctor and then I knew that you had a bug in you, but it was in your belly. Because the doctor is an OB/GYN. Then I waited for you to tell me and you just did now by not drinking as you would of a year ago, and for not deny it either.” Charlie said to her.

  Jenny looked up and said, “I wanted to wait another few weeks to be completely sure that everything was ok with the baby. And Charlie, I was also nervous of what you might say about your unit partner taking a leave of absence to have our baby. Because we are military people and our job, and our country depends on the two of us.”

  Charlie reached over and put his hand on Jenny’s and said, “I will never be mad at you for anything, especially because you are having our baby. You deserve so much time off from the unit because if I am right you never have since you started with it. If you decide to retire in order to have as much time as you want with our family, then do it. I have already talked to the commander about this, just in case my hunch was right, which it seems to be I was right. He will have you on extended leave and when ready either come back or retire, he said that he was ok with either. Jenny you have left a great impression on me, the unit and the top brass, so your choice. And your choice when to start.”

  I jumped up with my wine glass and proposed a toast to the news of a new family member soon to be here. Sienna seconded it and so did Charlie. I then said, “Jenny and Charlie I am so happy for the two of you and know that you both will be great parents. Oh! Charlie, Mom! Does she know yet?”

  Charlie looked at me and said not yet but she can find out when you and Jen go to visit her in the next few days, after all you must tell her all about what you have been up to instead of being a quiet school teacher like she thought. And this way the three of you can do all the talking about baby clothes, diapers, names and such while I take it easy protecting the country against evil.” He then just smiled at Jen and we all sat back in our chairs now that the news of a new member of the family will be coming into all our lives soon, that includes the unit, Bob, Sienna, Samantha and Uncle Rick and his wife Stacey.

  Chapter 6

  Sitting in my window seat looking out on the plane ride home, I kept thinking of all that went on recently. I was doing a job that I love, I was shot at, I ran into Sienna who I have not seen in many years. I found out that my brother’s wife Jen is now with child, and that not only did my Uncle Rick know about what I really did for a living, but my brother too. Which he was the one who vouched for me and ended up recruiting me for his special team that he and Jen put together and ran from somewhere around the world. No one ever knows what city or country that they will be in the next day or month.

  I feel that I am blessed to be working with a group of men and women that are as patriotic and skilled as I feel that I am. I am not the only one because the commander of all of us told my brother that very same thing after I interviewed with him back when I started this career that I am in.

  I now had to do one of the hardest things that I will have to do since I became part of this secret and most covert team that I am on. And that is to tell my mother the truth of what I do for a living.

  I know that she will not be pleased because of not only the dangerous situations that she went through, but my brother Charlie and my Uncle Bob. But mostly my Uncle Rick who devoted so many years as a Special Ops Sniper and after he got out and teamed up with Bob to travel around to help Samantha, Bob and Sienna’s daughter, then to help my mother, brother and me. Then at one time seeing so many that I loved in a hospital bed near death and having my Uncle Rick said to be dead after a battle near my condo doing what he could to protect our family. I feel, no I know she will not be happy with me.

  I looked over at Jen sitting next to me and she was on a team iPad going over some items that she may need when we arrive at my mothers’ One may think military, but no it was all baby related stuff. I smiled and was so happy for my brother and her of soon becoming parents. I do hope that Jenny does either retire or at least take a long leave from her job. But retirement I know is not what she would want to do because with a leave she keeps all her top clearances and would be a useful part of the team even if not in the same time zone as them.

  Jen seeing me looking at her but with a foggy look on my face asked me, “so, Terri are you ready to see your mother and run into her arms and give her a hug?”

  I half smiled back and said, “yes, I am eager to see my mother again but not exactly relishing the thought of how she will reac
t to my job, but mostly her reaction of my lies that I told her of what I really did. But I am happy to be home and hopefully everything will end up being OK.”

  Jen just nodded and went back to her iPad. Then we heard the dinging of the bell telling us to put our seat belts back on and get ready for landing.

