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Page 6

by Devin Auspland

  The man clasped his hands together. “Good >>click<<. Corruption is formed when your body rejects essence and that typically only happens when you’re absorbing essence that your body isn’t used to >>click<<. You must have been absorbing too much of the earth essence around us before.”

  This would explain why I normally feel more comfortable absorbing essence when I’m in the rain. “Thank you. This makes a lot of sense.”

  Nodding the man said, “You’re welcome. Happy to help someone in need >>click<<. Now if you perfect your absorption technique, or get a new one, you will rank up in no time. Congratulations on beginner one by the way.”

  Zach’s eyes went wide. He searched inside himself and could feel the increase in his rank. It was enough to bring a tear to his eye. Facing the stranger he spoke between choked breaths. “Thank you. I’ve been at beginner zero for so long. I joined the adventurer’s guild a few years ago and haven’t ranked up once. You’ve taught me more in the past half hour than the guild ever has. How can I repay you?”

  The man was taken aback, unsure how to respond. “Um…” He glanced at the bread and jam sitting on the ground and his stomach rumbled. Zach shoved the food toward him and told him to take all of it. “No, I couldn’t >>click<<. How about we break bread together?”

  Zach smiled and broke the bread in half. “It’s a deal.” Slathering half of the loaf in jam, he handed the container to his new friend.

  “Thank you >>click<<.” He took the jam and spread it across his half of the loaf. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, >>click<< but I thought the guild gave all its members training and essence techniques.”

  Taking a swig of his water, Zach answered. “I don’t mind. The guild does have incredible benefits like training, access to quests and new essence absorption techniques, but a lot of it is locked behind a rank barrier. New members below the intermediate ranks aren’t given much of anything. It’s the guild’s way of weeding out the weak. Most people below the intermediate ranks die during questing and so the guild doesn’t waste their money and time on training them or giving them flashy techniques. It also helps to prevent people from joining the guild just to gain strength and then quitting. Power is earned, not given.”

  “I see.” The man spoke between bites.

  Extending a hand in greeting, Zach introduced himself. “Sorry for not doing this sooner. My name is Zach and it's a pleasure to meet you.”

  The man nodded and spoke without grabbing Zach’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Zach >>click<<. My name is Droknal.”

  “Droknal? That's an interesting name. Does it have a meaning or something?” The man started to answer Zach but was cut off by a shout.

  “Hey bug-boy! Better stand up before someone STOMPS on you.” A burly individual carrying a bat walked up to the pair, bat being a generous term for the thick board the man held in his hands. Flanking him were two tall and lanky individuals wearing leather armor with a hilt at their sides.

  Droknal stood and put his palms up in a surrendering gesture. “I mean you no harm >>click<<.”

  “>>click<< >>click<< >>click<<” The man imitated Droknal’s clicking and his two companions quickly joined in with their own mocking tone. “Don’t you ever get sick of hearing that stupid ass sound?” The man was stumbling closer, almost falling several times.

  Zach stood up and got between the group and Droknal. “Listen. He said he didn’t want any trouble and I can smell the booze on you. Why don’t you all turn around and go back to the road?”

  The men all laughed again. “You don’t know, do you? You're standing there defending one of them? He’s a fucking Anthronoid. His people lost the war, remember? That gives us the right to do whatever the fuck we want to him.” Zach turned to examine Droknal, and the man took advantage of the opening. He charged forward and ripped the cloak from Droknal before Zach could wrestle him away. After tumbling to the ground with the drunk, Zach turned around and saw Droknal’s body and face for the first time.

  Each foot was split into two large clawed toes that lead to brown tinted carapace covered legs. Straps of ripped cloth covered his lower half, his chest and arms being bare of any clothing. He was slim in appearance but his chest had multiple rows of hard chitin. Two sets of arms were protruding from his body. A larger set was located where a human’s would be and a smaller set was positioned halfway between his waist and neck. His head reminded Zach of a lizard. It was proportionate to the rest of his body but was more triangular in shape with large jet-black eyes covering a third of its surface with two additional much smaller eyes on either side for six in total. His mouth had two large claws that moved in and out as he breathed.

