One Thousand and One Nights

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One Thousand and One Nights Page 286

by Richard Burton

  Then he left her and betook himself to the palace of the King his father, who rejoiced in his return and welcomed him; and the prince said to him, ‘Know that I have brought with me the princess of whom I told thee and have left her without the city in such a garden and come to tell thee, that thou mayest make ready and go forth to meet her in state and show her thy royal dignity and troops and guards.’ ‘With all my heart,’ answered the King and straightway bade decorate the city after the goodliest fashion. Then he took horse and rode out in all state and splendour, he and his troops and household and grandees; whilst the prince made ready for her a litter of green and red and yellow brocade, in which he set Indian and Greek and Abyssinian slave-girls. Moreover, he took forth of his treasuries jewellery and apparel and what else of the things that kings treasure up and made a rare display of wealth and magnificence. Then he left the litter and those who were therein and rode forward to the pavilion, where he had left the princess; but found both her and the horse gone. When he saw this, he buffeted his face and rent his clothes and went round about the garden, as he had lost his wits; after which he came to his senses and said to himself, ‘How could she have come at the secret of the horse, seeing I told her nothing of it? Maybe the Persian sage who made the horse has chanced upon her and stolen her away, in revenge for my father’s treatment of him.’ Then he sought the keepers of the garden and asked them if they had seen any enter the garden.

  Quoth they, ‘We have seen none enter but the Persian sage, who came to gather simples.’ So the prince was certified that it was indeed he that had taken away the princess and abode confounded and perplexed concerning his case. And he was abashed before the folk and returning to his father, [told him what had happened and] said to him, ‘Take the troops and return to the city. As for me, I will never return till I have cleared up this affair.’ When the King heard this, he wept and beat his breast and said to him, ‘O my son, calm thyself and master thy chagrin and return with us and look what King’s daughter thou wouldst fain have, that I may marry thee to her.’ But the prince paid no heed to his words and bidding him farewell, departed, whilst the King returned to the city and their joy was changed into mourning.

  Now, as Fate would have it, when the prince left the princess in the pavilion and betook himself to his father’s palace, for the ordering of his affair, the Persian entered the garden to pluck simples and scenting the fragrance of musk and essences, that exhaled from the princess’s person and perfumed the whole place, followed it till he came to the pavilion and saw the horse, that he had made with his own hands, standing at the door. At this sight, his heart was filled with joy and gladness, for he had mourned sore for it, since it had gone out of his hand. So he went up to it and examining its every part, found it safe and sound; whereupon he was about to mount and ride away, when he bethought himself and said, ‘Needs must I first look what the prince hath brought and left here with the horse.’ So he entered the pavilion and seeing the princess sitting there, as she were the sun shining in the cloudless sky, knew her to be some high-born lady and doubted not but the prince had brought her thither on the horse and left her in the pavilion, whilst he went to the city, to make ready for her entry in state.

  Then he went up to her and kissed the earth before her, whereupon she raised her eyes to him and finding him exceeding foul of face and favour, said, ‘Who art thou?’ ‘O my lady,’ answered he, ‘I am sent by the prince, who hath bidden me bring thee to another garden, nearer the city; for that my lady the queen cannot go so far a journey and is unwilling, of her joy in thee, that another should forestall her with thee.’ ‘Where is the prince?’ asked she; and the Persian replied, ‘He is in the city, with his father, and will presently come for thee in great state.’ ‘O fellow,’ said she, ‘could he find none to send to me but thee?’ At this he laughed and answered, ‘O my lady, let not the ugliness of my face and the foulness of my favour deceive thee. Hadst thou profited of me as hath the prince, thou wouldst praise my affair. Indeed, he chose me as his messenger to thee, because of my uncomeliness and forbidding aspect, in his jealousy and love of thee: else hath he slaves and pages and servants, white and black, out of number, each goodlier than the other.’ When she heard this, it commended itself to her reason and she believed him; so she rose and putting her hand in his, said, ‘O my father, what hast thou brought me to ride?’ ‘O my lady,’ answered he, ‘thou shalt ride the horse thou camest on.’ Quoth she, ‘I cannot ride it by myself.’ Whereupon he smiled and knew that she was in his power and said, ‘I myself will ride with thee.’ So he mounted and taking her up behind him, bound her fast to himself, for she knew not what he would with her. Then he turned the peg of ascent, whereupon the belly of the horse became full of wind and it swayed to and fro and rose with them into the air nor slackened in its flight, till it was out of sight of the city.

