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Danger Dan Creates the Ultimate Utama Uproar

Page 3

by Lesley-Anne

  “Okay, okay,” conceded Melody. “Both of us messed up, alright? Not that it matters anyway. All hope is lost! I’m seeing mad, wavy blue streaks everywhere. Singapore is doomed.”

  Danny and Melody slumped to the ground gloomily. The jungle was quiet, except for the chirping of crickets. It was now almost completely dark. The only light came from Danny’s glowing red light sticks.

  Suddenly, Melody sat up straight with a determined look on her face. “No!” she said. “I’m not letting the Sinister Spyder get away with destroying Singapore so easily. Even if we can’t save Singapore anymore, we have to at least make the Sinister Spyder pay for his crimes!”

  Gadget Girl’s determination has given Danger Dan renewed hope. She speaks the truth! They have to make sure justice is served. For one last time, Danger Dan and Gadget Girl will fight for what is right.

  Danger Dan shall not rest until he has caught the despicable villain. He asks resolutely, “What’s the plan, Gadget Girl?”

  “Sang Nila Utama mentioned that they were going to camp here for the night,” said Melody. “So we sneak into the camp and find the Sinister Spyder. He’s the Chief Minister, so he must be there.”

  “What? He’s the Chief Minister? Who’s that? Never mind! And then what? He’s too strong for both of us, remember?”

  “The Sinister Spyder likes to talk, right?” said Melody.

  “Yeah, he’s always saying how great he is, blah blah blah...”

  “So we let him talk!” said Melody. “I bet he’s dying to boast about how he single-handedly changed Singapore’s history, especially if he thinks he has already succeeded. As he’s talking to me, you sneak up behind him and try to grab his spider watch.”

  “But he’ll just press his watch and POOF!” Danny recalled all the other times the Sinister Spyder had escaped using his time machine watch. “His watch even has a homing device!”

  “You know how to unclasp the watch, right? Try to get it off and quickly destroy it!”

  Melody saw the doubt on Danny’s face. “I know it’s not a great plan but I don’t have any other ideas, do you?” Danny shook his head. “Anyway, at this point, we have nothing to lose,” shrugged Melody. “Might as well give it a shot.”

  They headed out of the jungle, towards the beach. The moon was shining brightly in the night sky. Walking along the coastline, they saw a flickering light in the distance that twinkled like a star in the darkness. They approached it and realised it was a small campfire.

  The orange flames danced and hissed in the fire pit. A few tents were pitched around it, sheltering the sleeping men. The children spotted a figure sitting by the campfire, the flames illuminating his moustache. His metal watch gleamed in the moonlight. The Sinister Spyder!

  “Okay, remember our plan!” whispered Melody. Danny nodded and ducked behind a nearby tent. Her heart beating fast, Melody strolled up towards the campfire as casually as she could. As she stepped into the light, the Sinister Spyder glanced up. At first, he looked startled. Then his expression turned into a smirk.

  “Why, hello!” he sneered. “I should have known it was you! You’ve been tailing me ever since the Merlion fiasco. I must say you’re awfully persistent. Anyway, you did me a fantastic favour earlier. Pulau Pontianak! Even I couldn’t have conjured up something like that!”

  “I thought it was about time we had a proper chat,” said Melody sternly. “Are you happy now? You’ve succeeded in destroying Singapore’s history!”

  “Yes!” said the Sinister Spyder, rubbing his hands in glee. “Wasn’t I deliciously marvellous? Singapore is lost! All that’s left for me to do is to make sure Sang Nila Utama boards the ship tomorrow morning and leaves this place forever.”

  “Why?” asked Melody passionately. “Why are you doing this? Why do you hate Singapore so much?”

  “Why? You ask me why?” replied the Sinister Spyder dramatically. “Well, I guess there’s no harm telling you now.” The Sinister Spyder threw his hands in the air and declared, “I am Singapore’s Einstein! I am a rarity! People like me come by only once in a century!”

  Then his tone turned bitter. “Yet this country doesn’t appreciate my brilliance! When I was 12, I created a pen that could write by itself. You would think the authorities would be awed by my awesomeness. Instead, the school accused me of cheating in my exams!”

  Danger Dan sneaks away from the tent. Under the cover of darkness, he quietly starts towards the Sinister Spyder. Easy does it...