  “I’m sorry >>click<<.” Droknal felt shamed and turned his head away from Zach, who now knew where the clicking noise was coming from. When Droknal spoke, the claws on his mouth scraped and sometimes hit against the hard exterior of his face to produce the noise.

  “Haha. You think he would have shared food with you if he knew what you were? You stupid piece of shit. You ruined his food.” The man stood and tightened the grip on his weapon. “Time to take out the trash!” He swung full force at Droknal, who didn’t attempt to dodge or block the strike.

  Before the man’s bat could make contact with Droknal’s head, a sword sliced the bat in half. Everyone turned slightly to see Zach standing with his blade leveled at the drunk’s neck. “That's enough!”

  “You would defend this ant! You know what his people did, don’t you!?” The man shouted in anger and his companions drew their swords.

  Zach pulled his necklace out from his shirt with his free hand and held it up for everyone to see. “Unless you want to cross the adventurer's guild, I recommend you walk away, now!” Silence reigned over them and the air stood still. Oh, please walk away. Pleeeeeease walk away.

  After a long moment, the man scoffed and dropped the rest of his broken weapon before turning and walking away. He muttered under his breath as he left, “You’re not worth it, scum.”

  When the men were nothing more than specks in the distance, Zach sheathed his sword and fell to his knees drenched in sweat. “Oh, thank goodness. I’m pretty sure they would have destroyed me.” He began chuckling.

  Droknal’s expression was a mixture of confusion and amusement. “You're not serious, right? You could have beaten them >>click<<.”

  Zach wiped sweat from his brow. “Probably not. I’m not great with my sword and I don’t have any essence based abilities.” He looked back at Droknal as he stood. “With you helping me, maybe we stood a chance.” Droknal’s eyes went wide. “Haha. Why didn’t you defend yourself?”

  “Defending myself just makes things worse >>click<<. It’s better to just let them blow off steam. I have tough skin. I can take it, >>click<<” he explained.

  “Well. You shouldn’t have to. No one deserves to be treated like that.” Zach spoke in a serious tone.

  Droknal examined Zach for any sign of deception, but the young adventurer’s face was firm and resolved. When Droknal finally spoke, his tone was hesitant and pleading. “You… >>click<< You really don’t mind that I’m an Anthronoid?”

  Zach shrugged. “The war was a long time ago and mistakes were made on both sides. That has nothing to do with either of us. Besides, you were kind to me and it's the least I could do to return the favor.”

  Six watery eyes gazed back at Zach. “That means more to me than you could ever know >>click<<.” Zach waved him off. “What could I do to repay you >>click<<?”

  Zach scratched his head in consideration. “To be honest, I would love to learn more about absorbing essence and harnessing its power if you're willing to teach me but I’m in a hurry to my destination. Where are you headed?”

  “Nowhere in particular. I suppose I’m going wherever you are,” Droknal spoke eagerly. “That is, if you're willing to >>click<< travel with me?”

  “As I said earlier. What you are doesn’t matter to me. You're a kind person and it would be my pleasure to
travel with you.” He looked at the discarded robe. “You might want to wear that, though. I know many people aren’t as progressive as I am.” Zach pointed in the direction that the three men exited.

  “>>click<< Of course.” Droknal extended his arm, and Zach firmly gripped it.

  “Let’s get going then.” The pair of men grabbed their belongings and after a quick check of his ring, they headed toward their destination.


  On the Road

  Zach and Droknal had been traveling together for nine or ten days. They were making good progress toward Zach’s quest, but were still taking time each day to absorb essence, to train, and to converse with one another. Even though their time together had been short, Zach was thoroughly enjoying his time with Droknal.

  Night had replaced day as the group looked for a place to set up camp. Zach, now knowing he was attuned to water essence, looked for a fresh source of water for their campsite. He saw a large pond not too far ahead and pointed it out to Droknal. The ant-man nodded and changed his trajectory to intersect that area. When they arrived, Zach found a comfortable space to roll out his bedroll and set up his sleeping arrangements.

