Book Read Free

Rock Solid

Page 36

by Paul Slatter

  Then the corporate guy from Mammoth Clothing arrived. Sebastian smiled at him, playing the game, and wondered if he should introduce him to Dan, whom he’d been watching as he wandered around adjusting the bathrobe while he tried to scam food before going to the toilet every fifteen minutes. He said to the corporate guy, “I think you’re going to like this a lot,” putting the seed in the man’s head before he had a chance to make up his own mind himself, “We’re following on from the ‘BlueBoy’ campaign—maybe just going to have Daniel in only his shorts or shorts and a shirt, just that, keep it open. I’m glad you were able to make it up here—you know BlueBoy sales have tripled since the campaign started." The corporate guy looked around, being polite and keeping quiet, looking at the kid in the white bathrobe wandering about adjusting his crotch and wondering when he was going to meet Adalia Seychan so as he could call his wife and tell her.

  Eventually they were ready, Sebastian giving Mazzi a look that told him he’d been taking too long, then telling him the set looked amazing, “Amazing absolutely amazing, Mazzi.” Playing the game, when deep down he knew it was flat and the man’s work was usually a lot better.

  They all met at the monitor, Adalia in a beautiful silk wedding dress, Dan in his bathrobe, Sebastian hugging Adalia, telling her how beautiful she was looking and her taking it all on board, Patrick taking over before the corporate guy had a chance to chat, Adalia looking to Dan with his broken nose and eyes that were just healing now from being thumped out by Chendrill. She said to him with a smile, “Hello young man.”

  Dan nodded, “Hi,” and hoped no one could see the erection in his pants through the robe, wondering what the hell the straight guy who pretended to be gay had just given him and why Sebastian was still fussing because he hadn’t learned his lines.

  They cleared out the workers and the important people walked to the set Mazzi had just lit, ready for the shoot, with its aisle and columns and the altar at the top—backlit through a fake stain glass window. Dan, wondering who the priest was; Adalia, taking over when Mazzi was supposed to be directing, said, “Let’s get going then. Dan, I’ll be here at the altar and you come rushing in and grab me from behind.” And after they’d gone through the motions enough, they got down to it for a first take as they stood and sat around the monitors and watched Dan come in, crashing through the door of the set in his shorts and running down the aisle, grabbing Adalia, who was, surprisingly, crying on cue. Then he held her by the arms and twisted her around to face him, telling her with the maturity and depth of a grown man, “I wasn’t ever not going to not be here, I’ll never not be here. Never, ever not.”

  Then he grabbed her, holding her just as it had been described in the small cheesy script he’d glanced at and cast aside, and then let her go as he heard Adalia say through the tears in her eyes, “Henry?”

  Then he kissed her again, holding her to him, Adalia holding him back, feeling his bare skin tight beneath her hands and his dick rock solid beneath his shorts against her leg.

  She held him there and looked him in the eye and then glanced down as she pulled away, looking at his penis squashed to the side underneath the tight fabric of his Mammoth shorts as though it was indicating that he was about to turn right.

  Adalia stared into his eyes and still in character said, “You got to be kidding me, right?”

  That’s not in the script, Dan thought, but went with it, skipping the next line and improvising, remembering a slushy movie his mother had made him watch as a kid and repeating the lines and the man’s actions verbatim, holding her by the wrists, making her look him in the eye as he spoke, “No, I’m here because I love you and can’t ever stop loving you.”

  Adalia, holding his stare, looking into his eyes as she tried not to look at his crotch, not knowing what to do as he carried on, “You are mine, no one else’s, I’ll never let you go.” Then remembering another line he’d heard as he looked up to the television one day when he was six as he’d sat on the floor playing with his toys—his mother home after finishing a night shift at the hospital, sleeping on the sofa, not getting to the end of the movie she’d been looking forward to seeing, as the guy on the screen held the woman, looking into her eyes just as Dan was holding Adalia and repeating what he’d seen and heard as a young boy with exactly the same passion.

