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Kayne's Fury: A Savage Saints MC

Page 18

by J. Lynn Lombard

  “Ok, I got you. Stop moving and let Butch check you over.” I try to stop her from moving too much.

  “No, I’m fine.” She shakes her head. “I have to go back and get her out.” Poison is struggling to stand. I can see the pain cross her face.

  “And I will get her out, but you’re injured. Stop being a stubborn ass, let me handle it and you go to the van with Butch to get checked out.” The authority in my voice stops her from heading back into that building. She turns in my direction, tears welling in her eyes, pain etched on her face. I pull her into my arms, reveling in her warmth as her tiny arms wrap around my waist, her head resting against my chest.

  “What were you thinking?” I ask, keeping her close to me.

  Her body shudders in my arms, our hearts beating hard against each other. “I was thinking you can’t be the asshole to sacrifice yourself, but then I came to my senses and realized, neither can I, so I went to the strip club looking for something to help us. That’s when they ambushed me. I tried to fight them off. Got a few good hits in on two of them before they overpowered me and dragged me out to the parking lot. I tried fighting them off again, but the third had a gun. I couldn’t get away.” I tighten my grip around her waist.

  “You’re safe now, but I need you to get out of here and go back to the van. I’ll handle them. You’re in no condition to fight right now.”

  Poison picks her head up, her hazel eyes pierce into my heart, making it skip a beat. “I don’t think Rage is working alone. He received a phone call before I escaped. I was hiding behind a set of boxes, after my mother helped me get out from the basement where they had me handcuffed.”

  Darkness has settled in, hiding us in the shadows. Movement to my right draws Poison’s attention in that direction. Blayde steps to us from the shadows of the building. “Prez, there’s a lot of movement inside. We need to either go in now or retreat and plan. What do you want to do?”

  “We go in, kill all of them, except Rage. Take him alive. If we leave, they’ll relocate.” I peer down at Poison, who’s staring up at me. “I promise, you’ll get your revenge. Go with Duke and Butch to the van and head to the shop, please.” I cup Poison’s face gently in my leather covered hand.

  She closes her eyes and nods her head. “Be careful, please. Rage wants to kill you. I can’t lose you the way I’ve lost everyone else.” Her bottom lip trembles.

  A tear falls down her cheek, I wipe it away. “You can’t get rid of me.”

  Poison clutches my leather, pulling me closer to her. A growl escapes my throat when her soft, full lips descend upon mine. She parts her lips, allowing my tongue to invade her mouth, her flavor bursts on my taste buds, making my cock painfully hard. Panting breathlessly, Poison breaks away from our heated kiss. Her hazel eyes shining with love pierces straight into my soul.

  “I’ll meet you at the body shop, then we can finish what you’ve started.” I grab Poison’s hips, pulling her into me, so she can feel what she’s done to me with one kiss. A heavenly groan escapes her mouth, her eyes hooded with desire. She licks her bottom lip, nods her head and leaves my grasp. I watch her swaying hips as she slowly walks to Butch and Duke waiting by the van. Fuck, I’m such as asshole. She’s injured and once her lips came upon mine, everything else flew out the window.

  Poison takes a tentative step into the passenger side of the van. Once she’s settled inside, Duke shuts the door and runs around to the driver’s side. Butch climbs in the back and they speed off, tires squealing down the road.

  Once they’re out of sight, I turn my attention back to the warehouse. Blayde and I slowly creep back into place, watching and waiting. I can hear shouts from inside, people moving around fast.

  “Ready?” Blayde asks.

  “Let’s go get these fuckers. End this once and for all.” I growl. I pick up my cane I dropped when Poison flew in my direction. I creep up to the door Poison came out of a few minutes ago with Blayde directly behind me, followed by Stryker, Cahal, Maddox, Talon and two of Cahal’s men. I hold up three fingers and count down. They don’t know we’re out here so I’m hoping we have the element of surprise on our side.

  Three. I tighten the grip on my cane and reach for the door knob.

  Two. My second finger drops, my heart beating hard in my chest.

  One. I crack open the door and sneak inside.

