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Kayne's Fury: A Savage Saints MC

Page 15

by J. Lynn Lombard

  Fuck, I know I screwed up with her. I’m not used to people questioning my orders and she pushes all my buttons, questions me at every turn and pokes the demon resting inside me. I know I have to tap into the darkness below the surface in order to get her back. I just hope I come out unscathed on the other side.

  I open my phone and click on the orange contact button. My finger hoovers over hesitantly over the name highlighted. I push the call button, inhale a deep breath and bring the phone up to my ear. It rings twice before someone answers.

  “Yeah,” a deep Irish accent flows through the line.

  “It’s Kayne. I need help, Poison has gone off on her own.”

  “So? What does it have to do with me?” Cahal’s really pissing me off with his shitty attitude.

  “Because if Poison dies, you lose everything. If The Black Destroyers succeed in killing her, your business here will be gone. They will take over everything and come after you next. She’s the reason they haven’t moved in on us a long time ago.” Silence on the other end. I check my phone to make sure we’re still connected. “Will you help?”

  A deep sigh comes through the other end. “Fine, but if you double cross me, I will kill you.”

  “I won’t. I just want her back home, safe. And I’m bargaining with the devil to make that happen.” I confess.

  “Do you love her?” Cahal asks.

  I think about everything we’ve been through from the first time I saw her at Deadly Sins strip club, to the first drop we did together. The first time I kissed her in the warehouse, to the first time I was buried deep inside of her, watching her unravel from my touch, all the in-between moments we shared. The way I know where she is at all times, to the way she can piss me off in an instant, fighting me at every step, to the way she smiles, just for me making everything better. The way she lights the darkness of my world with a single word or look. I want to spend every minute of every day with her and never let her go.

  “Yes, I do.” I confess.

  “Good my neacht needs a man who is strong enough to handle her. Someone who will let her spread her wings and fly but keep her grounded.” He pauses for a beat. “Meet me at the warehouse at ten p.m. This ends tonight.”

  “Are you going to tell her?” I ask. I hate keeping anything from Poison, but this isn’t my secret to tell.

  “Aye. When we get her back. I will tell her.” The phone clicks in my ear, Cahal hung up.

  I drop my phone onto my bed and breath a sigh of relief. I run my hands through my hair and down my face. There’s a knock on my door and Blayde sticks his head in. “We all set for tonight?”

  “Yup. They’re going to help get her back.”

  “Good. Rooster wants you. He’s found something.”

  I stand up, put my phone in my pocket and Blayde and I walk downstairs together. Fatigue from the day has taken over and my feet move like lead with each step we take toward Rooster. We turn a corner in the living room and Bambi immediately pounces on me. Where the fuck did she come from?

  “Kayne,” Bambi purrs, jutting her chest out, trying to rub it against my arm. “Where have you been handsome? I’ve been looking for you.” She scrapes her black painted nails up my arm and on my neck. Her blonde hair is teased all around her head, being held by cans of hairspray. She’s wearing a tight blue dress that barely covers her ass cheeks and tits. She also has on matching fuck me heels. Her face is painted like a clown in my opinion.

  I’m so pissed, red clouds my vision. I look down at her, narrowing my eyes. “Remove your hands now, if you want to keep them.” I growl low. Her murky brown eyes widen and she removes her hands from my neck. “I’ve never touched you or ever will. Keep your hands off me before I throw you out permanently.” Bambi backs away quickly, her eyes ping ponging between my shaking body full of rage and Blayde who’s just as tense. She almost trips over her own fuck me heels.

  “You don’t have to be an asshole.” She mutters under her breath as she spins to leave.

  “Bambi,” the coldness in my tone evident, stops her retreating form. “If you ever touch me again, I will let my woman loose on you.”

  She turns around with a smirk on her face, “Well, where is she now? I know you need to relieve all that stress and if you change your mind, you know where to find me.” She throws me a wink, which makes me want to gag and saunters off to find another victim.