  “You marry this man, I’ll disappear and never come back, you’ll never know I existed. But if you don’t and marry me, I’ll give up everything, everything I’ve ever had and worked for and in doing so it’ll mean I have everything—because I’ll have you.”

  This kid there before her with his broken nose talking to her in character, her, thirty years his senior, him, a boy on the outside, but inside a man.

  Still feeling his erection pressed against her leg, Adalia gave in to temptation and looked to Dan’s dick and then to Sebastian and said, “I can’t work like this.”

  And stormed off towards her trailer with her wedding dress tail dragging behind her. Dan watched her leave, then, looking to Sebastian, said, “Can I go home now?”

  As far as Mazzi Hegan was concerned, he could, because he and Einer had had their cameras out and you were never going to get anything better than what they’d just shot.

  An older woman in a wedding dress almost at the altar and a handsome young man holding her back as she struggled, trying not to look at the erection in his tight shorts as he fought to make her hear his words, trying to make her listen, as she turned away unable to look any longer, then storming off without looking back in a beautiful silk gown, leaving him there at the altar naked in a pair off Mammoth shorts. Perfect.

  With a little help from his friend, this time Mazzi had struck again—and what he had was golden.

  An hour later, Sebastian wasn’t sure what to do. He had Adalia in her trailer, refusing to talk, Mazzi happy as pie, Patrick oblivious to it all, and the corporate guy from Mammoth wondering when he was going to get a chance to talk to the superstar.

  He looked at Dan back in his bathrobe, sitting back on the apple box, and wondered where Chuck Chendrill was when he needed him? The friend had given him something to make the kid’s penis that big he was sure, he’d seen something going on, the guy pulling something from his pocket then Dan going off and swigging down some water. He walked over, wondering if he should get the young boy some ice to put on his penis. Putting his arm on his shoulder he said, “Daniel, can I speak?” Dan nodded as Sebastian bent down and Mazzi started shooting again, seeing a young man sitting while the older crouched next to him. Sebastian said, “Daniel, I heard you deliver those lines, you were teasing me when you said you hadn’t read the scene weren’t you?” He wasn’t.

  Dan said, “I got lucky.”

  Sebastian carried on adjusting his feet, “You delivered them well. I think you surprised us all.”

  And Dan said, surprising Sebastian, “So did she, she’s really good.”

  And then the door to Adalia’s trailer opened and her personal assistant came out and spoke to Buffy first before pulling Sebastian aside as Buffy said, “Adalia doesn’t feel like she should do any more today with Dan, but she was very impressed with his performance. She understands he is young and that she’s a beautiful woman and these things happen, and she’d like to speak with him to clear the air and spend the rest of the day with the pair of them running through the script together as she feels he has a lot of potential.”

  Dan was almost at the food truck and about to grab a huge piece of cake, hoping he was finished and about to see Chendrill or Belinda come around the corner to take him home safely, when Buffy grabbed him and told him about Adalia’s request. “You got to be kidding” he said.

  Buffy said, “Dan it’s not even lunch yet, we’ve only been here five hours?”

  And off he went, still in his bathrobe. Buffy knocked on the trailer door and handed Dan her script as Dan stepped inside and Adalia’s assistant stepped out.

  Adalia sat alone at a desk as though she was at home, out of costu
me. Dan looked at her, then at the windows to the crew outside, as usual, doing nothing but eating, wondering how it was he could see out and no one could see in. Adalia said, “You read well, Daniel.”

  Thinking all he needed was another one calling him by his given name, Dan said, “You ain’t so bad yourself.”

  She replied, “I know I didn’t say much but after a while you don’t need to, you can convey as much as you need with just a look.” Then taking a deep breath, she looked to the floor for a moment and then back to Dan as her eyes began to smile as though she was just seventeen all over again and she said, “And Daniel, I want you to know that it’s not often a woman in her fifties has a young man like you as attracted to her as you were earlier, even if I am famous. I know I took off like some crazy diva, but the truth is I’m flattered.”

