Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3

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Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3 Page 46

by Sarah Bale

  I didn’t even realize he’d left his room.

  Saint laughs. “I believe you were the one who encouraged me to get my head out of my ass and go get our girl.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. I’m not always right.” But, he’s smiling.

  I ask, “Do you want to eat at the table or in the living room?”

  “I think the recliner might be easier on my back,” he answers as he hobbles to one of the leather recliners.

  It’s obvious how much pain he’s in as he sits.

  “King, is there anything I can get for you? Pain medicine?”

  “A gun,” he jokes back.

  “That’s not funny.”

  “You’re right. Apparently, I have a tendency to use humor to deflect. At least, that’s what the good Dr. Cross says.”

  “You’re seeing her, too?”

  “Agent Hill thought it would be a good idea. I’ll admit, I wasn’t the nicest to her while I was in the hospital, but she did make some good points, especially after I punched Agent Hill.”

  “Wait. You punched Agent Hill. Why?”

  “He pissed me off. I made a vow that I’d punch him for it, so I did. Felt fucking good, but Dr. Cross told me I needed to learn how to handle my anger. Guess she was right. That’s why I bought him a drink when he picked me up. We talked it out and we’re cool now.”

  I shake my head in wonder. “She’s a freaking saint.”

  He says, “To answer your first question, no, I don’t need any pain meds. I’m trying not to take them unless I have to. They make my head foggy, and when I sleep I end up having dreams of things I’d rather forget.”

  “Okay, so no pain meds. Do you want a grilled cheese sandwich or some soup? Or both?”

  “Soup sounds great.”

  We fix our plates and I grab King a bowl of soup, before joining him in the living room and digging in. It’s nice, being here with them. I only wish Bash and Razor were here, too. The thought of Bash makes my heart ache. He’s in this pain because of me. If I hadn’t come into their lives…

  Saint reaches over, putting his hand on my leg. It’s soothing and, at the same time, reminds me that I do belong here, with them. We just need to take care of my father. Once we do that, we’ll be able to move on with our lives.

  King eats about a half of bowl of soup before standing.

  “I’m going to call it a night.”

  “Do you need anything?”

  He points to a spot on his cheek. “Just a kiss right here.”

  I stand and plant a kiss on his cheek. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me, too, babe.”

  He winces as he stands and hobbles away. I didn’t notice it before, but he has a slight limp now.

  I wait until I hear his door shut before asking, “Do you think he’s really okay?”

  “I think he’s a hell of a lot better now than he was a week ago. Being here, with us, is going to be good for him.”

  “I hope so.”

  Saint stands. “I’m going to do the dishes and then work on club business. You good?”

  “Yeah, I’ll see if there’s anything good on TV to watch.”

  I flip through the channels, settling on one of my favorite movies ever, The Harvey Girls. In my opinion, it’s one of Judy Garland’s most underrated films. Settling under a fuzzy blanket, I get lost in the movie.

  I’m about to doze off when Saint lets out a curse, dropping his phone on the table.

  “What is it?”

  “Just club business.”

  Which means he can’t talk about it.

  He surprises me by saying, “Right before you started at the club, our treasurer quit. None of the club members have stepped up to fill the spot and it’s fucking killing us. I just got an email from the bank, asking when rent was going to be paid on one of our businesses.”

  I make my way to the kitchen, where he has a lot of papers spread out.

  “I know this probably goes against some kind of club rule, but I can take a look at the books, if you want. That is kind of what my degree is in.”

  “There’s not a rule, per se.” He rubs his beard as he thinks. “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “No. It might help me get my mind off of…everything.”

  I don’t add that my past is exactly why I chose a degree in accounting. Numbers are safe. And I need all the safety I can get.

  He motions me closer. “Let me get the laptop with everything on it.”

  While he does that, I grab a notebook, pen, and calculator.

  “Do you know if the old treasurer had a system?”

  “I don’t know. Mammoth had some experience working at a bank, which is why he got the spot, but, other than that, I’m not sure.”