  “Who in the fuck let these women in?” I question no one in particular.

  “You did Prez,” Blayde laughs. “If it wasn’t for these patch whores, a lot of our brothers would be suffering from blue balls. Come on, let’s see what Rooster found out.”

  Stifling a shiver of disgust, I open the door to our communications room. It’s a small set up we have in an extra room downstairs. There are several monitors against one wall, with a desk and computer in front of it. The live feed of the warehouse is playing on one monitor, the garage on another and the bar on the third. Rooster is sitting at the desk his head is bent forward while his fingers fly over the keys and his eyes ping pong back and forth on the double computer screens in front of them. Images of cars, pick-ups and SUV’s are passing quickly, making my head spin.

  “Rooster, what did you find?” I ask, watching the monitors. He jumps and spins around quickly, clutching his hand over his heart.

  “Jesus fucking Christ Prez. Don’t scare the fuck out of me like that.” Rooster turns back around watching the monitors again. He’s a big motherfucker with long black hair that hangs to his shoulders, shoulders the size of a linebacker and a mouth like a sailor. His road name is Rooster because he chases off all the other cocks while he’s on a mission, looking to get his dick wet. His long beefy fingers fly over the keys pulling up footage after footage. “I’ve found something you need to see, Prez.” He pauses the footage and turns toward me, the chair squeaking under his weight. I look at the monitor and recognize my black Dodge immediately.

  “Where is she?”

  “Not where you thought she’d be. Poison went to the strip club. She pulled into the driveway and, well, I’ll let you watch it.” Rooster voice is gravely and I know deep in my gut, I’m not going to like what I see.

  He hits play and the feed rolls. Poison pulls into Deadly Sins Strip Club and parks close to the doors. She climbs out of the truck. The tension in her shoulders is readable from here. She looks around before she unlocks the door and walks inside. She’s in there for thirty minutes before a black SUV pulls up to the doors and three men get out. Two have AK 47’s doing a sweep of the parking area. I recognize them as members of The Black Destroyers. What the fuck is she doing with them?

  “Just keep watching Prez,” Rooster whispers. I must have said that out loud.

  The third man goes inside, then the other two quickly follow. There’s no audio on these feeds so I can’t hear what they say when they enter, but I see their lips move and clutch their guns tighter. Shit, this is bad, really bad.

  After a few moments, the metal doors bang open and one of the men with the AK 47 comes out first, looking for a threat, sweeping the parking lot with his gun. He turns his head and shouts something then the other two emerge from the darkness, dragging a limp Poison. Her hands are bound in front of her and her head is bowed. They have ahold of her arms, her feet trailing behind her. I watch as she regains her footing and tries to fight them off. She kicks one in the nuts, causing him to double over and fall to the ground before she elbows the other one in the face. He drops her, clutching his nose. Her mouth is gagged with a cloth. She stops dead in her tracks when the third guy shouts something. Poison turns around, facing the camera and I have to sit down. She has blood trickling from her nose, fresh bruising on her face and tears in her eyes. She raises her bound hands above her head and drops to her knees, never taking her eyes off the man with the rifle. The other two compose themselves and walk quickly over to her. The one she elbowed in the face yanks her head back by her hair. The one she kicked in the nuts delivers a harsh blow to her stomach c
ausing her to double over. Then he hits her again across the face, knocking her out. I’m up and out of my chair in an instant. Rage and fury boiling my veins. I keep watching the monitors as they open the hatch of the SUV and throw her limp body in the back like a sack of garbage.

  “Where did they go? How long ago was this? Can you follow them?” I’m rapidly firing questions, not giving Rooster a chance to answer, pacing back and forth across the hardwood floors. My eyes home in on Rooster, rage boiling my blood. I’m ready to kill each and every one of those motherfuckers and it won’t be quick. It will be slow and painful, for every bruise on Poison’s beautiful body, every hair hurt on her head, every drop of blood spilled.