  Dan stayed quiet, waiting for a ‘But’ to come as he looked at her bare feet sneaking out from the bottom of her casual wear designer dress. Then she said, “Like I said before, you read well, Dan very well. It was brief, but I’ve been around the block long enough to spot talent. Have you been to acting school?”

  Dan smiled and said, “No it comes naturally, when you eat as much as me you need to be able to bullshit when the fridge is empty.”

  Adalia smiled, walking over to him, and said, “Dan can I ask you something personal?” Dan nodded and, from the way she was looking at him, could feel his already swollen penis get another influx of blood, as she said, “Are you a virgin, Dan?”

  And stumbling for words Dan said, “Well there’s been some—you know girls—and there was this blind girl in the park, but her dog bit me…” Adalia came closer and placed her hands on his shoulders and said, “Do you do drugs, Dan?”

  And taking a deep breath Dan shook his head and, for once, not lying said, “Never.”

  Then Adalia kissed him above his eyes and said, “Daniel earlier today, you made me feel young again. You made me feel sexy.” And she also wasn’t lying, showing off his huge boner on set and not worrying or being self-conscious when ninety-nine percent of men would have run and hid. The boy was innocence in its simplest form. He obviously liked her, she liked him and it had been a long time since a young man had shown such honesty.

  And holding him by the hand, she led him to the bed nestled in to the side of the million-dollar trailer and laid herself down in a place as familiar to her as her own home, pulling him to her as she whispered, “I’m going to teach you all I know Daniel. I’m going to show you how—and make you a man.”

  And Dan said, “Well don’t sit on my face because if you do my mum’s going to get angry.”

  But Adalia wasn’t listening to much, just snippets of his words reaching her mind as she took off his bathrobe and ran her hands up and down his stomach, whispering into his ear as she went, “Our secret, Daniel our secret, let me show you the way.” Then he watched as she slipped off her dress and felt her hand on the outside of his shorts, stroking him with her hand as her other held his back. Feeling his body begin to tremble, his arms and shoulders shaking as he held himself above her, smelling the perfume in her hair as she took him out with her hand and, opening her legs, slipped him inside of her as he instinctively began to jerk his pelvis back and forth slowly at first then pounding fast and faster as he heard her gasp seconds later as he came so fast even he couldn’t believe it was over.

  But it wasn’t because Adalia held him there feeling him still hard inside her, she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek and said, “You’ve made love to me as a boy, but in the future. I’m going to show you how to make love to me the way a man would.”

  And after feeling her ex-husband’s fat gut squash her as they made love for so many years, she knew this would be her last chance in life to feel young again, so she would show him and she would show him well, but that wasn’t the only guidance Adalia Seychan had planned for the young man who’d just delivered a flawless performance without direction off the back of a ramshackle blocking with no rehearsal, unwavered by the fact that he was unable to hide his natural bodily functions. And as she’d sat back in her personal Airstream trailer brought up all the way from Hollywood for the day, pretending to be miffed she had decided to make him a star.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Archall Diamond was king of the hill. At least his hill. He had his hard-on tablets that worked just fine, he had his tooth that made him look fine, he’d floated the ape, and he had his mate. Yeah—That was a good one, he thought as he sat in the cab of his truck, looking out and dreaming of the future.

  He’d been at the dentist’s house at first light after not sleeping well, worrying about how he could still look cool and lift Alla into the cab of his semi-monster truck at the same time. The Gangster/Rapper knowing he’d be struggling to curl eighty pounds at the gym and the girl had to be a hundred pounds plus even if she was thin. If he still had the Mercedes, he’d be cool.

  Archall Diamond waiting now for the dentist to go out so he could steal the man’s girl. Getting ready as he did, looking at his new tooth sparkle in the mirror and doing his hair as he played with the two hundred thousand in the sports bag sitting on the passenger seat he was going to show Alla he’d put aside just for her, so as she could walk again.

