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The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher

Page 36

by Kate Summerscale

  unpopularity, 5, 61, 127, 200, 211

  learns of missing child and murder, 10-13, 15. 18-22, 24-6, 184

  flight to Trowbridge, 12-13, 20-2, 34, 126-7, 184

  testimony concerning blanket, 20, 34

  represented at inquest, 22, 27

  newspaper subscriptions, 29, 65

  and nightdress, 32

  suspicion of, 34-5, 80, 112, 116, 126, 145, 166, 169-70, 190, 199-201

  suspects cottagers, 61

  first marriage, 71-3

  moves to Devonshire, 71, 296

  remarriage, 73-4

  and Edward, 73-5

  and younger and older children, 74, 87, 94, 124-5, 240

  financial position, 74, 167, 209

  describes house grounds, 99

  and developing suspicions, 100, 102-4

  and first wife's death, 102

  obstructs police, 107-9, 184

  character, 127

  and suspicion of Constance, 129-30, 300

  and Gollop's evidence, 145

  and examination of Constance, 147-9, 154, 156

  and examination of Gough, 184, 186

  and discovery of shift, 197, 202

  seeks retirement, 208-9, 270

  moves to Wales, 211

  and publication of Stapleton's book, 220-1

  visits Constance in France, 223

  and Constance's confession, 233-4, 236

  and Constance's trial, 247

  death, 254n, 273

  account in Sydney letter, 291-6

  and syphilis, 296-8

  Kent, Saville (Francis Saville), 3, 5-8

  absence discovered, 9-14

  body found, 15-17

  characterised as tell-tale, 23, 34, 145, 187

  post-mortem, 24-5, 29, 79, 303

  coroner's inquest, 27-31, 37, 220

  burial, 31-2

  rumours concerning murder, 60-1

  paternity, 74-5

  Constance and, 93-4, 107, 118, 149-50, 152, 156

  bedsocks incident, 103, 129

  speculation over death, 170-1

  body exhumed, 179

  Constance's account of his murder, 254-9

  Kent, Thomas, 71

  Kent, William Saville (later Saville-Kent), 3, 5, 7, 11-12, 19, 26

  rumours concerning, 22

  gives evidence, 29-30

  appears as mourner, 32

  fifteenth birthday, 34

  his bedroom, 63-4

  birth, 72

  ninth birthday, 73

  and Constance, 87, 91-5, 101, 107, 124-5, 143, 153, 232, 244, 251, 288-9, 294-5, 299-302

