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Kayne's Fury: A Savage Saints MC

Page 12

by J. Lynn Lombard

  I close the back doors and hurry to the driver’s side. I throw open the door when a strong hand grabs my arm, halting my movements. I swing around, drawing my gun tucked in the inside pocket, aiming it at whoever got the jump on me.

  “Calm the fuck down,” Blayde growls, throwing his hands up in the air.

  “What the fuck do you want? I have to get her home.” I snarl, lowering my gun and putting it away.

  “Fucking dickhead. I wanted to check on my Prez before you drove off and wrapped the van around a tree and killing both of you. Duke’s in there getting rid of the body. The girls are freaked the fuck out and you’re acting like a crazed lunatic. Stryker is brooding, shooting me death glares and I’m about two seconds away from clobbering him with his own fucking dick. I needed a breather.”

  “Shit, I’m sorry.” I inhale a deep breath, calming my racing heart. “When I saw her on the floor, I lost it.”

  “Don’t apologize. I’d probably do the same thing. Let the girls go with you. Holly doesn’t need to see this shit and Siren’s been through enough these last few days, she doesn’t either.”

  I nod my head, “Tell them to hurry the fuck up.”

  “Thanks, Prez.” Blayde hurries back inside.

  Pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, I wait for the girls to come out. My mind begins racing, again. What the fuck did Damon say to her? Why did she pass out? Why does bad shit keep happening to my woman? How can I keep her safe? Can I keep her happy?

  Shit, when I saw Poison lying there, not moving, the worst-case scenario played out in my head. I didn’t get to tell her how I really feel. I didn’t tell her she’s my light in a world of darkness. She doesn’t know she makes me want to be a better man. Yes, I’m an outlaw, skirting the line of legal to illegal, but Poison accepts me for who I am. I’ve never been on the straight and narrow, I’ve always toed the line. I will kill for those I love. I will protect what’s mine.

  The crunching of footsteps approaching pulls me from my thoughts and I spot Siren and Holly huddled together, walking quickly. I open the passenger door and Holly quickly slips in. Siren gets in the back, tears are streaming down her face as she holds in a silent sob. She sits down next to Poison, pulling her head into her lap, brushing the hair off Poison’s face.

  The ride back to the clubhouse is quiet. I can hear Siren whispering to Poison’s unconscious body, but it’s so low, I can’t hear what she’s telling her. Holly stares out the window, not saying a word. I white knuckle the steering wheel the entire time. My grip so tight, I’m surprised the fucking thing doesn’t snap off.

  When I pull the van into the driveway, the other prospect, Stone and a few of the patch whores are mulling around outside. Rooster, Rebel and Brass come out the front door.

  Questions are on the tip of their tongues when they spot Holly and I stepping out of the van. I hurry to the back and throw open the doors. Siren looks at me with sadness in her eyes.

  “Will she be OK?”

  “I hope so. Come on, let’s get her to my room.”

  I lift Poison up and cradle her unconscious body in my arms. Siren steps out of the van and closes the back doors. Butch approaches me hesitantly.

  “What do you need Prez?” He’s been with me since the beginning. Since I first stepped foot onto this property. He’s around my height, with bulging biceps and a permanent scowl on his unshaved face. He scares babies into giving him their lollypops with a single look. He lives up to his name Butch, enjoying the torture of cutting men up alive, piece by piece. We all have our own methods of torture, but Butch is the worst. He doesn’t feel any emotions towards anyone except those in our club, minus the patch whores. He uses them to get his dick wet and that’s it.

  “The rest of the guys will be back soon. Make sure Holly is OK until they return.” I answer, moving inside past the patch whores who are giving Siren and an unconscious Poison the stink eye. A growl rips from my throat. “If you look at my Ol’ Lady like that again, I will slice your throats.” Two of them scatter and a few others roll their eyes and turn on their stripper heels and tight dresses, sauntering into the living room. Fucking sluts. I don’t have time to deal with them now.

