Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3

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Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3 Page 47

by Sarah Bale

  “Harder,” she whispers.

  I do it again, adding more pressure and she shudders.

  “Yes. Like that.”

  Her skin is flushed, and her nipples are budded, exposing her arousal. I fucking love it. Her pace increases and the sound of our lovemaking fills the room, like a fucking symphony that I want to listen on repeat for the rest of my life. I lean forward, kissing her. My girl always tastes sweet, like fresh fruit, and I lick the inside of her mouth, savoring her. She pants against my lips as she gets closer to her release.

  “Come for me, Liv. Let me see how good I make you feel.”

  It’s a lie, though. She’s the one making me feel so good right now.

  She moans out my name right before she comes. God. I fucking love seeing her find her pleasure. Her head tilts back and her long, red hair brushes the tops of my thighs. Her chest heaves as she tries to catch her breath. But, it’s her eyes I want to see. When she looks at me, it’s enough to send me over, and I come, crying out incoherent words.

  “I love you,” she whispers into my ear. “So much.”

  “I love you, too.”

  My eyes water and I wipe at them as she rolls off of me.


  “I didn’t know if I’d ever get to do that again. Not the sex part, specifically. Just being around you in general.” I sigh. “I told you I don’t have a lot of memories from the ICU. Well, that’s not true. There’s one thing I remember clearly.”

  Something I’ve debated telling her.

  “What is it?”

  “It was during the first week that I was in there, before they put me in the coma. I knew I had to get out of the hospital even before the night someone slipped into my room and tried to kill me.”

  She gasps. “No one told me.”

  “I’m not even sure Saint knows.”

  “Does Agent Hill?”

  “Yeah. That’s when I got guards outside of my room.”

  “I can’t believe he didn’t tell me.”

  “I’m glad he didn’t. Your father was behind the attack. It was a way to lure you out or to kill me, both things he wants.”

  “You’re probably right there.”

  “There was a moment when I was trying to fight off the man when I thought I was going to die.”

  Bits and pieces of my life had flashed before my eyes. My parents. My club brothers. Liv. And all of it was slipping away from me.

  “I had this thought in that moment that I might not see you again. Damn near broke me just thinking about it. Kept thinking about all of the things I never got to tell you and the things I’d miss out on.”

  She’s the one who’s crying now.

  “If I tell you every day for the rest of my life that I love you, it won’t be enough. If I get to hold you in my arms each morning, it won’t be enough. If we get a lifetime together, Liv, it won’t be enough. So, I’ve made a vow to show how much I love you every fucking day until I take my last breath.”

  Her lips brush against mine. “I love you, King.”

  “I love you, too, Liv.”

  I have no fucking idea how long we’ll get together, but I know one thing – Olivia Mayhem is going to know that I, Gideon Kingston, loved her with all of my heart.



  I wake up when King rolls out of bed. He’s grinning from ear to ear as he pads to the bathroom. I decide to join him. I mean, shower sex is the best sex. When I stand, I feel dizzy and have to sit again. Shit. I don’t think I ate very much yesterday, and god knows I burned a lot of calories last night. Shower sex is going to have to wait.

  I go to my room and wash up before walking to the kitchen. Saint is at the table, reading the paper. I lean down, brushing a kiss on his cheek.

  “You look happy.”

  I grin. “I am.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “Have you eaten? I was thinking of making some eggs.”

  He points to the bowl in front of him. “I made some oats. There’s some on the stove if you want them.”

  That actually sounds good, so I grab a bowl and scoop oatmeal into it. When I take a bite, I moan.

  “What did you put in this?”

  “A little bit of orange marmalade and some brown sugar.”

  “It’s so good.”

  Or maybe I’m just that hungry. By the time I finish eating, I’m feeling better. King strolls into the kitchen, whistling under his breath and Saint lets out a laugh.


  Saint answers him. “It’s like seeing a whole different man.”

  “What can I say? Our girl is an angel.”

  Saint smiles at me and replies, “I’m not arguing there.”

  “What’s on the books today?”

  “I need to go by the shop and make sure everything is in order. The parts for my bike are in, so I’d like to start working on it. And we’re getting our first client today. It’s a ’67 Camaro.”

  King whistles. “Damn. Do they know what they want?”

  “Said we could do whatever, as long as the paint stays black.”

  “Shit. I’m ready to go over there now.” His excitement is obvious as his eyes all but sparkle.

  I ask, “Do you mind if I come with you? I don’t have anything else to do, and I’d rather not be cooped up all day.”

  “Of course.” Saint looks at my bare feet. “Put some boots on, though. We’ve got a few Prospects who don’t know how to keep hold of shit.”

  King laughs. “Fuck, I’ve missed this.”

  I change and meet King and Saint in the living room. King is putting his phone away with a frown on his face.

  “Were you talking to Bash?”

  Because that’s the only thing I can think of that would make him look that way. Well, that or my father.

  “It was Razor. Said Bash had a bad night.”

  A bad night? What does that mean?