  Which doesn’t mean he was good with the books. I don’t mention this, though, because it won’t help. Saint boots up the laptop and clicks on a program. I cringe at the outdated system, but from what I can tell, Mammoth did have a system that seems fairly easy to understand.

  “Do you have any receipts that made it out of the fire?”

  He shakes his head. “Is that going to be a problem?”

  “It’s not the end of the world.” I turn my attention back to the computer. “Let me see what I can do.”

  The funny thing is I get lost in the numbers. At one point, Saint plants a kiss on my cheek as he walks away. Later, he puts a plate of fresh fruit next to me. I work until my eyes burn. Stretching, I look at the clock. Holy crap. It’s already two in the morning. I pad down the hallway to Saint’s room. He’s stretched out in bed, still fully dressed. When I crawl in next to him, he pulls me into the curve of his body. I love how safe I feel in his arms – in all of their arms, really.

  He stirs. “You just getting to bed?”

  “Yeah. I was making a system for the books. I think you’re going to be pleased with the system.”

  “I can tell by the tone of your voice that you’re happy. That’s enough for me.”

  As crazy as it sounds, he’s right. I am happy.

  “It makes me feel a little less nervous about graduating. Like, before, I always wondered if I made the right choice in my degree. Was I doing it as a copout? But after tonight I know I made the right choice.”

  “That’s good. Not going to lie—I’m picturing you in some killer heels, a short skirt, and a calculator right now.”

  “Oh? What am I doing?”

  “Sitting on my lap, showing me how one and one go together.”

  I snort, but he’s given me an idea. “Meet me in the kitchen.”

  “Well, shit. How can I say no to that?”

  He pads from the bedroom and I grab my bag, digging through it. I find what I’m looking for and change.

  Saint’s sitting at the table, waiting for me. When he sees me, he looks me up and down in slow appreciation.

  “Fuck. Me.”

  “Mr. Massacre. Is that really the way you talk to your accountant? No wonder the last one left.”

  He snorts. “Believe me, darlin’, I never talked to him that way. Mammoth got his name honestly.”

  I bite back a grin, keeping in character.

  “Mr. Massacre, let’s get back to business.”

  I walk toward him, my neon green high heels clicking on the hardwood floors as I walk. He watches every step I take with heat in his eyes. I pause when I get to him.

  “Do you mind if I take my jacket off? It’s very warm tonight.”

  “Be my guest.”

  I unbutton my jacket slowly until it falls open. He lets out a strangled gasp when he sees what I’m wearing. The black, strappy bra was a spontaneous online purchase. It’s the sexiest piece of lingerie I’ve ever had and makes me feel sensual as hell. There are two small triangles of lace that barely cover my nipples. What he doesn’t know is that the thong matches.

  I move so I’m standing next to him. He turns, his hot breath hitting my nipple. It buds immediately and part of me hopes he covers it with his mouth.

Mr. Massacre, what we have here is a clear case of things not adding up.”

  He meets my gaze, his eyes on fire. “Is that so, Ms. Mayhem?”

  “Indeed. You can see here where the error occurred.” I reach, brushing my body against him, pointing to my notebook.

  “I’m afraid I’m not very good with numbers. Care to walk me through it?”

  I look around. “But, where will I sit, Mr. Massacre?”

  He scoots back just an inch. “Right here.”

  “Highly inappropriate,” I chide, as I plant myself onto his lap.

  He’s already semi-hard, and I wiggle my bottom.

  “What on earth is that?”

  Hot breath hits my ear. “Just a ruler, Ms. Mayhem.”

  “Oh, very good. I might need it later. You know, to make sure I know what eight inches looks like.”

  “Eight my ass. Try ten.”

  I grin and go on, “Now, this is where I believe your books got off track. One plus one is not three.”


  “No. It’s two, or in some cases, it can be five.”

  “Five,” he muses. “How does that work?”