  Melody let the Sinister Spyder continue talking, which wasn’t difficult as he was now on a roll. “When I was 17, I trained an army of rats to eat all the rubbish on the beach. Did anyone thank me? No! The Ministry of Proper Sanitation fined me for causing a rodent outbreak!”

  He pointed vehemently at his watch and continued. “Then a few weeks ago, I invented this time machine watch. Can you imagine? Time travel! How amazing is that? I thought, now Singapore will finally see me for the genius that I am! I was convinced I would win 2135’s Scientist of the Year award. I wanted to show the watch to the Prime Minister himself.”

  In a moment of carelessness, Danger Dan has accidentally stepped on a twig! He cringes and freezes. Gadget Girl goes pale. If the Sinister Spyder so much as turns around, the game will be up!

  Melody inhaled sharply. Luckily, the Sinister Spyder was too agitated to notice anything. His face grew dark and his moustache wiggled furiously. “Do you know what happened? The security guards wouldn’t let me past the main entrance because the watch set off the metal detectors! I told them it wasn’t a weapon but a time machine. Those dunderheads! They wouldn’t believe me! They even tried to have me arrested!”

  The Sinister Spyder stood up—a tall, creepy figure looming next to the fire. “That was the final straw!” he proclaimed angrily. “I decided that I’d had it with Singapore! I vowed I would show them! I would use the watch as a weapon of mass destruction. I would bring Singapore to ruin by changing history!”

  The Sinister Spyder had reached the end of his speech. But Danny still needed to get a little closer. Melody tried to buy more time. “Wow, I didn’t know such a genius existed in my time!” she gushed. “Tell me how you invented the watch.”

  The Sinister Spyder looked surprised and then gratified. “I’m glad somebody recognises my work at last! The watch is my finest invention.” He looked lovingly at the gleaming spider watch on his wrist.

  “After lots of research, I discovered aevus sapphirus—a very magical and rare substance. Its time travelling powers can only be harnessed after many delicate and complicated scientific processes...oh! With your puny mind, you wouldn’t understand!”

  The Sinister Spyder is clearly loony! He really is a mad scientist. Danger Dan is just a few steps away from the crafty villain. He has to be extra stealthy. Like a tiger stalking its prey, he creeps towards the Sinister Spyder. Come on, Gadget Girl. Just stall him for a little longer.

  Melody egged the Sinister Spyder on. “So where did you find this substance?”

  “Oh, aevus sapphirus is found underground,” explained the Sinister Spyder. “It can only be extracted in tiny amounts by very fast movement. My great brain figured out that when the MRT trains rush through the underground tunnels, small traces of aevus sapphirus would stick onto the train surfaces, especially the doors. Finally, after many years of painstaking work, I managed to collect enough aevus sapphirus to power this time machine!”

  A light bulb went off in Melody’s head. “Oh! Is that why the MRT doors are a time portal?”

  “Ahahaha, clever girl! That’s how you’ve been bringing that little sidekick of yours into the past!”

  Sidekick? How dare the Sinister Spyder insult Danger Dan, the greatest secret superhero who ever lived! Danger Dan silently picks up a stone to throw at the villain. That’ll teach him!

  Melody saw Danny from the corner of her eye and blurted out, “No-no-no! He’s not my sidekick! He’s...I...I’M the sidekick! He’s a boy hero! He’s the...the bravest p
erson I’ve ever met!”

  Nice save, Gadget Girl! Finally, someone who gives Danger Dan due respect. Danger Dan graciously puts the stone back down.

  He is just inches away from the Sinister Spyder. This is an opportune moment! The sly villain has his guard down. The spider watch is almost within Danger Dan’s reach. Danger Dan concentrates, locking down on his target. He slowly reaches out.

  Danny was right behind the Sinister Spyder. Melody didn’t dare glance at him for fear that the Sinister Spyder would turn around. She silently willed Danny on. Come on, Danny! Now!

  Danny lunged at the watch. His aim was right on the mark. For a moment, his fingers brushed against the watch. Unfortunately, the Sinister Spyder chose that exact moment to lift his arm in a dramatic flourish. “Singapore will—”

  Danny swiped helplessly at thin air and lost his balance.