  Before I can ask, King says, “Let’s go to the shop. I’m ready to hit some shit with a hammer.”

  Outside, the morning air is cool, but I love it. Late fall and winter is one of the only times of year that the humidity isn’t off the charts in Georgia. Don’t get me wrong—I love summer, but there’s something magical about this time of year. Saint holds the door open for me, and I walk into the shop. There are several of the guys working on different things.

  Saint calls out, “I’ll be over there in a few. Don’t start on my bike without me.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” someone answers.

  Saint says to me, “You can chill in the office. The internet is working, so you can get online.”

  King pulls his shirt over his head, tossing it onto a worktable. “Or you can watch your sexy men through the window.”

  “That sounds like a winner to me.”

  When I’m seated at Saint’s desk, they close the door and get to work. This room smells like Saint and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The feeling goes away when I move the mouse on the computer, waking it. At some point Saint has tried to set up books for the new shop and it’s a fucking mess. But, it gives me something to do.

  “Saint Massacre, you ought to be glad I love your ass,” I mutter as I get to work.

  The day flies by as I set up the books for the shop. I even start building a new website, because the one Saint was using was a joke. I’m pretty sure a middle schooler could have done better. Honest to god, I’ve never seen so many flashing clipart images in my life.

  Saint pokes his head in around noon. “Want some pizza?”

  “No, thanks. I’m in the middle of something.”

  He comes closer and laughs. “I see you discovered the shitty website.”

  “After I saw your shitty books. Really, just let me handle all of it.”

  He throws his head back, laughing even louder. “I know that’s right. I swear I won’t touch them again.”

  “Good. Now get out of here so I can finish this website before you run off another custo

  He’s grinning as he leaves.

  King comes in a few hours later and puts a bowl of fruit in front of me. “Eat.”

  “Thanks, love.”

  He plants a wet kiss on my cheek, going back into the shop. By dinner, I’m starving, but the website is finished, and Saint’s already received an email asking about custom work on a bike.

  I peek my head out the door and say, “Saint. King. Come here when you’re done.”

  They come in smelling like sweat and grease. It’s a soothing scent and also kind of turns me on.

  Saint asks, “What’s up?”

  “Take a look at your website.”

  I move out of the way so Saint can sit at his desk. King hovers over him as they navigate the site. Both seem impressed, which makes me grin. My phone dings and glance at the screen. There’s a message request on my university email address, so I open it.

  Holy fucking shit. It’s from Chase.

  Glancing over, I see Saint and King are still looking at the website, so I open the message.


  I’m so sorry for everything that happened. I would really like to meet up and talk about it. You pick the time and place and I’ll be there. My only request is that your boyfriends don’t sit with us. This needs to be between the two of us and there are things we need to discuss. Things only you and I would understand.


  “Liv, what is it?” Saint asks.

  I hold up my phone. “Chase just sent me an email.”

  From my peripheral vision, I can see them getting pissed as I read his message out loud. When I’m finished, they both talk at the same time.

  “No fucking way. You’re not going.”

  “That motherfucker apparently needs another ass beating.”

  “I think I should go.”

  They both freeze.

  Saint’s voice is low as he asks, “And why is that?”

  “We killed his roommate. I’m sure that’s got to be eating him up.”

  King snorts. “He’s lucky to even be alive.”

  “I know that, and I’m sure he does, too.”

  “What could he possibly have to say to you that’s so important?” Saint’s voice is laced with steel.

  God, he’s sexy when he’s mad, but now is not the time to mention it. Also, how can I be this horny when I’m getting banged more than I’ve ever been banged in my life? Shoving my nasty thoughts aside, I answer him.

  “Maybe we should ask Agent Hill. See what he thinks.”

  He surprises me by agreeing. “Maybe we should.”

  I type out the message and send it before he can change his mind.

  Me: Chase just reached out and wants to talk. The guys think it’s a bad idea, but I think I should go. Thoughts?

  Agent Hill: It’s not a bad idea.

  Me: Would you like to tell them, or should I? They’re looking pretty mean right now.

  Agent Hill: I’m actually on my way out there.

  Me: Why?

  He doesn’t respond and I drop my phone. Fuck. Nothing happens by chance. Chase didn’t reach out today out of the blue. This has to do with my father.

  “Agent Hill thinks it’s a good idea.”

  King makes a sound. “Tell him I’m going to punch him again.”

  “You can tell him yourself. He’s on his way here as we speak.”

  Saint and King glance at each other, thinking the same thing I am – this is bad.

  Forcing a smile on my face, I say, “I’m going to make some tea. I have a feeling we’re going to need it.”

  If anything, it will help my now uneasy stomach. I head back to the clubhouse, going to our rooms. Then, and only then, do I let myself think the unthinkable. My father is back and Agent Hill knows.

  I’m about to pay dearly for all the happiness I’ve felt.


  King and I watch as Liv walks away. It fucking kills me, because she has to know this isn’t a coincidence.

  “Should I go after her?”

