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Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3

Page 58

by Sarah Bale

  We leave the compound and my heart drops. No one is going to save me.

  “Bet you’re wondering how I got in,” my father says from the front seat. “You’re going to be shocked when you find out.”

  The man in the front reaches for a cell phone and speaks softly into it before saying, “It’s done.”

  Oh god… what’s done?

  My father turns, smiling and I want to scream.

  “Better settle back, Livi. We’ve got a long drive ahead.” He then says to the two men next to me, “Keep your hands off her until I say it’s okay.”

  My heart pounds. No! I won’t let them touch me. I’m not the same person I was six years ago. If they touch me, I’ll bite off their fucking dicks!

  We drive, taking turn after turn. For a split second I wonder if he’s taking me to Baxley. It would be something he’d do to get a reaction out of me. But then the SUV comes to a stop. We haven’t driven long enough to be that far out of Savannah. So where in the hell are we?

  “Put the blindfold on her.”

  Before I can even protest, my eyes are covered, and I’m pushed out of the SUV. One of the guys holds onto my arm so tightly that I’m certain it’ll bruise. The scent of fish wafts toward me and I try not to gag. In the distance, I can hear a buoy chiming as it rocks on the water. We have to be near the river or close to the ocean. Why in the hell would he bring me here?

  I stumble as we cross a threshold. An entirely different scent assaults my nose. Holy mother of god. What is that terrible smell. It almost smells like-

  The blindfold is ripped from my head and I find myself staring at a pile of dead bodies. I turn my head, trying to block the gruesome image, but the fucking smell is still there to remind me.

  My father goes to the pile, lifting one of the hands. “Ah. Sorry about the mess. This isn’t like good old Baxley where I could just bury the body or drop it off at one of the pig farms. Luckily, the fish don’t seem to mind a little bit of decay. Just have to time it right so no one sees.” He waves the hand at me. “Say hi, Livi.”

  “You’re a psycho.”

  He crosses the room and grabs my chin with the same hand he used to touch the body. I gag and try to pull away.

  “It seems like you’ve forgotten who I am and what I’m capable of.”

  He pulls my arm—yes, the one he broke twice all those years ago, and leads me down a dark hallway that smells like mildew. At least it’s not the scent of fucking death. As we pass one of the closed doors, my father hits it. Inside, a woman cries out, as if she’s been trained to fear the sound.

  “That is a special project. If you survive the night, I’ll tell you all about it.”

  I’m saved from replying as he pushes me through the only open doorway. Stumbling, I bump into a table. And then I see him. Agent Hill! And he’s not moving. Like, at all.

  “Oh my god.”

  I rush to his side, giving him a gentle shake. He doesn’t wake up and my chest tightens. Hell, I can’t even tell if he’s breathing.

  “Did you kill him?”

  “Not yet. I want him to watch something first, since he’s so interested in my business.”

  Bile burns a path up my throat.

  “You’re sick.”

  “That’s the second time you’ve said something bad about me. Don’t say something you’re going to regret, Livi, or I’ll have to make sure you’re docile when I make my grand reveal.”

  My entire body shakes, but I manage not to respond to him. If I do, he’ll whip out a syringe and shoot me up. It’s what he used to do back then, and I have no doubt that he’ll do it now. My hand moves to my stomach. It’s not just me anymore.

  “I can tell you’re intrigued by the grand reveal. Let me tell you something, I worked so hard to make it happen. You won’t believe it when you see it.”

  He’s scaring me more than he ever has before. The unhinged look in his eyes lets me know whatever he has planned is bad.

  “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  He makes a sound. “No.”

  “Fine. But you’re about to have an accident all over the floor.”

  He points to Agent Hill. “He’s already pissed his pants. Besides, the bathroom is being occupied right now, and you aren’t allowed to see what’s in there. Yet.” He tips my chin. “Be a good girl and hold it.”

  He doesn’t know about the baby. Relief and fear surge through me. If he knew, he’d be raging right now, using it against me. But he hasn’t. My bladder is full, but I’m going to hold it for as long as I can. Because if he gets it in his head to take my shorts off, he’ll put two and two together.