  flight to Bath, 91-3, 95, 107, 143, 300-1

  suspicion of, 124-5, 169-70

  cries over murder, 130

  schooling, 137, 167, 209

  and examination of Gough, 185-6

  visits Constance in France, 223

  and Constance's trial, 247-8

  appeal on his behalf, 253

  moves to London, 271

  microscopy and marine biology, 271-5, 278, 298

  and father's death, 273

  marriage, 273

  second marriage, 275, 285-6

  publishes Manual of the Infusoria, 275

  life in Australia, 283-7, 288-9

  publishes Great Barrier Reef 285

  publishes Naturalist in Australia, 286

  cultures pearls, 287

  death, 287

  account in Sydney letter, 292

  and Whicher's theory, 299-302

  Kent, 51

  Kerslake, Sarah, 3-4, 6, 8, 12, 20, 26, 33, 171, 185, 202

  Ketch, Jack, 175

  King's College, 271

  King's Cross, 47, 49

  Kingswood, 212-18, 224 232

  Knightsbridge, 189

  knives, 9-10, 21, 67, 164, 171, 237, 301

  Krohn, Adolphe, 212, 214-15

  Lambeth, 162, 224

  Lancashire, 164

  Land's End, 74

  Langham House, 210n

  Lansdowne, Charles, 195

  Larkin, George, 166

  Lausanne, 207

  Lavater, John Caspar, 85

  Lavender Hill, 275, 288

  Laverton, 79

  Lawrence, Emily, 55-6, 84, 120

  Ledyard, Thomas, 62

  Leeds, 214

  Lemon, Mark, 79

  Leonardo da Vinci, 55

  Leverrier, Urban Jean Joseph, 142

  Lewis, Sir George Cornewall, 38, 158, 165, 174, 182, 200, 209, 240

  Lewisham, 73

  Lincoln, Abraham, 254

  Llangollen, 211, 234, 273

  Loder, Mary Ann, 265

  London, crime in, 45, 96

  rookeries, 121, 157

  London and Westminster Bank, 53

  London Bridge station, 265

  London Review, 233

  London Standard, 233, 236, 241

  London Zoological Gardens, 54, 286

  Long Bay, 289

  Longhope, 137, 209

  Lucknow, siege of, 267

  Ludlow, Henry Gaisford Gibbs, 115, 118, 150-2, 155

  continuing suspicion of Constance Kent, 158, 176

  and Constance Kent's confession, 234-5, 237-40

  Lyceum theatre, 84

  McLeod, Mary, 252

  McLevy, James, 83-4, 96, 158, 222-3

  McNaghten, Daniel, 136

  Madame Tussaud's, 54, 210, 253, 254n

  madness, see insanity

  Maitland, 289

  Mall, The, 53

  Mallam, Benjamin, 32, 119, 240

  Manchester, 164, 168, 283

  Aquarium, 274

  Manchester Examiner, 143, 189

  Manchester Guardian, 273

  Manning, Frederick and Maria, 69, 105, 181-2

  Mansel, Henry, 219, 221

  market gardens, 44-5, 275-6

  Martin, Richard, 97

  Martineau, Harriet, 46-7

  Mary Queen of Scots, 210

  Maugham, Lieutenant-Colonel, 167

  Maurice, Mary, 146

  Mayne, Sir Richard, 120, 144, 158, 176, 254, 256

  dispatches Whicher, 38-9

  and Whicher, 50, 55, 163

  receives Whicher's reports, 64n, 65, 8in, 87, 115, 125-6, 176-7, 299

  and letter-writers, 163, 166-7

  and Saunders' inquiry, 199

  loses confidence in Whicher, 211

  and Franz case, 213, 215

  and Constance Kent's confession, 235

  Melbourne, 284, 289

  Meredith, Captain, 118, 143, 148, 234

  Meredith, Louisa Anne, 286

  Merryweather, Mr, 276

  Merstham, St Katharine's church, 278

  Metropolitan Police, xi, 38, 198, 225

  established, 45-6

  detective force established, 50-2

  headquarters, 163

  criticised in press, 223

  Metropolitan Tabernacle, 252

  microscopy, 271, 285, 298

  Mile End, 164

  Milford-on-Sea, 287

  Millbank, 161-2, 267

  Millbank prison, 162, 261, 278-9, 288

  Millet, Stephen, 18, 29

  Minot, Mr, 164

  Moody, Emma, 93-4, 124, 137

  and examination of Constance Kent, 149-52, 156

  and Constance Kent's trial, 241, 248

  Moon, Joe, 8

  Morgan, James, 12-15, 17-18, 31

  Morning Post, 37-8, 123, 164, 170, 200

  Morning Star, 29, 65, 137, 174, 195, 232

  Morris, William, 229

  Moutot, Louisa, xix, 84

  Muller, Franz, 235

  Napoleon III, 55

  Natural History Museum, 285

  Neptune, discovery of, 142

  New York, 235

