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Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3

Page 17

by Sarah Bale

  “We set a trap and whoever is involved fell for it. Hopefully, we’ll have answers soon.”

  “I’m not going to be surprised if the trail leads back to Maniac. I’ve seen guys turn on their own over the years, and he fits the bill.”

  I nod. “Same with Psycho.”

  Crow stands. “My club will work with yours until this is finished. You have my word.”

  This time I shake his outstretched hand.

  “Thank you, brother.”

  “No need to thank me, Saint.” He looks around. “We good?”


  “Good. I’ve got to get home to my old lady. She’s going to bitch at me for being late again, but the making up will be worth it.”

  “Bash will take you to your bike.”

  When he’s gone, King and Razor turn to me.

  Razor says, “You think he’s innocent, don’t you?”

  “I do.”

  He nods. “I agree.”

  “I wish you hadn’t told him that we set a trap,” King says, frowning. “He might not be involved, but we don’t know who all’s in Maniac’s pocket.”

  “It’s a risk I felt I could take. Any leads on the hacking?”

  “Give me two days.”

  Razor asks, “What do we do now?”

  “It’s too risky to try to move the weapons now. If this is the Feds, the third time we won’t walk away. If it’s Maniac, then we can wait him out.”

  King nods. “I agree. Carry on as if nothing’s wrong without actually doing anything.”

  “I reached out to our contact about the weapons. They’re willing to hold them for thirty days. If we miss the deadline, we owe them two-point-five million.”

  Razor looks pained. “Do we even have that much money?”

  “We do, but it won’t come down to that. We’ll catch the fucker messing with us.”

  King asks, “What about the rally? Do we still want to make an appearance?”

  I think. “Yes. It’ll be good for the boys to be able to have fun.”

  “Fuck yeah.” King turns to Razor. “How are you going to manage now that you’re taken?”

  Next to King, Razor is the biggest man-whore I know, so it’s a valid question.

  “Don’t worry about me. Olivia keeps me plenty busy.”

  And just like that, my mood is soured.

  I say to King, “Book our usual spot and let the boys know we’re going. I’m going to head out.”

  They call my name as I walk away, but I ignore them. This is my own doing. I never should have said Olivia could date whoever she wanted. No, I should have said I wanted her and that would be that. Groaning, I get on my bike and take off. Maybe once I get far enough away from here, I can finally rest.


  Razor and I watch Saint leave. I’m worried about him. I know he’s stressed about Maniac and Psycho, but he’s also eaten up about Olivia.

  Razor sighs. “I hate seeing him like this.”

  “Me too. It’s not good for him or the club.”

  “I’ve been thinking. Maybe I should get a place of my own. That way he doesn’t have to see her every day.”

  Bash arrives at that time. “Who are we talking about?”

  “Saint and Olivia.”

  He frowns. “Oh.”

  Razor say, “I was telling King that I’ve been thinking about getting my own place, away from here. Might be easier on him if he doesn’t have to see her every day.”

  I watch Bash, gauging his response.

  He actually nods. “Might not be a bad idea. She’ll be starting school soon and won’t have time to bartend. If you had a place, then that would eliminate her having to come to the club.”

  Razor says, “Too bad your place isn’t finished. There’s plenty of room there for the three of us.”

  “What in the fuck kind of alternate universe have I stumbled into?”

  Both look at me.

  “You’re seriously suggesting the three of you get a place together. What, so you can be one happy little family?”

  “You wouldn’t be saying that if she was yours, King. You’d be agreeing.”

  My mind jumps to the video of her. They’re not wrong.

  “Does Olivia ever mention anything from her past?”

  Bash answers, “No. We haven’t gone that deep yet. I did tell her my real name though.”

  Razor groans. “Now I’m going to have to tell her mine.”

  That makes me snort. “Good luck with that.”

  Bash says, “Hell, I don’t think I even know your name.”

  “We’re going to keep it like that, too.”

  I press again. “But, nothing else?”

  They both think, shaking their heads.

  “Why do you ask?” Bash questions.

  “Just wondering.” I move toward the door. “I’m going to make a few phone calls and get our spot secured for the rally.”

  But what I’m really going to do is see if I can turn up anything on Olivia, like how she came to sell herself on a fucking website.

  I don’t like to brag, but I’m good at my job. So, it really pisses me off when I can’t get something done. Something that should be fucking easy.

  “I’m sorry,” Juliet says in a low tone. “I’ve tried, but there’s a special restriction on the file. Looks like it’s been there for a while, too.”

  I let out a frustrated sigh. “Why would there be a restriction on the file?”

  “It must be because of the person’s age at the time of the occurrence. She was only sixteen. Still a minor.”

  “Okay. Fine. Who would restrict the file?”

  There’s typing in the background. And then it stops.

  “The FBI.”

  God. Damn. It.

  “And there’s no way around it?”

  “Not without losing my job, which I can’t afford to do.”

  “I wouldn’t ask you to do that, Juliet. Thanks for looking into it. Maybe one of my boys can get past the restriction.”

