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Broken Hill High: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 1)

Page 19

by Sheridan Anne

  His eyes widen as he looks to me before he fans his arm out. “Well then,” he says with a bad attitude. “Why don’t you shed a little light on the situation? I’d love to know what could have possibly happened to make what Nathaniel did alright.”

  I raise my eyebrow at his bad attitude and force myself not to go over there and give him a piece of my own mind. Instead, I bring up the footage and hand the camera across. “Here,” I tell him. “That’s your star quarterback sexually assaulting me in the broom closet not ten minutes ago.”

  Watkins hits play on the video and his bad attitude instantly turns into shock, followed by disgust, and then finally, horror. “Are you alright?” he questions when he looks up at me.

  “Yes,” I say. “Physically, but I’m sure what he did is going to flash through my mind every time I see a football player or walk past a broom closet.” He nods and places the camera down on his desk. “Just so you know, I plan on taking him down. I’m going to hit him hard with everything I’ve got and I hope to god that this school can back me up. I also want it pointed out that I’m a minor and I did not give consent for him to touch me or film me in this way.”

  “By all means, Tora,” he says. “Broken Hill High will stand by you. We do not condone any form of violence towards our students or staff and we will do whatever we can to make you feel safe within the walls of this school. You have my word, Tora, action will be taken,” he says before turning towards Nate. “As for you, I understand why you did it, hell, I probably would have done it too, but we cannot condone violence.” Nate nods and Watkins goes on. “Why don’t you all sit out in the hallway. Your father will be here soon and we can discuss an appropriate punishment.”

  “What about punishment for Josh?” Jesse cuts in.

  “An investigation will be launched but I believe expulsion and criminal charges would be appropriate,” he says before looking back at me. “Now, as you mentioned, you are a minor, so you understand that I will have to put a call into your parents?”

  I press my lips together hating that a call like that is only going to worry them but I have no choice in the matter. “Yes, I know,” I tell him. “They’re in Australia at the moment with my sick Nanna. It’s night time and they’re going through a hard time so can you be… sensitive about it?”

  “Of course,” he says. “Why don’t you visit one of our nurses while we wait on Mr. Ryder. Make sure you’re ok.”

  I nod my head as we get up and head out into the hallway. Nate takes my hand and I sit down beside him, not bothering to visit the nurse.

  Ten minutes later, Cade Ryder walks in with a scowl on his face. He looks straight at Nate, not knowing what the hell is going on but naturally, assuming the worst. “Don’t move,” he tells him before walking straight past and into Watkins’ office before closing the door behind him.

  Chapter 21

  I walk through the door behind Cade with Nate beside me and Jesse behind. We walk in silence until we get to the kitchen when Cade turns around and looks at each of us. “Right,” he starts, focusing on Nate. “You’re home tonight. No parties. No get-togethers. No hanging out with the boys. All night, it’s either the den, the dining room, or your bedroom. Got it?”

  Nate nods his head as his father turns to Jesse. “That goes for you, too.”

  “What?” Jesse grunt. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “You could have pulled him away, instead you let him beat the shit out of that kid.”

  “But he-”

  “I don’t want to hear how he deserved it. I know he deserved it, and quite frankly, I think he deserved more,” Cade argues. “But, if this were the real world, Nate would have been arrested on assault and you and your friends would have been taken along with him as accessories. I refuse to allow you idiots to end up in prison, so until you learn that, you’re spending your Friday nights and weekends with me.”


  Cade ignores his son as he turns to me. “Tora, I’m really sorry this happened to you and you’ve become a victim in all this, but I don’t want you going out tonight either. I don’t want to risk that dickhead going out to finish what he started, especially without Nate and Jesse there to look out for you.”

  “That’s fine,” I tell him. “I wasn’t planning on going out tonight anyway.”

  “Alright, then,” he says as he squeezes my shoulder and walks out of the kitchen. “I’ll be in my study if you need me,” he calls over his shoulder before disappearing into the house.

