The Bloodletters

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The Bloodletters Page 20

by Samantha Bell

  The bond was indescribable. Our hearts raced as one and our spirits entwined themselves in this long-forgotten ritual.

  Isaac broke away with a low moan. He was breathing hard and his pupils were dilated. “I know I’ve said it a million times, Violet, but you are delicious.”

  I smiled and used my thumb to wipe away a spot of blood for the corner of his mouth. I took a deep breath and then said the words I had been waiting so long to hear. “Alright, let’s go make you a Royal.”


  A room had been prepared for the medical procedure. We would have to move quickly, as my execution was scheduled that morning. The Queen’s plan was simple: once I was a Royal, the King would have to accept me. She was sure of it. I had no choice but to put my trust in her.

  I was given a rough, scalding bath and dressed in a clean white robe. The room had been scrubbed spotless and was empty aside from a bed and various medical tools. Dr. Coleman mumbled as he made sure everything was just right. His nervousness was palatable; I had never seen him like this before.

  I stood at the doorway with my eyes flicking back and forth. The medical tools gleamed in the light and the sterile smell made me choke. I let out a shuddering sigh.

  Isaac placed his hand gently on my shoulder. “You’ll be ok.” There wasn’t a hint of doubt in his voice.

  I looked into his emerald eyes and kissed him softly. “Isaac, if I don’t make it.”

  “No,” He cut me off. “I don’t want to even hear it. You will make it. You have to.” He held me tightly. “I promise. If anyone is strong enough to endure this, it's you.”

  The doctor cleared his throat. “Come on lovebirds, enough of that. Let’s get this done before sunrise.”

  It took all my willpower to let Isaac go. “So, you promise you’ve done this successfully, doctor?” I knew the answer, but I needed to hear it again.

  Dr. Coleman nodded. “Once.”

  That wasn’t reassuring, but it was a glimmer of hope in the dark pool of my impending death. “Alright. I trust you.”

  I followed the doctor’s instructions. I was no stranger to having my blood taken, but this time it felt different. Part of me was glad that Dr. Coleman was here. I had been under his care for months; he knew my blood and veins better than anyone.

  I laid down on the bed, exposed my arm and let out a deep sigh.

  “Now this will take a few hours,” The doctor said as he set up the contraption next to me. He glanced at Isaac. “Your highness, if you would.” He gestured to the chair beside me.

  The prince took his seat and exposed his arm closest to mine.

  Before I could question it, Dr. Coleman offered an explanation. “The transfusion needs to be done with strong, pure Royal blood. The Prince here is the best candidate out of any of us. We will fuse your blood together and,” He paused. “If all goes well, your body will accept the blood.”

  My heart was pounding in my chest. I watched the shining needle in the doctor’s hand and bit my lip.

  Dr. Coleman smiled. “Trust me, Violet. This will be unpleasant, but I will do everything in my power to keep you safe.”

  Without warning, the needle jabbed into my skin and I flinched. The gauge was large, wide enough to let blood flow freely. He jabbed my other arm was jabbed next. One would drain me of my common blood and the other would infuse me with Isaac’s Royal blood.

  The doctor then hooked Isaac up to the other side.

  My heart pounded harder. This was it. This is what I had been waiting for since Heather gave me the brief sliver of hope. Now all I had to do was not die.

  Easier said than done.

  I swallowed hard trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. I hoped that I looked calmer than how I was feeling inside. I had to be strong and focused or else I would die tonight. I closed my eyes and relaxed my head on the pillow.

  “Alright,” the doctor said. I heard him clap his hands together. “Let us begin.”

  At first there was nothing but a brief twinge in my arms as he let the clamps go and the blood transfusion began. I took deep breaths, counting the seconds and attempting to calm my racing heart as Heather had taught me to do when bloodletting. Being nervous would only make the blood flow faster and put me at risk.

  I grimaced as a wave of nausea fell over me. My eyes flickered open, but shadows dotted my vision. The blood was coming fast. My body began to grow cold and my fingertips twitched.

  It was happening. Either I would die, or I would be a Royal.

  The doctor released the clamp that was connecting Isaac’s blood to mine. I knew the moment when it hit me because it set my body on fire. My nerves screamed as his blood entered my veins. I broke out in a sudden sweat and gasped for air.

  “Keep still Violet.” The doctor commanded.

  I felt his hands on my shoulders to keep me from writhing on the bed and pulling the needles loose.

  “Keep still. This will all be over soon.” Dr. Coleman hissed.

  My veins burned a map of agony throughout my body and to my heart. My eyes snapped open again for a moment before I was lost to the darkness.



  I knew that voice. Where was it coming from? Who was it? Why did it sound so familiar? All I could see was darkness.


  A bright light flashed across my eyes. Was it the light from the procedure room? Where was I? I felt as if I were floating.


  That voice again. More lights.

