The Bloodletters

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The Bloodletters Page 19

by Samantha Bell

  I glanced at Isaac as he spoke. “Dr. Coleman, I contacted you because I found your name in my father’s personal records. It came to my attention that you have knowledge about experiments involving Royal blood.”

  Dr. Coleman shook his head and laughed. “No need to be formal, your Highness. I know exactly why you wanted me here. You want me to make her,” He tipped his head in my direction and a chill shot up my spine. “A Royal.”

  Silence. The sounds of crickets were deafening.

  “How did you know?” I asked.

  The doctor shrugged. “That’s what everyone always wants when I get summoned in the middle of the night.” There was a twinkle in his eye. ‘There was a reason that this knowledge was stricken from the books; too many people would seek what you are asking right now. And well, we couldn’t have that, could we?” He paused, seemingly distracted by a memory.

  “So, it can be done?” Isaac’s grip tightened on my hand. Our hearts were racing in unison.

  Dr. Coleman nodded. “Yes, my boy, it can be done.”

  “But my grandfather,” Isaac trailed off.

  “Was too weak to have any blood transfusion be successful.” Dr. Coleman replied with a shrug. “Besides, it was a different process than making someone a Royal. Your great-grandfather tried everything. I was his last chance, and I agreed. But I knew that the chances were slim. Blood is a very tricky thing, you see.”

  “Becoming a Royal is possible,” I interjected to bring the topic back to focus. Isaac’s grandfather was long gone. I was the one who was risking everything right now, and I needed to know the truth.

  Dr. Coleman nodded.

  “You’ve done it before?” I asked.

  The doctor nodded again.

  “And you’ll do it for me.”

  He hesitated and sighed. “Miss Violet, the experiments were risky. I was a young and reckless doctor. The experimentation was banned, and all funding ceased. Only one test subject ever survived, and I haven’t done it since.”

  “But there’s a chance.” I pressed.

  “Yes,” Dr. Coleman said after a moment. “There is a chance. It’s slim, but there is a chance of survival.”

  I clutched Isaac’s hand. “We have to do this!”

  There was sadness reflected in his eyes. “But Violet, I don’t want to lose you.”

  “I’m dead the moment they find out anyway,” I argued. I tried to reason with him. “This is the only chance that we will have to be legitimately together. I thought that was what you wanted.”

  Isaac smiled and kissed me.

  Dr. Coleman huffed where he stood, obviously not thrilled with the public display of affection.

  “It is what I want,” Isaac said after breaking away from our kiss. “I just don’t want to lose you.”

  I had no reason to doubt him. “Then you need to trust me. Trust that I am strong enough to do this.” Our eyes locked, and he gave me a steady nod.

  “Alright,” he said.

  A wave of relief washed over me. I turned my attention back to Dr. Coleman. “When can it be done?”

  Dr. Coleman opened his mouth to speak but was cut off.

  “Hey who’s out there?” A guard wielding a lantern and a sword appeared, silhouetted by the castle lights in the distance.

  The doctor shrunk against the shadows. “I must not be seen,” he hissed.

  Isaac and I exchanged glances, and the Prince waved him off. “We will call for you.” He said as the doctor made his escape.

  “What do we do?” I whispered, holding tight to Isaac as the guard came closer.

  The Prince kissed my cheek. “I will confront him. You take the secret path back to the library. I will meet you there.” His eyes remained locked on mine for a second and then let go of my hand.

  Isaac strode out of the shadows and waved at the guard with a smile in his voice. “Not to worry, just out for an evening stroll.”

  The guard seemed relieved. “Oh, your Highness, I was worried it might be an intruder.”

  Isaac laughed. “I would be capable of taking care of anyone who tried to harm me, rest assured.”

  I made my move when they turned to walk back towards the castle. I sidestepped around the corner and grabbed the side door. It opened with a creak.

  “What was that?” The guard turned on his heel and held up the lantern.