  “Good luck. Just make sure you don’t trigger the security tracker on the file.”

  “What does that look like?”

  “I’ll have to show you. It’s a sequence of code that shows up around the file. Check your phone in five.”

  “Thanks, Juliet.”

  She chuckles. “Anything for you, King.”

  I end the call and wait for her text message to come through. Why is Olivia’s file locked down by the fucking FBI? My phone beeps and I look at the text.


  I’ve seen this code before. From the fuckers who hacked the security system at the club. Standing, I grab my phone and keys. It’s time to tell Saint what I’ve discovered.

  When I leave my room I literally run into Olivia. She’s looking at her phone with a grin on her face.

  “Oh, hey King.”

  “Hey. What’s the smile for?”

  She turns the phone so I can see. “Bash sent me the sweetest text message.”

  It’s a gif of teddy bear holding a heart with flashing kisses around it.

  “Yeah, he’s a real Don Juan.” I pause. “Can I ask you something?”


  “You don’t mention your past very much. Are your folks still around?”

  She actually looks like she’s in physical pain.

  “No. They’re both dead. Why?”

  “Just curious.”

  “What about you?”

  “My old man is gone, but my mom’s alive.”

  “I heard she used to be one of the club whores.”

  I’m not surprised she’s heard this. My mother’s job has come up more than once since I’ve been alive, and I’ve had to defend her just as many times.

  I nod. “Yeah. One of the originals, next to Mama Bear.”

  “I bet that was interesting growing up.”

  “Not really. Just meant I saw things before most kids my age.”

  Something flickers across her f

  I go on, “You can relate, right?”

  “Yeah. I guess so.” She glances at her phone. “I have to run. I’m supposed to meet a classmate to help him study for a math test.”

  When she’s gone, I pull my phone out again and send a text to Juliet. I’ve been looking at this all wrong. I need to start with her parents and see where that takes me. But, until I get that information, I need to focus on why in the fuck the FBI hacked into our security system.



  I’m waiting on my porch when King arrives early in the afternoon. He looks around, whistling.

  “You’ve been busy.”

  I had to do something to keep my fucking mind off Olivia.

  “I’ve let things get away from me here. It still needs a lot of work.”

  The plantation-style mansion has been in my family for more than two hundred years. During the Civil War, my ancestors let the Union soldiers use it as a base. With access to the Savannah River, it was a game changer. It doesn’t make up for what others in my family did, but, I like to think it helped a little. After the war, my family used the house as a hospital, helping the wounded.

  When my great-grandfather inherited it, he used the land to grow flowers to sell, saying no sin would ever occur on our soil again. My grandfather took it one step further and planted acre after acre of peach trees. In fact, our farm is one of the biggest producing fruit orchards in the state. My father never had any interest in the family business, which is why the house sat empty for years.

  In retrospect, I’m glad he didn’t use the house as the club’s headquarters. It wouldn’t have lasted with all the bikers coming and going. When I inherited it, I was young and foolish. I didn’t see the need for a place like this. Now, I do.

  We move past the construction crew, who are replacing the rotten wood on the porch, and go inside.

  “Holy fuck, it’s humid in here.”

  “Stop being a little bitch, King. The AC’s not working.”

  Among a long list of other things.

  I lead the way past several holes in the floor to the office. It, thankfully, isn’t in shambles.

  “Is this where you’ve been sleeping?”

  He’s looking at the folded sheet on the back of the couch.

  “Yeah. It’s not bad in here at night. There’s a nice breeze off the river, and, if the wind is right, I can smell the salt off the ocean.”

  I go to the massive desk that’s been here for as long as I can remember and sit in the leather chair. King takes the seat across from me.

  “I have some news and I’m not sure how you want to proceed.”

  “What is it?”

  “Do want the long version or the short one?”

  “Whichever gets to the point the fastest.”

  He nods. “I tracked the trace left behind from the person who hacked the security system. It leads back to the fucking Feds.”

  “Fuck. Are you sure?”


  I lean back in my chair. “What does this mean for us?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe Psycho and Maniac aren’t the ones to blame.”

  “Or maybe we’ve got two problems instead of one.”

  He nods. “I was thinking the same thing. They might not be working together, but they’re both out to get us.”

  “Did you make our reservations for the rally?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “Do we know if the Oklahoma chapter is still going to be there?”

  “Of course they are.”

  “Reach out to them and see if Emma Webb is going to be there.”

  His eyes light up. “You’re going to talk to her man and see what his thoughts are.”

  “He’s the only former FBI agent we know at the moment.”

  “Think he’ll talk?”

  “I’m hoping Emma can work her magic for us.”

  He leans back in his chair. “Saint, there’s something else we need to talk about.”

  “What is it?”

  “I discovered something the other day and-”

  My phone rings and I glance at the screen.

  “Hold that thought.” I answer my phone, “This is Saint.”

  Jones says, “We have a problem. Can you and your guys be at the warehouse in an hour?”

