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Page 17

by Peavey Marshall

"I did not assault you!" she snapped.

  "Kissing without permission? That qualifies as an assault." If that wasn't enough, Franco had the audacity to cite the law. "Section 920. Article 120 of the—"

  "Stop it! You have no proof!" Callista took a deep breath, getting rid of the onslaught of embarrassment that Franco had put her through.

  "There are cameras."

  Caly swallowed the lump in her throat. She bit her lip, hoping that he didn't find out what she did to Delilah. She decided to deflect and shot him a piercing stare. "Fine. But I know you liked it too."

  Franco licked his lips, blue eyes hooded with desire. "Should we test that theory?"

  Caly gaped at him. She wasn't prepared at all. She planned to get Franco drunk so he would lower his guard for her. It was supposed to go like that. Not the other way around.

  She underestimated him.

  Callista knew she lost this one. "Alright."

  He surged forward, finding her lips. His fingers traced the groove of her spine, the other one cupping her face. Caly let him decide the pace and he was tender. His tongue touched hers without completely taking over.

  Her hands fell on his clothed chest, playing with the buttons of his shirt. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Caly got impatient. Her left hand went to his pants but Franco gripped her wrist, pushing her hand away.

  Callista groaned and bit his lip in revenge.

  He broke away, bewildered as roses bloomed on his porcelain cheeks. He swiped a thumb over his injured lip. "Did you have to do that?"

  "Why not?" Callista moved near the armrest. She tipped her head against the couch, her raven tresses falling like midnight sky over her shoulders. "You don't want to?"

  He cleared his throat and placed a healthy distance between them. "I haven't answered your question yet."

  "Huh? What question?" Caly pulled her knees up, hugging it to her chest. Franco's self-control was damn infuriating.

  "What is love?" Franco let his head fall back. He stared at the painted ceiling of the library. A hand combing through his golden mane. "For me, its the thing that gives meaning to 'I can't live without you'."

  He swiveled to her. "You know when Elena died, I think she took my soul with her.”

  The statement meant nothing to her but Callista felt a wave of sadness for him. Her chest tightened at the fact that Franco had loved so deeply and yet, he lost it. Love was scarier than she imagined.

  She listened as he spoke, "I thought it was a joke. But some days, I feel empty. I wanted to be with her so much." Franco bent forward, running her palms over his face. "Fuck. My head is whirling. Can I stay here for a while?”

  How could she refuse him?

  "Sure," she answered with a smile."I'll be your guardian angel.”

  He laughed again and at that moment, he was the angel.



  Instead of chirping birds, Callista Genovese woke up with a hangover. She groaned and marched to her medicine kit, popping a pill. She opened her curtains, letting the fresh air in but the view had completely ruined her morning.

  Castor Luciano was talking with her father.

  "I told him to stay away! Idiot!" She snapped and grabbed her robe, making her way downstairs.

  Caly heard the sound of a car and frowned as she found Castor alone in the doorway.

  She pinched his side but Cas stepped back, looking smug at her failed attack. "Why the hell are you here? I told you not to idolize my stupid father!”

  "We were just talking. He has good insights," he replied. Castor eyed her messy hair stopping on her face. "Someone slept badly."

  Caly rolled her eyes. She had tossed and turned until four in the morning that her eye-bags were expected. She couldn't forget about Franco's revelation. The boy clearly hadn't moved on yet.

  "Does Vincent have a lead yet?" she asked.

  "Yes." Castor hid his hands on his pockets. "I ordered him to find the men we hired three years ago."

  "That's good." She nodded, tightening the belt of her peach silk robe.

  Cas narrowed his eyes, rubbing a thumb at the edge of her lips. "What? You forget to wash your face?"

  Callista slapped his hand away. "Anything else?"

  "No. See you." Her best friend chuckled, trudging away before Callista called out again.


  Castor swiveled to her direction, walking backward in a snail's pace. "What?"

  "What do you want for your birthday?"

  He halted on his tracks. Castor marched to her, emerald eyes gleaming. "I see you still remember."

  Caly folded her arms. "Excuse me. I never failed to greet you even when I was away."

  "Yeah. Three letters." He scoffed. "HBD? Who greets their best friends like that?”

  "Oh, Cas. Do you forget who you're talking to?"

  "Touché." A smile crawled up his face. "Mal volunteered to host it at her bar. Though I had to promise to limit my visitors. She must be desperate."

