One Thousand and One Nights
Page 849
When it was the Seven Hundred and Sixty-eighth Night,
She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Sayf al-Muluk saw the gestures and gambols of the apes, he marvelled thereat and forgot that which had betided him of strangerhood and its sufferings. At nightfall they lighted waxen candles in candlesticks of gold studded with gems and set on dishes of confections and fruits of sugar-candy. So they ate; and when the hour of rest was come, the apes spread them bedding and they slept. And when morning morrowed, the young man arose, as was his wont, before sunrise and waking Sayf al-Muluk said to him, “Put thy head forth of this lattice and see what standeth beneath it.” So he put out his head and saw the wide waste and all the wold filled with apes, whose number none knew save Allah Almighty. Quoth he, “Here be great plenty of apes, for they cover the whole country: but why are they assembled at this hour?” Quoth the youth, “This is their custom. Every Sabbath,413 all the apes in the island come hither, some from two and three days’ distance, and stand here till I awake from sleep and put forth my head from this lattice, when they kiss ground before me and go about their business.” So saying, he put his head out of the window; and when the apes saw him, they kissed the earth before him and went their way. Sayf al-Muluk abode with the young man a whole month when he farewelled him and departed, escorted by a party of nigh a hundred apes, which the young man bade escort him. They journeyed with him seven days, till they came to the limits of their islands,414 when they took leave of him and returned to their places, while Sayf al-Muluk fared on alone over mount and hill, desert and plain, four months’ journey, one day anhungered and the next satiated, now eating of the herbs of the earth and then of the fruits of the trees, till he repented him of the harm he had done himself by leaving the young man; and he was about to retrace his steps to him, when he saw something black afar off and said to himself, “Is this a city or trees? But I will not turn back till I see what it is.” So he made towards it and when he drew near, he saw that it was a palace tall of base. Now he who built it was Japhet son of Noah (on whom be peace!) and it is of this palace that God the Most High speaketh in His precious Book, whenas He saith, “And an abandoned well and a high-builded palace.”415 Sayf al-Muluk sat down at the gate and said in his mind, “Would I knew what is within yonder palace and what King dwelleth there and who shall acquaint me whether its folk are men or Jinn? Who will tell me the truth of the case?” He sat considering awhile, but, seeing none go in or come out, he rose and committing himself to Allah Almighty entered the palace and walked on, till he had counted seven vestibules; yet saw no one. Presently looking to his right he beheld three doors, while before him was a fourth, over which hung a curtain. So he went up to this and raising the curtain, found himself in a great hall416 spread with silken carpets. At the upper end rose a throne of gold whereon sat a damsel, whose face was like the moon, arrayed in royal raiment and beautified as she were a bride on the night of her displaying; and at the foot of the throne was a table of forty trays spread with golden and silvern dishes full of dainty viands. The Prince went up and saluted her, and she returned his salam, saying, “Art thou of mankind or of the Jinn?” Replied he, “I am a man of the best of mankind;417 for I am a King, son of a King.” She rejoined, “What seekest thou? Up with thee and eat of yonder food, and after tell me thy past from first to last and how thou camest hither.” So he sat down at the table and removing the cover from a tray of meats (he being hungry), ate till he was full; then washed his right hand and going up to the throne, sat down by the damsel who asked him, “Who art thou and what is thy name and whence comest thou and who brought thee hither?” He answered, “Indeed my story is a long but do thou first tell me who and what and whence thou art and why thou dwellest in this place alone.” She rejoined, “My name is Daulat Khátun418 and I am the daughter of the King of Hind. My father dwelleth in the Capital-city of Sarandíb and hath a great and goodly garden, there is no goodlier in all the land of Hind or its dependencies; and in this garden is a great tank. One day, I went out into the garden with my slave-women and I stripped me naked and they likewise and, entering the tank, fell to sporting and solacing ourselves therein. Presently, before I could be ware, a something as it were a cloud swooped down on me and snatching me up from amongst my handmaids, soared aloft with me betwixt heaven and earth, saying, ‘Fear not, O Daulat Khatun, but be of good heart.’ Then he flew on with me a little while, after which he set me down in this palace and straightway without stay or delay became a handsome young man daintily apparelled, who said to me, ‘Now dost thou know me?’ Replied I, ‘No, O my lord’; and he said, ‘I am the Blue King, Sovran of the Jann; my father dwelleth in the Castle Al-Kulzum419 hight, and hath under his hand six hundred thousand Jinn, flyers and divers. It chanced that while passing on my way I saw thee and fell in love with thee for thy lovely form: so I swooped down on thee and snatched thee up from among the slave-girls and brought thee to this the High-builded Castle, which is my dwelling-place. None may fare hither be he man or be he Jinni, and from Hind hither is a journey of an hundred and twenty years: wherefore do thou hold that thou wilt never again behold the land of thy father and thy mother; so abide with me here, in contentment of heart and peace, and I will bring to thy hands whatso thou seekest.’ Then he embraced me and kissed me,” — And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
When it was the Seven Hundred and Sixty-ninth Night,
She resumed, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the damsel said to Sayf al-Muluk, “Then the King of the Jann, after he had acquainted me with his case, embraced me and kissed me, saying, ‘Abide here and fear nothing’; whereupon he went away from me for an hour and presently returned with these tables and carpets and furniture. He comes to me every Third420 and abideth with me three days and on Friday, at the time of mid-afternoon prayer, he departeth and is absent till the following Third. When he is here, he eateth and drinketh and kisseth and huggeth me, but doth naught else with me, and I am a pure virgin, even as Allah Almighty created me. My father’s name is Táj al-Mulúk, and he wotteth not what is come of me nor hath he hit upon any trace of me. This is my story: now tell me thy tale.” Answered the Prince, “My story is a long and I fear lest while I am telling it to thee the Ifrit come.” Quoth she “He went out from me but an hour before thy entering and will not return till Third: so sit thee down and take thine ease and hearten thy heart and tell me what hath betided thee, from beginning to end.” And quoth he, “I hear and I obey.” So he fell to telling her all that had befallen him from commencement to conclusion but, when she heard speak of Badi’a al-Jamal, her eyes ran over with railing tears and she cried, “O Badi’a al-Jamal, I had not thought this of thee! Alack for our luck! O Badi’a al-Jamal, dost thou not remember me nor say, ‘My sister Daulat Khatun whither is she gone?’” And her weeping redoubled, lamenting for that Badi’a al-Jamal had forgotten her.421 Then said Sayf al-Muluk, “O Daulat Khatun, thou art a mortal and she is a Jinniyah: how then can she be thy sister?” Replied the Princess, “She is my sister by fosterage and this is how it came about. My mother went out to solace herself in the garden, when labour-pangs seized her and she bare me. Now the mother of Badi’a al-Jamal chanced to be passing with her guards, when she also was taken with travail-pains; so she alighted in a side of the garden and there brought forth Badi’a al-Jamal. She despatched one of her women to seek food and childbirth-gear of my mother, who sent her what she sought and invited her to visit her. So she came to her with Badi’a al-Jamal and my mother suckled the child, who with her mother tarried with us in the garden two months. And before wending her ways the mother of Badi’a al-Jamal gave my mother somewhat,422 saying, ‘When thou hast need of me, I will come to thee a middlemost the garden,’ and departed to her own land; but she and her daughter used to visit us every year and abide with us awhile before returning home. Wherefore an I were with my mother, O Sayf al-Muluk, and if thou wert with me in my own country and Badi’a al-Jamal and I were