  “I’m running the plates to the SUV now, hoping I get a hit. This happened about thirty minutes ago. Prez, I have a bad feeling about this.” Rooster says.

  “Alright, I need to think of what we’re going to do. We’re not meeting Cahal until ten tonight. I don’t know if she’ll have that long. Why did they take her? If what she said is true, they should have killed her, not kidnap her. There’s something we’re missing.” I turn my head toward the monitors. Poison is frozen in time on the screen. I walk up next to the monitor and watch it carefully, my eyes roaming over her body. It’s tense, but she’s not scared, like she knew they’d come after her. Maybe she was hoping to get the element of surprise and attack them first? More question’s plague my head when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and see Cahal’s name light up the screen. I slide my thumb over the green button and put it up to my ear.

  “Yeah,” I answer the call.

  “Kayne, I just got a phone call. They have my neacht.” Cahal’s tone is full of pain and rage.

  “I know, I just watched the footage. What do they want?”

  “Where did they get her?”

  “Deadly Sins Strip Club. She went there and thirty minutes later, they showed up.” Images of them dragging a limp Poison out the front doors run through my head. My fingers clamp down on my phone while I try to stifle the fury threating to take hold. “She gave it to them the best she could.”

  “She’s always been a strong, stubborn girl, but she needed to be with the life she had. Meet me at the strip club in twenty. Let’s see if they left any clues behind.” Cahal’s Irish accent is in full swing.

  “We’ll be there.” The line goes dead in my ear. I pocket my phone and exhale a deep breath, trying to get my head on straight. Cahal didn’t tell me what they want, dread fills my stomach.

  “What’s going on Prez?” Blayde asks.

  “Rooster, you stay here and keep watching the monitors. See if you can track them down. Call our Sister Chapter and see if we can get more brothers up here as soon as possible. Brass and Stone will stay with you, the rest are coming with me. Any patch whores that are still lingering around, get rid of them. Holly and Cougar are staying here under your protection. They’re not to leave for any reason.” I turn to Blayde, “We’re meeting Cahal in twenty at Deadly Sins Strip Club. Lock and load, let’s go.” I walk out of the room, without looking back.

  I turn the corner of the living room and unlock the door leading into another room. All our weapons are lined against the walls in nice neat rows. I walk further into the room and to the back wall. There are several Sig Sauers and Glock handguns. I select two Sig Sauer P320’s. The cool metal is heavy in my hands. I drop the clip to check the bullets, then slide it back into place. The distinct click as I pull back the slider and release it sends a shiver down my spine. It’s game time motherfuckers and I’m done playing with these pansy ass pussies. They fucked with the wrong club and took the wrong woman. I’m out for blood and I won’t stop until every last one’s is spilled.



  A slow and steady drip awakens me. My head is pounding so hard, it’s making my stomach nauseous and I can’t open my heavy eyelids. I finally crack my left eye open but I can barely make out my surroundings. I’m in a cold, dark room. Someone cuffed my hands above my head. I’m sitting on a concrete floor; my back is against a cold brick wall. Where am I? What happened? Where’s Kayne?

  The door above me creaks open, the thumping of music penetrates the quiet, making my head hurt more and a sliver of light spills in. I try to see who’s heading my way, but they shut the door, plunging me into darkness, cutting off the music. Heavy footsteps stomp down the stairs, each step creaking under their weight. When they stop at the bottom, I act like I’m still unconscious, waiting to see what they do. My fingers are going numb from being handcuffed. I want to flex them, but I stay as still as possible.

  The heavy footsteps stop right in front of me, a steel-toe boot nudges my calf. I don’t move. He takes another step and nudges my thigh. I remain still.

  “Is she awake?” A male voice asks. He nudges my thigh a little harder, trying to get me to move, but I don’t.

  “She’s awake.” Another deep raspy voice responds and I stiffen. It’s the same man that destroyed my family. I would recognize his voice anywhere. He kneels so his face is right next to mine, his stale, hot breath fluttering over my cheek. I hold in a gag. “Welcome home, Poison.”