  I froze. I was caught in the light with nowhere to go. There was no getting out of this now. We were caught and they would surely put me to death for my love.


  I sat hugging my legs to my chest on the floor. I had been locked in my room for days. No one had come to see me except to deliver my meals.

  Isaac had ordered them to stop, but even he was not powerful enough to overrule the will of the King. I hadn’t seen him since I was ripped away from him and dragged up to my room. I screamed and banged on the door for hours until my voice gave out, but it was all in vain. No one answered.

  There was nothing to do now but wait. I opened my eyes. It was night again; that made it three days since I had been locked away. I supposed I should be grateful to still be breathing at this point. My faith that Isaac would bargain with his father was the only thing keeping me alive.

  There was a knock at the door. It opened and someone pushed a tray of dinner in before the door was tightly locked again. They kept the mealtimes sporadic, in an attempt to protect themselves from me thinking up an escape plan, no doubt. Lucky for them, I hadn’t even tried. What would be the point? It would only solidify my guilt.

  My stomach clenched at the smell of warm soup filled the room. I had refused lunch and now I was starving. Casting aside my pride, I crawled to the silver tray and breathed in the scent of soup and fresh bread. With no one around to judge me, I lifted the bowl of soup to my lips and drank directly.

  I drained the bowl. I was wishing for more when something caught my interest. There was a small folded piece of paper underneath the bowl.

  I furrowed my brow with curiosity and unfolded the paper. It was in Isaac’s writing.

  Dear Violet,

  I hope you are not being mistreated. I have been forbidden to venture to the library or anywhere near the Bloodletters. My father is furious. I have admitted my love, but he is set in his ways. There is only one way that we can be together. You know that means. The plan is in motion. Wait for me, my love. All will be well.



  The words were written tiny and neat in order to fit on such a small scrap of paper. I sighed and held it in my hands tightly. Warmth spread through me, filling with me with joy. Isaac wasn’t going to give up on me. We would be ok. He would make me a Royal.


  The next morning there was a knock at the door. Instead of a tray of breakfast being unceremoniously shoved across the threshold, Judy appeared.

  “Miss Violet,” she chirped. The maid went about opening the blinds and laying out an outfit, as if it were any other normal day.

  I groaned and buried my face in a pillow. For a moment I forgot that I was being kept a prisoner in my room. I bolted up. “Judy?” I gasped. “What are you doing here?”

  Judy emerged from the bathroom. I could hear the roar of water and the promise of a bath. “Your audience has been requested,” she replied. “A meeting with the King and Queen.”

  The momentary happiness was stolen away, and my mouth went dry. “Oh,” I barely managed a whisper.

  Judy’s lips pressed into a line. I looked up at her from the cocoon of blankets I had buried myself in. “Ma’am, I know something troubling is happening.” She gestured around us. “The walls have ears, you know. But I believe that the Prince will be there as well.” She hinted, and it gave me hope.

  I nodded. “Then I must meet them and look my best.” If it were an audience with the Saxons or my executioner, I would be ready.



  I held my hands in front of myself
stiffly and walked in small, controlled steps. At my request, Judy had abandoned the simple blouse and skirt that she had originally taken from my wardrobe and instead helped me into a magnificent purple day dress. My hair was pinned perfectly, and I did not let a shred of my fear show through.

  One thing that I was taught during my days as a Minister’s daughter was to never show weakness around politicians. The wrong move or glance could prove fatal. Literally fatal, in my case today.

  King Luther and Queen Leona were seated at the front of the room. A long stretch of red carpet was between us. The guards walked me towards them slowly and ominously. The King’s advisers were seated along the wall and whispering amongst themselves. I counted six men and two women. Standing beside the King was Isaac. Edmund was nowhere to be seen.

  I stopped at the edge of the red carpet. I stole a moment’s glance at Isaac, whose expression was unreadable, before returning my attention to the King and Queen. I stood silently, waiting for them to make the first move.