together as of wont, I would devise some device with her to bring thee to thy desire of her: but I am here and they know naught of me; for that an they kenned what is become of me, they have power to deliver me from this place; however, the matter is in Allah’s hands (extolled and exalteth be He!) and what can I do?” Quoth Sayf al-Muluk, “Rise and let us flee and go whither the Almighty willeth;” but, quoth she, “We cannot do that: for, by Allah, though we fled hence a year’s journey that accursed would overtake us in an hour and slaughter us.” Then said the Prince, “I will hide myself in his way, and when he passeth by I will smite him with the sword and slay him.” Daulat Khatun replied, “Thou canst not succeed in slaying him save thou his soul.” Asked he, “And where is his soul?”; and she answered, “Many a time have I questioned him thereof but he would not tell me, till one day I pressed him and he waxed wroth with me and said to me, ‘How often wilt thou ask me of my soul? What hast thou to do with my soul?’ I rejoined, ‘O Hátim,423 there remaineth none to me but thou, except Allah; and my life dependeth on thy life and whilst thou livest, all is well for me; so, except I care for thy soul and set it in the apple of this mine eye, how shall I live in thine absence? An I knew where thy soul abideth, I would never cease whilst I live, to hold it in mine embrace and would keep it as my right eye.’ Whereupon said he to me, ‘What time I was born, the astrologers predicted that I should lose my soul at the hands of the son of a king of mankind. So I took it and set it in the crop of a sparrow, and shut up the bird in a box. The box I set in a casket, and enclosing this in seven other caskets and seven chests, laid the whole in a alabastrine coffer,424 which I buried within the marge of yon earth-circling sea; for that these parts are far from the world of men and none of them can win hither. So now see I have told thee what thou wouldst know, and do thou tell none thereof, for it is a secret between me and thee.’” — And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
When it was the Seven Hundred and Seventieth Night,
She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Daulat Khatun acquainted Sayf al-Muluk with the whereabouts of the soul of the Jinni who had carried her off and repeated to him his speech ending with, “And this is a secret between me and thee!” “I rejoined,” quoth she, “‘To whom should I tell it, seeing that none but thou cometh hither with whom I may talk thereof?’ adding, ‘By Allah, thou hast indeed set thy soul in the strongest of strongholds to which none may gain access! How should a man win to it, unless the impossible be fore-ordained and Allah decree like as the astrologers predicted?’ Thereupon the Jinni, ‘Peradventure one may come, having on his finger the seal-ring of Solomon son of David (on the twain be peace!) and lay his hand with the ring on the face of the water, saying, ‘By the virtue of the names engraven upon this ring, let the soul of such an one come forth!’ Whereupon the coffer will rise to the surface and he will break it open and do the like with the chests and caskets, till he come to the little box, when he will take out the sparrow and strangle it, and I shall die.’” Then said Sayf al-Muluk, “I am the King’s son of whom he spake, and this is the ring of Solomon David-son on my finger: so rise, let us go down to the sea-shore and see if his words be leal or leasing!” Thereupon the two walked down to the sea-shore and the Princess stood on the beach, whilst the Prince waded into the water to his waist and laying his hand with the ring on the surface of the sea, said, “By the virtue of the names and talismans engraven on this ring, and by the might of Sulayman bid Dáúd (on whom be the Peace!), let the soul of Hatim the Jinni, son of the Blue King, come forth!” Whereat the sea boiled in billows and the coffer of alabaster rose to the surface. Sayf al-Muluk took it and shattered it against the rock and broke open the chests and caskets, till he came to the little box and drew thereout the sparrow. Then the twain returned to the castle and sat down on the throne; but hardly had they done this, when lo and behold! there arose a dust-cloud terrifying and some huge thing came flying and crying, “Spare me, O King’s son, and slay me not; but make me thy freedman, and I will bring thee to thy desire!” Quoth Daulat Khatun, “The Jinni cometh; slay the sparrow, lest this accursed enter the palace and take it from thee and slaughter me and slaughter thee after me.” So the Prince wrung the sparrow’s neck and it died, whereupon the Jinni fell down at the palace-door and became a heap of black ashes. Then said Daulat Khatun, “We are delivered from the hand of yonder accursed; what shall we do now?”; and Sayf al-Muluk replied, “It behoveth us to ask aid of Allah Almighty who hath afflicted us; belike He will direct us and help us to escape from this our strait.” So saying, he arose and pulling up425 half a score of the doors of the palace, which were of sandal-wood and lign-aloes with nails of gold and silver, bound