  All of a sudden it hit me. Memories came back in a rush. I knew that voice - it was my favorite voice in the world. The first voice I had heard from within the womb, the voice that told me bedtime stories, the voice that comforted me when I was hurting, the voice that promised me I was destined to be greater than I could have ever imagined.

  “Mother!” I screamed out. Tears filled my eyes. I could hear her, but I couldn’t see her. “Mother, where are you?”

  “I am here with you,” Her voice replied. “And I am with the Gods.”

  “Mother,” I choked. “I miss you so much.” I wanted to see her and hug her and never let her go.

  “It is not your time yet, my dear daughter. You are destined for more.” Her voice twinkled with a small laugh. “You are my most precious love, Violet. I’m sorry for leaving you. But you cannot join me.”

  My heart ached. “But, Mother,” I whispered.

  “Go back to him,” she said. I knew she was talking about Isaac. “His people will need you more than you know. Go, child. Go and be the woman I always knew you would be.”


  When I woke up I was in a strange room. The bed was enormous; I was nestled in plush pillows and warm blankets. It was not my bedroom I had grown accustom to as a Bloodletter. It was immaculate. I was in a room meant for a Royal.

  With a trembling hand, I touched my face and ran my fingers through my hair. I was alive. Did that mean it was a success? Strangely, I didn’t feel much different. In fact, I felt weak and tired and driven by some strange thirst.

  There was a knock at the door. I flung myself back against the pillows and shut my eyes tightly.

  “Father, it’s true!” Issac’s voice and two sets of footsteps echoed in the room.

  “She is a Royal?” The King asked in disbelief. “This can’t be!”

  More sounds. Heels clicking on the floor. “Yes, my dear. She has become a Royal to prove her love for Issac and to declare her dedication to Inwaed.” The Queen’s voice was soft and steady.

  I kept my back towards them and my eyes closed. They thought I was asleep.

  “This is unbelievable.” The King raised his voice and was shushed gently by the Queen.

  “It is a miracle, Father,” Isaac insisted. “Please, give her a chance.”

  The King made a low sound of begrudging agreement and then stomped out of the room with the Queen following behind.

  I opened my eyes again and lifted my head from the pillows.

ac was standing there with his hands in his pockets and a boyish grin. “You’re awake.”

  I smiled at him and attempted to sit up. Nausea crept up my body and I collapsed back down.

  “Whoa!” The Prince rushed to my side. He sat on the edge of the bed and held my hands in his. “Take it easy, darling. You’ve been through a lot. Just rest.” He leaned down to kiss me.

  My lips were dry and cracked. I flinched away, and he kissed my cheek instead. “How long have I been asleep?” I asked.

  Isaac paused to think. “About two days. The doctor has been in to check on you and he says you’re doing really well.” He grinned. “We did it, Violet. Now we can be together for the next hundred years and beyond.”

  I clenched his hand tightly. One hundred years was unfathomable to me. My stomach clenched with the fear of the unknown. Spots of light appeared in my vision. “Yes,” I breathed as I blinked away the spots. “Isaac, I,” Words weren’t enough to express my feelings. My lover had not only saved my life, but had defied the odds to ensure that we would be together despite everything.

  I looked down at the intricately embroidered bedspread. “Thank you.” I whispered.

  Isaac pulled me into his arms. “Anything for you, my love.”

  I closed my eyes and rested against his shoulder.

  We sat in silence until the peace was broken by another knock at the door. The doctor entered; he seemed surprised to see me awake. “Ah, Violet, you’re awake. Doing much better I see.” His eyes twinkled with pride. “The transfusion was an outstanding success.”

  I let him inspect me. The wounds from the needles had nearly disappeared. He checked my pulse, blood pressure, reflexes and senses. I was still weak and groggy, but he seemed pleased with my progress.

  “Now that you’ve come to, it is important that we get some blood in you.” The doctor said as he packed away his tools. “The next few days will be crucial.”


  I would have to drink blood to sustain my powers, longevity, strength, and beauty. I swallowed hard. “Yes,” I agreed. “I’ve had a terrible, indescribable thirst since I woke up.”

  Both the Prince and the doctor gave me a knowing look. The need for blood bonded all the Royals. The source of their power and the backbone of their identities was the blood of the commoners.

  Dr. Coleman called for a servant to fetch one of the palace Bloodletters.

  Isaac stayed with me, wrapping me in a silk robe and helping me comb the tangles out of my hair. I washed my face and chewed mint and ginger to calm my stomach. I drank water, but it did not relieve the feeling of thirst for blood.

  Lady Carrol arrived with a female Bloodletter who I did not recognize. I was suddenly thankful for the secrecy and isolation of the Bloodletter’s wing. It would be easier taking from someone I did not know.

  Lady Carrol stood at the threshold, her eyes wide as she looked me up and down. Her lips pressed together and then opened several times as if she wanted to say something but had lost the words.