  When the princess saw this, she said to him, ‘O fellow, what didst thou tell me of the prince, that he sent thee to me?’ ‘Foul befall the prince!’ answered the Persian. ‘He is a scurril knave.’ And she said, ‘Out on thee! How darest thou disobey thy lord’s commandment!’ ‘He is no lord of mine,’ rejoined the Persian. ‘Knowst thou who I am?’ ‘I know nothing of thee,’ replied the princess, ‘save what thou toldest me.’ Quoth he, ‘What I told thee was a trick of mine against thee and the prince. I am he who made this horse under us, and I have long regretted its loss; for the prince made himself master of it. But now I have gotten possession of it and of thee too, and I will rack his heart, even as he hath racked mine; nor shall he ever have the horse again. So take comfort and be of good cheer, for I can be of more service to thee than he.’ When she heard this, she buffeted her face and cried out, saying, ‘Ah, woe is me! I have neither gotten my beloved nor kept my father and mother!’ And she wept sore over what had befallen her, whilst the Persian fared on with her, without ceasing, till he came to the land of the Greeks and alighted in a verdant meadow, abounding in trees and streams.

  Now this meadow was near a city, in which was a king of great puissance, and it befell that he went forth that day to hunt and divert himself. As he passed by the meadow, he saw the Persian standing there, with the princess and the horse by his side, and before he was aware, the King’s followers fell upon him and carried him, the lady and the horse to their master, who noting the foulness of his favour and the beauty and grace of the princess, said to the latter, ‘O my lady, what kin is this old fellow to thee?’ The Persian made haste to reply, ‘She is my wife and the daughter of my father’s brother.’ But she gave him the lie and said, ‘O King, by Allah, I know him not, nor is he my husband, but hath stolen me away by force and fraud.’ Thereupon the King bade beat the Persian, and they beat him, till he was well-nigh dead; after which the King commanded to carry him to the city and cast him into prison, and taking the princess and the horse from him, set the former in his harem and laid up the latter in his treasury, though he knew not its properties nor the secret of its motion.

  Meanwhile, the prince donned a travelling-habit and taking what he needed of money, set out, in very sorry plight, in quest of the princess, and journeyed from country to country and city to city, enquiring after the ebony horse, whilst all who heard him marvelled at him and deemed his talk extravagant. Thus did he a long while; but, for all his enquiry and research, he could win at no news of her. At last, he came to the city of Senaa and there enquired for her, but could get no tidings of her and found her father mourning her loss. So he turned back and made for the land of the Greeks, pursuing his enquiries as he went, till, as chance would have it, he alighted at a certain khan and saw a company of merchants sitting talking. He sat down near them and heard one say to the others, ‘O my friends, I happened lately upon a wonder of wonders.’ ‘What was that?’ asked they, and he answered, ‘I was late in such a city,’ naming the city wherein was the princess, ‘and heard its people speak of a strange thing that had lately befallen. It was that their King went out one day a-hunting, with a company of his
courtiers and the grandees of his realm, and coming to a green meadow, espied there a man standing, with a horse of ebony, and a lady sitting hard by. The man was ugly and foul of favour, but the lady was a marvel of beauty and grace and symmetry; and as for the ebony horse, it was a wonder, never saw eyes aught goodlier than it nor more perfect than its fashion.’ ‘And what did the King with them?’ asked the others. ‘As for the man,’ said the merchant, ‘he questioned him of the lady and he pretended that she was his wife and the daughter of his father’s brother; but she gave him the lie. So the King took her from him and bade beat him and cast him into prison. As for the horse, I know not what became of it.’ When the prince heard this, he drew near unto the speaker and questioned him discreetly and courteously, till he told him the name of the city and of its king; which when he knew, he passed the night, full of joy.

  On the morrow, he set out and travelled till he reached the city; but, when he would have entered, the gatekeepers laid hands on him, that they might bring him before the King; for that it was his wont to question all strangers respecting their conditions and the crafts in which they were skilled and the reason of their coming thither. Now it was eventide, when he entered the city, and it was then too late to go in to the King or take counsel with him respecting him. So they carried him to the prison, thinking to lay him therein for the night; but, when the warders saw his beauty and grace, they could not find it in their hearts to imprison him, but made him sit with them, without the prison; and when food came to them, he ate his fill with them. When they had made an end of eating, they turned to him and said, ‘What countryman art thou?’ ‘I come from Persia,’ answered he, ‘the land of the Chosroës.’ When they heard this, they laughed and one of them said, ‘O Chosroän, I have heard the talk of men and their histories and looked upon their conditions; but never saw or heard I a greater liar than the Chosroän that is with us in the prison.’ ‘Nor,’ quoth another, ‘did I ever see fouler than his favour or more repulsive than his aspect.’ ‘What have ye seen of his lying?’ asked the prince, and they answered, ‘He pretends that he is a sage. Now the King came upon him, as he went a-hunting, and found with him a most beautiful lady and a horse of ebony, never saw I a handsomer. As for the lady, she is with the King, who is enamoured of her and would fain marry her; but she is mad, and were this man a physician, as he pretends, he would have cured her, for the King doth his utmost endeavour to find a remedy for her disease, and this whole year past hath he spent treasures upon physicians and astrologers, on her account; but none can avail to cure her. As for the horse, it is in the royal treasury, and the man is here with us in the prison; and all night long he weeps and bemoans himself and will not let us sleep.’