  Danny flopped onto the ground right in front of the Sinister Spyder. In a split second, the Sinister Spyder realised that he had been tricked. He turned on his heels and ran out of the campsite as fast as he could.

  “After him, quick!” Melody chased after the Sinister Spyder. Danny scrambled to his feet.

  Curses! The Sinister Spyder is getting away. How many times do they have to chase down this dastardly villain? The Sinister Spyder dashes down the sandy beach. This is their last chance to get the watch. It’s now or never!

  “Melody!” shouted Danny. “Your grappling hook!”

  Still running, Melody held out her arm and pressed the purple button on her watch. A silver grappling hook shot out. It flew through the air and sailed to the right of the Sinister Spyder. Missed by a mile!

  Danny groaned. He glared at Melody in annoyance as he ran past her. “I know, I know!” she cried. “I should have given it to you!” The Sinister Spyder disappeared into the trees.

  The cowardly villain tries to hide in the jungle. Danger Dan sprints after him into the wilderness. He whips out his light sticks to guide his path through the darkness.

  A large log sits on the forest floor near the clearing. Danger Dan trips over it and drops one of his light sticks. He swiftly retrieves it but notices a little black shadow on it.

  What’s that? Six thin legs. Small round body. Two twitchy feelers. No! It’s Danger Dan’s old enemy! The bane of his life! Danger Dan flings the light stick onto the ground in horror. Only anti-bug fumes can vanquish this monster. Danger Dan is helpless without his can of Death Spray!

  The light stick’s red glow brightens the ground. Wait a there are two creatures. Five...10...50?? Danger Dan sees a flurry of activity on the rotting log. There must be a hundred of them! This is Danger Dan’s ultimate nightmare!

  Danny yelped and sprang to his feet. “COCKROACHES! COCKROACHES!” He jumped up and down, frantically trying to avoid stepping on the swarming bugs.

  “For heaven’s sake!” shouted Melody as she rushed past Danny. “It’s just a few bugs!” Using her torch to light her path, she continued in hot pursuit of the Sinister Spyder. She leapt over logs and weaved between bushes. As she pushed aside a leafy branch...

  A white barn owl swooped down from the tree. It extended its beautiful wings as it glided towards Melody. The torch’s light brought into focus the bird’s black-speckled feathers, sharp talons and heart-shaped face.

  “NOOOO!” shrieked Melody. “BIRD!” The owl was startled by Melody’s scream. It flapped its wings, hovering for a moment in front of Melody. As it took off towards the tree tops, one of its feathers lightly brushed against Melody’s cheek.

  Melody panicked. Suddenly, the jungle became a terrifying place. She stumbled through the darkness, frightened by the slightest sounds.

  “Eek!” Melody swerved to the right and ran as fast as she could.

  Melody heard wings fluttering on her left. She waved her arms about wildly, trying to ward off the bird she couldn’t see.

  Melody stopped dead in her tracks and shut her eyes. The owl calls seemed to surround her. Hands trembling, she tilted her torch upwards and peeked at the branch above her. A whole family of white barn owls was perched in a row. All five birds glanced down at her curiously.

  “AARRGGHH!” Melody couldn’t take it anymore. They were everywhere! They were after her! She turned and ran back towards the clearing.

  Danny was still at the cockroach-infested log. He stood on one leg, trying without luck to find a cockroach-free spot to step on. One cockroach crawled onto his shoe and nibbled at his shoelace. “Mu...m...m...MUMMY!” blubbered Danny. He leapt up and down. He shook his foot. The cockroach held on tight and crawled onto the sole of his shoe. Danny lost his balance and slammed his foot down.

  He had crushed the cockroach. “Ew-ew-ew!” Danny shuddered and shook his foot again. But the worst was still to come.

  Another cockroach decided it wanted a change of scenery. It spread its wings and buzzed Danny’s direction. Danny’s eyes widened and his face turned white. “AARRGGHH!” he screamed. Any thought of catching the Sinister Spyder was now gone from his mind. Getting away from the flying cockroach was much more important.

  “I need bug spray!” hollered Danny, fleeing from the flying cockroach.

  “I need bird spray!” cried Melody who was coming in the opposite direction.

  Danny and Melody collided and fell to the ground. “OW!” exclaimed both of them, rubbing their heads simultaneously. They were at the clearing along the edge of the jungle.

