One Thousand and One Nights
Page 614
‘I see not happiness lies in gathering gold; * The man most pious
is man happiest:
In truth the fear of God is best of stores, * And God shall make
the pious choicely blest.’
Then quoth Nuzhat al-Zaman, “Let the King also give ear to these notes from the second section of the first chapter.” He asked her ‘What be they?’; and she answered, “When Omar bin Abd al-Azíz 286] succeeded to the Caliphate, he went to his household and laying hands on all that was in their hold, put it into the public treasury. So the Banu Umayyah flew for aid to his father’s sister, Fátimah, daughter of Marwan, and she sent to him saying, ‘I must needs speak to thee.’ So she came to him by night and, when he had made her alight from her beast and sit down, he said to her, ‘O aunt, it is for thee to speak first, since thou hast some thing to ask: tell me then what thou wouldst with me.’ Replied she, ‘O Commander of the Faithful, it is thine to speak first, for thy judgment perceiveth that which is hidden from the intelligence of others.’ Then said Omar, ‘Of a verity Allah Almighty sent Mohammed as a blessing to some and a bane to others; and He elected for him those with him, and commissioned him as His Apostle and took him to Himself,’ — And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
When it was the Sixty-fifth Night,
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Nuzhat al- Zaman continued thus, “Said Omar, ‘Verily Allah commissioned as His Apostle Mohammed (upon whom be the benediction of Allah and His salvation!), for a blessing to some and a bane to others; and He elected for him those with him and took him to Himself, leaving the people a stream whereof they might drink. After him Abu Bakr287 the Truth teller became Caliph and he left the river as it was, doing what was pleasing to Allah. Then arose Omar and worked a work and strove in holy war and strife where of none might do the like. But when Othman arose to power he diverted a streamlet from the stream, and Mu’awiyah in his turn diverted from it several streamlets; and without ceasing in like manner, Yezid and the Banu Marwán such as Abd al-Malik and Walíd and Sulaymán288 drew away water from the stream, and the main course dried up, till rule devolved upon me, and now I am minded to restore the stream to its normal condition.’ When Fatimah heard this, she said, ‘I came wishing only to speak and confer with thee, but if this be thy word, I have nothing to say to thee.’ Then she returned to the Ommiades and said to them, ‘Now take ye the consequences of your act when ye allied yourselves by marriage with Omar bin al-Khattab.’289 And it is also said that when Omar was about to die, he gathered his children round him, and Maslamah290 bin Abd al-Malik said to him, ‘O Prince of the Faithful, how wilt thou leave thy children paupers and thou their protector? None can hinder thee in thy lifetime from giving them what will suffice them out of the treasury; and this indeed were better than leaving the good work to him who shall rule after thee.’ Omar looked at him with a look of wrath and wonder and presently replied, ‘O Maslamah, I have defended them from this sin all the days of my life, and shall I make them miserable after my death? Of a truth my sons are like other men, either obedient to Almighty Allah who will prosper them, or disobedient and I will not help them in their disobedience. Know, O Maslamah, that I was present, even as thou, when such an one of the sons of Marwanwas buried, and I fell asleep by him and saw him in a dream given over to one of the punishments of Allah, to whom belong Honour and Glory! This terrified me and made me tremble, and I vowed to Allah, that if ever I came to power, I would not do such deeds as the dead man had done. I have striven to fulfil this vow all the length of my life and I hope to die in the mercy of my Lord.’ Quoth Maslamah, ‘A certain man died and I was present at his burial, and when all was over I fell asleep and I saw him as a sleeper seeth a dream, walking in a garden of flowing waters clad in white clothes. He came up to me and said: ‘O Maslamah, it is for the like of this that rulers should rule.’ Many are the instances of this kind, and quoth one of the men of authority, ‘I used to milk the ewes in the Caliphate of Omar bin Abd al-Aziz, and one day I met a shepherd, among whose sheep I saw a wolf or wolves. I thought them to be dogs, for I had never before seen wolves; so I asked, ‘What dost thou with these dogs?’ ‘They are not dogs, but wolves,’ answered the shepherd. Quoth I, ‘Can wolves be with sheep and not hurt them?’ Quoth he, ‘When the head is whole, the body is whole.’291 Omar bin Abd al-Aziz once preached from a pulpit of clay and, after praising and glorifying Allah Almighty, said three words as follows, ‘O folk, make clean your inmost hearts, that your outward lives may be dean to your brethren, and abstain ye from the things of the world. Know that between us and Adam there is no one man alive among the dead. Dead are Abd al- Malik and those who forewent him, and Omar also shall die and those who forewent him.’ Asked Maslamah, ‘O Commander of the Faithful, an we set a pillow behind thee, wilt thou lean on it a little while?’ But Omar answered, ‘I fear lest it be a fault about my neck on Resurrection Day.’ Then he gasped with the death rattle and fell back in a faint; whereupon Fatimah cried out, saying, ‘Ho, Maryam! Ho, Muzahim!292 Ho, such an one! Look to this man!’ And she began to pour water on him weeping, till he revived from his swoon; and, seeing her in tears said to her, ‘What causeth thee to weep, O Fatimah?’ She replied, ‘O Commander of the Faithful, I saw thee lying prostrate before us and thought of thy prostration in death before Almighty Allah, of thy departure from the world and of thy separation from us. This is what made me weep.’ Answered he, ‘Enough, O Fatimah, for indeed thou exceedest.’ Then he would have risen, but fell down and Fatimah strained him to her and said, ‘Thou art to me as my father and my mother, O Commander of the Faithful! We cannot speak to thee, all of us.’ Then quoth Nuzhat al-Zaman to her brother Sharrkan and the four Kazis, “Here endeth the second section of the first chapter.” — And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
When it was the Sixty-sixth Night,
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Nuzhat al- Zaman said to her brother Sharrkan and the four Kazis, “Here endeth the second section of the first chapter. And it so happened that Omar bin Abd al-Aziz wrote to the people of the festival at Meccah as follows, ‘I call Allah to witness, in the Holy Month, in the Holy City and on the day of the Greater Pilgrimage,293 that I am innocent of your oppression and of his wrongs that doth wrong you, in that I have neither commanded this nor purposed it, neither hath any report of aught thereof hitherto reached me, nor have I compassed any knowledge thereof; and I trust that a cause for pardon will be found in that none hath authority from me to oppress any man, for I shall assuredly be questioned concerning every one oppress. And if any of my officers swerve from the right and act otherwise than the Holy Book and the Traditions of the Apostle do authorise, obey him not so that he may return to the way of righteousness.’ He said also (Allah accept of him!), ‘I do not wish to be relieved from death, because it is the supreme thing for which the True Believer is rewarded.’ Quoth one of authority, ‘I went to the Prince of the Faithful, Omarbin Abd al-Aziz, who was then Caliph, and saw before him twelve dirhams, which he ordered for deposit in the public treasury. So I said to him, ‘O Commander of the Faithful, thou impoverishest thy children and reducest them to beggary having nothing whereon to live. An thou wouldst appoint somewhat by will to them and to those who are poor of the people of thy house, it were well.’ ‘Draw near to me,’ answered he: so I drew near to him and he said, ‘Now as for thy saying, ‘Thou beggarest thy children; provide for them and for the poor of thy household,’ it is without reason; for Allah of a truth will replace me to my children and to the poor of my house, and He will be their guardian. Verily, they are like other men; he who feareth Allah, right soon will Allah provide for him a happy issue, and he that is addicted to sins, I will not up hold him in his sin against Allah.’ Then he summoned his sons who numbered twelve, and when he beheld them his eyes dropped tears and presently he said to them, ‘Your Father is between two things; either ye will be well to do, an
d your parent will enter the fire, or ye will be poor and your parent will enter Paradise; and your father’s entry into Paradise is liefer to him than that ye should be well to do.294 So arise and go, Allah be your helper, for to Him I commit your affairs!’ Khálid bin Safwán295 said, ‘Yúsuf bin Omar296 accompanied me to Hishám bin Abd al-Malik,297 and as I met him he was coming forth with his kinsmen and attendants. He alighted and a tent was pitched for him. When the people had taken their seats, I came up to the side of the carpet whereon he sat reclining and looked at him; and, waiting till my eyes met his eyes, bespoke him thus, ‘May Allah fulfil His bounty to thee, O Commander of the Faithful, I have an admonition for thee, which hath come down to us from the history of the Kings preceding thee!’ At this, he sat up whenas he had been reclining and said to me, ‘Bring what thou hast, O son of Safwan!’ Quoth I, ‘O Commander of the Faithful, one of the Kings before thee went forth in a time before this thy time, to this very country and said to his companions, ‘Saw ye ever any state like mine and say me, hath such case been given to any man even as it hath been given unto me?’ Now there was with him a man of those who survive to bear testimony to Truth; upholders of the Right and wayfarers in its highway, and he said to him, ‘O King, thou askest of a grave matter. Wilt thou give me leave to answer?’ ‘Yes,’ replied the King, and the other said, ‘Dost thou judge thy present state to be short lasting or ever lasting?’ ‘It is temporary,’ replied the King. ‘How then,’ rejoined the man, ‘do I see thee exulting in that which thou wilt enjoy but a little while and whereof thou wilt be questioned for a long while and for the rendering an account whereof thou shalt be as a pledge which is pawned?’ Quoth the King, ‘Whither shall I flee and what must I seek for me?’ ‘That thou abide in thy kingship,’ replied the other, ‘or else robe thee in rags298 and apply thyself to obey Almighty Allah thy Lord until thine appointed hour. I will come to thee again at daybreak.’ Khalid bin Safwan further relates that the man knocked at the door at dawn and behold, the King had put off his crown and resolved to become an anchorite, for the stress of his exhortation. When Hishám bin Abd al-Malik heard this, he wept till his beard was wet, and, bidding his rich apparel be put off, shut himself up in his palace. Then the grandees and dependents came to Khalid and said, ‘What is this thou hast done with the Commander of the Faithful? Thou hast troubled his pleasure and disturbed his life!’ Then quoth Nuzhat al-Zaman, addressing herself to Sharrkan, “How many instances of admonition are there not in this chapter! Of a truth I cannot report all appertaining to this head in a single sitting,” — And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