  "I can promote her bar better." The girl pouted. She knew Mallorie hated getting help from her but she still wanted to give it. "So?"


  "What gift would you like?" she demanded.

  "Your heart?"

  "I'll die.”

  "I'll give you mine.”

  Callista's armored heart trembled in terror. She pressed her lips tight. She was used to Castor's flirtatious taunts that she could deflect it with ease. But things were different now. He had told her he loved her. So she knew that Cas meant every word, even the teasing ones.

  She tried to think of a flirty comeback, to have that semblance of normalcy in their friendship again but Castor's attention wasn't hers anymore.

  It was on the golden-haired boy who exited the door while buttoning his sleeves.

  "You slept here?" he asked, incredulity swirling his words.

  Franco straightened his spine, lips hinting at the beginning of a smile. "Yeah. The bed was soft.”

  Caly sighed. She didn't have any dates with either of them today. She thought it would be a drama-free day. Apparently, not. Drama was what she mixed with her coffee.

  "Castor was inviting me to his birthday," Callista said, turning to Franco. Her opinions on how to handle the two families filled her mind. "Do you want to come?"

  Two different degrees of 'what' echoed in the air.

  Caly grinned at her best friend, daring him to rebuke her invitation. His jaw clenched, tongue clicking before he spoke. "Sure. Just him."

  "I don't really—"

  "That's great! We'll go together!" Callista exclaimed, batting her eyelashes at Franco.

  Franco Castellano licked his lips, fingers carding through his locks. He let out a resigned sigh. "Okay."


  Vincent Ferrer tapped his knuckles on the bar counter. He watched in interest as Mallorie Jones flitted from one point to another. She fixed glasses, arranged the tumblers, and inspected several fruits.

  "Mal, who do you think her majesty will choose?" he asked.

  The girl veered to her, brown locks whipping in the air. "Why are you still here, Vincent? Don't you have some beating up to do?"

  "My bet's on Cas.”

  Mallorie gritted her teeth before she crossed her arms. Her brown eyes narrowed at him. "I'm on Franco's side. He's hardworking and smart and most of all, polite.”

  "Cas is all that," he muttered. "He's hardworking and smart—maybe not in English—and he's polite." Mallorie raised an eyebrow that he was forced to amend his opinion. "Sometimes."

  "A hundred dollars then?" she challenged.

  "No." Vince's threaded through his dark curls, stopping on the piercing near his eyebrow. He met the girl's inquisitive eyes. "If I win, let's date.”

  "What?" she shrieked, slamming her palms on the counter. Vince leaned away, chuckling at the fire beneath her hazel eyes. "You're crazy! Just because we slept one time and with alcohol coursing through our bodies? It doesn't mean anything!”
/>   "I thought you were confident on Franco?" he blurted.


  "You're not?"

  "Fine!" She reluctantly agreed. "I'm certain Caly will choose the best for her."

  "Let's see." Vince wanted to tease her some more when the man he was waiting for entered Mallorie's new bar.

  Yan and Billy escorted the newcomer to an empty table as scraping chairs and gaudy complaints resonated in the air. He stood but not before Mal slapped his arm. "Are you planning to make my bar a mafia's den? I swear I will castrate you, Vincent!"

  Vince let out an amused chuckle. "It'll be fine. I'm not killing anyone here."

  Mallorie's threats echoed behind him as he stomped to the table. Vince sat sideways, resting an elbow on the glass surface. "So?"

  "I don't know why I'm here! I didn't break any rules!" he exclaimed, fists hitting the table. "I left and the boss' warning is enough for me to shut my mouth."

  "You're the 27th man who fits the criteria of the person I'm looking for," Vince started. "Answer honestly and we won't have any problem. Lie and Yan's fingers will start itching.”

  Yan chuckled, fingers lined with multiple rings pierced the man's shoulder.

  "After the shooting in Lux three years ago, you left the next day after you joined just a week ago." Vincent reached out, yanking the man's hand and pointing at the faded cigarette burn. Their hands were side by side but Vincent's burn had a spade tattoo on it. "Are families so easy to leave?”

  Ken curled his fingers, hiding the faded burn on his hand. "No. But I was scared."


  "Somebody offered me a deal." He swallowed deeply, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. "But I refused. And it—I don't wanna be killed for denying his request. So I left. Look... I'll tell you but let's forget we ever met."