  Darkness surrounds me. I plaster my body against the wall, crouching low to the ground, moving down for everyone to get inside. I shoot off a quick text to Ace, letting him know we’re all inside. We move further into the building, creeping in the shadows. I spot one of Rage’s men heading in our direction, walking fast, not paying attention to us. I set my cane down, sneak up behind him and snap his neck in quick movements, dragging him back to the shadows.

  One down, several to go.

  Three more Black Destroyers come in my direction. Blayde and I snap their necks just as quick. Remorse for these lives lost will come later. Right now, my focus is on getting to Rage before he disappears.

  We’re sneaking further into the warehouse. Boxes upon boxes are stacked all around us making it easier for us to hide behind and take each member of The Black Destroyers out. Muffled cries then silence behind me is the only thing I hear besides my heavy breathing. Another enemy done for. Adrenaline fueling my system, I push on, deeper into the warehouse. I pass a room and peek through the dirty window. Empty.

  I hear a noise from above and halt my forward progress, holding a hand up to stop everyone behind me. I point up the metal stairs leading to the second floor full of offices. We quietly walk up the stairs, staying as low as possible. Once we reach the top, I plaster my body against the wall, watching and listening.

  “Prez, what do you want to do? She’s gone now and we have no leverage.” A man asks. Their voices are muffled inside the room I’m standing next too. Bingo, motherfucker. I found you.

  A raspy voice responds, “We still move forward with our plans. Bring me Alyssa.” Rage demands.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” The man asks. A loud bang echoes through the hallway, followed by a startled gasp.

  “Those asshole Saints already took my V.P. from me. We’re moving the fuck forward with our plans. You want to argue with me, I’ll end your life right here, right now. What’s it going to be?” Rage asks, shouting at the man inside.

  “No argument, Prez.” The man’s voice is quivering in fear.

  “Good, now get me Alyssa. She has a lot of explaining to do.”

  Confused as to whom Alyssa is, I crouch low to the ground when the office door opens. The man has blood coming from his nose, dripping down his white wife beater. He doesn’t even look in our direction. I follow him silently away from Rage, until he stops at a door and unlocks it. He flips the light switch on and enters the room.

  “Come on. Prez wants a word with you.” The man growls from inside the door. I can’t see past his bulky form.

  “What does he want with me?” The woman who must be Alyssa, questions. Her voice quivering with fear.

  “Fuck if I know. All I know is Rage wants you, now.” He grabs the woman by the arm and yanks her up, his fingers digging into the meaty part, making her cry out. I quietly sneak up behind him and wrap my forearm around his neck, squeezing hard. He fights and claws, but I don’t let up. The woman screams in protest, petrified. Blayde comes in behind me and covers her scream with a leather gloved hand. Her green eyes are huge and scared, her nostrils are flaring.

  I slowly choke the life from this asshole. He stops struggling, falling limply to the ground. I push my hair back from my forehead and wipe my sweat soaked brow. My chest is heaving when my eyes land on the young woman Blayde silenced.

  Holy shit. If Poison had a twin, I would have sworn I was staring at her, except this woman has green eyes and dirty blonde hair. Everything else looks just like Poison. There’s a fire in her eyes instead of fear now.

  “Can I remove my hand without you screaming?” Blayde sneers. She nod
s her head. He slowly removes his hand but keeps her restrained. “Who are you?”

  “Alyssa.” Even her voice is similar to Poison.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask.

  “I was taken from a group home a couple of years ago, along with a bunch of other girls. They were sold but he kept me around.” Alyssa’s voice is soft, like she hasn’t spoken to anyone in a long time. “Are you getting me out of here? I want to go home.” Tears are forming in her eyes.

  “Yes, we’re going to get you out, but not right now. I’m going to need you to stay in this room and don’t move. I will come back for you.” I answer. My mind is running in a million directions when my phone vibrates in my jeans pocket.

  Ace: All clear down here. Not a single Destroyer left.

  Kayne: Copy that. Found Rage.

  Ace: Copy that. I’ll keep watch.

  I pocket my phone and nod my head to Blayde. He releases Alyssa and she almost falls over with relief. “Thank you.”