When it was the Sixty-seventh Night,
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Nuzhat al- Zaman continued, speaking to Sharrkan, “Know, O King, that in this chapter be so many instances of admonition that of a truth I cannot report all appertaining to this head in a single sitting but, with length of days, O King of the age, all will be well.” There said the Kazis, “O King, of a truth this damsel is the wonder of the world, and of our age the unique pearl! Never heard we her like in the length of time or in the length of our lives.” And they called down blessings on the King and went away. Then Sharrkan turned to his attendants and said, “Begin ye to prepare the marriage festival and make ready food of all kinds.” So they forthright did his bidding as regards the viands, and he commanded the wives of the Emirs and Wazirs and Grandees depart not until the time of the wedding banquet and of the unveiling of the bride. Hardly came the period of afternoon prayer when the tables were spread with whatso heart can desire or eye can delight in of roast meats and geese and fowls; and the subjects ate till they were satisfied. Moreover, Sharrkan had sent for all the singing women of Damascus and they were present, together with every slave girl of the King and of the notables who knew how to sing. And they went up to the palace in one body. When the evening came and darkness starkened they lighted candles, right and left, from the gate of the citadel to that of the palace; and the Emirs and Wazirs and Grandees marched past before King Sharrkan, whilst the singers and the tire women took the damsel to dress and adorn her, but found she needed no adornment. Meantime King Sharrkan went to the Hammam and coming out, sat down on his seat of estate, whilst they paraded the bride before him in seven different dresses: after which they eased her of the weight of her raiment and ornaments and gave such injunctions as are enjoined upon virgins on their wedding nights. Then Sharrkan went in unto her and took her maidenhead;299 and she at once conceived by him and, when she announced it, he rejoiced with exceeding joy and commanded the savants to record the date of her conception. On the morrow he went forth and seated himself on his throne, and the high officers came in to him and gave him joy. Then he called his private secretary and bade him write a letter to his father, King Omar bin al-Nu’uman, saying that he had bought him a damsel, who excels in learning and good breeding and who is mistress of all kinds of knowledge. Moreover he wrote, “There is no help but that I send her to Baghdad to visit my brother Zau al-Makan and my sister Nuzhat al-Zaman. I have set her free and married her and she hath conceived by me.” And he went on to praise her wit and salute his brother and sister together with the Wazir Dandan and all the Emirs. Then he sealed the letter and despatched it to his father by a post courier who was absent a whole month, after which time he returned with the answer and presented it in the presence. Sharrkan took it and read as follows, “After the usual Bismillah, this is from the afflicted distracted man, from him who hath lost his children and home by bane and ban, King Omar bin al- Nu’uman, to his son Sharrkan. Know that, since thy departure from me, the place is become contracted upon me, so that no longer I have power of patience nor can I keep my secret: and the cause thereof is as follows. It chanced that when I went forth to hunt and course Zau al-Makan sought my leave to fare Hijaz wards, but I, fearing for him the shifts of fortune, forbade him therefrom until the next year or the year after. My absence while sporting and hunting endured for a whole month” — And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
When it was the Sixty-eighth night,
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that King Omar bin al-Nu’uman wrote in his letter, “My absence while sporting and hunting endured for a whole month, and when I returned I found that thy brother and sister had taken somewhat of money and had set out with the pilgrim caravan for pilgrimage by stealth. When I knew this, the wide world narrowed on me, O my son! but I awaited the return of the caravan, hoping that haply they would come back with it. Accordingly, when the palmers appeared I asked concerning the twain, but they could give me no news of them; so I donned mourning for them, being heavy at heart, and in sleep I have no part and I am drowned in the tears of my eyes.” Then he wrote in verse,
“That pair in image quits me not one single hour, * Whom in my
heart’s most honourable place I keep:
Sans hope of their return I would not live one hour, * Without my
dreams of them I ne’er would stretch me in sleep.”