  “Come on,” Nate says a moment later as he drags me into the den with Jesse following behind. We drop down into the couch and Jesse flicks on a movie.

  As we sit in silence, I can’t help but ignore the screen as my mind takes me back to my afternoon. I mean, I haven’t had such a shitty day in so long. The three of us got sent home once Nate’s dad was finished with Principal Watkins, which actually took quite a while as the police were called and charges were filed.

  Cade took complete charge of the situation and all that did was prove to me how often he’s had to do stuff like that for the boys. He was absolutely great and managed to get Nate off with only a week suspension, as after all, he did beat the shit out of a student before knocking him out based solely on my word.

  Everything was going good until Josh woke up and entered the office. Then it was both Cade and Nate being held back by the staff and Jesse, showing me once and for all where Nate gets his temper from. Though, as promised, an investigation was launched and Josh has been placed on suspension until the investigation is complete. He’s also been dropped from the football team until further notice, though, once a thorough investigation is done, I’m sure he’ll be out of the school altogether.

  My parents were called and since then have been blowing up my phone but I haven’t really had a chance to call them back until now, and I find myself putting it off. I don’t want to talk about it again but I know I need to put them out of their misery.

  The memories of being inside that broom closet with Josh haven’t stopped circling my mind and all it does is make me feel sick and dirty.

  I push myself up to my feet and Nate grabs my hand. “Where are you going?” he grunts as he tugs on my hand, stopping me.

  “I want to shower. I feel kind of dirty after having him all over me.”

  “Oh,” he says, looking broken that I feel that way.

  He lets go of my hand and I walk out of the room but when I see both Nate and Jesse following behind, I turn and watch them over my shoulder. “You guys know that I’m capable of showering by myself, right?”

  “Mhmm,” Jesse says as Nate silently continues following. I mean, surely, they aren’t planning on helping me shower, right?

  I get up the stairs and push through the door of my room only to have both the boys follow me in. Jesse stops and drops down onto my bed while Nate follows me into the bathroom. He doesn’t shut the door but he doesn’t need to, Jesse won’t be able to see anything, as long as he stays on my bed.

  I walk straight up to the mirror as Nate leans against the sink, watching me. I get myself undressed and can’t help but notice all the bruising over my body from where Josh had gripped me. I try not to focus on it, as all it does is make me remember every tiny little detail of how he touched me.

  I turn away and lean into the shower to turn on the taps. After waiting a few moments, it’s warm enough to step into and I instantly let the hot water cascade over my body. Nate’s arms circle my waist and I gasp as I hadn’t heard him undressing. I turn in his arms and rest my head against his chest as he holds me.

  This right here is exactly what I’ve been needing all afternoon. Just me and Nate alone.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmurs as he runs his thumb back and forth over my hip. “I should have put a stop to his plans when I first heard about it.”

  My brows pull down as I look up at him and search his eyes. “Don’t do that,” I tell him.

  “Do what?”

  “Blame yourself,”
I explain. “Once the idea was in his head, he wasn’t going to stop. I could sense that from him. I was the stupid one here. I was the one walking down the hall alone when I knew that was a possibility. I wasn’t thinking and that’s on me.”

  He shakes his head, refusing to listen to my reasoning, but I get the feeling this is just one of those things where we have to agree to disagree. “I hate that he touched you,” he tells me.

  “I know,” I sigh. “I hate it too, but I’m happy it’s over and now I’ll never have to see him again.”

  Nate’s whole body tenses. “He better hope he never sees you again,” he mutters darkly.

  I pull myself back into him and he instantly relaxes. “Come on,” I say after a moment of standing in his arms. “I want to wash him off me and forget this day ever happened.”

  “Alright,” he says as he releases me. I reach over and grab the soap before cleaning myself and then going the extra mile to wash my hair as well. A moment later, I feel squeaky clean and fall back into Nate’s arms. “Better?” he questions.