  The King examined me carefully. “What is your name?” His voice was loud and commanding.

  “Violet, sir,” I replied. I did not give another word away.

  “From which family?”

  “That information is lost to me, Your Highness. I only have memory of the Blood House where I lived under the care of Madam Desjardins.” I hoped he would not press further. My eyes flicked to the Queen, who was watching me carefully. There was a small spark of warmth in her eyes, but I didn’t count on it saving me.

  “Do you know why you were called here today?” The King continued.

  I kept my hands tight at my sides. “No, sir.”

  The King chuckled and shook his head. “Are you sure about that, child?”

  I hated his condescending tone. “Any answer I give would only be an educated guess, your Highness.” I spoke with respect, not sarcasm.

  There was a silence. Isaac cause my eye with a tiny nod. It gave me hope. We would emerge from this together.

  The King’s face was expressionless. The advisers were silent, watching us intently. I knew enough about the Royals to know that the advisers were little more than decoration for matters like this. Ultimately, my fate was in the King’s hands.

  “Violet,” he said. The King’s voice echoed in the room. “You were found on the palace grounds past midnight four days ago. Prince Isaac has admitted that you were together when this happened. He has also admitted to an unapproved relationship with you.” He paused. “Violet, you are the personal Bloodletter of the Crown Prince Edmund. As such you have the strict responsibility for your actions and to protect the purity of your blood at all costs.”

  I nodded, waiting for him to continue.

  “Do you admit that you were meeting Isaac that night and that you put your blood purity at risk?”

  “I was with Isaac,” I replied. I had done nothing to harm myself and I would not admit to dirtying my blood. Edmund wanted nothing to do with me anyway and the King and Queen knew that.

  “Are you aware that this is a treasonous act against the Crown Prince?”

  My confidence faltered. “Treason?”

  Isaac stiffened. “Father,” He was cut off as the King raised his hand for silence.

  I bit my lip, waiting for the king to continue. His words were weighing on me heavily now. How was I going to get out of this? I glanced over at Isaac.

  “Violet, if you admit to this, you will be stripped of your status as a Bloodletter and executed for your crimes against the House of Strix,” The King said.

  My throat prickled with dread. I tried my best to keep hold of my composure. What was Isaac waiting for? Wasn’t he going to save me? I stuttered as I replied to the King. “Your Highness, I did not put my blood in danger and thus did not endanger the Prince. I had no ill intentions towards your family.”

  The Queen eased back in her chair and whispered something to her husband. They exchanged knowing glances, and the King turned his attention to Isaac.

  “Prince Isaac,” he said. His voice was all business. There was no hint of affection for his second son. “Do you admit to being on the palace grounds after curfew with this young woman?”

  Isaac nodded. “Yes, I do, Father.” His eyes locked on mine as he admitted the truth before the King and Queen. “I love her.”

  There was a collective gasp from the advisers. One frail older man nearly fell off his chair. They huddled together in a frantic whisper.

  “Silence!” the King shouted.

  I swallowed hard, waiting for him to speak. I balled my hands into fists to hide the trembling. It was nearly impossible to conceal my nervousness now. This was not how it was supposed to be. I was supposed to become a Royal and be welcomed with open arms. I was no traitor.

  “Your love for her will be her death.” The King rose from his chair. “She will be executed tomorrow morning.”

  “No, please,” Isaac pleaded with his father. “Father. Your Highness.” He fought to find the right words. “I love her. There has to be another way.”

  “You betrayed your own brother, Isaac. You should be grateful I am sparing your punishment as well.” The King’s words were like ice. He looked at me and waved dismissively. “Take her away.”


  I was stripped of my fine clothes and dressed in a scratchy cotton dress. I was in a storage cell in the palace's basement. The other holding cell was empty, and the floor was damp but mercifully clean. I sat in the corner with my knees to my chest. I had not cried a tear.

  There was nothing but sounds of dripping water and the smell of wet stone to comfort me. I would have never predicted that my last day would have turned out like this. I counted the moments until I would hear the door open and be led to the executioner’s block.