  I nod and go to one of the metal chairs. There are ten in total. Who are the rest for? I know my father – this isn’t by chance.

  My father taps one of the chairs. “I see you’ve realized we’re about to have company. We’re just waiting on our last guest and then we’ll get started.”

  I have to know. “Why now? You’ve been gone for six years.”

  “All in good time, Livi, but, for now, let’s get some cuffs on you. Don’t want you to get any bright ideas.”

  I close my eyes, willing myself not to cry. I’m not the same girl I was back then. I’m stronger than this. He can’t hurt me. Except, he can. I know it. He knows it. He puts the cuffs on my wrists, making me completely at his mercy. A place I’d rather not be.

  “Get comfortable, Livi. It’s going to be a long night.”

  I’d like to say this is the first time I’ve been cuffed to a chair and told to sleep, but it’s not. The fucked up thing is that I must fall asleep, because I’m jolted awake when someone cries out.

  Agent Hill is awake, terror in his eyes as he looks at me. I give him a small smile, letting him know that I’m fine. Mostly.

  My father glances at his phone. “Ah. Good. We’re about to start. Agent Hill, you’re going to want to stay awake for this part.”

  Two men come in with Saint between them. He’s been knocked out or drugged because he doesn’t even try to fight them. They dump him in the chair, handcuffing his arms behind him. My father watches with an evil grin on his face. Suddenly, I realize who the other chairs are for – well, at least three of them.

  My worst fear is confirmed when King is brought in next, his leg dragging unnaturally behind him, as if it’s broken. He’s out, too, but stirs when they shackle him to the chair. His eyes are frantic as he looks around. When he sees me, he lurches, but the men must have anticipated it, because they shove him back and punch him in the gut for good measure.

  He makes a sound of pain that dies off as Bash and Razor are carried in. Bash isn’t moving, and Razor has a gash above his eye. My eyes water. How in the fuck did my father get them?

  Agent Hill asks, “Who are the other chairs for?”

  “Wait and see.”

  A man stumbles into the room and is pushed into the chair next to Saint. I don’t recognize him, but his cut has a MC logo on it, which is basically a calling card for those who know what they’re looking for. He’s the Prez of the Inferno Bastards. I think back to Saint talking about the other group. Crow? Is that his name? He moves and I see a tattoo of a crow with a bleeding heart in its claws, confirming my guess.

  King rasps out, “Why is he here? He has nothing to do with this.”

  “Ah, but you’re wrong. Hold on. We’re still waiting on a few more guests.”

  A man goes to my father’s side, whispering something to him.

  “Excellent. Bring her in.”


  Who could it be?

  The last person in the fucking world that I expect is hauled into the room.

  “Jas!” I cry out.

  She looks at me, but I’m not sure she even sees me. Her head tilts to the side, as if she’s having a hard time holding it upright.

  “What did you do to her?”

  “Had to make sure she was ready to go.”

  His answer scares the shit out of me. Ready to go? As in literall
y go somewhere, or because they’re about to use her? Because I know the look in her eyes. She’s been shot up with my father’s favorite drug. Again.

  Oh fuck.

  He goes on, “I’ll be back in a bit. Give everyone time to wake up. I think you’ll get the answers that you’re looking for and you can meet the last two guests. And then I’ll get what I want.”

  He’s looking at me as he says the last bit and my skin crawls.

  When he’s gone, King whispers, “Are you hurt?”

  “No. Are you?”

  He winces as he nods toward leg. “I’ll live.”

  Maybe. I don’t know how keeping them alive benefits my father.

  Agent Hill says, “I was going to my house when someone came up behind me. Didn’t even see it coming.”

  I think he’s in shock.

  Saint stirs and I say his name.

  His eyes open. “No!”

  His moan makes my heart ache.

  “Saint, this isn’t your fault.”

  “It is.” He looks around, seeing the others. “God, not this.”