  Isaac strode over to her and whispered something in her ear. They exchanged glances and Lady Carrol bowed her head in submission. She was yet another person who knew our secret who would have to stay silent.

  The Bloodletter was a woman of small stature with chestnut brown hair. She was dressed in a modest but well-made dress. I didn’t think she could have been more than a year or two older than me. She walked and held herself with grace and purpose. In a word, well-trained.

  I watched in quiet anticipation as the Bloodletter prepared. She set out her tools one by one and named them all in my head. I walked through the steps with her in my mind as if were standing beside her and it was my blood that was going to be drawn.

  “Which arm, my Lady?” Her voice was soft.

  It snapped me out of my trance. “Excuse me? What?”

  “Which arm, my Lady?” She repeated.

  I licked my bottom lip and looked back and forth from one arm to the other. “Uh, left.” I said. During set up, I noticed she was right-handed and the left arm would be easier and faster.

  The Bloodletter nodded and with well-practiced precision drew a generous portion of blood. She handed it to me. “Here you are, I hope this pleases you.” She was almost mechanical in her movements and words. She was experienced and obedient. Lady Carrol had chosen well.

  My hands were unsteady as I took the small glass from her. I raised it to the light to watch the scarlet liquid swirl inside. The scent hit me and my bottom lip trembled. I brought the delicate container to my mouth.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Prince Isaac give a reassuring nod. I could hear Lady Carrol hold her breath as I tipped back the glass and drank the blood.

  Euphoria washed over me. The blood was delicious and it satisfied my thirst. My entire body was buzzing with energy.

  In that moment, I forgot about everything except the taste and feeding the fierce, God-like spirit that had blossomed within my heart.


  I stared out the window to the palace grounds below. The gardeners were tending to the tulips and the scent of Spring was heavy in the air. The sun peeked through the clouds and I watched the shadows grow longer as the afternoon turned to evening.

  Everything was new. It was better, stronger, and vibrant. My eyes and ears were alert to the smallest movement or sound, and food tasted like it came from the gardens of the Gods. My strength returned and my senses continued to amaze me.

  I was a Royal.

  The doctor told me my heart stopped when I was on the bed. It was a miracle of science and faith that I had lived through the transfusion. Now, I was finally out of danger.

  The doctor left last night under the cover of darkness to return to his regular life. We had been sworn to secrecy of his involvement with this ordeal.

  The Queen had decided that no one but the family should ever know the truth of how I became a Royal. It would surely cause the commoners to riot. My new power had come at a price: a new life full of secrets. My past would be erased and I would reemerge as an esteemed member of the Royal Court.

  I set aside the book on my lap and stood to examine myself in the full-length mirror. I wore a red gown with flowing tiers of chiffon. My blue veins stood out against my pale skin.

  I looked different from the scared girl who was thrust to the wolves by her own father. I had emerged from the flames of betrayal like a phoenix and rose higher than even I had thought possible. Here I stood as a Royal. A magnificent being whose power exceeded the average mortal.

  Those who had doubted me would regret everything that they had done to wrong me. Now, with my newfound power and my Prince by my side, I would take back my dignity and punish anyone who opposed me.

  It was time to settle the score.


  I stared out to the crowd of people who had gathered outside of the palace.

  Isaac held my hand with a tight, reassuring grip. I caught his glance out of the corner of my eye. He nodded to me.

  I raised my hand to acknowledge the crowd, Royals from every level of the court had gathered to celebrate our wedding.

  The feeling of dread crept up my spine. Would they find out I wasn’t born a Royal? Would they shun me? Hate me? What would the commoners think? I had stolen the gift that should only be given by birth. I was artificial. Nothing but a ruse.

  “Ladies and Gentleman of the Court, may I present Lady Violet of House Saxon.”

  Violet’s story continues in…




  Coming Summer 2020



  Before Ryland Williams came to the Federal Psychic Training Academy - North Campus, he was the star pupil of the West Campus. Then it all changed because of a simple mission gone wrong. Now, he only has one chance to redeem himself and he’ll be damned if he lets anyone stand in his way.


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  All I wanted to do was survive exams and graduate high school. Too bad that all blew up in my face - literally.

  Apparently, I have psychic powers and I am very bad at controlling them. After two run-ins with dangerous villains that scare my destructive powers right out of me, I get brought to the Psychic Training Academy - a government run facility meant to help people like me become “useful”.

  Now I’m caught between my old normal life and my new crazy one. During the day I have to study for exams and at night I need to train in hand-to-hand combat…oh and try not to fall for my two sexy sparring partners.

  When a Rogue Psychic starts wreaking havoc, I join in on the fight. When my best friend gets kidnapped, it gets personal. I’ll need to discover what my powers can really do if I want any chance to win.


  PSYCHIC SECRET is an upper YA/NA Urban Fantasy with a hint of slow-burn love triangle romance!

  Book 1: PSYCHIC SECRET (10/2019)

  Book 2: PSYCHIC LIES (12/2019)




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