  I was woken from a restless sleep by the sound of the heavy wooden door scraping against the stone floor. I tensed, hearing not one but three sets of footsteps. My stomach clenched, and I glanced around for a clue, something to help me make a break for it when they opened the cell, but there was nothing.

  The footsteps stopped the cell door. I looked up, unable to believe what I saw.

  Queen Leona was standing there, looking out of place in her velvet gown and shimmering pearls. She smiled at me. I must have been hallucinating.

  She spoke. “Good evening, Violet.” Her voice was warm and caring. While I had been near her on many occasions, she had never noticed me or spoken to me directly before.

  My heart was pounding in my chest. “Good evening, your Highness.”

  Queen Leona’s smile widened, and she let out an airy laugh. “You have impeccable manners, even when dressed in a sack.” She motioned beside her and the other two people came into the light. Dr. Coleman and Prince Isaac.

  My mouth fell open. On one hand, it embarrassed me for Isaac to see me dressed like this in a damp cell, but on the other hand, my heart was bursting with joy. I struggled to my feet and my hands clasped around his through the metal bars. “Isaac!” I sobbed. “I thought I would never see you again.”

  “I wouldn’t let you down, my dear,” he said. “I just needed time to make a plan.”

  “What plan?” I wiped tears from my eyes.

  The Queen patted Isaac’s shoulder. “My son tells me you are his true love. His love goes beyond your blood and to your soul. The King is not romantic, but I realize now that if Isaac has found his love, then how can I deny him?”

  My heart fluttered.

  “My mother wanted to test your faith,” Isaac added.

  “You proved today that you would die for your love. That is something that few people - Royal or Commoner - would not do.” The Queen said. She stepped back and motioned to Dr. Coleman. “I have tried to reason with my husband the King. But, in order to save your life, we all know what must happen.”

  I nodded. “I’ll do anything.”


  SILENCE WEIGHED HEAVY IN THE ROOM. The Queen and the doctor left to prepare everything for the
blood transfusion. They left Isaac and me alone.

  I wrapped my arms around myself in shame. I hated the Prince seeing me like this - vulnerable, cold, hungry and dressed like a pauper. I didn’t even bother to brush the hair from my face; it would do no good.

  The Prince was not put off by my appearance. He wrapped his arms around me and smoothed my tangled curls. “It’s going to be ok, Violet.”

  I surrendered my last ounce of strength and fell against him. I would not cry, I would not complain, but inside I was terrified.

  “I know you’re scared,” Isaac said, as if reading my mind. “I am too.” He admitted with a chuckle. “But it’s going to be alright. I have faith that if there is anyone strong enough to complete this transfusion, it’s you. Fate would not have brought us together otherwise.”

  I nodded.

  Isaac lifted my chin, and we locked eyes. “You’re beautiful, strong, intelligent, everything I could have ever hoped for.”

  Our lips met in a feverish kiss.

  “I wish it didn’t have to be this way,” I said when we pulled away.

  Isaac nodded. “Me too, I wish I could have you just as you are,” he agreed. “But that would never work. You’d grow old and I would have to live on without you.” He clenched his teeth at the thought. “I’m just sad that I’ll never be able to have your sweet blood again.”

  Royal blood was deadly to other Royals.

  My heart skipped. “Do you want one last taste?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

  The Prince’s eyes widened. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  I had never been so sure of something in my life. If sharing my blood one last time would strengthen our bond and prove my love for him, then it was the only option.

  Isaac hesitated only a second, his eyes flicking to mine and then down the veins hiding under my pale skin. He bit into the soft skin of my inner arm.

  The heat ripped through my body like a deadly fever. There was no pain, only pleasure. Drinking directly from the body had been banned for so long; the modern Royals saw it as a way to spread disease and taboo. Isaac and I had something special. Taking my blood released an animal in him that I was only too happy to please.


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