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by Peavey Marshall


  Callista Genovese scanned the desperate faces of her students. Her fingers pressed against the stacked of exam papers on her desk as she sighed loudly. She was aware that her exam had been challenging, but it was passable for anyone studied.

  "Fine. I'll give ten points to anyone who can answer my question?" Callista crossed her arms and watched as hope bloomed into the eyes of her students. She almost smirked but thought better of it. "Alright. What's the hardest word to say?”

  A hand shot up. "Worcestershire!”


  "Sorry! It's hard to say, I'm sorry!”

  Callista chuckled under her breath when she heard the last answer. She grabbed chalk from the box on her desk and wrote Otorhinolaryngologist on the board. "For me, this is actually the hardest word.”

  She heard several 'boo' from the class of grade nines. Caly smiled sweetly. "Why will you guys ever think it wouldn't be related to science?”

  "Miss, please..."

  Caly shook her head. She grinned, "Alright. Five points for effort."

  Students shouted in delight, and that happiness doubled as the bell rang. She watched as they dashed to the door, high-fiving each other and having animated talks about where to hang out. Callista envied them. They had wide smiles like the exam they took on their last period didn't just happen. They didn't even think whether they could pass it or not.

  Callista strode to the faculty room to get her things before she went home. She was one of the few teachers who had classes until five.


  Callista looked up, meeting a pair of brown eyes.

  "You ready?" Don had an enormous smile on his face. When his words did not have the reaction, he hoped, he spoke again. "We're having dinner, remember?"

  Callista resisted the urge to cringe. She had forgotten about that dinner date. Yet, she returned the smile and touched her hand to that of her boyfriend's. Her upbeat tone was the sole clue for her enthusiasm. "Of course! Just let me fix my things."

  "Okay. I'll wait for you outside." Don's brown eyes lit up. Unlike the girl, his excitement appeared on his gigantic beam. He gave her hand one last squeeze as he exited the faculty room.

  Callista busied her fingers. She arranged her books alphabetically and placed the side of the colored pen by the side with even spaces. But even then, her mind kept going back to the giddy expression on Don's face. They had been together for almost a year now, so she knew those looks.

  And even without that, she could still figure out what he wanted based on the ogling of rings and the words 'this would look pretty on you' these past weeks.


  Ordinary people should be jumping up and down with anticipation but not her. She didn't know what to feel.

  "Carissa, did you hear me?" Wendy stood near her desk. Her small face waiting for an answer from her.

  Callista hid her uneasiness. She pressed her lips tight. "Sorry. What was that?"

  Her fellow teacher frowned but grinned eventually. Wendy touched her arm. "I understand. I'm sure you're worried about your night. You wanted it to be special, wishing that nothing goes wrong. I mean, before you came to this school, nobody can get Donatello Tuazon's attention. But look at him now, he's literally drooling at the sight of you. I'm pretty sure you have him on a leash.”

  Callista returned her smile. Wendy loved to chat and gossip. Back then, Caly found her amusing, but as the days went on, her inquiries exhausted her. However, she remained on the math teacher's right side. "I'll tell you everything tomorrow, Wendy."

  "You better!" Wendy took a step back and eyed her. "That's what you're wearing?"

  Callista wore a black long sleeves top tucked into a pleated emerald skirt. She found nothing wrong with her clothes. She rocked every outfit, but confidence was not on Carissa Hodge's profile.

  So instead, she bit her lip in worry, tucking her dark hair behind her ear. "Why? Is it ugly?"

  "Nothing. You look gorgeous, Carissa!" Wendy giggled again.

  Guilt was nowhere to found even if her close friend had spoken the wrong name. Callista wasn't a novice. It wasn't her first time to fool people.

  She smiled and waved goodbye. "See you tomorrow!"


  Callista acted like everything was alright. Like she didn't notice the look that Don gave to the waiter or the way his fingers were repeatedly tapping against the table or how her boyfriend let out a heavy sigh every ten seconds.

  She ignored it. She was busy devising an answer to his inevitable proposal. Expressing the truth was crossed out from her list. She couldn't tell him about her family, her dad, and the men that surrounded her. Her blood froze just by thinking about it.

  A warm hand engulfed her left hand. "Are you okay?"

  "Of course. Everything is lovely." The restaurant Don took him was cozy. It had brick walls, triangular-shaped cabinets filled with wine and they were bathed in low light. She appreciated the candles scattered around the place.

  "Carissa, can I excuse myself?" he asked, wiping his hand against the table napkin.