The letter went on, “And after the usual salutations to thee and thine, I command thee neglect no manner of seeking news of them for indeed this is a shame to us.” When Sharrkan read the letter he felt grief for his father and joy for the loss of his brother and sister. Then he took the missive and went in with it to Nuzhat al-Zaman who knew not that he was her brother, nor he that she was his sister, albeit he often visited her both by night and by day till the months were accomplished and she sat down on the stool of delivery. Allah made the child birth easy to her and she bare a daughter, whereupon she sent for Sharrkan and seeing him she said to him, “This is thy daughter: name her as thou wilt.” Quoth he, “It is usual to name children on the seventh day after birth.300 “ Then he bent over the child to kiss it and he saw, hung about its neck, a jewel, which he knew at once for one of those which Princess Abrizah had brought from the land of the Greeks. Now when he saw the jewel hanging from his babe�
��s neck he recognised it right well, his senses fled and wrath seized on him; his eyes rolled in rage and he looked at Nuzhat al- Zaman and said to her, “Whence hadst thou this jewel, O slave girl?” When she heard this from Sharrkan she replied, “I am thy lady, and the lady of all in thy palace! Art thou not ashamed to say to me Slave girl? I am a Queen, daughter of King Omar bin al-Nu’uman.” Hearing this, he was seized with trembling and hung his head earthwards, — And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
When it was the Sixty-ninth Night,
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Sharrkan heard these words, his heart fluttered and his colour waxed yellow and he was seized with trembling and he hung his head earthwards, for he knew that she was his sister by the same father. Then he lost his senses; and, when he revived, he abode in amazement, but did not discover his identity to her and asked, O my lady, say, art thou in sooth the daughter of King Omar bin al- Nu’uman?” “Yes,” answered she; and he continued, “Tell me the cause of thy leaving thy sire and of thy being sold for a slave.” So she related to him all that had befallen her from beginning to end, how she had left her brother sick in the Sanctified City, Jerusalem, and how the Badawi had kidnapped her and had sold her to the trader. When Sharrkan heard this, he was certified of her being his sister on the sword side and said to himself, “How can I have my sister to wife? By Allah, needs must I marry her to one of my chamberlains; and, if the thing get wind, I will declare that I divorced her before consummation and married her to my Chief Chamberlain.” Then he raised his head and sighing said, “O Nuzhat al-Zaman, thou art my very sister and I cry: ‘I take refuge with Allah from this sin whereinto we have fallen,’ for I am Sharrkan, son of Omar bin al-Nu’uman.” She looked at him and knew he spoke the truth; and, becoming as one demented, she wept and buffeted her face, exclaiming, “There is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah! Verily have we fallen into mortal sin!301 What shall I do and what shall I say to my father and my mother when they ask me, Whence hadst thou thy daughter?” Quoth Sharrkan, “It were meetest that I marry thee to my Chamberlain and let thee bring up my daughter in his house, that none may know thou be my sister. This hath befallen us from Almighty Allah for a purpose of his own, and nothing shall cover us but thy marriage with this Chamberlain, ere any know.” Then he fell to comforting her and kissing her head and she asked him, “What wilt thou call the girl?” “Call her Kuzia Fakán,”302 answered he. Then he gave the mother in marriage to the Chief Chamberlain, and transferred her to his house with the child, which they reared on the laps of the slave girls, and fed with milk and dosed with powders. Now all this occurred whilst the brother, Zau al-Makan, still tarried with the Fireman at Damascus. One day there came to King Sharrkan a courier from his father, with a letter which he took and read and found therein, “After the Bismillah know, O beloved King, that I am afflicted with sore affliction for the loss of my children: sleep ever faileth me and wakefulness ever assaileth me. I send thee this letter that, as soon as thou receivest it, thou make ready the monies and the tribute, and send them to us, together with the damsel whom thou hast bought and taken to wife; for I long to see her and hear her discourse; more especially because there hath come to us from Roumland an old woman of saintly bearing and with her be five damsels high bosomed virgins, endowed with knowledge and good breeding and all arts and sciences befitting mortals to know; and indeed tongue faileth me to describe this old woman and these who with her wend; for of a truth they are compendiums of perfections in learning and accomplishments. As soon as I saw them I loved them, and I wished to have them in my palace and in the compass of my hand; for none of the Kings owneth the like of them; so I asked the old woman their price and she answered, ‘I will not sell them but for the tribute of Damascus.’ And I, by Allah, did not hold this price exorbitant, indeed it is but little, for each one of them is worth the whole valuation. So I agreed to that and took them into my palace, and they remain in my possession. Wherefore do thou forward the tribute to us that the woman may return to her own country; and send to us the damsel to the end that she may dispute with them before the doctors; and, if she prevail over them, I will return her to thee accompanied by the tribute of Baghdad.” — And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.