  “So tell me again why you don’t sleep at night? Don’t get me wrong, I like that I have someone watching over me at night, but I still don’t get it.” Zach questioned Droknal as he unloaded their dinner from his sack.

  Droknal dropped some large branches into a pile on the ground. He started setting up a barrier of rocks around them before speaking. “My kind naps periodically throughout >>click<< the day. Our naps are only brief and result in two hours of daily sleep. We don’t require long sleeping sessions like humans do >>click<<.”

  Zach nodded. “That must be nice.” Droknal gave Zach a confused look. “You get extra hours in the day to accomplish whatever you desire. I have to waste my evenings sleeping or I become sluggish and that can get me killed.”

  “But you’re forgetting something that sleep allows you to do >>click<<.” It was Zach’s turn to look puzzled at Droknal’s words. “You get to dream. I’ve never had a dream.” Droknal frowned.

  Thinking about it for a moment, Zach agreed with Droknal. Dreaming was nice, and Zach loved escaping from the world into a good dream. “Sorry to hear that, buddy.”

  The corner of Droknal’s mouth turned up in a faint hint of a smile. Reaching out a clawed hand, he shot a fairly small black flame into the bunched up sticks. It was just enough to ignite them and start their evening campfire. Getting into the lotus position, he called out, “Should we >>click<< perform our daily essence absorption?”

  “I’m jealous every time you use that technique. Instead of absorbing essence, could you teach me how to do that?” Zach sat by the fire, staring at Droknal with pleading eyes.

  Droknal stared back at Zach, unsure what to say. “I… I can show you basic essence control >>click<< but I can’t show you my fire technique. You simply don’t have control of the essence types needed >>click<<.” Zach nodded furiously, and Droknal sighed before continuing. “This won’t be instant >>click<< but if you practice the basics, you should be able to create your own technique.” He stretched an arm out and closed his eyes. “Creating a move like my fire isn’t what you think. I’m not creating essence, but merely manipulating the essence already inside me >>click<<. This is easier if you focus on your natural essence affinities. Mine are darkness and fire, hence the black flames. You will want to focus on water and air. Are you following me so far >>click<<?”

  “Yeah. I’m not going to create essence but use the essence within and I should focus on water and air. I’m following.” Zach spoke through a face filled with excitement.

  Grinning, Droknal continued. “The process is similar to when you absorb essence but instead of focusing on the essence in the surrounding area, you will focus on the essence flowing through yourself >>click<<. Hone in on the energy in your body and find the water and air within. For the next part, you will do the exact opposite of essence absorption. Use your palm as a focal point >>click<<, moving the essence there and out of you.” Black and red veins started glowing at his elbow. They flowed down into his hand while a faint black and red light formed in the center of his palm. As more essence flowed into the lights, they ignited into a black flame. The fire cast dark shadows over the pair and seemed to zap the surrounding light away. “When you first use this method, you may not get any results >>click<< but intime, you will learn to master it. From there, the possibilities are endless >>click<<.” The flame shaped itself into a bird that vigorously flapped its wings. It took off into the air before fading out of existence.

  Zach looked on in wonder. “That was amazing!”

  “Thank you >>click<<. Why don’t you try while I absorb some essence?” Droknal suggested.

  Getting into the lotus position and turning his right palm upward, Zach looked inward. He searched for essence within himself but was struggling to find anything. Remembering Droknal’s teachings, he tried to think of the properties of water and air. He still felt nothing at first, but then something changed. An immense cold shook his body and he shivered, but something was off about the cold. Aside from the initial drop in temperature, Zach wasn’t freezing. He wasn’t even uncomfortably cold. It feels… nice? He tried holding onto the feeling as he worked to move it into his palm. Icy blue veins appeared and crawled up his forearm. Frost was growing on his skin as essence traveled to his hand. A chill fog was now rolling out from the center of his palm. Just when he thought he had something, pain shot throughout his body and the fog faded. Rolling on the ground, his body locked up. He muttered through his teeth. “WHAT HAPPENED?”