them together with ropes of silk and floss426 -silk and fine linen and wrought of them a raft, which he and the Princess aided each other to hale down to the sea-shore. They launched it upon the water till it floated and, making it fast to the beach, returned to the palace, whence they removed all the chargers of gold and saucers of silver and jewels and precious stones and metals and what else was light of load and weighty of worth and freighted the raft therewith. Then they embarked after fashioning two pieces of wood into the likeness of paddles and casting off the rope-moorings, let the raft drift out to sea with them, committing themselves to Allah the Most High, who contenteth those that put their trust in Him and disappointeth not them who rely upon Him. They ceased not faring on thus four months until their victual was exhausted and their sufferings waxed severe and their souls were straitened; so they prayed Allah to vouchsafe them deliverance from that danger. But all this time when they lay down to sleep, Sayf al-Muluk set Daulat Khatun behind him and laid a naked brand at his back, so that, when he turned in sleep the sword was between them.427 At last it chanced one night, when Sayf al-Muluk was asleep and Daulat Khatun awake, that behold, the raft drifted landwards and entered a port wherein were ships. The Princess saw the ships and heard a man, he being the chief and head of the captains, talking with the sailors; whereby she knew that this was the port of some city and that they were come to an inhabited country. So she joyed with exceeding joy and waking the Prince said to him, “Ask the captain the name of the city and harbour.” Thereupon Sayf al-Muluk arose and said to the captain, “O my brother, how is this harbour hight and what be the names of yonder city and its King?” Replied the Captain, “O false face!428 O frosty beard! an thou knew not the name of this port and city, how camest thou hither?” Quoth Sayf al-Muluk, “I am a stranger and had taken passage in a merchant ship which was wrecked and sank with all on board; but I saved myself on a plank and made my way hither; wherefore I asked thee the name of the place, and in asking is no offence.” Then said the captain, “This is the city of ‘Amáriyah and this harbour is called Kamín al-Bahrayn.”429 When the Princess heard this she rejoiced with exceeding joy and said, “Praised be Allah!” He asked, “What is to do?”; and she answered, “O Sayf al-Muluk, rejoice in succour near hand; for the King of this city is my uncle, my father’s brother.” — And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
When it was the Seven Hundred and Seventy-first Night,
She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Daulat Khatun said to Sayf al-Muluk, “Rejoice in safety near hand; for the King of this city is my uncle, my father’s brother and his name is ‘Ali al-Mulúk,”430 adding, “Say thou then to the captain, ‘Is the Sultan of the city, Ali al-Muluk, well?’” He asked but the captain was wroth with him and cried, “Thou sayest, ‘I am a stranger and never in my life came hither.’ Who then told thee the name of the lord of the city?” When Daulat Khatun heard this, she rejoiced and knew him for Mu’ín al-Dín,431 one of her father’s captains. Now he had fared forth in search of her, after she was lost and finding her not, he never ceased cruising till he came to her uncle’s city. Then she bade Sayf al-Muluk say to him, “O Captain Mu’in al-Din, come and speak with thy mistress!” So he called out to him as she bade, whereat he was
wroth with exceeding wrath and answered, “O dog, O thief, O spy, who art thou and how knowest thou me?” Then he said to one of the sailors, “Give me an ash432 -stave, that I may go to yonder plaguing Arab and break his head.” So he tookt he stick and made for Sayf al-Muluk, but, when he came to the raft, he saw a something, wondrous, beauteous, which confounded his wits and considering it straitly he made sure that it was Daulat Khatun sitting there, as she were a slice of the moon; whereat he said to the Prince, “Who is that with thee?” Replied he, “A damsel by name Daulat Khatun.” When the captain heard the Princess’s name and knew that she was his mistress and the daughter of his King, he fell down in a fainting-fit, and when he came to himself, he left the raft and whatso was thereon and riding up to the palace, craved an audience of the King; whereupon the chamberlain went in to the presence and said, “Captain Mu’in al-Din is come to bring thee good news; so bid he be brought in.” The King bade admit him; accordingly he entered and kissing ground433 said to him, “O King, thou