  When the prince heard this, he bethought himself of a device by which he might compass his desire; and presently the warders, being minded to sleep, clapped him into the prison and locked the door. He heard the Persian weeping and bemoaning himself, in his own tongue, and saying, ‘Woe is me for my sin, that I sinned against myself and against the King’s son, in that which I did with the damsel; for I neither left her nor got my desire of her! All this comes of my want of sense, in that I sought for myself that which I deserved not and which befitted not the like of me; for he, who seeks what befits him not, falleth into the like of my predicament.’ When the prince heard this, he accosted him in Persian, saying, ‘How long wilt thou keep up this weeping and wailing? Thinkst thou that there hath befallen thee what never befell other than thou?’ When the Persian heard this, he made friends with him and began to complain to him of his case and misfortunes.

  As soon as it was day, the warders took the prince and carried him before the King, informing him that he had entered the city on the previous night, at a time when no audience could be had of him. Quoth the King to the prince, ‘Whence comest thou and what is thy name and craft and why comest thou hither?’ And he answered, ‘I am called, in Persian, Herjeh. I come from the land of Fars and I am of the men of art and especially of the art of medicine and cure the sick and the mad. For this, I go round about all countries and cities, adding knowledge to my knowledge, and whenever I see a sick person, I heal him; and this is my craft.’ When the King heard this, he rejoiced exceedingly and said, ‘O excellent sage, thou hast come to us at a time when we have need of thee.’ Then he acquainted him with the case of the princess, adding, ‘If thou win to cure her and recover her of her madness, thou shalt have of me whatever thou seekest.’ ‘May God advance the King!’ rejoined the prince. ‘Describe to me all thou hast seen of her madness and tell me how long it is since it attacked her; also how thou camest by her.’ So the King told him the whole story, from first to last, adding, ‘The sage is in prison.’ ‘O august King,’ said the prince, ‘and what hast thou done with the horse?’ ‘It is with me yet, laid up in one of my treasure-chambers,’ replied the King; whereupon quoth the prince in himself, ‘The first thing to do is to see the horse and assure myself of its condition. If it be whole and unhurt, all will be well; but, if its works be destroyed, I must find some other way of delivering my beloved.’

  So he turned to the King and said to him, ‘O King, I must see the horse in question: haply I may find in it somewhat that will serve me for the recovery of the damsel.’ ‘With all my heart,’ replied the King and taking him by the hand, led him to the place where the horse was. The prince went round about it, examining its condition, and found it whole and unhurt, whereat he rejoiced greatly and said to the King, ‘May God exalt the King! I would fain go in to the damsel, that I may see how it is with her; for I hope, by God’s grace, to cure her by means of the horse.’ Then he bade take care of the horse and the King carried him to the princess’s apartment, where he found her writhing and beating herself against the ground, as was her wont; but there was no madness in her, and she did this but that none might approach her. When the prince saw her thus, he said to her, ‘No harm shall betide thee, O ravishment of all creatures;’ and went on to soothe her and speak her fair, till he won to make himself known to her; whereupon she gave a loud cry and fell down in a swoon for excess of joy; but the King thought this came of her fear of him.

  Then the prince put his mouth to her ear and said to her, ‘O seduction of the universe, have a care for thy life and mine and be patient and constant; for we have need of patience and skilful ordinance to make shift for our delivery from this tyrannical King. To begin with, I will now go out to him and tell him that thou art possessed of a genie, and hence thy madness; but, that if he will loose thee from thy bonds, I will engage to heal thee and drive away the evil spirit. So, when he comes in to thee, do thou give him fair words, that he may think I have cured thee, and all will be accomplished as we desire.’ Quoth she, ‘I hear and obey;’ and he went out to the King, full of joy and happiness, and said to him, ‘O august King, by thy good fortune I have discovered her disease and its remedy and have cured her for thee. So now do thou go in to her and speak softly to her and entreat her kindly, and promise her what may please her; so shall all thou desirest of her be accomplished to thee.’ So he went in to her and when she saw him, she rose and kissing the ground, bade him welcome; whereat he was greatly rejoiced and bade the eunuchs and waiting-women attend her and carry her to the bath and make ready for her dresses and ornaments.


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