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Kayne's Fury: A Savage Saints MC

Page 2

by J. Lynn Lombard

  “Good. That’ll send a message to the rest of the MC’s, not to fuck with us or our operation.” I will remember his raspy, cold, detached voice for the rest of my life. I peeked my eyes open, trying to get a look at them, but it was no use. MadDog’s body was lying half on me, shielding me from these men. His lifeless eyes were burning into me and I fought back tears of grief.

  Now the men are gone and the smell of gasoline lingers in the air along with the scent of death. I need to get out. I have to get out now. I didn’t survive the gunfire to die a painful, fiery death. I push MadDog’s body and a patch whore off my legs, trying not to cry. I crawl through blood toward the front door, stifling my tears and vomit. It’s coating my hands, my face, dripping down my arms, making it hard to keep moving. I have to keep pushing on. I crawl over another patch whore, checking every dead body I crawl across, looking for my best friend Siren just to confirm she isn’t here. Relief fills my body and I thank the biker Gods she didn’t come tonight. It would crush me if they killed her.

  Something grabs my foot and I stifle a scream. I flip over and my boot is trapped between two bodies. Club members I’ve laughed and joked around with since I was a little girl. My eyes are burning from the mix of tears threatening to spill and the gasoline these assholes poured over my family. I pull it free and continue to crawl toward the front door, that just a little while ago, we walked into. Heavy footsteps on the porch echo the silence surrounding me and I stop moving. I hold my breath and wait.

  “Burn the bitch down.” The man responsible for the death count, shouts.

  “You got it, boss. Get out of here. The cops will show up soon.”

  Fuck! They’re still here. I scan the dining room I made it to and spot the back door off the kitchen. I crawl as fast as I can to it and stand up on unsteady legs. I carefully turn the doorknob and crack the door open. No one is back here and I quietly step onto the back porch, surrounded by darkness. I hear movement toward the front and laughter ringing out into the quiet night. I can hear the front door open and footsteps inside. The unmistakable flick of a Zippo lighter and I know I need to get out of here now before they notice I’m not there. I run off the back porch, into the woods and don’t stop until a loud boom echoes into the night. The force of the blast throws me onto the cold, unforgiving ground and tears spring to my eyes while heat licks at my back. I hear the rumble of bikes in the distance, driving away. My family, my club, gone. Destroyed in an instant. All because of my father.

  Vengeance is thrumming through my body. I will track all these fuckers down and make them pay. There’s only one man who I can think of to help me. One man I’m supposed to hate with every bone in my body, but I never could. He’s the only one who will keep me safe.




  “Hey man, you gonna celebrate with us?” Blayde, my VP shoulders me while I sit at my bar, nursing a coke. I don’t drink. If I drink, I lose my head and my temper. I can’t afford that and Blayde knows this. He’s trying to taunt me to give in. He runs a tattoo covered hand over his dark buzzed hair and sits down on the stool next to me. We just came back from a run with Poison and the VP of Deadly Sins MC, MadDog. It was a little tense at first, Poison’s father Drex, the president of the Deadly Sins, didn’t mention she’d be there, but she charmed the Irish with her sexy smile and knowledge of each gun and earned their respect tonight.

  “Nope,” I respond popping the p and signal to the bartender to bring me another coke. She’s a hot little number with long brown hair, honey brown eyes and she’s wearing their standard uniform. Black booty shorts and a tight black tank top with my bar’s name Savage Saints Bar etched across her full chest. She’s been eye fucking me all night and I might just take her back to the clubhouse at the end of her shift or in the backroom. Depends on how bad she wants it. She scurries towards me and hands me a new drink, leaning over the bar so her tits almost pop out of her top.

  “Let me know if I can get you anything else, Kayne.” Her soft voice is sultry and seductive. My eyes drop to her chest and roam back up to her makeup covered face. She blushes from my stare and giggles. I take a long drink, keeping eye contact with this hot little number and then shift in my stool so I can watch the rest of the patrons in my bar. She takes the hint and goes back to serving the men and women waiting for her.

  “Your loss Prez,” Blayde taunts, shrugging his massive shoulders. His leather cut creaks in protest. He signals to the bartender and she quickly delivers him another beer. “You busy later?” he asks her.