  Bash lets out a deep groan as he comes to. When he sees Jas next to him, he curses.

  “Why does he have her? What part does she play?”

  I wish I could go to her right now and see if she’s okay. I test the handcuffs. They don’t give, but the bar on the chair that they’re woven through wiggles just a bit. I try again, harder. And again. I do this until my wrists bleed.

  The ones who are awake seem to have the same idea. Saint pulls on his cuffs so hard that his muscles bulge. If he can’t get out of his, there’s no chance for me. Defeated, I sit back.

  Agent Hill says, “We’ve got to get out of here.”

  “No shit, Sherlock,” Saint snaps back.

  King groans as he moves. “I’m certain my leg’s broken.” He looks me right in the eyes. “If you can, run. Don’t worry about me.”

  I shake my head. “I can’t leave you behind. Any of you.”

  Bash whispers, “You have to, Liv. If something happens to you, we’re all dead anyway.”

  Razor, who’s come to, adds, “It’s not just you that you have to think of.”

  The baby.

  Tears trickle down my cheeks. They’re saying goodbye to me. which means they’re going to do whatever it takes to get me out of here. Even if that means dying.

  I want to scream and protest, but I don’t get the chance because my father comes back at that moment.

  His gaze lands on Crow. “Fucking pussy.” He turns to one of his men. “Go get the antidote.”


  My father smiles at me. “That’s right, Livi. Had to make an antidote after we saw what it did to you. I mean, it’s bad business if the customer dies.”

  I glare at him. “Too bad for you that I didn’t die.”


  The man comes back in with a syringe. My father shoves it into Crow’s arm, and Crow thrashes as he comes to. His eyes are wild, and his breaths come out in short pants as he looks around.

  My father says, “Still tweaking the formula a bit. Can’t seem to get rid of the rapid heartbeat.”

  He doesn’t have Jas injected, which scares me. Why doesn’t he want her awake?

  Agent Hill must be thinking the same thing because he says, “You better not hurt either of these girls. They’ve been through enough.”

  “No. They haven’t. Both of these bitches have ruined my life, in one way or another. And tonight, they pay.” He looks around. “You’re all going to pay.”

  A guy I haven’t seen before comes in and gives my father a thumbs up. Shit.

  “Ah. Looks like our last guest is here.” He turns to the man. “Get the girl from the bathroom.”

  My stomach sinks. The girl from the bathroom? Is that why he wouldn’t let me go in there? I hear a pained moan as someone is brought in. And then I see her – my sweet friend, Lucy. Only this version of Lucy is a ghost of the woman she used to be. She’s naked - dirt and god knows what else covering her skin. She meets my gaze and I’m shocked to see that she’s not drugged. Maybe she doesn’t have to be sedated at this point. Maybe she’s learned how to take what’s happening to her without complaining. Or maybe she’s waiting for a moment to escape, like we are.

  My father puts his arm over her shoulder, gripping her breast crudely. I’m not sure if she whimpers or if I do.

  “Lucy here has been so much fun to get to know. She’s not as skilled in the bedroom as you are, Livi, but she’s learning.”

  Lucy’s eyes water as she tries to cover herself. My father slaps her hand down.

  “No, let them get a look.” He lifts her left hand. “Notice anything?”

  Her pinkie finger is missing. My throat burns as I fight the pain that he’s trying to cause.

  “She screamed for hours after I did it. Told her it could be worse, but thankfully Livi was good and opened the envelope when I told her to.” He leans forward and gives me a conspiratorial grin. “Want to know how I found you?”

  When I don’t answer he shoves Lucy aside and crosses the room, grabbing my hair, pulling.

  “I think you know better than to not answer me.”

  Part of me wants to piss him off, but then I see my guys pleading for me to just go along with my father, so he won’t hurt me.

  I spit out. “How did you find me?”

  “Good girl.” He goes back to Lucy, lifting her hand. “After I cut off her finger, I inserted a tracking device. I knew once you got the envelope that you would run to your bikers. I wasn’t counting on you going right to their compound. So, bravo to you for that. You saved me a lot of stalking work.”