owest me a gift for glad tidings; for thy brother’s daughter Daulat Khatun hath reached our city safe and sound, and is now on a raft in the harbour, in company with a young man like the moon on the night of its full.” When the King heard this, he rejoiced and conferred a costly robe of honour on the captain. Then he straightway bade decorate the city in honour of the safe return of his brother’s daughter, and sending for her and Sayf al-Muluk, saluted the twain and gave them joy of their safety; after which he despatched a messenger to his brother, to let him know that his daughter was found and was with him. As soon as the news reached Taj al-Muluk he gat him ready and assembling his troops set out for his brother’s capital, where he found his daughter and they rejoiced with exceeding joy. He sojourned with his brother a week, after which he took his daughter and Sayf al-Muluk and returned to Sarandib, where the Princess foregathered with her mother and they rejoiced at her safe return; and held high festival and that day was a great day, never was seen its like. As for Sayf al-Muluk, the King entreated him with honour and said to him, “O Sayf al-Muluk, thou hast done me and my daughter all this good for which I cannot requite thee nor can any requite thee, save the Lord of the three Worlds; but I wish thee to sit upon the throne in my stead and rule the land of Hind, for I offer thee of my throne and kingdom and treasures and servants, all this in free gift to thee.” Whereupon Sayf al-Muluk rose and kissing the ground before the King, thanked him and answered, “O King of the Age, I accept all thou givest me and return it to thee in freest gift; for I, O King of the Age, covet not sovranty nor sultanate nor desire aught but that Allah the Most High bring me to my desire.” Rejoined the King, “O Sayf al-Muluk these my treasures are at thy disposal: take of them what thou wilt, without consulting me, and Allah requite thee for me with all weal!” Quoth the Prince, “Allah advance the King! There is no delight for me in money or in dominion till I win my wish: but now I have a mind to solace myself in the city and view its thoroughfares and market-streets.” So the King bade bring him a mare of the thoroughbreds, saddled and bridled; and Sayf al-Muluk mounted her and rode through the streets and markets of the city. As he looked about him right and left, lo! his eyes fell on a young man, who was carrying a tunic and crying it for sale at fifteen dinars: so he considered him and saw him to be like his brother Sa’id; and indeed it was his very self, but he was wan of blee and changed for long strangerhood and the travails of travel, so that he knew him not. However, he said to his attendants, “Take yonder youth and carry him to the palace where I lodge, and keep him with you till my return from the ride when I will question him.” But they understood him to say, “Carry him to the prison,” and said in themselves “Haply this is some runaway Mameluke of his.” So they took him and bore him to the bridewell, where they laid him in irons and left him seated in solitude, unremembered by any. Presently Sayf al-Muluk returned to the palace, but he forgot his brother Sa’id, and none made mention of him. So he abode in prison, and when they brought out the prisoners, to cut ashlar from the quarries they took Sa’id with them, and he wrought with the rest. He abode a month’s space, in this squalor and sore sorrow, pondering his case and saying in himself, “What is the cause of my imprisonment?”; while Sayf al-Muluk’s mind was diverted from him by rejoicing and other things; but one day, as he sat, he bethought him of Sa’id and said to his Mamelukes, “Where is the white slave I gave into your charge on such a day?” Quoth they, “Didst thou not bid us bear him to the bridewell?”; and quoth he, “Nay, I said not so; I bade you carry him to my palace after the ride.” Then he sent his Chamberlains and Emirs for Sa’id and they fetched him in fetters, and loosing him from his irons set him before the Prince, who asked him, “O young man, what countryman art thou?”; and he answered, “I am from Egypt and my name is Sa’id, son of Faris the Wazir.” Now hearing these words Sayf al-Muluk sprang to his feet and throwing himself off the throne and upon his friend, hung on his neck, weeping aloud for very joy and saying, “O my brother, O Sa’id, praise be Allah for that I see thee alive! I am thy brother Sayf al-Muluk, son of King Asim.” Then they embraced and shed tears together and all who were present marvelled at them. After this Sayf al-Muluk bade his people bear Sa’id to the Hammam-bath: and they did