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Ascend - A Reverse Harem Romance (Celestial Academy Book 1)

Page 13

by Maya Nicole

  Dean Whittaker looked surprised and picked up a folder before dropping it on the desk edge in front of Tobias. "She has only been in attendance for two weeks and there have been countless reports and incidents involving her. Not to mention her history at her past schools. Now, I understand that Chamuel has a soft spot for Lucifer, but I've contacted Michael and he agrees that the high court needs to decide what to do with her. She doesn't show any signs of being anything other than a troubled human teenager."

  In that moment I wanted to scream. I wanted to stand up and take that folder and smack Dean Whittaker over the head. I would have if Tobias hadn't scooted his shoe over to touch mine.

  "I see where you are coming from Sue, but are you really that blind that you can't see what's going on right in front of your eyes?" My head jerked over to look at Tobias. "You allow the top angels, which are only top because of some ridiculous point system, rule this school and cloud your better judgement."

  Dean Whittaker was very quiet as she stared at Tobias with a look of pure venom. Hell, I was even surprised Tobias had told her that, not that she didn't deserve his words because she most certainly did.

  She finally spoke with no emotion in her voice. "Mr. Armstrong, need I remind you what happens to angels that go against the higher authority?" He shook his head, his body tense. "Very good. Her hearing is tomorrow at ten in the morning. You will go as her representative since she is unable to. Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be."

  She stood and walked out of the office, leaving us. I stood, grabbing my bag and throwing it over my shoulder. I was struggling to keep my emotions from bubbling over into a flood, but a stray tear managed to sneak out.

  "Dan-" I put my hand up to stop him. He stood and took a step towards me, pain in his eyes.

  I understood, I did. He cared about me, but it didn't change the fact that I wasn't an angel. I couldn't even go stand up for myself at my own hearing because I wasn't dead and couldn't go to heaven. Even if I could go plead my case, they would kick me out, I was sure of it.

  "I'm just going to go start packing. I can take a hint when I'm not wanted, and I'm pretty sure this goes far beyond a hint." I left before he could stop me.

  I kept my head down going back to my room. Never had I walked with my eyes on the ground, but sometimes hiding was better than having to look at stares and looks of disgust.

  I couldn't help myself, I texted Asher once I was back in my room. :They are sending Tobias tomorrow to the high court to decide my fate. Maybe I can work on your construction crew? I can't use a hammer, but you could teach me.

  He didn't respond, which I didn't expect him to since he worked. I needed to talk to someone to keep the weight that was sitting on my chest from crashing down on me so I called Lucifer. When he answered I couldn't even talk through the sudden tears that burst from me. I rarely cried in front of him, but I guess everyone has their breaking point. After several minutes of me crying and him staying silent on the other end, I finally was able to speak and told him about the snake and about the hearing.

  "Mr. Armstrong will be going in my place since-"

  "I'm coming," he stated firmly but also with a hint of sadness in his voice.

  "What? You can't come, Fallen can't get past the wards or go to heaven." I was sure he was aware of that small detail.

  "I'll call in a few favors. I will see you tomorrow for breakfast."

  He ended the call before I could even respond. The devil was coming to breakfast.

  I paced in front of the futon where Tobias was sitting. He was adamant that he would still be going, even if my dad had it in his head that he was going to somehow be allowed to go to the heavenly realm.

  I had been mad at my dad for over two weeks, but for him to come and stand up for me in a place where he wasn't going to be received with warm hugs, it said a lot. He might be an absent father but he always showed up when I needed him.

  "Aren't you nervous?" I stopped in front of him and frowned. "I feel like you should be a little more nervous, like sweating through your shirt nervous. Need to take a cold shower nervous. You're going to meet my father. I told you he was the devil, didn't I?"

  He laughed and crossed his ankle onto his knee. I didn't know if I was more nervous over my dad coming to campus, my possible expulsion, or Tobias meeting him. My dad had never met any of my boyfriends because I had never told him I had any. Not that any ever lasted longer than a few months. I had a feeling that what I had with Tobias was going to last a lot longer than that though so getting it out of the way might be a good idea.

  "I don't sweat. I guess I'm a little nervous about meeting my girlfriend's dad, but it'll be fine."

  "Girlfriend?" I smiled down at him, my stomach fluttering. "Is that what I am now?"

  I walked towards him and lowered myself to straddle his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. He groaned and buried his face in my hair, inhaling deeply, his hands moving to my ass and squeezing.

  "Get your hands off my daughter."

  If I was capable of jumping ten feet in the air, I would have. I hadn't even heard the door open or felt his presence. Yet there he was, Lucifer, standing just inside the door of my room. I nearly fell getting off of Tobias's lap, who looked just as embarrassed as I was.

  "Dad, how did you get in here?" I turned towards him and plastered on a smile as if he just hadn't caught a man with his hands on my ass.