  I can feel her eyes burn in the back of my head, but I don’t turn around. “Not sure yet. Why? Do you have any ideas?” She uses the same seductive voice on Blayde and that’s enough to turn me the fuck off. I don’t share my women unless they’re patch whores.

  “I can think of a few things to keep us busy.” Blayde charms her and she giggles. Yeah, not happening. No bitch is worth fighting over.

  I look out into my bar and ignore the flirting happening next to me. The scarred round tables are pushed against the oak walls to make a bigger dance floor. Music is pumping through the massive house system I had installed and the DJ is rocking it tonight. Sweat, sex and liquor permeate the air as the patrons grind against each other on the dance floor.

  My club logo stands proudly against the wall in clear view of anyone who walks through the front door, so there’s no mistake who’s house they just walked into. A skull wearing a bandana and tilted crown with a set of wrenches as crossbones attached to chrome motorcycle handlebars and Savage Saints written in Old English is lit up by a black light behind it. No matter how dark or how bright the bar is, my logo, my pride and joy is front and center.

  Stryker, my enforcer, Axel, my Sergeant of Arms and Tex, my Road Captain are spread out on the dance floor. Each wearing their own cut, grinding against two or three patch whores, having a good time. They keep looking over in my direction to make sure no one fucks with me. Doing their jobs but still giving the women their attention. Each of these men were hand picked by me and Blayde. I inherited this territory from our sister chapter in Detroit a couple of years ago. It was a mess from the last President, Clutch, who is now six feet under. What started out as a few guys wanting a fresh start, ride and make some quick cash, turned into what we have now, Savage Saints MC Club.

  We’ve worked hard to get what we have today and I’ll be damn if I let anyone take it away from us. The blood, sweat and occasional tears that were shed in the last couple of years, make me appreciate what I have now. The president of the Deadly Sins, Drex, has been trying to get us to combine our clubs and become stronger. It’s bad enough we have to do these runs with them and I’ll be damned if I let him overtake me. His daughter, Poison, is drop dead gorgeous with long blonde hair, bright hazel eyes that pierce even the coldest hearts and a hot fuckable body, but there’s no way I would create an alliance with them. He’s a psychotic loose cannon and Poison can’t stand to be in the same room as me without fighting. She drives me fucking crazy. She’s tough and knows how to handle her shit, which I’ve seen on our runs. And I’ve never wanted to fight and fuck a woman at the same time. She gets under my skin and brings out the savage in me. Sometimes I want to throttle her and fuck her at the same time.

  Now, my dick is painfully hard against the zipper of my jeans thinking about her sexy curves and I have no way to calm him down. Fuck Poison. She lives up to her name. Any man who’s gotten close to her ends up dead. I value my life too much to mess with her. An enemy I want to fuck and would love to hate. God, even my thoughts are fucked up when it comes to her.

  A commotion near the front door draws me out of my head and I swing my eyes in that direction. People are moving back from whatever is going on and I stand up, my leather cut creaking against my chest. In ten long strides, I’m pushing my way through the throng of people. Blayde, Tex, Axel and Stryker are flanking me.

  “What the ever-living fuck is going on?” I bellow and everyone around the front
door steps away. My breath catches in my throat at the sight in front of me. “Fuck me.”

  Poison is standing there, looking around, seeming to be lost and in a daze. She’s covered in blood and dirt. It’s matted in her hair, on her clothes and dried on her face. I quickly wrap my arm around her and shield her from the stares. I usher her toward my office in the back of the bar. She doesn’t protest and I know something is seriously wrong. Normally she’d be cussing me out for manhandling her and I’d be fighting the urge to shut her up with my cock shoved down her throat. But she follows me without a word.

  I open my office door, ushering Poison inside, and turn to Blayde. “Find out what the fuck happened. I’m going to see if I can get her to talk.” He nods his head and backs away. His eyes betray him as he looks her over, concern etched on his features. He’s become friends with her in the past couple of years and they’ve formed a bond he’s never had with another woman. Turning to Tex and Axel, they’re looking at her with the same expression. “You two, get the rest of the guys and meet me at the Clubhouse in an hour. Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone until I get there.”