  When Jenny and I walked down the gang plank from the plane into the terminal, there waiting for us was my mother and her new husband. She had such a big smile on her face and I nudged Jenny and said, “can we get her in a great mood and tell her that she will soon be a grandma before I break the good news that I am a member of a Highly Secretive Covert Team, which puts me and my teams lives in danger on a daily basis, and not a safe acting school teacher.”

  Jen smiled and gave me a wink, then we picked up our step to get to my mother.

  My mother grabbed both of us at the same time and gave us both a hug. After she let go, she immediately turned and walked towards the luggage carousal. Both Jenny and I laughed at her movement and I asked, “mom, what is the hurry? We are here for a while, maybe a week or so.”

  Jenny then jumped in and said, “Josie, slow down, exactly what Terri just said is correct we are here for a while, we are not leaving on the next plane or anything.”

  My mother Josie then stopped and with tears in her eyes said, “I am sorry, but I still have that feeling that you Jenny will return to duty. And that you Terri will go back for some important lecture or, something. I cannot help my feelings, since your brother and uncle would be gone in a second after some call, for another international emergency.”

  So, my mom took a deep breath and smiled, but still took off like a fire was behind her and headed to get our luggage.

  My new step dad Ron was bringing up the rear as they would say, then he gave a look at me and just shook his head then said, “I am here to just follow orders.” Then he laughed and so did Jenny and me.

  We got our luggage and got into the car and headed home. As we drove, I asked my mother if she knew if Uncle Rick and Aunt Stacey would be coming to visit. I felt that he would since he would just love to be sitting in the room when I told my mother what I really do for a living.

  She then answered me with, “you know your Uncle, he is never around and then poof suddenly he shows up. I feel that he will today because of both of you here together. Very odd if I may say, but a pleasure to say the least.”

  Jen and I looked at each other and smiled, and at the same time I could see Ron looking in the rear-view mirror and he also gave a smile at the two of us. I wondered then, did he know something about me and has not let on yet.

  I sat in the back seat and had to know. I then asked Ron, “by the way Ron, my mother never told me what you do for a living.”

  He smiled again and again looked in the mirror and said, “oh! I thought that someone in your family would have told you what I did. I am retired, young but had enough. I was the commander of a Covert European Team, and that is how I met your mother. I was part of a group that helped your uncle find and save your brother and Bob in Afghanistan. After that I kept in touch with them. I came back here after I decided that I had enough and when I visited your brother here, I was introduced to the most wonderful woman I have ever met. Your mother.”

  Jenny and I both had a look of shock on our faces, then Ron looked into the mirror and said, “I have a feeling that this is going to be a very interesting visit. Don’t you Terri? And I guarantee that your Uncle will be visiting here also.”

  Jenny and I just gave each other a slight look, and then I saw my mother looking into the mirror and with a very curious look on her face either too.

  Chapter 7

  Jenny and I were sitting in the family room watching my mother move around getting things together. My mother in the middle of her running around the condo said, “Terri, Jen, Ron will get you a drink if you want or anything else you may want to have. I am getting some food together that I made earlier, so we can have a snack now then we will have dinner later if you don’t mind. I thought that we can catch up first before we have a big meal, and I did go over board on that today.”

  Ron laughed and said, “your mother has made enough to eat, that the entire team I oversaw could not finish.” Then gave me a smile and a nod.

  I know what he meant, and I only hope with him being here my mother won’t go completely nuts when I tell her that I have followed my brother and uncle in a field that is very fulfilling for me, and very dangerous too.

  Just sitting now and waiting to have my talk with my mother seems to be much harder than any mission that I have been on so far.

  Ron brought me a glass of wine and Jenny a soda with a twist of lime. Jenny was startled at what he brought her without requesting it. Jenny looked up at him and before she could say a word he said, “it’s been my job to look into a persons’ eyes and see what makes them tick. After all I interviewed or interrogated many to gather secrets in order to help our people out in the field.”

  Jenny then said, “so, is it that obvious? Does Josie know too?”

  Ron shook his head with a no, and then responded with, “if she knows anything of your new situation, she is keeping it under wraps very good, even from me.”