  I climb the stairs in quick strides, moving down the carpeted hallway still carrying an unconscious Poison. Siren is on my ass keeping up to my pace. A door opens to my left and Cougar sticks her bleach blonde head out, giving Siren a dirty look. Fuck, I don’t have time to deal with her.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Cougar’s high pitch voice is grating on my nerves and she only said five words.

  “No one you need to worry about. Go back into your room or go torment the whores. I don’t give a fuck. But leave Holly alone. I will throw you out on your ass.” I answer in a clipped tone, walking past her.

  “Who the hell do you think you are, boy?”

  I turn, my back muscles tense. “Who the hell do I think I am? I’m the motherfucking King. In case you forgot, I’ll remind you, Mother. If it wasn’t for me, you’d be out on your skanky ass when dad caught you fucking a rival club member. Now, you follow MY orders. Get back in your room, now.” My voice thunders down the hallway, causing Siren to jump and Poison groans in my arms. Cougar slams her door shut, with a string of expletives slipping from her filthy mouth. God that woman is such a bitch. She might have given birth to me, but that’s it. She’s always been too busy fucking her way through the bikers than to be an actual mother. My dad, God rest his biker soul, did the best he could with a slut for a wife.

  “Siren, my keys are in the inside pocket of my cut. Get them and open my door.” She quickly complies, getting my keys with shaky hands. She fumbles a few times but after taking a deep breath, she opens my door, letting me walk in first. “Close the door and get me a warm washcloth.”

  Siren closes my door and hurries off to the attached bathroom. I carefully lay Poison on my bed, checking her over for other injuries. I remove her boots, jeans, and bloody tank top. I redress her in a pair of running shorts and one of my t-shirts, covering her up with my blankets. I’ve never brought a woman up in my room. Poison is the first. If I wanted a quick fuck or my dick sucked, I’d do it in a room downstairs or in a closet, never in here. Siren comes out of the bathroom with a washcloth and hands it to me. Her eyes are red-rimmed from crying, exhaustion written all over her face.

  “I think Poison will be OK. Why don’t you lay down in Blayde’s room? You’ve had a hell of a night.” I say in the calmest voice I can. I don’t know what to do when women are crying. “I’ll come and get you when she wakes.”

  “Promise?” Siren asks through a lump in her throat.

  “Promise. I’m sure she’ll want to see you. Make sure you’re OK, too.” I answer, wiping away the blood on Poison’s precious skin. “I’ll take good care of her.”

  “Kayne.” Something in Siren’s voice makes me pause and I turn my head in her direction. “I’m sorry I was such a bitch earlier. She’s all I have left and I love her like a sister. I don’t know what I’d do if something happens to her.”

  “All is forgiven. I have Poison’s best interest at heart. She means more to me than anyone knows.” I turn my attention back to Poison, gently wiping away the blood splatter on her face. “Blayde’s key to his room is on my dresser. Go ahead and make yourself at home. He has an attached bathroom also, so you can grab a shower. I know there’s more going on with the two of you than either of you will admit.”

  “Wait…what?” Siren stutters. Her green eyes are wide with shock.

  “Siren,” I turn back to her. “I’m the President for a reason. I see things others don’t. I know things others think they can hide. Besides you two keep eye-fucking each other.” I shrug my shoulders.

  “Well then. I’ll take that as my cue to leave.” She snatches Blayde’s keys off the dresser and quietly slips out of my room. It’s just Poison and me now. I can pay attention to what she needs without being pulled into a million different directions.

  I shrug off my cu
t and carefully hang it up in my closet. Sitting on my bed, I remove my boots and rub my gritty eyes with the palm of my hands. I slide my white t-shirt over my head, tossing it on the floor. Next, I remove my jeans, adding them to the pile and light up a cigarette. Inhaling the nicotine deep into my lungs, I can finally relax. Contemplating everything that’s happened in the last few days causes a sharp throb in the back of my tired eyes. Poison’s whole club going up in smoke, finding out who was responsible, fighting my feelings for Poison. Watching her torture that dickhead Damon for information made my cock come to life. Meeting Krimson and her man, knowing her debt will be dangerous, all for the woman lying in my bed.