  “You got it Prez,” Tex’s southern drawl answers. They both turn away and disappear the way we came.

  Stryker is the only one left. He crosses his arms over his solid chest and doesn’t show any expression what so ever, leaning up against the wall directly across from my office door. His deadly blue eyes are watching Poison, but she’s just standing in the center of the room, not moving, not looking around or saying anything.

  “Guard the entrance back here. Don’t let anyone get past you.” Stryker swings his deadly stare at me and nods his head. He pushes off the wall and walks to the entrance between the bar and my private area. He stands in the middle of the doorway and crosses his arms, his back to me, rigid and tense.

  I turn my attention back to my office and on Poison. My eyes travel down her sexy body. Her clothes are torn and bloody. She’s just standing there with her arms wrapped around her torso, shivering every few seconds. She’s in shock. I’ve seen this before and tamp down my emotions. This could all be a ploy orchestrated by her father for me to let my guard down. I wouldn’t put it past the twisted fucker.

  Entering my office, I quietly shut the door behind me, blocking out the noises of the bar. I had this room soundproofed after I bought the place. I like to come in here and have some peace and quiet. Poison shivers again and a strangled cry tries to escape her throat. It causes my heart to palpitate and turmoil churn in my stomach. Something awful happened to her and I have to figure out what.

  I step behind her and gently knead her shoulders with my rough hands. My skin burns from the contact. Her smell of lavender mixed with blood and dirt assault my nose and my dick twitches. What the fuck is wrong with me? We’re enemies, we hate each other. Why doesn’t my body know that?

  Poison relaxes a little under my ministrations and a sob escapes her throat. I turn her around and my eyes roam over her body, checking for cuts, gunshot wounds or anything that might be life-threatening. Her normally bright hazel eyes are dull and distant. She’s staring through me, lost in her own world.

  “Poison,” her name rolls off my tongue and her dull eyes snap to mine. She has a huge bruise on the edge of her hairline and I reach a hand up and gently caress it. “Where are you hurt?”

  She takes a moment to answer, trying to find her words. “I’m not.” She clears her throat and inhales a deep breath. “I survived.” Her words are barely above a whisper.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up and you need to tell me what happened,” I explain to her gently. She nods her head in response.

  I lead her to the bathroom attached to my office, her small, soft hand gripping my rough big one. She doesn’t let go, clinging to me like a lifeline. That does something to my heart I can’t explain and I tamp it down. I don’t want or need these emotions right now. Or ever. Once we’re inside the bathroom, I close the door and settle her against the countertop, making her avoid the mirror behind her. If she sees what she looks like, I think she’ll go back into her shell. Her hazel eyes are burning into me, watching and waiting for my next move. I remove my cut and gently hang it up on the hook on the back of the door. She doesn’t say anything, but I see the fight coming back into her gaze. She’s trying to wrap her head around what happened.

  “Tell me what went down. Why are you covered in blood if you’re not hurt?” I ask her.

  “They…” she stutters. Her long dark lashes grace her cheeks as she closes her hazel eyes and I gently cup her face.

  “They what? Poison, you’ve got to talk to me. I can’t help you if you don’t.” She opens her eyes, staring directing into mine and what she says next shocks the hell out of me.

  “They’re all dead.”



  Kayne’s warm hands on the small of my back are breathing life back into me. The concern in his deep blue eyes is making me want to wrap myself around him and bury him deep inside me, making me forget. I shouldn’t want anything from the sexy biker in front of me, but I do. I want him like I’ve never wanted anyone before and he stars in every fantasy I’ve had for the last couple of years. His lean, muscular body is offering me protection from everything. I want to run my hands through his messy blond hair and his ice blue eyes are watching me with worry and something I’ve seen before in their depth. Lust. Desire. That’s ridiculous, he’s only ever shown disgust when he looks at me. He’s my enemy. We hate each other. When we’re in the same room, all I can think about is either ripping his clothes off and having my wicked needs filled or shoving a gun to his head and pulling the trigger. That’s dangerous territory for both of us.