  “Well, sometimes a single number doesn’t want another single number to add up. Sometimes they need several to be happy.”

  “I see.” He grips the table on each side of me, so I’m caged in his embrace. “That sounds very important.”

  “Oh, it is.”

  I rock my hips against him until he lets out a groan. I’m reminded of when I danced for him at the Purring Pussy, and heat floods my body.

  “Ms. Mayhem, are you feeling well? You’re very warm.”

  His hand slips under my skirt, cupping my mound. This time I rock against his hand.

  “It is warm in here. Perhaps I should take my skirt off, too.”

  “By all means, do whatever makes you comfortable.”

  I stand, facing him. The skirt I’m wearing is held in place by a simple knot. I untie it and let it fall to the floor.

  “Fuck,” he breathes out.

  “Mr. Massacre, you’re looking flushed. Do you need to take some clothes off, too?”

  “Fuck yeah, I do.”

  He stands, kicking his boots off. His shirt is next, followed by his jeans, socks, and boxers. When he’s completely nude, he sits back in the chair, legs spread. His cock is hard and he gives it a few strokes. I’m practically panting watching him handle himself. It’s a sight I honestly don’t think I’ll ever get over seeing.

  “Oh my. I do believe you were right.”


  I straddle his lap, facing him. “Your ruler is definitely ten inches.”

  He grins, making him look so incredibly handsome. It makes me want him even more. I want to drag this out – to toy with him – but I can’t. I need him too much. Reaching between us, I lift my hips, pulling my thong aside, and position him at my opening. Then I impale myself on his massive cock. We both groan at the contact.

  “You feel so fucking good. I swear your pussy is gripping me right now.”

  I rock my hips, unable to stop. Maybe it’s because we’ve been having sex so much lately, but this time everything feels more heightened and intense. In fact, I’m already about to come.

  “Saint,” I moan out, as I shake around him.

  “Mmm. My little girl just couldn’t wait to get off, could she?”

  He cups me roughly through my bra, and my nipples harden to the point that they’re painful. But I fucking love it. I grind myself against him, needing to see him come undone, too. Leaning forward, I kiss him. It’s not a gentle kiss, though. It’s hard and punishing, which is how he makes me feel. He tweaks my nipples and I groan against his lips as another orgasm rips through me. My hands find his hair, where I tug and pull, needing him to see what he does to me.

  We’re thrusting so hard against each other that I know I’ll be bruised, but I don’t fucking care. All that matters is getting him off. Sweat makes his skin slick. Breaking the kiss, I lick his chest and then his nipple. This gets a groan out of him. I give him a wicked grin right before I latch on.

  “Oh. Fuck. Yes.”

  His nails dig into my hips as his thrusts become erratic. I suck harder and he cries out as he comes. We rock blindly against each other as he rides out his pleasure. When I let go of his nipple, he shudders again.

  “Shit. Guess women aren’t the only ones who like that little trick.” He rubs his chest. “Damn.”

  I wiggle my eyebrows. “I’m happy to do it again, Mr. Massacre.”

  “I’ll take you up on it.”

  From down the hall, King calls out, “Please make sure my door is shut next time, so I don’t have to hear that shit. It’s not cool, especially when I can’t join in.”

  That makes me snort. “Sorry, King.”

  Saint says, “Let’s move this math lesson to my room. I’m still not sure I understand how one and one go together.”

  “Oh, there are many variables, Saint. And I plan to show them all to you.”

  We’re both grinning like fools as we go to his room, closing the door behind us.

  As Saint pounces on me, I laugh. “I hope King can’t hear us.”

  “Now my goal is to make sure he does.”

  And god…does he ever.



  The next month flies by in a blur. Thanksgiving comes and goes with no word from Razor and Bash. King and Saint both make a huge deal about me cooking dinner for them on Thanksgiving. I make enough for the bikers who don’t have anywhere to go, and they all seem thankful. It makes me sad that some of them don’t have family or loved ones to spend the holiday with.

  “I’m going to do Christmas up real big,” I tell King in bed one night.