  He finished preening and sat there staring at the house—the dentist would leave soon. Alla telling him earlier her husband would be going out in the morning after he’d called and told her he had the cash and he'd pay for the operation—Alla not believing him, but hoping it would be true.

  His wisdom teeth were hurting now though, even if the dentist said they were already out—what did he know though? Yeah, he'd had some teeth out a while ago, but they were at the back. Besides all that could wait, after today he'd be needing to find a new dentist anyway. A real one.

  Half an hour passed as Archall Diamond waited until eventually he saw the side door open and the dentist leave carrying a small rucksack. He waited, making sure the guy wasn't coming back. Then, taking his bag, he walked along the road, knocked on the door and waited again. After a few minutes, he called out his new girl’s name, following it up with, "I've got the money for your operation!"

  And then he saw her through the window looking frustrated as she wheeled herself along through the basement looking up at him as he held the bag full of money up for her to see through window of the door. As she opened it up, she said, "God has sent you to me."

  They went back to his house, Archall Diamond driving, feeling embarrassed that he’d not been able to lift his new girl out of the chair and into the cab like they do in the movies. Alla holding his hand looking at its size with the money on her lap and wondering if he had a family as they passed the terracotta lions guarding the gate. Feigning delight and smiling as he struggled once again to lift her from the cab and carefully place her in her wheelchair. Pushing her up the same scaffold boards he’d used to drag Chendrill into the trucks rear the night before, utilizing them again quickly to make an improvised ramp up to the front door. Archall saying to her as he wheeled her inside,

  "Welcome to your new home."

  Alla looked around at the mess with the cereal all over the floor, hearing the cocoa pops crunching under the wheels of her chair as she went, wondering what the hell she was doing, the guy was a moron, but she’d seen worse and he had what she needed right now. As soon as she was in the hospital with his money in their bank, she could forget his name and maybe call Dennis—maybe. For now though, this Archall Diamond was king of the hill, with his new girl and he’d sat quietly with her on the way over after stopping in the same parking lot of the shopping mall as he’d used to prepare Chendrill for his voyage. Archall Diamond listening and looking out the window as she’d called the private hospital to speak to the back surgeon who her husband had taken her to see—the guy with the slick hair only interested in money. The man at the top of his game, limiting now his pro bono freebies down to children and teens, the goodwill beaten out of him by ex-wives and years of charity work in remot
e villages that stunk of faeces, doing surgery on children only to be stoned as the convoy left.

  "Two hundred thousand will get you on your feet” he'd said as he leaned forward and held her by the hand, ignoring her beautiful eyes, the guy was no fool—not like Archall Diamond, who thought he was her soulmate. And all she needed to do now was hand over the bag of cash and book herself in.

  She moved herself around the downstairs of the monster home and, picking up his house phone, called the hospital for a second time and waited on hold as she looked about at the bad, harsh-colored décor and wondered if she’d ever been inside a Sikh’s home before—not that she cared, as in her mind she’d only be in this one for as long as it took her to convince him to take her into town and check her into the hospital, even if it meant she’d have to give the guy a blow job first.

  Spinning her chair, she looked at a picture of Rasheed on the wall, sporting a turban and holding his girl in a beautiful sari wondering if the guy was Archall’s brother as she listened to Archall as he began to sing in the kitchen, hearing him bellow out, “Archall Diamond the man with his mind on—standing in the kitchen—man’s got nothing missen—girl in the back room gonna get her fixed soon—people gonna see her beau-I-tee when she out in the street wit me—passing through the neighborhoods people staring like they should—’cos she with Archall Diamond, the man wit his mind on.”


  Alla put down the phone as she heard the guy singing to himself like he had for the last hour, wishing she was back at home with Dennis—at least he looked after her. It was all arranged. All she needed to do was tell them when and a private ambulance would be there to pick her up. Dr. Dawson was away in the States performing surgery, but as soon as he was back and free, he had said he would perform the first operation. The second would need to be a later depending on x-rays.


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