  Callista nodded, her thin lips stretched into a smile. She watched as Don straightened his white Oxford and scrambled to his feet. With a fast pace, he made his way in the direction of the comfort room.

  Donatello Tuazon was the school's chemistry teacher. The first time she had met him, they had talked about the solar system and that had been enough for her to feel at ease. The man shared her love for books. Her plan to avoid a relationship fizzled out because of him.

  And yet, her adoration for him wasn't enough to get rid of the lies she had built. Deception seemed to be the whole essence of Carissa Hodge.

  Callista sliced at her medium-rare steak, which was too hard for her. She guessed it wasn't done well. Nonetheless, she ate the food, hoping it could subjugate her nerves.

  "Hello, Callista." A deep voice sent shivers down her spine.

  Callista met his green eyes as she looked up.

  She choked on the meat, realizing who it was, and hurriedly grabbed her wine, taking a gulp from it. She thumped the wine glass on the table and breathed deeply through the nose. Callista leaned towards him, hands fisted on the tablecloth. Her silver eyes flared in anger. "What the fuck are you doing here?”

  The man ignored her. He reached for her wineglass, swirled it a few times before he tipped his head back and drank it like a beer. When he finished, he set the glass down and rested back on the chair.

  "Chloe Rosé?" He licked his lips, savoring the remnants of the drink. "What a pussy.”

  "Castor!" Callista couldn't stop the growl that rose from her throat. "Do you want me to cut your balls off? Answer my question.”

  Castor laughed. He swiped a thumb at his lips and placed his ankle on his left thigh. With his crass attitude and that devil may care aura, Castor Luciano had everybody's attention. His midnight hair pushed back, showing off his multiple piercings and his defined jaw. The soft candlelight theme of the restaurant clashed badly with his street aura, but it didn't impend how it accentuated his aristocratic features. "I see that three years made your mouth dirtier, your majesty.”

  "Get lost!" Callista mustered the most odious glare she could manage yet, Castor remained seated. He put his hands on his green camo bomber jacket and scanned the place nonchalantly.

  Before Callista could let out another stream of profanities, Don strutted in. His eyes widened when he took in the man on his seat. He glimpsed at the exasperated Callista then at the man. "Excuse me. That's my seat.”

  Callista heard the loud thuds inside her ribcage. She didn't want Don to ask questions. The image of her life unraveling before her was unacceptable. She blurted the first thing that came to her mind. "That's my brother!”

  Castor lifted an eyebrow, obviou
sly amused. He brought up two fingers for a mock salute, which Don frowned at.

  "You're Carissa's brother?" Don asked, asking for a confirmation. His head darted from Castor and her, noting any unusual reactions from them.

  "Hmm." Castor gave a noncommittal nod. His attention was on the uneaten cupcake in front of him.

  Callista stared at her boyfriend, trying to discern his emotions at the moment. The confusion was on his face, but his eyes were rather curious. He was looking at Castor, taking in his rugged appearance, the ominous rings on his fingers, and the numerous tattoos on his skin.

  Oh god.

  The urge to shout overwhelmed Callista. But she froze when Castor held a ring between his thumb and index finger. He flicked the icing off his fingers, licking the excess before he stood up. The newcomer finally addressed Don. "You're giving her highness a cloudy two-karat diamond ring?”

  Castor's height of six feet and three inches let him tower over the other man. He spoke again, his green eyes kindled with fury. "Girly wine, low-quality steak, cheap ring... what are you? Twelve?”

  Gasping loudly, Callista shot up from her seat. She crossed her arms, and with her honeyed voice, she pleaded. "Cas, can we talk outside?"

  The man remained standing with broad shoulders and a challenging stare. Glances were beginning to come their way. Callista resisted rolling her eyes and hit the man. She tugged at his arm, pairing it with a wide smile. "Cas, please."

  Castor grudgingly peeled his eyes away from Don. Callista shoved him outside, casting one last apologetic look at her boyfriend.

  They weren't entirely outside when Callista slapped her fake brother, the sound echoing in the empty street. Caly noted Castor's unrepentant glare. "What do you want from me? How did you even find me?”

  "Three years. You think I didn't know you were in Springerville?" Castor coolly put his hands inside his pockets. His silver hoop earring sparkled under the moonlight. He circled the angry woman, going counterclockwise. "You were living happily because your father wants you to. Too bad things change."

  Callista scoffed, "I don't believe that. Did your father put you up to this?"

