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The Harvest Ball

Page 18

by Lily Bernard

  “Richard, why do we not leave the ladies to their discussion of fripperies and relax in my study with some brandy and the newspaper?”

  “Mr. Carter, that sounds like a wonderful idea!”

  The following day, they departed from Derbyshire but not before everyone kissed, shook hands, embraced and spoke about reuniting as soon as possible. Mrs. Carter and Emily cried and continued to embrace each other as they stood near the carriage door. Richard helped Emily into the vehicle and turned to Mrs. Carter and bowed to her.

  She walked toward him and said through her tears, “farewell, Richard. Travel safely and give my best wishes to Lord and Lady Matlock.” She then stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  “Madam, I will be delighted to convey your good wishes.” He would never know what prompted Mrs. Carter’s sudden change of heart but was grateful that Emily was elated to receive the blessings of both her parents.

  As the carriage pulled away and they entered the main road, Richard looked at his tearful fiancée, “My love, what is it? Are you well?”

  “I am happy, that is all.” Emily looked down at her tear-soaked handkerchief, “when my parents forced me to marry Howard, they disregarded my wishes and my pleas to stop the marriage from taking place. I was miserable after the wedding and was almost always alone; I convinced myself that my parents behaved as they did because they did not love me. Now I know that it is not true; they may not have shown me their love as I would have liked, but I do know they love me. Do you know what my mother told me? She said the reason they threw Lord Hedley out of the house was not just because he had no money, but because he reminded them both too much of Lord Howard. So, I suppose that is how they demonstrated their love for me.”

  “How could anyone not love you? You are the most wonderful woman in England.”

  “Thank you, my love, but I feel your observations are not, in any way, objective.”

  “During your stay at Rosings, I saw you taking note of the draperies, fabrics and rugs. I want you to redecorate the house to suit your tastes. Most of what is there is the handiwork of my Aunt Catherine who preferred anything ornate that was embellished with gold. I never felt the need to change anything until now. The house should reflect your tastes and the sooner the better.”

  “Thank you, my love, I already have several changes in mind.” They both laughed and settled into the carriage they would occupy for the next few days.

  At Birchwood Manor, Caroline was playing a game on the back lawn with Maddie. They were trying to roll a ball into a toppled wooden bucket; the farther their attempts were from reaching their goal, the more they both laughed. Caroline was so involved with entertaining her niece, it took her several minutes to notice that Peter Carter was standing near the trees and watching them. “Mr. Carter, I am surprised to see you. I hope you have not been standing there long enough to observe my poor aim.”

  “On the contrary, Miss Bingley, I have been observing a scene of pure delight.” She blushed, and Maddie’s nanny took her charge indoors for a rest. “Perhaps, if you are not too tired, we can walk together in the garden?”

  “I would like that very much.” She took his arm and they walked in silence for several minutes.

  “I know I asked you for a courtship when we were together at the Bingley’s Ball.”

  “Yes, and I told you that if my past behavior was an impediment to your happiness, I would not hold you to our courtship.” She was on the verge of tears and her stomach was in knots. She feared that her behavior before she met Peter would mean the end of her relationship with the only man she had ever loved. She held her breath dreading what he would say next.

  He stopped walking and took both of her hands in his. “When will you realize that I love you? I care not what you were like before we met. I love you for who you are; the lovely young woman who helps me in my parish, the caring sister and aunt you are now. Caroline, please listen to me closely.” Peter got down on one knee and continued, “I want you to be my wife. I want you by my side always. I want to look outside the rectory and see you playing ball with our children. I want you in my bed every night, perhaps a man of the cloth should not speak that way, but I am still a man. A man desperately in love with a beautiful, caring and kind woman. Please end my suffering and tell me you will be my wife. Caroline Angela Bingley, will you marry me?”

  “Please stand up you silly man. How can you have any doubt? I have been in love with you since we danced together at the Harvest Ball. Yes, Peter, a hundred times, yes. I will marry you and I long to be your wife.” Peter embraced his betrothed and timidly touched his lips to hers. She responded by placing her hand on his face and they enjoyed a less tentative kiss.