  Newcastle Daily Chronicle, 174

  News of the World, 140n, 171-2, 182, 249, 259

  newspapers, 106

  conduct of, 157

  speculation about Road Hill case, 168-70, 175 />
  disillusion, 190-1

  and Constance Kent's confession, 232-3, 236, 245

  sympathy for Constance Kent, 252

  and Constance Kent's explanation, 258-9

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 296

  Nightingale, Florence, 110

  Norris, Inspector, 93

  North Leverton, 133, 135

  North London Railway case, 235

  North Wilts Bank, 253

  Northamptonshire, 214

  Northern Daily Express, 176

  North-Western Railway Police, 180

  Notting Hill, 276

  Nottinghamshire, 133, 135

  Nutt, Jane, 28

  Nutt, William, 14-18, 24, 28, 116, 118, 149, 171

  suspicion of, 127-9, 164-5, 169

  his brother, 167

  Observer, 264

  Old Bailey, 173

  Oldbury-on-the-Hill, 124, 241

  Oliphant, Margaret, 222

  Oliver, Daniel, 4, 9, 18

  Once a Week, 191

  Orton, Arthur (the Tichborne Claimant), 265-7

  Oswestry, 234

  Oxford, xxi, 53, 180, 229

  Oxford Movement, 224

  Oxford Street, 106

  Paddington station, xix-xx, xxiii, 136, 161, 181, 188, 232

  Palmer, Sir Roger, 50

  Palmerston, Lord, 182

  Paris, 55, 69

  Park Lane, 50

  Parkhurst prison, 278

  Parramatta, 289

  Parsons, Joshua, 6, 19-21, 78-80, 177, 240, 257

  and post-mortem, 24-5, 79-80, 167

  and coroner's inquest, 29, 31

  and Constance Kent's insanity, 33, 80, 102

  his suspicions, 79-80

  and examination of Constance Kent, 152-3

  defends Samuel Kent, 190

  and discovery of shift, 197

  and Constance Kent's confession, 235

  Parsons, Letitia, 79

  Parsons, Samuel, 78

  Peacock, Rev. Edward, 14, 19, 61, 127, 184

  and coroner's inquest, 27, 29, 31

  Pearce, James, 55, 120

  pearls, 286-7

  Pearman, Mr, 210

  Peck, PC, 213-14

  Peel, Sir Robert, 136

  Pegler, PC, 69

  Penny Illustrated Paper, 261

  Perth, 285, 289

  photography, xx, 285

  phrenology, 88

  physiognomy, 84-6

  Pimlico, 161, 225, 235

  Piper, Charlotte, see Whicher, Charlotte

  Plummer, Eugenia, 122-3

  Plummer, Stephanie, 122

  Plymouth, 69

  Poe, Edgar Allan, xxii, 88, 174, 188, 190, 216, 269

  'Murders in the rue Morgue', xi, 53, 138, 142, 168

  'The Tell-Tale Heart', 85

  'The Man of the Crowd', 208

  police: nicknames, 45-6, 52

  uniforms, 46

  personality and temperament, 46-7

  beats, 47-8, 52

  standards of conduct, 48

  social status, 146, 266

  procedures, 157

  see also detectives

  Police Gazette, 276

  Pollaky, Ignatius, 198, 263

  Portland, St Peter's church, 278

  Portland Vase, 71

  Portsmouth, 180-1

  Potter, John, 276

  Pratt, Mary, see Kent, Mary (nee Pratt)

  press, see newspapers

  Prichard, James, 244

  Pritchard, Dr Edward, 252-3

  Pugin, Augustus, 229

  Punch, 79, 223

  Pusey, Edmund, 224

  Quance, Mrs, 194

  Queensland, 284-5

  Queenstown, 180

  racial degeneration, 221

  railways, xx, 43, 69, 219

  stations, xix

  first murder on, 235

  Reading, 74, 88

  Regent Street, 50

  Regent's Park, 288

  Reigate, 212-13, 215

  'retrospective prophecy', 271

  Reynolds magazine, 223

  Rhode, John, 291, 298

  Ribton, Mr, 187-8

  Road: Kent family's unpopularity, 5, 61, 101, 127

  'cottage corner', 5, 63-4

  George inn, 12, 60

  Christ Church, 14, 59, 63, 183, 189

  Red Lion inn, 27-8, 60, 139

  Temperance Hall, 28, 30, 34, 36, 61, 81, 115-16, 137, 147-55, 159, 177, 193-6

  villagers' suspicions, 30-1, 60, 116, 119, 156, 191

  situation and inhabitants, 59-60

  unrest and disorder, 189

  Saunders' inquiry, 193-9

  Kent family leaves, 209

  change of name to Rode, 210n

  in Stapleton's account, 220-1

  Road Hill House: privy, 15-16, 63, 65-7, 81-2, 91, 95, 126, 147, 209;

  layout and plans, 62-4, 99-101, 109-10;