  Stubbing my cigarette out in the ashtray on the stand next to my bed, I watch Poison as she sleeps. The worry lines on her forehead, the pain in her hazel eyes, the sadness on her face are gone. She looks like an angel resting. The need to protect her is overpowering. I know if I shelter her too much, she’ll push back and go off on her own. I brush a piece of hair off her face and she moves her head in my direction, seeking me out. I lay down next to her, pulling her into my arms. Her warm breath is even across my chest as she cuddles into my side, causing my aching cock to take notice. Fuck, he has a mind of his own. I’ve never been this hard for a woman in my life. It’s always been her. From the first moment I saw her in Deadly Sins Strip Club, afterward outside, every run we went on together, he’s been hard and begging for relief that only she’d be able to give. I tried with other patch whores, but I’d only let them suck me off and while they were, Poison’s hot body was the one I was imagining. I’d pretend it was her plump lips wrapped around my cock, her tongue teasing my shaft, swallowing me whole, hitting the back of her throat, making her gag while I fuck her mouth.

  Then when we could finally be together, it wasn’t long enough. She needed to forget about everything for a few moments and I took advantage of that. My dick and head were working together, finally, after all these years. Poison needed me and I let her use me. Her riding on my cock in Church was one of the best experiences in my life and I vowed then, like I am now, I’m not letting her go. Poison’s warm body wrapped around mine, her breathing even, worry and stress melt away from her being so close to me. I kiss the top of her head and fall into a deep sleep.



  Shit’s getting deep. Real deep, real fast. We need to put a stop to these motherfuckers, fast. The longer we sit around with our thumbs up our asses, the more they have time to rally. The Black Destroyers will come at us hard for killing one of their own. When that happens, we will be ready.

  Duke has the repair shop cleaned up. Stryker, Talon and I dealt with the body. Sending a message to the Black Destroyers. They fucked with the wrong MC. The wrong woman. We protect our own and Poison has become one of us. Through the years of doing these drops with her, she’s worked her way under all our skins.

  I drop my bike into gear, letting the growl of the motor vibrate as I pull into the driveway of the clubhouse. Most clubs have their main headquarters in a city or in town, but we chose this place for privacy. We come and go so often; the small town would know something was up. Here, we have no neighbors for miles, we’re back in the woods, away from everyone. Members can come and go as they please without the worry of someone calling the cops.

  I park my custom Harley Davidson Road Glide next to the white van Kayne drove earlier. Stryker, Butch, Talon, Maddox, Duke and Knuckles follow suit and park alongside me. I shut my bike off, drop the kickstand and remove my helmet, hanging it on the handle bars. The quiet night swallows us up while we sit in silence. The front door opens and Rooster, Rebel and Brass come strolling out. They stand on the porch, watching and waiting. I swing my leg off my bike, every joint in my body is aching from the stress I’ve been under. I want nothing more than to take a hot shower, find a woman to get me off and fall into a deep sleep.

  “Everything good with Prez?” I ask the guys.

  Brass nods his head, “Yeah. He took Poison upstairs. Holly and Siren followed. I haven’t heard anything since. How’d it go at the shop?”

  “As expected. Poison did what she was supposed to do. No one is to travel alone from now on. We go in packs of two or more. The Black Destroyers will be out for retaliation and we still need to run our businesses.” I answer.

  “You got it. I’m gonna find me a woman and head off to bed. We’re all quiet for now. I’ll find you if something happens.” Knuckles cracks his neck on his big shoulders.

  I walk into the clubhouse and the first thing I see are a few patch whores standing around watching us come in. One approaches me, licking her lips trying to act all sexy, but I brush her off and head into the kitchen. They just don’t do anything for me anymore. I can’t get my dick to focus on anyone but a sexy dark-haired beauty who’s somewhere in the house. I yank open the fridge and pull out a beer. Opening it, I take a long pull and let the cool liquid drift down my throat, quenching my thirst. Tonight was rough on all of us. Finishing my beer, I rinse out the bottle and set it on the counter top for the whores to pick up later. I walk up the stairs and down the hallway until I’m standing in front of Kayne’s door. I knock lightly and wait for him to answer.