  “I believe the best course of action is for us to go inside. I am sure you wish to tell Mr. and Mrs. Bingley our happy news.”

  “Yes, Jane will be relieved; I have been speaking to her about you for months and months. She and Charles will be delighted that I have made a love match, but would you mind if we did not tell anyone just yet. I would like us to enjoy the knowledge of our love and commitment before we share our news.”

  “I will do as you wish. There is something special about us being the only ones to know our wonderful news.”

  They walked arm in arm toward the house when Caroline stopped and looked at her fiancé. “Thank you, Peter. Thank you for loving me and wanting me as your wife. I never thought I could be this happy. Thank you, my dearest man.”

  He took her hand and kissed it over and over again. “Please do not thank me again for loving you. You are the woman I have waited for my whole life and being with you has brought me so much joy. No more talk of thanks, I believe it is time for a cup of tea!”

  Chapter 22

  September 1814

  After three long days of traveling, Richard and Emily reached Matlock Manor. They were shown into the drawing room but Richard asked Emily to stand out of sight until he was ready to introduce her. “Good day, Mama, Papa, I am happy to see you. I hope you do not mind that I brought someone with me.”

  Both his parents rose to greet him. “Richard, it is so good to see you! Did you bring a friend? One of your army associates?” Lady Matlock asked as she walked toward her son and embraced him.

  “I think you will be happy to see who I have brought with me and it is not one of my army friends.” Richard left the drawing room and walked back in with Emily on his arm. “Mama, Papa, pray allow me the honor of presenting my fiancée, Lady Emily Howard.”

  “What a lovely surprise! Welcome to Matlock, Lady Howard. We are so happy to see you again.”

  “Thank you, my lady, but I beg you to call me Emily or Lady Emily, if you must. After we are married, I will be very happy to be known as Mrs. Emily Fitzwilliam.”

  Lady Matlock embraced Emily and her husband bowed before her and kissed her hand. She was escorted to a nearby settee and her future mother in law sat beside her. “I knew my mother would completely ignore me and take my beloved Emily from my side.” They all laughed at Richard’s tease.

  “We are happily astonished by the news. We had no idea you and Richard were seeing each other.”

  “We met about a year ago at the Darcy’s Harvest Ball. Following my husband’s death, I went to Derbyshire to spend some time with my brother, Peter, and act as his hostess at the rectory. I believe you met him when you were guests at Pemberley for Christmastide. Richard and I saw each other many times at Pemberley and then again, this past winter in London. I will let Richard tell you the rest of our story.”

  “There is not much more to tell. Emily came to Kent to visit a friend and we ran into each other at a lawn party and I pursued her to the best of my ability. I was determined to make Emily my wife and knew I had to do everything in my power to win her hand. However, in an attempt to impress her, I tried to jump over a hedge and fell off my horse and landed on my head!”

  “You foolish man! What were you thinking? Are you well? Sakes alive, all men are just large boys,�
� Lady Matlock rolled her eyes at Emily with feigned disgust.

  “I am fine, Mama, I was knocked out for a day, but my accident led Emily to reveal her love for me and her acceptance of my proposal. We have already traveled to Suffolk to tell Emily’s parents our good news and then we came here. We would like to spend some time with you, so you can get to know Emily better before we travel to Pemberley for their Harvest Ball.”

  “Well, my dear, we have many plans to make. Have you picked a date? Will you marry in Town or at your parents’ parish? We must start shopping for your trousseau as soon as possible. I will make appointments at my modiste, she always has the most beautiful fabrics and designs.”

  “Papa, I believe that is our cue to leave the ladies to their own devices.”

  “Hugh, please tell Mrs. Shields to make sure a guest suite is prepared. And please make sure her maid is shown to Lady Emily’s suite, so she can begin unpacking.”