  Kent family arrive, 74

  'Miss Constance's garden', 183, 292

  auction, 209-10

  renamed Langham House, 210n

  Robin Goodfellow magazine, 217

  Robinson, Detective-Sergeant, 212-13, 232

  Rode, 21 on

  Rodway, Rowland, 21-2, 27, 33, 86, 109, 240

  suspects Constance Kent, 129

  defends Samuel Kent, 200

  endorses Stapleton's book, 220

  and Constance Kent's confession, 234, 236, 241, 243-4

  and Constance Kent's trial, 247-8, 252

  Roman Catholic Church, 239, 266

  Romney, George, 176

  Roper, Sergeant, 180

  Rous, Mr, 265

  Rowan, Colonel Charles, 50

  Royal Aquarium, 275

  Royal College of Surgeons, 271

  Russell, William ('Waters'), 52, 83, 96, 103, 148, 216

  St Giles, 48-9, 63, 121-2

  St John's Wood, 212

  St Paul's Cathedral, 278, 288

  Sala, George Augustus, 52

  Salisbury, 247, 261

  Fisherton gaol, 247, 253

  Salisbury and Winchester Journal, 242, 245

  Sandown Fort, 106

  Sangways, Emma, 267, 276

  Saturday Review, 190, 199, 223, 243

  Saunders, Thomas, 193-9,

  Savage, George Henry, 80

  Saxony, 212-13

  Sayers, Tom, 124

  Schubert, Franz, 296

  Scotland Yard: detective headquarters, 51, 163

  boarding house, 120-1, 163

  letters to, 163-8,173

  under Williamson, 276-8

  Scott, Miss, 78, 143

  sea-horses, 274-5

  'sensation' novels, 218-22, 269

  servants, female, 145-6

  Shakespeare, William, 176

  Sheffield, 140n

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 176

  Shepherd's Bush, 275

  Sberborne Journal, 146

  Shoreditch, 106

  Sidmouth, 71-2

  Silcox, Anna, 24

  Slack, E.F., 182-3

  Smith, Madeleine, 104-5,

  Snow, John, 79

  Soho Square, 79

  Somerset and Wilts Journal, 106

  accounts of Road Hill case 30, 34-5, 67, 81, 95, 109, 127, 189

  demands detective, 38

  description of Road Hill House, 100-1

  and Whicher's suspicions, 124, 175, 189

  and Constance Kent's examination, 148-9

  and Gagg's arrest, 180

  and Cough's resignation, 181

  petitions Home Office, 182

  and Saunders' inquiry, 195

  and Constance Kent's confession, 233, 236-7, 239

  Somersetshire, 59, 73, 79, 113, 144, 164, 209, 21on, 211

  police, 12, 108

  somnambulism, 137, 242, 269

  South Pacific, 287

  Southampton, 69

  Southwark, 164, 262

  Southwick, 13, 19, 21

  Sparks, Emma, 103, 119, 129, 145
r />   Spitalfields, 50

  Spurgeon, Rev. Charles, 252

  Stamford Hill, 71

  Stancomb, William and John, 115

  Stapleton, Joseph, 21-2, 30, 33, 240, 243n, 300

  and post-mortem, 24-5, 79-80, 303

  account of Road Hill case, 21, 60-1 63, 71, 73-5, 86, 92-3, 142, 157-8, 167, 203, 207-8, 303

  and villagers' suspicions, 30, 60

  and Constance Kent's insanity, 102

  defence of Samuel Kent, 190, 208, 221

  and discovery of shift, 197

  and factory inspection, 200

  The Great Crime of 1860 published, 220-1

  and Constance Kent's confession, 234

  establishes fund for Gough, 253

  and syphilis, 297

  steamships, 69, 235

  Steeple Ashton, 237

  Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames, 174, 223

  Stepney, 69

  Stevens, William, 240

  Stoke Newington, 56, 273

  Stoke-on-Trent, 88

  Stokes, Ann, 36

  Stokes, Charles, 35, 148, 194

  Strand, 120

  Such Things Are, 221

  Suffolk, Earl of, 55

  Surrey, 181, 212, 214, 278

  Sussex, 278, 288

  Sutton, 213-14

  'swell mob', xx, 54, 82-4

  Sydney, 289-90

  letter from, 291-6, 298, 301

  Sylvester, George, 27

  syphilis, congenital, 296-7

  Taine, Hippolyte, 109

  Tanner, Detective-Sergeant Richard ('Dick'), 56, 120, 144, 235

  Tasmania, 283-5, 288

  Tatt, Mr, 54

  Taylor, Sarah, 50

  Taylor, Tom, 97

  teeth, Hutchinsonian, 296-8

  telegrams, 219

  telegraph, electric, xx, 69, 106, 120, 180

  Tellisford, 194

  Thames, river, 162-3, 261

  Theseus, 68, 70

  Thomas, Detective-Sergeant, 234

  Thomson, John, 105

  Thornton, Detective-Sergeant (later Inspector) Stephen, 50-1, 55, 69-70, 122, 224

  Thursday Island, 287

  Tichborne, Dowager Lady, 263-4

  Tichborne, Sir Roger, 263-4

  Tichborne Claimant (Arthur Orton), 263-7

  Tietjens, Therese, 212, 215

  Times, The, 7, 29, 65, 104, 121-2

  accounts of Road Hill case, 38, 116, 130, 148, 188-9

  and detectives, 51, 53, 95

  and McNaghten rule, 136

  advertisements, 161n

  and Youngman case, 172-3

  Groser's letter, 181

  and Saunders' inquiry, 198-9

  and Franz case, 215

  and Constance Kent's confession, 228, 233

  and Whicher's retirement, 236

  Stapleton's letter, 253

  and Constance Kent's explanation, 259, 299

  and William Kent, 274, 286

  Tommas (cat), 121

  Torres Strait, 287

  Trafalgar Square, 51, 53

  trains, see railways

  trams, 275

  Trollope, Anthony, 162

  Trowbridge, xix, xxiii, 32, 60, 120, 125

  Samuel Kent's flight, 12-13, 20-2, 34, 126-7, 184

  police station, 35-6, 137, 180, 232


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