  I open my eyes slowly, trying to look around. I still can’t see anything in the darkness, but I can sense two men next to me. The one that was nudging me is standing, waiting for orders from the one kneeling next to me. “What do you want?” I croak.

  “I want you, Poison. Drex promised you to me in exchange for our protection.” He runs a finger down the side of my cheek. I hold as still as possible. “Turn on the light. I want to see her face.”

  The second man steps away and flips on a switch. The room lights up in fluorescent lighting and it hurts my eyes so I close them wincing from the pain and the pounding in my head.

  “My guys roughed you up a little, but I can make it all better for you.” A shiver of dread rolls down my spine.

  “No thanks, I’m good,” I respond. The man clutches my jaw and yanks my head toward him, causing the pounding to increase.

  “I wasn’t asking, but luckily for you, I’ll take it easy for now. Dean, get her some water. Our guest must be thirsty.”

  I lick my dry lips and realize he’s right. My mouth is dry. I shake my head still clutched in his hard grip, refusing anything he offers me. “No, I’m good.”

  “Oh, you’re more than good. I’d say you’re a fine piece of ass, exactly like your mother.” His nose is right against my cheek, his rancid breath fanning across my face.

  My eyes snap open in shock. I’m face to face with a man I’ve never seen before, but from the way he’s leering at me, I don’t want to know him. “Who are you and how do you know my mom?”

  He smirks. The left side of his face has a jagged scar from his ear to his cheek. He has long, dark hair and murky brown eyes. His fingers grip my jaw tighter.

  “Your mother never mentioned me? I’m surprised. We had a thing back a while ago.”

  “My mother is dead asshole. Who are you?” I glare at him, rage is building up, thrumming through my body. I have the sudden urge to sink my blade into his throat and watch the life drain from his body.

  He barks out a laugh. “Oh, this pig will be so much fun. You’re just like her. I can see the fire in your eyes like she used to have. She thought she could defy me, but in the end, I watched the fight leave her eyes realizing I was much stronger than she was.”

  “Who. The. Fuck. Are. You?” I slowly pronounce each word in case he’s deaf or just plain stupid. Suddenly there’s a water bottle in front of my face and he twists the cap off. He holds the bottle up to my lips, but I refuse to open my mouth, no matter how thirsty I actually am. This vile man pours the water against my lips, coating them with wetness, making me crave it to go down my throat instead of on my shirt, but I hold off. I fight against the need.

  He pulls the water bottle away with a deep sigh. “You’re making this more difficult than it has to be, Poison. But that’s your choice.” He stands up and turns his b
ack to me. He has on a leather cut with The Black Destroyers sprawled across the back and their club logo below it. Son of a bitch. How did this happen?

  Memories of what happened are foggy in my head. I remember Kayne telling me he was going to sacrifice himself to these guys, me taking off in his Dodge because it pissed me off and wanted to stop this once and for all, but when I calmed down, I went to the strip club instead of confronting these assholes. Then I heard the front door open and three men came inside. I was hiding behind the stage curtains when they found me. I remember kicking the shit out of two of them inside. Then one hit me with the butt of his gun in the temple. I blacked out for a second and that was long enough for them to grab me and tie my hands. I kept fighting, but it was no use. They were stronger than me. They dragged me out of the club and I attempted to get away one last time. I kicked one of the men in the nuts and elbowed the other in the nose. I started to run when a shot rang out, stopping me. The third guy had his gun pointed at me, ready to shoot me if I did it again. The one man I kicked in the nuts punched me in the stomach and then the face, knocking me out cold.

  “Ah, I see she’s remembering something. Did you enjoy trying to beat up my guys? I know they’re not happy and want a piece of you. I’ve held them off for now. If you’re a good little girl, I’ll keep them away.”

  “Who are you?” God, I feel like a broken record asking the same thing over and over.


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