  Then I asked him, “does she have any knowledge of what my job actually is?”

  Again, a shake of the head and saying, “not that I know of, but you know your mother has gone through a lot before and may have learned how to keep things inside her. Just like your brother and uncle.”

  My mother came into the family room with a tray of goodies. She had a smile on her face and said, “I do hope you have an appetite today, I think I got a bit carried away with making things that I know you and Jenny like. One good thing is that Ron eats what ever I make. Not picky like your brother and uncle. So, eat up and after a little food, you both can tell me what you have been up to lately. You know your secrets as it were.” A smile and a wink at Ron, then my mother sat and had a plate of her cooking.

  I looked at Jenny and she did the same to me. We both now have a good feeling that my mother, her mother in law knows more than she is letting on to.

  We all sat still for what seemed like forever, then my mother spoke. With a grin this time not the usual smile, she started this conversation with, “that looks so refreshing Jen, soda and a twist. You know when I was having Charlie, I had a taste for lemonade mostly.” Another grin directed at Jenny.

  Jenny almost choked on the food that she was eating after what my mother just said to her. Jenny then said, “Josie, how did you know?”

  My mother responded with, “we women have a knack of knowing when another is with child. That glow of satisfaction, the not drinking, and a slight puff to your cheeks. You of anyone that I know who is in the top shape that a person can be in has that puff to her cheeks could only be that you gave up working out, which I doubt, or you are pregnant.”

  “So, what do you think, Grandma?” Jenny said with a smile to Josie.

  Josie stood up and walked over to Jenny and she stood up also. Then the two hugged each other as if they would ever see each other again. Josie the said, “I hope that you and Charlie will be so happy when your little bundle of joy comes.”

  Ron and I could only smile at the two of them as each wiped a tear from each other’s eye. Josie then said, “so, Jenny what are your plans for work during and after the baby comes?”

  Jenny told her, “well I am able to either retire or take an extended leave of absence. Retired I am dome, and with the leave I still have all my classified credentials. I would be able to have a conversation with Charlie without him saying, I can’t tell you because it is classified. This way when needed I can help the team and have complete knowledge of where my husband is at.”

  My mother then said, “I do believe that the extended leave would make the most sense, don’t you Terri?”

  I just nodded with a yes, because I feel that I am next on the firing line.

  Jenny and Ron both smiled at Josie and then turned t
o Terri. They knew that it is now the right time to tell my mother the truth.

  I looked at my mother and stuttered before I started to talk. I then gathered all that I could muster together and just as I was about to speak, my mother interrupted and said, “Terri, now that Jenny is going to take her leave, your brother should bring you in from the field and help him more as Jenny was doing. This way you won’t get caught up in another gun battle like you were in the other day.”

  We all had looks of amazement on our faces and I could only shrink in my chair lower now. I gave her a look and said, “what do you mean mother?”

  Ron got up and asked if anyone needed another drink, because he said, “I definitely need another, and Terri, do you want something a lot stronger than wine?”

  I just sat still waiting for my mother to talk again, but she smiled and said, “Terri, I think it is your turn to respond.”

  Unknown to either Jenny or myself, my Uncle Rick was standing right behind me. He was good, always able to sneak up on his prey. As I was trying to get my courage together to say something to my mother, I felt two hands on my shoulders and squeezing them while he said, “Terri I think the cat is out of the bag and it is time to fess up to who you really are and what you really do for a living. Your mother already had it figured out a while ago and I promise you that neither Charlie or I said a word to her about you.”

  I looked at my mother and lowered my head before I came clean. “Mom, I am so sorry that I didn’t tell you the truth of my real job. I wanted to for a long time, especially after I found out that the person that not only recommended me and is one of my commanders now was Charlie. Please don’t be mad at him for what I do, I think that he felt if what I have picked for a career for myself was being an agent, then why not have me under his wing so he could protect me and keep me from running rampant around the world under someone’s else’s leadership. One that cared only about the mission and not those who do it. So now I am telling you who and what I am, can you forgive me? And not that it will change your feelings of me, but I am very good at what I do too.”


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