  Castor halted in front of her. He brought up a hand. His forefinger traced the outline of her rosy cheek down to her jaw. He tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear. "Caly, that hurts. But your father specifically asked for you. You have no choice.”

  She snarled and swatted Castor's hand away. Caly knew that Castor spoke the truth. He wouldn't lie to her about the business. Also, she knew that Caesar Genovese would never ask her presence for trivial things.

  And to think that it was the volatile Luciano who came to pick her up, her father must be desperate.

  "I..." Callista's voice began to crack. She was furious, clueless, and terrified. Things she had only felt once. Her eyes met his emerald ones. "What should I do then?"

  "Come home, Caly." Castor touched a warm hand to her cheek. "I know you like it here, but there are things you need to do for your family."

  "How about Donatello?" Callista asked, eyes glancing up at him. "I need to explain. I just can't..."

  "He's named after a ninja turtle?" Castor roared in laughter. He totally disregarded the question, slapping his thigh in joy.

  "He's a sculptor!" Callista glared at her irritating best friend, not even knowing why she bothered to correct him. Not even an hour passed by, and she was already drained from the love-hate relationship they shared. She waited when his laughs died down. "Are you finished? I need to–

  Out of nowhere, Castor touched his lips to her, his head tilted downwards. She felt his soft lips against her, and like a puzzle piece falling into place, Callista kissed him back. She nibbled on his lower lip and tasted smoke with the sugary trace of the rose wine.

  Before she could explore further, he pulled away.

  "I take it he's not your brother?" Don's voice shattered, saddened eyes staring at the scene. He sucked a gulp of air and spoke again. "Carissa? Don't I deserve an explanation?”

  Callista couldn't move. Her throat burned, knowing she had hurt a person who had been good to her. Words she desired to speak died on her tongue.

  "Actually, I am. So we're committing incest here," Castor replied instead. His confident stance made the sarcasm disappear from his words entirely. The lies had camouflaged within the truth. "If you could leave, that'll be highly appreciated.”

  "Carissa?" Don muttered. There was desperation in his words. Eyes beseeching her girlfriend for veracity.

  Callista swallowed the guilt she started to feel. Like a film, their memories flew in front of her eyes. She grasped around, searching for anything that would make her stay.

  She found nothing. "I'm sorry."

  Don let out a wry smile, shaking his head. With slumped shoulders, he marched back to the restaurant.

  "Hey, pretty boy! You forgot this!" Castor called out. When Don looked back, Castor threw him the ring. It hit the shorter man on the head, which only made Castor Luciano grin.

  Callista didn't even have the strength to rebuke her unforgiving best friend. She wrestled with the fact that relief and guilt were all she could feel.

  Where was the hurt? Didn't she love Don at all?

  Callista sighed, shutting her eyes tightly. She saw it now.

  The reprieve she felt wasn't because she's not ready or because she didn't want to marry Don. It's because she wasn't Carissa Hodge. She wasn't destined to live in a small town, wed a simple man, and build a little wooden house.

  Soft words and pleasant smiles. That was Carissa Hodge.

  And she was Callista Genovese.



  Being a Genovese and the daughter of the governor, Callista had always gotten what she wanted. Toys, dresses, shoes, and all of the material things she had thought up on the spot.

  She had never looked at the price during shopping or choose from the menu during dinners. She'd certainly not think twice about throwing a new Burberry sweater. She hadn't care if her bodyguards were tired from running after her or the maids were exhausted from cleaning her mess. She had rolled her eyes when people get torn by her words.

  Guilt had never been a part of her.

  Yet now, she kept thinking about the hurt that Don felt.

  Callista gritted her teeth. The three years she had spent in a mundane neighborhood affected her more than she expected. She stamped down the foreign feelings immediately.

  Contrition had no place in New York City.

  "Caly, you ever think about marriage?" Castor suddenly spoke from the driver's seat.

  "After that?" Callista shook her head. "No. Not really."

  "You can marry me," the man said flatly.

  Callista threw him a bewildered look. "That's the shittiest proposal I have ever heard.”

  "Should I kneel?" Castor stopped the car and closed the roof of his Ferrari. He turned off the engine and addressed the girl again. "Give you flowers and sing you a love song? Tell you untrue promises?”

  "Shut up, asshole." Callista opened the passenger door. Her eyes squinted at the red neon sign of 8th Motel. The flickering streetlights and cold wind blowing against her skirt immediately dampened her mood. "A motel?"

  Castor locked the car as he got out, zipping his jacket up. "I can't drive for 36 hours straight. I need to rest.”


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