  Lord Matlock bowed to his wife, “Whatever you wish, m’lady,” he teased as he and his son exited the room.

  Once they were alone, Lady Matlock looked at her future daughter and said, “I am truly elated that you and Richard will wed. For years, he has rebuffed all my efforts at matchmaking and he seems to have known all along whom he wished to marry. Have you decided when and where you will wed?”

  “We would like to be married in London, well, that is my mother’s wish. We hope to marry in October as we are both anxious to begin our married life.” Emily blushed at her last comment.

  “Yes, my dear, I understand. Of course, the wedding breakfast will be held at Matlock House. Now, let us discuss your dress, the flowers….”

  “Before we start planning for the wedding, I would like to tell you something.”

  “You can tell me anything you want. You will soon be my daughter!”

  Emily recounted the story of how she met and was pressured into marrying Lord Howard. “I was desperately unhappy and was left alone most of the time. He only married me for my dowry and to produce an heir. What I am trying to say is that I love Richard with my whole heart; I feel as if our marriage will truly be my first. Shortly after Richard proposed, he had his accident and I feared I would never get the chance to marry your wonderful son. I thought you should know the truth.”

  “I thank you for your candor, Emily. There were so many rumors floating around the ton, I am glad I now know the truth. I watched my son’s face since you arrived here, and I can see how he looks at you. It is easy to see how much he loves you. I never thought Richard would marry and now, I could not be happier for you both.” Lady Matlock put her arms around her future daughter and embraced her. “Welcome to the family, my dear, I am sure you will both be very happy.”

  They spent a few days with Richard’s parents and when they departed Lady Matlock assured her Emily that she would write to her at Pemberley. She would let Emily know when she was expected in London to visit the modiste and acquire everything else she would need before her marriage. They were all joyful when the betrothed couple departed to join the Darcys for their Harvest Ball. Emily was most anxious to see her brother and share their happy news with Peter as well as the Darcys. She sent a letter to her brother telling him of her visit to Derbyshire and informing him that she would be staying at Pemberley. She did not wish to disrupt his schedule by staying at the rectory, but she assured him of a visit shortly after she arrived.

  When Richard’s carriage stopped in front of Pemberley’s entrance, the Darcys stepped outside to welcome him. When he turned to help Emily out, Darcy and Elizabeth smiled as they looked at each other with many unspoken questions. “Welcome, Richard! Lady Emily, what a pleasant surprise. We are delighted to have you join us.”

  “Thank you for your warm welcome, Mrs. Darcy. I had hoped that Mr. Fitzwilliam would have told you that I would be accompanying him.”

  “I did tell Darcy. If he has forgotten to inform his wife, I cannot take the blame!” They all laughed at Richard’s teasing. “I wrote to Darcy and explained that Lady Emily was traveling with me and would like to stay at Pemberley so as not to interfere with her brother’s responsibilities.”

  Darcy looked embarrassed and said, “This is all my fault and I apologize for any awkwardness. I did receive Richard’s letter, but I was busy with too many things and confess I only read the first part of his letter apprising me of his arrival date. I am sure Mrs. Reynolds can make whatever arrangements are necessary for Lady Emily’s stay with us.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Darcy, I am sorry for the inconvenience.”

  “No inconvenience I assure you, please, let us all go in. Georgiana has been eagerly awaiting her cousin’s arrival.”

  Elizabeth spoke to Mrs. Reynolds as soon as they entered the house. A few minutes later the housekeeper entered the drawing room where the Darcys and their guests had gathered. “Lady Howard, your rooms are ready if you would like to refresh yourself after your trip. Your maid is already there unpacking your trunks.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Reynolds. If you will excuse me, I will see you all for dinner.” Emily smiled to the room and tried not to look at her fiancé but her love for Richard overpowered her restraint. Anyone who was watching saw her looking at him adoringly before turning to depart the room.