  It really bothered me seeing how many of them didn’t have anywhere to go. The same with the club whores. I want this clubhouse to feel like home and I want us to all be like family.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Once I figure out who’s going to be here, I’ll buy them each a small gift.”

  His hand runs up and down my bare back. “I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.”

  “Do you think Razor and Bash will be back by then?”

  He stills. “Razor wants to come home now. Bash doesn’t. I don’t think Razor is going to leave him behind.”

  It’s been nearly two months and Bash still doesn’t want to come home. I try not to think it’s because of me, but deep down I know it is. Maybe if I offered to leave, he’d change his mind. But I’m not going to do that. I’m tired of running.

  “How was he when you talked to him?”

  Bash and King have been speaking on the phone since King got out of the hospital. At first, King did most of the talking, but slowly Bash began to talk, too. King doesn’t tell me what they discuss, but he did say that Bash has started opening up. That’s a good thing. I just hope it’s enough.

  “He seems to be doing okay. Cracked a joke about Grunge smelling like shit.”

  “Who’s Grunge?”

  “The Prez of the Nevada chapter of the Devil’s Regents.”

  “I wasn’t aware how big the Devil’s Regents is.”

  “There’s a chapter in every state and even up in Canada, though I’ve never met any of them. Maybe one day.” He smiles. “One of the other chapters calls us the Devil’s Nation. Kind of has a nice ring to it.”

  “Do you ever have rallies with just the other chapters?”

  “We haven’t in a long time. Usually, we only get together when there’s something to celebrate, like a new Prez being sworn in, or a wedding, and, even then, it’s only regional.”

  “I bet that’s a sight to see. Well, maybe we’ll all have something to celebrate soon.”

  “I hope so.”

  He rolls over, pulling me on top of him. I can’t deny the surge of heat that pools between my legs. I’ve missed him – and this - but I don’t want him to overexert himself.

  “King, are you sure?”r />
  He looks up at me. “Did I ever tell you what I dreamt about that first night after the fire?”

  I shake my head.

  “You.” He smiles. “I’m sure it was high on pain meds, but I had this dream that you floated into my hospital room, like a fucking angel. You told me it was going to be okay and that we’d be together soon. It was so real that I’d asked my nurse later if you had been there.”


  “I had several dreams like that. Sometimes we’d talk. Sometimes we’d fuck. And sometimes, you’d just smile at me, like you are now.” He cups my cheek. “You’re what got me through this, Liv. You are my own personal savior. You, and my sweet momma.”

  My eyes water. “I’m glad I helped you pull through. When I heard about the fire-”

  My voice breaks, and he kisses me.

  “I’m here, Liv, and I’m not going anywhere.”

  His cock presses into me, and I moan.

  I say, “Tell me if it hurts. We can change positions.”

  “I like the sound of that.”


  My dick is straining to be inside of her. It’s been hell lying next to her night after night and not being able to touch her. But I got the all clear today to fuck my girl’s brains out. And that’s what I’m going to do. She leans forward, brushing her lips against mine in the softest kiss. It fucking lights my body on fire, though, and I moan against her. I wasn’t kidding when I said she got me through. Without her, I would have died.

  She moves, raising herself off my body. Her hand is like fucking magic as she pumps my cock up and down until I’m so hard that it hurts.

  “I want to suck you off, but I need you to be inside of me more.”

  I groan. “We can do a little six-nine later.”

  She grins as she lowers herself slowly onto me. It’s fucking pure bliss as she takes me inch by inch. I exhale loudly when she’s taken all of me in. Fuck. This feels so good. Looking down, I see how well we fit together. And then she fucking moves. I groan, but not in pain. This is pure fucking bliss and I’ll never get enough.

  My fingers dip into her hips as she rocks at a torturously slow pace. When she leans forward to kiss me, her breasts brush against my chest. This time, she’s the one who makes a sound of pleasure. I tweak one of her nipples and she tilts her head back.


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