so. When he came out, they clad him in costly clothing and carried him back to Sayf al-Muluk who seated him on the throne beside himself. When King Taj al-Muluk heard of the reunion of Sayf al-Muluk and his brother Sa’id, he joyed with you exceeding and came to them, and the three sat devising of all that had befallen them in the past from first to last. Then said Sa’id, “O my brother, O Sayf al-Muluk, when the ship sank with all on board I saved myself on a plank with a company of Mamelukes and it drifted with us a whole month, when the wind cast us, by the ordinance of Allah Almighty, upon an island. So we landed and entering among the trees took to eating of the fruits, for we were anhungred. Whilst we were busy eating, there fell on us unawares, folk like Ifrits434 and springing on our shoulders rode us435 and said to us, ‘Go on with us; for ye are become our asses.’ So I said to him who had mounted me, ‘What art thou and why mountest thou me?’ At this he twisted one of his legs about my neck, till I was all but dead, and beat upon my back the while with the other leg, till I thought he had broken my backbone. So I fell to the ground on my face, having no strength left in me for famine and thirst. From my fall he knew that I was hungry and taking me by the hand, led me to a tree laden with fruit which was a pear-tree436 and said to me, ‘Eat thy fill of this tree.’ So I ate till I had enough and rose to walk against my will; but, ere I had fared afar the creature turned and leaping on my shoulders again drove me on, now walking, now running and now trotting, and he the while mounted on me, laughing and saying, ‘Never in my life saw I a donkey like unto thee!’ We abode thus for years till, one day of the days, it chanced that we saw there great plenty of vines, covered with ripe fruit; so we gathered a quantity of grape-bunches and throwing them into a pit, trod them with our feet, till the pit became a great water-pool. Then we waited awhile and presently returning thither, found that the sun had wroughten on the grape-juice and it was become wine. So we used to drink it till we were drunken and our faces flushed and we fell to singing and dancing and running about in the merriment of drunkenness;437 whereupon our masters said to us, ‘What is it that reddeneth your faces and maketh you dance and sing?’ We replied, ‘Ask us not, what is your quest in questioning us hereof?’ But they insisted, saying, ‘You must tell us so that we may know the truth of the case,’ till we told them how we had pressed grapes and made wine. Quoth they, ‘Give us to drink thereof’; but quoth we, ‘The grapes are spent.’ So they brought us to a Wady, whose length we knew not from its breadth nor its beginning from its end wherein were vines each bunch of grapes on them weighing twenty pounds438 by the scale and all within easy reach, and they said, ‘Gather of these.’ So we gathered a mighty great store of grapes and finding there a big trench bigger than the great tank in the King’s garden we filled it full of fruit. This we trod with our feet and did with th
e juice as before till it became strong wine, which it did after a month; whereupon we said to them, ‘’Tis come to perfection; but in what will ye drink it?’ And they replied, ‘We had asses like unto you; but we ate them and kept their heads: so give us to drink in their skulls.’ We went to their caves which we found full of heads and bones of the Sons of Adam, and we gave them to drink, when they became drunken and lay down, nigh two hundred of them. Then we said to one another, ‘Is it not enough that they should ride us, but they must eat us also? There is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great! But we will ply them with wine, till they are overcome by drunkenness, when we will slay them and be at rest from them.’ Accordingly, we awoke them and fell to filling the skulls and gave them to drink, but they said, ‘This is bitter.’ We replied, ‘Why say ye ’tis bitter? Whoso saith thus, except he drink of it ten times, he dieth the same day.’ When they heard this, they feared death and cried to us, ‘Give us to drink the whole ten times.’ So we gave them to drink, and when they had swallowed the rest of the ten draughts they waxed drunken exceedingly and their strength failed them and they availed not to mount us. Thereupon we dragged them together by their hands and laying them one upon another, collected great plenty of dry vine-stalks and branches and heaped it about and upon them: then we set fire to the pile and stood afar off, to see what became of them.” — And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.