  Before anyone had a chance to ask Richard what was going on between him and Lady Emily, a footman entered the room. He announced that the Bingley’s carriage was nearing the house and Darcy, Elizabeth and Georgiana left the room to greet their guests. Richard took advantage of being alone and quickly walked up the stairs and entered his usual guest room. He knew he had only delayed Darcy bombarding him with questions regarding Lady Emily.

  While everyone was resting before dinner, Richard and Emily traveled to Kympton to see her brother. They were surprised to see that Caroline Bingley was there having tea with the vicar. Peter was very happy to see the glow on his sister’s face and was delighted when she told him that she and Richard were engaged to be married. Peter looked at Caroline for her approval of announcing their betrothal to his sister and her fiancé. She nodded and came to stand beside him while he announced, “I am so happy for you, Emily, and you, Mr. Fitzwilliam. I also have some news, I have asked Miss Bingley for her hand in marriage and she has accepted!” Words of congratulations and best wishes were expressed by all and everyone was happy.

  Caroline stood beside her fiancé and looked at their guests. “Please call me Caroline, both of you. Lady Howard, I must tell you how happy I am to be marrying your brother and to having you as my sister. I suppose I will have to get used to having you, Mr. Fitzwilliam, as a brother!” They all laughed before Richard asked Caroline and Peter to call him by his Christian name.

  “And please, no more of this Lady anything, I would be very happy if you called me Emily.” Emily and Caroline embraced while Richard and Peter shook hands.

  “Caroline and I wish to be married here in Kympton. Mr. Hatcher, the former vicar has agreed to officiate.”

  “Peter, you will not be surprised that Mama wishes me to marry in Town and Lady Matlock insisted on hosting the wedding breakfast.”

  “As long as we are married, I do not care where we are,” Richard added as he smiled at his betrothed. “Have you told anyone about your betrothal yet?”

  “No, the Bingleys and I have been invited to dine at Pemberley this evening and we thought we would tell everyone at that time.”

  “Peter, that sounds like a fine plan. We will let you and Caroline make your announcement first and let you enjoy your moment. After that, Emily and I will make our news known to all. We must return to Pemberley now. We shall see you both at dinner.”

  After the guests had departed, Peter approached his fiancée. “While we were all congratulating each other, I got an idea. What do you think about Emily and Richard sharing our wedding day? I know Emily would like nothing more than a small quiet affair. Her wedding to Lord Howard was like watching a badly staged production with an unhappy bride.”

  “I thin
k it is a wonderful idea. Shall we ask how they feel about it this evening?”

  “Yes, no time like the present!

  As soon as they entered the carriage, Emily asked, “why did Caroline say it would be difficult getting used to calling you Richard?”

  “Charles Bingley is one of Darcy’s closest friends. Over the years, I have frequently been in his company as well as both his sisters. The woman who is betrothed to your brother is not the same woman I have spent time within the past. She used to be the most mean-spirited, social climbing harpy. She set her cap on Darcy as soon as Charles introduced them. While they were in Hertfordshire, she always spoke very poorly of Elizabeth. I suppose she thought that criticizing everything about the object of Darcy’s affection would raise her up in Darcy’s eyes. Darcy never gave Caroline any indication that he was interested in her in any way.

  “There was no love on her part either, she was only interested in his wealth and connections to the ton. Obviously, she has undergone some kind of transformation. The woman I saw today was happy, kind and welcoming. Meeting your brother must have made her realize the kind of person she truly wants to be. I hope they will be very happy together.”

  “As do I, my love. I can tell you that I have never seen Peter look happier and we should accept Caroline for the person she is now.”

  “Yes, my dear, I agree.”

  Chapter 23

  That evening, Darcy entered Elizabeth’s chambers just as her maid was closing the clasp on his wife’s pearl necklace. “Thank you, Hannah, that will be all. I will ring when I need you later.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Darcy, sir,” her maid curtsied to them both and left the room.

  “I know that look on your face. You want to talk about Richard and Lady Emily.” Elizabeth rose from her dressing table and walked across her room to sit on the settee. She patted the cushion beside her; inviting her husband to join her.


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