  The lines are blurred right now. He’s asking me questions I can’t answer. I can’t open my mouth and speak. If I do, then everything that’s happened becomes real and I don’t want it to be real. I want to go back to the way things were. My father, even though he’s an egotistical asshole, would still be alive. MadDog would still be alive. His lifeless hazel eyes wouldn’t be haunting me. They all would still be here. I can’t take this reality right now. I can’t wrap my mind around what happened and why. A sob escapes my throat and I tamp it down.

  Kayne’s thumb gently rubs my hairline, making my body burn with desire and bringing me to the present. I know I’m covered in my family’s blood. I must look like hell rained down on me. Which it did, by an enemy I don’t know.

  “Poison.” My name rolls off Kayne’s lips and it sends an uncontrollable shiver down my spine. His blue eyes roam over my body, hunger radiating from their depth. He shakes his head and schools his expression. My eyes wander up and down his hard, lean body then to my surroundings. I’m standing in the middle of his office. There’s an oak desk behind him with paperwork all over. A filing cabinet behind the desk and a leather sofa against the wall. His logo, Savage Saints, standing alone taking up one whole wall is the only decoration in the room.

  I don’t remember how I got here, but now I am, I relax a little. The noises from the bar are cut off in this small space. The thumping of the music, the whispers, and the stares are gone. It’s just the two of us and for the first time since bullets showered down on me, I feel safe, here with Kayne.

  He takes my hand and I clutch onto it, following him into the bathroom. Kayne leans me against the counter and his eyes roam over my body again. He shrugs off his cut and hangs it on the bathroom door.

  “Tell me what went down. Why are you covered in blood if you’re not hurt?” Kayne’s tone is gentle, a contrast to his rigid body.

  “They’re all dead.” A sob escapes my throat and I blink back the tears threatening to spill. “Except Siren. I don’t know where she is.”

  “You’re safe now,” Kayne whispers as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his body. “I will protect you and we’ll find Siren.”

  I hesitate to accept the warmth of his embrace, but I can’t fight it anymore. I’m tired of fighting things beyon
d my control. If only he knew the real reason for my name, he’d run screaming in the other direction and I don’t want that right now. I want to feel safe and protected.

  I grip his waist and rest my head on his chest. His heart is beating erratically against my ear, causing my own to follow his tempo. I inhale the scent of leather and sandalwood, his own unique smell and desire pools between my legs. I raise my head and stare at his full lips. He’s looking down at me with lust in his blue depths. I lick my suddenly dry lips and he follows, swallowing hard. I think he’s going to kiss me. I want him to kiss me, but he suddenly pulls away, leaving me leaning against the counter missing his warmth.

  What the fuck is wrong with me? Kayne’s my enemy, only right now he isn’t. He could have thrown me out the front door and continued with business like normal. Only, he didn’t. He brought me into his sanctuary, into his world.

  I watch as Kayne starts the shower, steam filling up the bathroom. He walks back over and cups my face with his big palms.

  “You need to get cleaned up and then we’ll discuss where to go from here.” His eyes bounce back and forth between mine, looking for something, but I’m not sure what. “I’ll step out and give you some privacy. I’ll have clean clothes ready for you when you’re done. Take all the time you need, Poison.”

  I clutch his hand in mine and look up at him. “Kayne?”


  “Thank you.”

  He leans in and presses a soft kiss to my forehead that has my body heating up. “You’re welcome.” He pulls away, grabs his cut off the hook on the door and leaves me alone.

  The steam from the shower envelopes me and I peel off my dirty, bloody clothes. When I’m stripped down to nothing, I step into the tub and stand under the spray, letting it relax my sore muscles. All the blood and dirt wash down the drain, taking all of tonight’s events with it. I hold back a sob and splay my hands against the cool tile. I duck my head under the shower spray and wet my long blonde hair. I lather up with the shampoo Kayne has in here. It smells like him and I want the warmth of his body wrapped around me, taking all the guilt and pain away. We’re rivals who hate each other, but why is my body and part of my head not understanding that? Why do I want him but hate him at the same time? It’s not making any sense. I shake my head of these crazy thoughts and finish my shower. I turn the hot water off and open the shower curtain.


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