  Tobias stood, stiff as a board. My father ignored me and gave Tobias the once over before giving me a hug. His firewood and cinnamon scent hit my nose and I buried my nose in his charcoal gray jacket, relief flooding me. He released me and his eyes were back on Tobias again.

  "Sir, I'm Tobias Armstrong." I was impressed with his ability to introduce himself with a steady tone and stick out a calm hand for a handshake.

  My dad took his hand and I swear I saw Tobias wince. My dad was probably doing something to him with his special voodoo tricks.

  "Mr. Armstrong is it? Care to tell me why a teacher is manhandling a student?" He let Tobias's hand go.

  He walked around the room, looking in the cabinets, the refrigerator, out the window. We both watched him, unsure of how to answer that question. We had known it would come from someone eventually and that Tobias might face repercussions because of it. He finished his perusal of the room and turned back to Tobias, ignoring the look of horror on my face.


  "Let the boy speak Danica." He looked at his watch and then back at Tobias.

  "Well sir, we well, we..." he was stuttering, his forehead creasing with the struggle of how to answer the question. I had never seen him flustered or at a loss of words. He always spoke with confidence and strength.

  Meeting the parents was a big deal even under normal circumstances. These were not normal circumstances by any means. I had avoided this type of situation for years, my father never even having an inkling of my love life. If he only knew that there were two others besides Tobias. Well, one now that Asher seemed to have fallen off the face of the Earth.

  My dad smirked, enjoying seeing him squirm. He slung his arm around his shoulder and moved towards the door. "Let's get breakfast and your boyfriend and I can get to know each other a little bit better."

  "In the dining hall? Is that really a good idea?" I followed behind them as he opened the door and walked into the hallway where two men stood waiting. They practically radiated power and had a faint glow to them, like someone had put lights under their skin. Oliver had a similar glow to him, just not as strong.

  "Chamuel and Haniel will accompany us."

  My eyes went wide as I took in the two archangels. They looked like normal men, just like my father, but you could tell there was an otherness about them. I just wanted to stare, but instead followed behind my dad, who still had his arm wrapped around Tobias like they were long lost buddies. Poor Tobias, this had to be hell for him.

  Walking to the dining hall, many students stopped to stare as we passed. They recognized Chamu
el and Haniel, who my dad called Ham and Han, but they regarded my dad with curious glances and whispers. It was only a matter of time before they connected the dots that he was my father.

  Once we got food, I made for my regular table, but my dad passed right by me and went to the corner seats at the Devine 7's table. I groaned internally and followed behind, sitting next to him on the far side of the table. I could try to explain to him that these seats belonged to a group, but instead tried to focus on saving Tobias from whatever my father had cooked up for him.

  We ate in silence, but it didn't escape my notice that the entire dining room was staring at us. Maybe it was the fact that there were two recognizable archangels eating pancakes at the other end of the table. Or maybe it was the sharp dressed man sitting next to me. As far as I knew, no one knew Lucifer's actual appearance. At one point it was probably well known, but over the millennia it was twisted. He did somewhat look like Tom Ellis though, or was it that Tom Ellis looked like him?

  "And who is this?" My inner dialogue was interrupted by my dad pointing a piece of bacon in the direction of Oliver, who was walking straight towards us with a large grin on his face.

  He had no clue what he was about to walk into. I groaned and put my palm against my forehead. This was not going well. He already hated Tobias, now he was going to meet the angel that had made it his mission to make up for his wrongs.

  Oliver stopped and greeted the other two archangels before putting his tray down next Tobias, leaning over the table, and kissing me on the cheek. I heard Tobias chuckle as he sat down next to him.

  "Good morning, beautiful. Why the long face?" He was much too excited for it being so early on a Saturday morning.

  My eyes were drawn to his plate which was piled with cantaloupe. And only cantaloupe. Since he had been eating with me, I had noticed he ate almost the exact same thing at every meal.

  When I didn't answer he finally looked at my dad and then he smiled at him with the most welcoming and gracious smile I'd ever seen. It was endearing really, his complete obliviousness.

  "I'm Olly." He looked down at the archangels who were watching him curiously. I couldn't tell if they were amused by him or not, but they both had a glimmer in their eyes. "You must have been created after I left?"

  "I wasn't aware another archangel was created. When were you created?" He looked down at the piles of orange fruit on Oliver's plate. "Recently, is my guess."

  "July. What about you?"

  I nearly choked on the soda in my mouth and my dad put his hand on my back to give it a few pats as I coughed. Oliver narrowed his eyes a bit at the hand on my back but didn't say anything. Oh God, he thought my dad was putting the moves on me. Gross.

  "Long before that. So tell me, how do you know Danica? Tobias here is her boyfriend, so who are you?"