  “Stay here until one of us comes and gets you. Hide somewhere if you can.” I look around the room for the first time. There’s a dirty mattress against the corner with a thin blanket and ratty pillow. A bucket in the opposite corner and the smell of piss strong in the air. There’s nothing else in this room. “Ok, maybe not. Just stay here and stay quiet. We’ll be back.”

  I exit the room and Blayde follows. Alyssa turns off the light but keeps the door open. I look behind me and she’s crouched in the doorway, staying in the shadows. I move back to the room Rage was in. I kneel low and open the door slowly, keeping my body out of the doorway. I peek around the room and don’t see Rage anywhere. What the fuck? Where the fuck did he go?

  A faint light from another door inside the room catches my attention. I point to the closed door inside and move quickly. I keep to the left, Blayde to the right. Cahal leans casually against the desk, right in Rage’s line of sight when he steps out of the other room. The doorknob wiggles and the door opens. Rage walks past Blayde and me, not looking up. When he lifts his head and spots Cahal leaning against his desk, he stops in his tracks, his body turning rigid. Cahal, gives him a little wave with a snarl on his face.

  “How in the fuck did you get in here?” Rage questions, venom dripping from his raspy voice. He still doesn’t know I’m behind him. Neither Blayde nor me move, waiting to see what he does.

  “Well, hello to you, Rage. I see you’ve been doing shit behind my back.” Cahal says casually, like he didn’t kill several people downstairs. “I hear you went after my neacht and have my deirfiur. For that, you must pay.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Fuck you and your Irish cocksuckers.” Rage reaches behind his back and that’s when I attack. I pin Rage in a strong arm, my muscles squeezing his throat. Garbled sounds escape his voice.

  “Welcome to hell, motherfucker.” I breath heavily, fueled by adrenaline while I squeeze a little harder. Not enough to kill him, but enough to make him pass out. Rage claws at my leather covered arms but can’t get a grip before he loses consciousness. I drop him to the ground. “Tie this asshole up and take him to the shop.”

  Blayde steps forward and does what I asked. I turn toward Cahal. “There’s a girl here who looks just like Poison. She needs a safe ride to the shop. There’s more going on than we know.”

  “Aye, there is. I’ll explain everything once we get back to your shop.” Cahal pushes off the desk and strolls out of the room, hands behind his back, whistling a tune as he goes. Crazy motherfucker.



  Waiting sucks. I pace back and forth across the concrete floor in the repair shop, my boots heavy with each pass. The ride here was bumpy and painful. Every time Duke hit a pothole, it jarred my body, making my ribs scream in protest. Once we arrived, I took a long hot shower in the bathroom attached to the office. Letting the hot water wash away the day’s events, swirling down the drain. Once I finished and changed my clothes, Butch checked me over. I have a concussion from them clocking me in the head, two bruised ribs and he bandaged up my wrists with some nasty smelling salve and bandages. Now, we’re waiting for Kayne and the rest of the guys to arrive. Siren and Holly are heading over with Rooster. They should all be arriving around the same time.

  “Girl, you’re making me edgy.” Butch growls, watching me pass by him again. His black eyes are cold and deadly. His linebacker body is tense and rigid, getting tenser with each pass I make.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I have to do something to burn off all this pent-up energy.” I answer, making another pass.

  Duke is sitting at the bar; his back is to me and he’s messing around on his phone. He releases a deep sigh and drops his phone on the bar. It immediately vibrates, but he ignores it, running his hands through his shaggy hair.

  “Everything OK?” I ask, stepping up next to Duke. His phone vibrates again and Violet’s name passes across the screen.

  “Yeah,” he sighs deeply. “I’m trying to get this patch whore to stop texting me and leave me alone, but she won’t. Nothing I can’t handle though.”

  Butch barks a deep laugh, piercing the air. “That’s why you don’t give those sluts your cell. When they want the dick, they will pester you until you give in. Then when you don’t, they move onto another brother.”

  “Yeah, I know. I thought she was different than the others, you know a chick like Holly, but obviously not.” Duke grunts.