  He swings the door open, his eyes are blood-shot and he has dark bags underneath. He’s been through a lot these past couple of nights.

  “Blayde, everything good?” Kayne asks, his voice is raspy from sleep.

  “Yeah, Prez. How’s Poison?”

  “Still out. Her mind couldn’t process everything. I’m hoping she wakes up soon, but I’m going to let her sleep for as long as she can. She’s been through more shit in the past couple of days than any of us could have in a couple of years, but she’s still fighting.” Kayne’s somber voice pulls my attention back to him. He really loves this girl. We all do, but his is different. His is full throttle, in it with both feet and I hope she feels the same.

  “I’m turning in. Butch, Rooster and Rebel are keeping watch, but I’m not expecting anything for a couple of days. I told the brothers, no one is to travel alone. We go in two or more and that goes for you too, Prez.”

  Kayne cocks an eyebrow and leans against the door frame, crossing his arms over his tattooed covered chest. “I will, V.P. Thank you for everything.”

  “You’re welcome. That’s what I’m here for.” I turn around and head toward my room. I hear Kayne’s door click before I walk into mine.

  The minute I open my door, something isn’t right. I can tell someone else is in here with me. I unholster my .40 caliber and flip on the light. The sight before me takes my breath away. Siren is sleeping on my bed in nothing but a pair of short pink silky shorts and a matching tiny tank top, exposing her flat, tanned stomach. My dick aches from the sight. I quietly walk into my bathroom and shut the door. What the hell is she doing here? How’d she get into my room? What the fuck is going on? I lay my gun on the counter top, strip off my clothes and turn the shower on. I need to take a long hot shower and jack one off or I’ll never be able to sleep with her next to me. She’s my kryptonite, my Achilles heel, but we each have our own demons to battle with.

  I step into the steam and let the water drift down my body, soaking up the heat, relaxing my tense muscles. Images of Siren on my bed, her long black hair cascading down her back, her green eyes hooded with desire. Her sexy plump red lips parting, taking my cock into her hot, wet mouth as deep as she can, has my dick standing at attention. I grab my shaft and pull. Images of her sexy curves under my hands, what she must taste like while I fuck her with my mouth, my fingers, sliding my cock deep into her tight pussy, has me tugging and pulling hard, my hand moving up and down in a rapid pace. Fire races down my spine, straight to my cock. My balls tighten as I lean my left arm against the tile and rest my head on it, while my right hand continues to pump up and down, faster and faster. Hot come shoots out all over the tiles and a groan escapes my lips, my knees weak.

  I clean up my mess and finish my shower. Drying off, I vow I will
not let this woman affect my job. I’ve made it this far without emotional attachment and I don’t plan to act on these feeling she gives me. Siren makes my chest tighten up when she walks into a room, the smile that graces her lips turns my brain to mush. When she talks, I can’t help but to listen. I can see it in her green eyes someone has hurt her. When she thinks no one is looking or watching her, she drifts off and worry lines crease her brow, making me want to scoop her up and lock her away from everyone who’s hurt her.

  I throw on a pair of black basketball shorts and open my bathroom door, the steam from my shower follows me out. I quietly walk over to the left side of the bed, turning off the light on my way and lay down. Siren turns towards me, seeking me out while she sleeps is making my heart beat hard in my chest. I inhale a ragged breath and lay on my back, too afraid to move. If I do, I’m afraid I will scoop her up in my arms and fuck her until neither of us can walk and right now I can’t do that. I have to stay focused on the job at hand before I explore anything with this woman.

  Club comes first. I chant this over and over in my head when I finally succumb to the sleep pulling me under.



  Warmth caresses me as I awaken from a deep sleep. I don’t know how long I’ve been out, but by the way my bladder is screaming at me to relieve it, it’s been a long time. I look around the unfamiliar bedroom trying to figure out where I am when a warm, rough hand wraps around my stomach. I turn my head just enough and the sunlight streaming through the open window casts a golden glow around Kayne. His breathing is deep and even as he sleeps, still holding onto me tight. My heart stutters in my chest at the sight before me. Kayne.


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