  I smile up at him and press my lips to his. “A million times better,” I tell him before kissing him again. “What are the chances that Jesse isn’t on my bed anymore?”

  “He’s still there,” he groans as he pushes me against the cool tiles of the shower and kisses the sensitive skin of my neck. “He’s feeling protective of you so he won’t be going anywhere for a while.”

  “Damn,” I grunt. “So, you’re telling me that I can’t take advantage of you right now?”

  “Fuck no,” he groans low in his throat as he presses himself up against me and grabs my ass. In one quick movement, he lifts me and my legs wrap around him before he slides straight into me and makes me forget the hell of a day I’ve just had.

  We step out of the shower once he’s thoroughly made me feel alive and he grabs a towel to wrap around me. I dry myself up as best I can before walking out into my room and heading straight for the closet.

  I pull the door closed behind me to allow myself some privacy to get dressed and a few minutes later, I come out to find not only Jesse on my bed but Nate as well. I roll my eyes at my protection detail and grab my phone out of my bag before falling into Nate’s arms.

  I cringe as I pull up my mom’s number and hit call. I can only imagine what she’s thinking right now. She answers on the first ring. “Tora?” she rushes out. “Are you alright? What the hell happened?”

  “Hey, mom,” I murmur down the phone. “I’m fine.”

  “I got a call from Principal Watkins saying you were sexually assaulted by a football player,” she says anxiously.

  “Yeah, I was, but it’s ok. I’m ok.”

  “Shit, honey. I’m coming home,” she says on a sob.

  “No, mom,” I say. “Really. It’s alright. I’m not hurt. Nate took care of him and then Cade handled the rest.”

  “How do you mean he handled the rest? I want charges filed against that kid. Has he been charged?”

  “Yes,” I say. “The police were called and both them and the school are investigating. He had videoed it all as well and we found the camera, so we have the proof. He’ll most likely be expelled and charged which means no more football for him, so he can kiss his dreams of playing college football away.”

  “Oh, honey,” Mom cries. “I’m so sorry you’ve gone through all this. I promise you, the second I can, I’ll be on the first flight home.”

  “Mom, really. Don’t worry about me. Josh has been dealt with and I have Nate and Jesse looking out for me. I’m ok, I was a little shaken up and then Nate beat the crap out of him. I’m all good. I promise.”

  “Are you sure, honey?”

  “Yes, mom. I’m sure,” I tell her. “You need to be there for Nanna. Don’t worry about me.”

  “You know I’m your mother, right?” she says with relief in her voice. “It’s impossible not to worry about you.”

  “I know,” I smile. “But I’m safe. I’m going to stay in and have a movie night with the boys because they’ve been grounded.”

  “Grounded?” she grunts. “What for?”

  “Using their fists instead of their words.”

  “Oh, dear,” she groans. “You know I don’t condone violence, but just this one time. I mean, did he get him good?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I laugh. “Knocked him out cold.” Nate’s arm tightens around me as the boys listening in on my conversation. I smile up at him and he presses a kiss to my forehead.

  “Jesus,” she sighs. “Listen, honey. Your daddy is bugging me for some answers so I better go. Be safe, ok? I want to hear from you first thing in the morning and every hour after that until I get home. Got it?”

  “Alright,” I laugh. “You got yourself a deal.”

  “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you too, mom.”

  With that, she hangs up the call and I put my phone down beside me. I snuggle deeper into Nate’s side as I watch the movie Jesse put on. I don’t think I even watch for ten minutes before I fall asleep.

  All I know is that when Nate is waking me up, the room is suddenly covered in darkness and I’d managed to sleep the whole afternoon away. “Come on, babe,” Nate says. “We’re going out.”

  I rub my eyes as I sit up in bed. “Huh?” I grunt. “What are you talking about?”

  “Jesse wants to go out and pay a visit to your favorite cheerleader.”

  “What?” I grunt again, still foggy from sleep. “We can’t go out. You guys are stuck here until your dad decides he can trust you again.”