  “Not at all. Holly is a special chick, not a patch whore. She’s been with us for two years and hasn’t let a brother touch her. I know she has feelings for Stryker, but he couldn’t find his dick unless it was homing in to get wet, let alone his own feelings. The brooding asshole. Can’t keep it in his pants long enough to figure out how he really feels.” Butch counters.

  “He needs to do something before he pushes her away for good. She’s a great person and doesn’t deserve his asshole ways.” Duke responds.

  “True, but when you love someone, the heart knows what it wants. Her’s wants Stryker and she can’t change it.” Butch leans against the bar, resting his hands on the countertop. I think this is the most he’s ever spoken around me and I smile. “What are you smiling for Princess?”

  “I can’t help it.” I smile bigger. “That’s the most I’ve ever heard you talk.”

  “Sometimes it’s better to use these,” Butch points to his ears. “Than open this.” Pointing to his lips. “Can get more information that way.”

  “Where did you get your medical training?” I blurt out the question I’ve been wondering since he looked me over.

  “That’s a whole other story. One we don’t have time for right now.” The sound of Harleys heading our way cuts off my inquisition. My palms are sweaty with nerves, so I wipe them on my jeans.

  Butch pushes off the bar and heads to the farthest bay. He opens the roll up door and a strange black SUV with tinted windows pulls in. My heart is beating hard in my chest and panic is setting in, causing my breathing to be choppy. I can’t catch a full breath. Kayne pulls in behind the SUV. A deep rumble echoing around the shop. He turns his bike off, dismounts and heads over to the waiting SUV.

  Kayne opens the back door and a girl around my age cautiously steps out. She has dirty blonde hair pulled up on top of her head, a skinny undernourished figure hiding under baggy jeans and a blue t-shirt, and bright green eyes. She’s looking at Kayne in adoration and my blood catches on fire from her audacity. Kayne. Is. Mine.

  My feet finally move forward toward Kayne. He looks in my direction and smiles, his dimple on his right cheek showing. The smile drops when I pin him with a deadly glare. Jealousy floods my veins and I’m ready to kick this girl’s ass for staring at my man.

  “Poison, this is Alyssa.” Kayne gestures toward the girl. I don’t really give a fuck who she is. I slide between them, giving her my back. I grab Kayne by his leather vest with both hands and pull him against me. Our lips meet and Kayne grips my waist with his leather covered hands, a growl e
scaping his throat while his lips descend upon mine. I open my mouth letting his tongue slip inside, his taste exploding on my taste buds. Desire races through my veins. I break the kiss, panting hard. Kayne rests his forehead against mine, breathing just as harsh.

  “Hey,” his deep voice rumbles against my lips.

  “Hey back.”

  “That’s quite the greeting. How are you doing?”

  “I’m Ok. Some bruised ribs, cuts and a concussion. Alive and in one piece. How’d it go when I left?”

  “We took them all out except for Rage. He’s currently knocked out and tied up in the back of the SUV.” A smirk appears on his face, “Waiting for your punishment.”

  The reality of the situation comes crashing back down around me before the jealousy overtook me. “Who’s in the SUV? And why was there a chick hanging on your every word?”

  “Jealous?” Kayne teases. I want to smack him and fuck him at the same time right now.

  “Not even a little bit.” I lie.

  “You’re such a terrible liar.” He laughs against my lips. “I found the girl in a room. Apparently, she’s been held against her will by Rage and his now dead crew for the past two years.” Kayne’s grip on my waist tightens.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, sensing the tension in Kayne’s grip.

  “There’s someone I need you to meet. I’m worried how you’ll react. It’s a big one and you’re not going to like it.” His voice is gravely, worried.

  “Who?” My heart is hammering hard in my chest. After everything I’ve suffered and been through in my life, nothing can shock me.

  Kayne kicks his head to the side and I follow his line of sight. There’s a man dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans and a button-down grey shirt watching us. His blonde hair is slicked back. His hazel eyes are staring at me and a dazzling smile gracing his lips. His arm is around my mother’s shoulders, their resemblance is shocking. My mother looks like she’s finally come down from her high as she gives me a small, tentative wave.


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