  “Great! So much for catching the Sinister Spyder!” said Melody, exasperated.

  “The jungle is scary at night!” Danny glanced at his remaining light stick. He had abandoned the other one. Let the cockroaches have it.

  “You’re telling me!” Melody shuddered at the thought of the feathery attackers.

  “So what do we do now?” asked Danny.

  Melody looked at Danny gloomily. “I don’t think there’s anything we can do. The blue streaks are all over the place now. I can barely make out your shape—you look like a fuzzy blue haze. I wouldn’t be surprised if the end is near. We have failed.”

  No! How could it be? A jumble of random thoughts popped into Danny’s head. What was the last thing he had said to his parents? Or his sisters? He had been mad at Candy for drawing moustaches on his action figures. That seemed so unimportant now. What would happen to his Fantasy Squad comic books? They were his beloved treasures. He hadn’t finished his Social Studies homework. Oh wait, that didn’t matter any more.

  What would the end be like? How near was it? Would it hurt?

  Is this how Danger Dan will meet his demise? Is this the final episode of Danger Dan and Gadget Girl? No! No! It’s not supposed to end this way! Danger Dan starts to feel faint. Maybe he is dissolving into nothingness right this minute! Here in this dismal place, Danger Dan and Gadget Girl will perish in the line of duty. Goodbye, cruel world!

  Danny and Melody sat in the jungle, contemplating their failed mission. Suddenly…

  They heard a familiar exclamation. Only this time, it was riddled with fear. The Sinister Spyder!

  The Sinister Spyder staggered into the clearing. He thrashed about in a circle around the children.

  “Get it off! Get it OOFFFFFFFF!”

  Melody shone her torch on the Sinister Spyder. He had run into a spider web. Long strands of the sticky spider silk clung to his hair and clothes. But that wasn’t what was causing his panic.

  The reason for the Sinister Spyder’s hysteria was the large, eye-catching spider sitting in the middle of his face. It was black with white patches and gleamed with a greenish-blue sheen. Two of its eight gangly legs rested on the Sinister Spyder’s magnificent moustache.

  Danny was astonished. The Sinister Spyder was afraid of...a spider? What an odd twist of events!

  Danger Dan jumps to his feet and pounces on the Sinister Spyder. Distracted by the spider, the villain doesn’t see Danger Dan coming. The Sinister Spyder reels backwards and knocks into a large tree. Using all his strength, Danger Dan pushes t
he Sinister Spyder up against the tree. “Quick, Gadget Girl!” he yells.

  Thinking fast, Melody removed her watch and released its grappling hook. With one end securely clamped onto a branch, she looped the wire around the Sinister Spyder until he was tightly bound to the tree.

  At last, Danger Dan and Gadget Girl have captured the Sinister Spyder!

  The Sinister Spyder was still screaming at the top of his voice and seemed unaware of his predicament. Melody boldly stalked towards him and lifted the spider from the Sinister Spyder’s face. Danny was impressed. For a girl who was afraid of something as silly as birds, she sure was brave!

  The Sinister Spyder finally stopped screeching. Suddenly, he noticed that he was all tied up. “Wh—what on earth?” he asked bewilderedly. “Let me go!”

  Melody held out the spider on her hand. It gave a little hop and explored Melody’s palm. She brought it close to the Sinister Spyder’s face. “No-no-no-no!” whimpered the Sinister Spyder. “Take it away!”

  “Don’t say another word unless you want this spider back on your face!” threatened Melody. The Sinister Spyder’s eyes widened with fear. He shut his mouth tightly and gave a little nod.

  Now’s his chance! Danger Dan reaches out and presses the ‘Release’ button on the Sinister Spyder’s watch. The watch’s eight metal talons release their grip on the villain’s wrist. Danger Dan snatches the watch and whisks it away.

  “No! Not the watch!” gasps the Sinister Spyder, forgetting Gadget Girl’s spider threat.

  Danger Dan picks up a sharp rock and swings his arm back. The Sinister Spyder realises what Danger Dan is about to do. He starts uttering the magic words to activate the watch’s homing device. “SUCOP SU—”

  Danny pounded the watch three times. Hard. The spider watch was crushed into pieces. Springs, screws and metal bits flew everywhere.


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