  Vince's eyes twitched in displeasure. He hated cowards the most but Ken's information might be worth it. He nodded.

  "It's a powerful man. I'm just visiting and I'll leave again." He shook his head. He bent forward, speaking in a low whisper. "He asked me to kill someone. Franco Castellano's fianceé.”

  Vincent's jaw clenched. "Who is it?"

  "Scarface. Benjamin Lamoste," he replied, fear seeping into his tone. "And Francisco Castellano's top bodyguard."



  Callista bit her lip as she eyed Franco's black long-sleeved shirt and pressed pants. She took a step forward, unbuttoning the first three buttons.

  "How long has it been since you attended a party?" she asked, hiding her amusement as Franco's ears went red.

  Caly smiled and curled her arm over his elbow. "Let's go inside."

  Mallorie's bar was called Island Roses. Soft white LED bulbs shone from the ceiling as white paper roses lined the red walls. Wooden furniture with black upholsteries scattered around the room. The red and black combination was pleasing to look at.

  Callista caught sight of Castor Luciano and his friends on the right corner of the bar. They occupied two sofas opposite each other, giving enough space for a dartboard's throw line.

  Castor's back was on her as their laughs echoed inside the bar. Caly smirked when she heard them hollered as Ethan's dart stuck on the wall.

  Callista tapped Franco's arm and they headed towards the bar counter were Mallorie was. She was talking to her other customers though her cinnamon eyes lit up when she saw them. "Hey!"

  "Mal, how much limit did you give to Cas?" she asked, leaning over the counter. Her little black dress swaying on her knees.

  "I said 'just a few'. I didn't give a number," Mallorie replied before she whirled around to mix another drink.

  Caly could see the Luciano family's capos that included Vince, PJ, and Marcus. The latter had his own table with Moran Sr. and his son, Dos. Her brow arched at Castor's limited guests. It seemed her best friend wasn't the party boy she used to know anymore.

  "Franco, I'll go and probably talk to Vince. Is it okay if you stay here?" She turned to her companion, seeing another frown materialized on his angelic face. "What?"

  "I'll go with you," he stated.

  "Are you sure?" Caly crossed her arms. "I invited you here to annoy Cas but I wouldn't put you in that hell.”

  "No. It's okay."

  Callista was confused at Franco's desire to socialize with Cas' family but she let it go. She trudged towards the raucous group, PJ looking up at her arrival.

  The older blond man beamed at her, eyebrows wiggling as he set his glass on the small table. "Well, if it isn't my star-crossed lover."

  Caly chuckled. PJ was the only one who could endure a three-hour Broadway show with her that she started preferring his company when watching plays.

  "Hello, Romeo." She scrutinized his fingers seeing the glint of a wedding ring. "I see you failed to wait for me?”

  PJ stood up, giving her a short hug. "What? Do you really want a love square?”

  Their audience chortled that she rolled her eyes in response. Vince came up to her next, a dart and a shot glass on his hands. "Here, your majesty. It's for our birthday celebrant."

  She accepted the glass and the dart, eyeing Castor who was sitting on the sofa to her right. He had his devil-may-care attitude, ebony hair pushed back showing off his triple-piercings. A black boot was set on his left thigh, elbow resting on his thigh as his fingers held a shot glass by its rim. His jade eyes shimmered with mischief as he leaned back. "Go on.”

  Her upper lip twitched in amusement, stormy eyes scanning his red long-sleeved shirt that hugged his muscled form. Callista was about to sip the alcohol but Franco beat him to it.

  She gawked at him as he swiftly took the shot. Franco set the glass on Cas' table, the air getting heavy when the two men began a glaring contest.

  Franco stood upright and held his palm open. Caly swallowed, looking at Castor for communication. As much as she hated getting orders from anyone except her dad, it was still her best friend's birthday.

  "It's okay," Castor declared, turning the tense atmosphere into a low hum. "It'll be my turn next."

  Callista shot her best friend a warning look which he returned with a smirk. She breathed a vexed sigh, giving Franco the dart. "Go on and have your pissing contest." She searched for Vince's eyes. "Let's talk."

  Vincent nodded. "Excuse me, boys."

  Caly and Vince found a nice, quiet table. She immediately launched into an interrogation which turned into bewilderment as Vince revealed what he had found. "Are you serious?"

  "Of course. I don't know who Scarface managed to convince but I knew Ken wasn't lying. He's been on the run since then."

  "But that means—"


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