  He wouldn’t call unless it was an emergency.

  “We’ll be there.” I end the call and stand. “That was Jones. He needs us at the warehouse in an hour.”


  We call Bash and Razor, telling them to meet us at my place. We’re taking my truck, to give us more protection, in case this is some kind of trap. I hate that the thought even crosses my mind, but with everything else happening I have to consider all possibilities.

  Bash and Razor arrive twenty minutes later, gun vests in hand.

  Bash hands me one and says, “The others at the club are on alert. If this goes south, they’re ready to take action.”


  Razor asks, “Any idea what this is about?”


  Which is what worries me.

  We arrive to the warehouse an hour later. Jones stands outside, hands on his hips.

  “The deal is off,” he says before I’ve even gotten out of the truck. “The other party feels it’s too risky.”

  King leans casually against the truck. To anyone else, it would come off as nonchalant, but I know he’s on edge.

  “Too risky? Hell, isn’t that the name of the game we’re all playing?”

  Jones replies, “They’re not going to change their minds. And, they’ve had a better offer.”

  And there it is.

  “From who?”

  “You know I can’t say.”

  King meets my gaze and I nod once. We both know it’s either Maniac or Psycho.

  “Well, I hope the other party realizes this is it. Our club will never do business with them again, and when this deal goes to shit, they can’t come crying back to us. The Devil’s Regents don’t offer second chances.”

  His throat bobs. “Is that a threat?”

  “Call it what you will,” I say. “We know who’s been fucking with us, and if they’re the ones who outbid us, then they’re going to have hell to pay.”

  I go back to the truck, getting in. King is next, and then Bash. Razor stands there, staring down Jones until he leaves.

  Razor gets in the truck, slamming the door. He asks, “We’re all in agreement that Psycho and Maniac are behind this bullshit, right?”

  “We are.”

  “What are we going to do about it?”

  “We’re going to play it cool. See if we hear anything at the rally. Then, we strike. They think they’re pulling a fast one on us, but they’re wrong. They can have the fucking weapons.” I pause. “Make sure the whores know they’re coming, and pick a few of the loyal girls from the strip club, too. We’re going to need all hands on-deck for this.”

  Because I’m going to make the fuckers messing with us pay.


  Jas is at the bar, texting on her phone. I make my way to her, smiling.

  “Hey girl. How’s it going?”

  “Not good. Grizzly just broke up with me.”


  She sighs. “Thank god the rally is coming up. I’ll be able to take my mind off him there.”

  “Is he going to the rally?”

  “Not likely. He’s not a patch holder with the club, so he won’t be invited.”

  I grab a rag and wipe the bar down. “You sure know a lot about this world. I hope to be as knowledgeable as you one day.”

  That makes her snort. “I only know so much because I knew the guys before I started working here.”

  “Stripping, right?” I look her up and down. “I bet you were awesome.”

  “I wasn’t too bad, if I do say so myself.”

  “Were you stripping at the club that Saint owns?”

  “Yeah. I luck
ed out getting a job there. Usually the girls have to audition, but Mama Bear saw me and hired me on the spot.”

  “That’s so awesome.”

  She grins. “We’ll have to go sometime. I think you’d be able to appreciate it.”

  “That sounds fun.” I pause. “How long did you work there before you ended up here?”

  “Maybe six months. Again, Mama Bear was the one who recommended me for the job, even though I didn’t have any bartending experience.”

  “What happened to the last bartender?”

  “She couldn’t hang. Same with the one you replaced. Mama Bear had to fire her.” She lets out a laugh. “Why all the questions?”

  “Just trying to figure everything out.” I look down. “I’m not sure how long I’ll be welcomed here.”

  “You’re dating two of the club officers. I think you’re fine.”

  Her phone goes off and she says, “I’m going to grab this.”

  When she’s gone, I go over everything she said to me. It makes sense that she’s Agent Hill’s other mole. I mean, what are the chances that two bartenders would get canned so Jas and I could have jobs?

  One of the guys flags me down for a beer. I wave at him and grab a bottle and an empty ashtray. It’s scary how well I know these guys.

  As I approach, he says to his tablemate, “There’s no fucking way it’s Psy.”

  “I’m telling you, that’s what I heard. Psy and his brother, Maniac, are trying to take down the Inferno Bastards and our club.”

  Both go silent as I reach the table. I put down the beer and grab the full ashtray.

  “Anything else, boys?”

  “Maybe a few more bottles?”

  “Sure thing.”

  They pick up their conversation when I leave. When I get back, I hear a bit more.

  “-is crazy for not canceling the rally. What if they attack us there?”

  “Then we’ll fuck them up.”

  “I don’t know, man. This is getting too messy for me. I mean, he’s texting members, trying to get them on his side.”

  “Did you tell Saint?”

  “Fuck yeah I did. I’m not going to withhold info from the Prez.”

  I put the bottles down. “Here ya go. Let me know if you need anything.”


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