  My stomach heaves. No! He found me because of my own ignorance? I should have known better!

  He gives me a sympathetic smile. “Don’t beat yourself up too much. I was going to find you no matter what.”

  That much I believe.

  “Now. Let’s get this party going. There’s a lot happening, and the night is still young.” He calls out to one of his men, “Bring in the last guest.”

  The door opens and a man comes in with a woman I’ve never seen before. She’s young – close to my age – and she’s one hundred percent aware of what’s happening around her. My father puts his arm around her shoulder, licking her cheek.

  Agent Hill lets out a guttural scream. The woman looks at him and then I see it – She has his eyes. It’s his daughter.

  “Let her go!” Agent Hill yells.

  “I don’t think so. Not after I went through the trouble of getting her.” He shoves his hand down the front of her shorts, and she cries out as his hand moves. “And definitely not after I found out that she’s still a virgin. I mean, how in the hell does that happen in this day and age, especially after the incident she had a few years ago?”

  He winks at me as he continues to violate her. Agent Hill thrashes so hard that he falls over sideways. My father only laughs.

  “Careful, Agent. If you keep this up, I’ll strip her down and fuck her right here in front of you.”

  “Agent Hill,” I whisper. “Listen to him.”

  Because I know my father. He’s not bluffing. He’d rape this girl in front of her dad just to make a point.

  “Why do you have these girls?” King asks. “What purpose does it serve?”

  “Ah. Now we’re getting somewhere.”

  He pulls his hands from her pants, and she sags in relief. It’s short lived, though, because a group of men enter. They’re all dressed in black suits and look like they’d rather kill you than speak to you. Agent Hill screams out as one of the men pulls his daughter into his arms.

  “I see the Special Agent knows who these men are. Anyone else?”

  Crow answers. “They’re Russians.”

  “Very good. Anything else?”

  Crow looks pained as he says, “They’re involved with trafficking.”

  “Ding. Ding. Ding. That’s the right answer. The seven of you are abou
t to witness something rarely seen - a sale being made.” He turns to Agent Hill. “Say goodbye to your daughter, Agent. She’s the first to leave us tonight and made me the most money. All because her sweet cherry is still intact.”



  I think I’ve gone into shock. Agent Hill is screaming. His daughter is crying, begging for her life. My father laughs. But to me, it sounds like I’m at the end of a tunnel, listening from far away. I blink and then I hear it all in real time.


  “Dad! Don’t let them take me! No!”

  She tries in vain to fight back. One of the men whips out a syringe and shoves it into her arm. She stills almost immediately. Agent Hill rages as she’s dragged away.

  My father grins. “That one was a bonus find. She wasn’t a part of the original plan, but when I found out that she was visiting dear old dad for the holidays, I knew I had to make an exception. Now, onto Ms. Lucy.”

  A man grabs her, and she doesn’t even try to fight him.

  “She’s a bit damaged now, with the missing finger and all, but I’m sure she’ll make some man very happy.”

  I watch in horror as my best friend is taken.

  “Last, but not least, we have this whore.” He goes to Jas, running his fingers through her matted hair. “Took a while to find her, but was well worth the effort, if you ask me.”

  “Why? Why go through all of the trouble?”

  “To make you pay, Livi. To show you that I will always have the upper hand.” He goes on, “This bitch right here is part of the reason my plan failed. She’s also how I found you.”

  Two men carry her away, and I cry. No! This can’t be happening.

  My father sits in Jas’s vacated seat. “Now. Let’s get on with this show. I’m guessing you want answers, so I’ll give them to you. And then I’m going to kill each and every man in this room.”

  But not me.

  Because my fate is going to be far worse.


  My fucking wrists are raw from trying to get out of these cuffs. I have to stop this. I have to protect Liv and our baby. My heart lurches. The baby she doesn’t even think I’m excited to have… because I was too fucking scared to tell her how I felt. Fuck.


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