  Droknal started laughing. “Essence feedback. I told you >>click<<, you will need to master the technique.”

  The pain abated enough for Zach to sit up. He was drenched in sweat, and his breath was becoming labored. “Yeah… but you didn't mention… the pain…”

  “If it was easy, everyone >>click<< would do it.” Droknal shrugged. “You ranked up at least.”

  Zach was ready to argue, but when he noticed his new rank, the fight left him. “Beginner four! I ranked up that much from a failed attempt?”

  Droknal smiled. “Of course you did >>click<<. Essence manipulation isn’t generally tried until someone is in the basic ranks. You,” he pointed at Zach, “are now ahead of the curve >>click<<.”

  “That’s the first time anyone has ever told me that,” Zach laughed. Then a question came to mind. “Wait. If people generally don’t start essence manipulation until the basic ranks…” he paused, “what rank are you?”

  “Took you long enough >>click<< to ask. I’m intermediate rank two.”

  “Intermediate two!? That’s incredible! Wait, that means… You could have easily fought off those drunks. Couldn’t you?”

  Droknal frowned. “In a fight, yes. But I told you already >>click<<. It’s not worth fighting them. They were at beginner zero. I don’t think they could have even hurt me >>click<<.”

  Feeling bad for bringing up a delicate subject, Zach changed topics quickly. “Ready for some food?” Droknal smiled but Zach identified it as a fake smile. He must have had a really tough life living in a human-controlled territory. Zach pulled his last set of travel rations from his sack and handed one to his companion. “We’re going to have to stop and buy some food in the nearest town. Actually…” Remembering he had no money, he amended his previous comment. “Let’s go hunting. I don’t exactly have any money at the moment.”

  Droknal cocked his head before rummaging through a bag at his waist. He pulled out a handful of copper and silver coins. Handing the coins to Zach, he smiled. “Allow me to pay for the next set of meals >>click<<. You have been feeding me for weeks.”

  Zach stared at the money confused. “If you had money, why were you so hungry when we first met? You could pay for weeks’ worth of meals with this.” He made no move to take the coins, wanting an explanation first.

  “Few people serve my k
ind around here >>click<<.”

  Way to put a foot in your mouth, Zach. “I’m sorry.” He took the coins from Droknal and shoved them into his pocket. “I can load up on food for us both at the next village with this. If you want, I could put a good word in at the guild for you. I mean, I can’t guarantee your entry, but helping me on my quest should go a long way. Guild membership should help with people respecting you more.” He took a large bite of his food and sprawled out on his bedroll.

  “You would do that for me?” Droknal questioned.

  Zach shrugged. “Sure, why not? You’ve done a lot for me and taught me a ton. I still kinda feel like I owe you. Besides, you're a nice guy and the guild would benefit from having you.”

  “Please stop >>click<<.” Zach went to speak, but Droknal cut him off. “Please stop saying such things >>click<<. The guild would never accept my kind. Don’t give me false hope.” Droknal was shaking, and it stunned Zach to silence.

  I knew his life must have been hard, but this is something else. Zach had a rough life himself. He never had any parents here, so he grew up with no one but himself. Strangers were cruel to street urchins, so he grew up doing the odd jobs no one else would do in order to feed himself. Even with the trickle of coins, there were several weeks he went without a single meal. He had to scrape by for years to save enough money for his second-hand sword and adventurer’s guild entry fees. Thinking back, Droknal was the first person to ever really show him kindness without the expectation of something in return. At that moment, he vowed to himself to at least try to get Droknal entry into the guild. Worse case scenario, he could keep him as a party member for his own guild quests and share the rewards. Fatigue from the day was now forcing his eyes shut as he rested in his bed. He let out a long yawn before muttering softly under his breath. “I’m sorry, friend.”

  Droknal’s eyes went wide in dismay. “Friend,” he stammered. “Did you call me friend >

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