  I shake my head. “Give her some time. She’s going to know what this means.”

  “Has he said anything to you?”

  “Last I heard he was in Florida, looking for Liv’s father. He must have found something though. Otherwise he wouldn’t risk coming out here.”

  King sits in the chair at my desk. “The kid reaching out to her means something, too. I don’t want her to go, Saint. My gut says it’s a trap.”

  “Mine, too.” My phone dings and I glance at it. “Agent Hill is almost here.”

  As we head toward the clubhouse King asks, “Do you think there’s something going on with Agent Hill and Dr. Cross?”

  “Haven’t thought about it. Why?”

  “He was leaving her office when I went for my appointment. When I went inside, her hair was messed up, like they’d been fucking around.”

  That makes me snort. “Can’t picture him as the type to go for a nooner, but stranger things have happened.”

  Like me and my club officers falling for the same woman.

  We reach the front of the clubhouse as Agent Hill arrives. His expression is grim as he steps from the car.

  “Afternoon,” he says as he joins us on the porch. “How’s Olivia?”

  “Stressing out,” I answer.

  “She’s smart. I figured it was best to get over here and cut the bullshit.”

  “Is he back?”

  “We can talk about it inside.”

  It pisses me off that he won’t say, but I guess he’s right. I’d do the same if it were me. It’s easier to say something once, instead of repeating it over and over. Hell, that’s one of the reasons the club has Church.

  Liv is waiting for us at the dining room table.

  “I made you a glass of sweet tea,” she says to Agent Hill.

  He takes a sip. “Thank you. This is just what I needed.”

  We’re silent for a moment. I don’t think any of us want to ask. But my girl is fucking brave as hell and puts her glass down.

  She closes her eyes. “Is he back?”


  The air sucks from the room. Even though I knew it was coming, seeing Liv’s reaction kills me. She looks like she’s physically been hit.

  “He was seen in Baxley.”

  Liv leans forward, putting her head between her knees. She rocks back and forth, muttering something to herself.

  “I don’t understand,” King says. “Baxley is an hour and a half away from here.”

  “Baxley is where Olivia grew up,” Agent Hill answers.


  “What was he doing there?”

  Agent Hill shoots a look at Olivia before answering King. “He was seen standing in front of the duplex he used to live in. A local officer tried to stop him, but he took off. Today, we received a report that he was seen around Savannah.”

  Olivia lets out a moan as she looks at Agent Hill. “What do I do?”

  He pats her leg, as a father would. “I don’t have an easy answer. You mentioned that your friend wanted to meet. Did he say where?”

  “He said I could pick the restaurant.”

  He nods. “Okay. So, we can all agree that he’s probably been in contact with Olivia’s father. He’s trying to make it seems as if this is a casual encounter by suggesting that she picks the location.”

  King says, “But the punk-ass kid will tell her father where they’re meeting.”

  “Yes, I believe he will, but if we do this right, then nothing will happen to Olivia.”

  She looks at me. Even through the dread, I see a fucking fearless woman staring back at me.

  She asks, “Are there any restaurants that you can think of that would be easy to watch?”

  He names a few. Ironically, one of them is the place she met Chase at last time. She picks one that the furthest away from the clubhouse. I don’t know if she’s done it on purpose, but I can’t object. The further Chase is from our compound, the less chances of
Olivia’s father finding it.

  I say, “I still don’t like this.”

  Liv looks at me. “I don’t either, but I want this to be over.”

  Agent Hill agrees. “He’s getting bold. He’s going to make a mistake. And we’re going to get him.”

  What the good agent doesn’t know is me and my boys are going to get him first. When we’re done with him, there’s not going to be anything left for the Feds. As much as I don’t like using Liv as bait, I think it might be the best way to smoke out her piece-of-shit father.

  “What’s the plan?”



  I go to my room after Agent Hill leaves and immediately call Dr. Cross.

  “Is there any way I can see you today? I know it’s late and short notice, but I need to talk.”

  “Of course. You can come right now if you’re free.”

  Grabbing my purse, I go to the living room where King and Saint are talking.

  “Can one of you take me to see Dr. Cross?”

  Both of them look pained, as if they know why I need to talk to her.

  King stands. “Let’s go.”

  He surprises me by going to his bike. As far as I know, he hasn’t ridden since the fire. I grin as I put on my helmet. When we take off, I tilt my head and close my eyes. It’s amazing how free I feel on a bike. I can’t imagine what it must feel like to be the one driving. Maybe one day I’ll have my own.

  We drive down different roads, taking turn after turn until I feel dizzy. Finally, we arrive to Dr. Cross’ office. She’s waiting at the back door with a smile on her face.

  King calls out, “You were right, Doc. Getting back on my bike was a good thing.”

  “I’m glad, King.”

  “I’ll be back in an hour.”

  We walk inside and I hear the motorcycle rev as he leaves. It makes me so happy that he’s riding again, and apparently, it’s because of Dr. Cross.

  In her office, I say, “Thank you for whatever you did that got him back on his bike.”


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