  “That’s never going to happen,” he smirks down at me. “Come on, get yourself ready. Jesse has been dying to get out of here. I made him wait so you could get more sleep.”

  With a groan, I push myself up out of bed and trudge over to my closet. I’d bet all the money in the world that we’re going to a party but I don’t bother getting all dressed up. Instead, I grab a pair of boots and a jacket before throwing my hair up into a messy bun.

  I walk out a moment later and Nate takes my hand before leading me down to Jesse’s room. “Bout time,” he groans as we appear in the doorway. “I’ve been waiting hours for you to wake up.”

  I roll my eyes as I watch him walk over to his bedroom window and slide it open. “What are you doing?” I grunt as I watch him climb through the window.

  He looks back through at me. “What does it look like I’m doing?” he says. “Now, hurry that fine ass up. We have a party to crash.”

  “You’re kidding right?” I question. “I’m not escaping out the second story window.”

  “That’s fine,” Jesse grunts. “You can stay behind.”

  My mouth pops open. I don’t want to stay behind. I narrow my eyes on him. “You wouldn’t leave me behind,” I challenge.

  “Want to make a bet?” he says with a sparkle in his eye.

  I let out a huff and storm towards the window. “Damn it,” I groan. “What’s wrong with using the door?” I ask as I take hold of the window sill and look out. Nate comes up behind me and helps me up onto the window ledge while Jesse grabs hold of me on the other side. My heart races. “I swear, if either one of you let me fall off this roof, I’m going to kill you.”

  “You seriously think I’d let you fall?” Nate questions behind me.

  I turn around and narrow my eyes on him. “I don’t know,” I say. “There’s a long list of things that I never thought you’d do to me.”

  “Really?” he questions. “You want to take a stab at me while you’re hanging off the roof?”

  “There’s no better time than the present,” I say with a grin.

  He rolls his eyes and shakes his head before climbing out the window behind me. The boys expertly make their way along the roof and it’s clear they’ve done this a few times before. Jesse climbs over to the edge before jumping down to the ground and I watch in horror as he indicates for me to follow. “You’re shitting me,” I groan.

  “Hurry up,” he whisper yells so we’re
not heard from inside.

  Nate continues to hold onto me as I make my way over to the edge. “He’ll catch you,” Nate promises.

  “I know,” I groan as I peek over the edge.

  I scoot right to the edge and let my legs dangle off before clenching my eyes and letting myself fall. I resist screaming out and a second later, I drop straight into Jesse’s arms. “That wasn’t so bad now, was it?” he says with a cocky grin.

  “Put me down,” I groan.

  He laughs to himself and a moment later he helps to steady me on my feet as Nate drops to the ground beside me. “Come on,” he says, pulling me into him and walking up the long driveway.

  “No car?” I question.

  “Nope,” Jesse grunts. “Dad will hear it. Maxen will meet us down the street.”

  I nod my head and come to terms with the sudden bit of exercise. “Why are we going out anyway?” I ask as Nate pulls out a packet of cigarettes. “Ugh, really?”

  He looks down at me as I take the cigarette from his fingers and go to bring it to my lips. He snatches it right back and furrows his eyebrows. “What do you think you’re doing?” he grunts.

  “Smoking,” I tell him.

  He narrows his eyes on me. “No way. No girl of mine is going to be smoking.”

  “And why the hell not?” I question with a grin.

  He grabs me and pulls me hard against him before kissing me deeply. “You taste too good.”

  “Oh, I see,” I say, loving how this has worked out so easily in my favor. “So, I have to put up with you tasting like cigarettes, but you don’t?”

  He pulls back slightly to look down at me. “What are you saying? You want me to quit?”

  “I’d love for you to quit, but that’s not my call. If you want to stop, then that’s great but I’m not going to force you to,” I explain. “All I’m saying is don’t expect me to enjoy kissing you when you taste like that.”


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