  Oliver looked at me and then at Tobias. He focused back on my dad's hand on my back. I didn't even want to imagine what was going through his head. Now that I knew he had only been created in July, he made so much more sense. He couldn't even recognize that two familiar archangels and Tobias being in the dining room was odd.

  "I'm a close friend. And you are?"

  "Just how close of a friend are we talking? Hands on her ass type of friend?" I was going to die. Literally, I was going to die.

  "Lucifer, leave the boy alone." Haniel warned from the end of the table.

  Oliver's eyeballs nearly popped out of their sockets and he dropped his fork onto his tray. I gave him a reassuring smile, which didn't seem to help.

  "We should get out of here before the Divine 6 come." I finished my last piece of bacon and piled my napkin and silverware onto my plate.

  "What happened to the seventh one?" My dad turned slightly towards me with raised eyebrows, which is the most emotion I'd seem from him since he arrived. He probably somehow knew they sat at the table we were at and was biding his time to scare the shit out of them. Normally I'd be all for it, but it would only make matters worse. He was the reason why they were such assholes.

  "There is a seventh, they already replaced me with a second year named Betty." Oliver had a wistful look in his eyes but then cleared his throat. "Glad to be done with them."

  The air suddenly changed at the table, taking on a prickling feeling of heat. My dad was no idiot, he knew the Divine 7 were my torturers and one was sitting right across from him at that very moment. The two angels at the end of the table put their forks down and looked ready to intervene if needed but I shook my head at them. They may have known my father well at one point, but they didn't now.

  Oliver's face turned a few shades shy of a tomato. "I... sir. I'm sorry. I just... It was funny at first you know? You have to admit a room full of feathers is pretty hilarious. I didn't want to do the apple ball gag but... I will spend every remaining moment of my time here on Earth apologizing to your daughter."

  "What. Ball. Gag."

  I flinched and looked to Tobias for help. He was avoiding my gaze and was looking at the table. Coward.

  "A prank. It was a stupid prank where they shoved a gag that looked like an apple in my mouth. I'm fine dad. Honestly. It's probably karma for all the shit I've done."

  "Sir, I can assure you-" Oliver started but Tobias reached over squeezed the back of his neck.

  "Just stop talking," Tobias said with a sigh.

  Lucifer pointed his fork at Tobias. "I like this one." He then pointed his fork at Oliver. "This one, well no wonder they sent him to Earth."

  Oliver's face fell at his words and before I could stop him he was rushing away from the table, leaving his uneaten pile of cantaloupe.

  Chapter Twelve

  I couldn't worry about what was going on with Oliver when my future lay on the chopping block. My dad struck a sore spot with the angel. It also didn't slip my mind that Tobias had mentioned knowing things about Oliver that he wouldn't want known. What had the angel done?

  My thoughts of Oliver quickly vanished as we climbed the last set of stairs in Ariel Hall and exited onto the roof where we would be out of the sight of curious eyes. I hadn't seen many roofs in my life, but this one had to be the cleanest roof in existence. It gleamed in the sunlight like a launch pad for the pure.

  From what I had gleaned from the post-breakfast conversation, Chamuel and Haniel were taking responsibility for Lucifer through a sworn blood oath which gave them permission to kill him if anything went awry in heaven. When Haniel unsheathed a dagger that looked like it was encrusted purely in diamonds, I wasn't that surprised that all three of them sliced their hands and clasped them together.

  "I'm not sure what state my wings are in. I stopped feeling them millennia ago." My dad took off his jacket, tie, and shirt and handed them to me. He didn't wear clothing with slits for wings, since he couldn't use his. My heart ached knowing that my father was an angel, but couldn't access an essential part of who he was.

  "Maybe when we are done, before we bind them again we can have a quick race for old-time’s sake." Haniel ran a hand between my father's shoulder blades as if he was searching for something. "This might hurt."

  I clutched onto Tobias's hand as Haniel seemed to grab an invisible string and pull it away from my dad's shoulders before swiping the dagger through it. My dad fell to his knees, his back muscles scrunched. I was glad he wasn't facing me because I don't think I would have been able to handle whatever emotion was on his face. I took a step forward but Tobias pulled me back to him, shaking his head.

  His hands fell to the smooth surface of the roof and his body seemed to vibrate with a power I couldn't understand. It was like a machine with a giant turbine was powering on, the waves of power radiating from him in a circular pattern.

  "We should have done this in the field, it's going to knock the entire building down!" Chamuel backed up a step.

  The roof beneath out feet started to vibrate and Tobias pulled me closer to him. It felt like an earthquake, and I might have thought it was one if I didn't see my father's body vibrating in the mi
ddle of the roof.

  Just when I thought that my teeth were going to break from the vibrations, everything went eerily still and silent for the briefest moment and then wings burst from his back with a flash of bright light as he stood. They flapped twice, stirring the hair around my face.


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