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Into The Light (Immortal Hearts Book 1)

Page 5

by Katherine Hastings

  “Thank you,” she said, then gestured to the other empty glasses. “Are you having one?”

  I cleared my throat. “I don’t drink but thank you.”

  “You don’t drink alcohol?”

  “I don’t drink at all. Liquid that is. Just blood.”

  Her eyebrows rose in surprise before she shook her head. “Of course, of course. The whole vampire thing.”

  “I’ll just leave you two to get acquainted,” Mark said as he backed out of the room. I wasn’t sure if he left because he had confidence I had this under control, or if he just couldn’t stand the awkward exchanges between us any longer.

  Emilia sat down in the oversized chair and took a sip of her wine.

  Following suit, I sat on the couch across from her. “You were going to tell me about your day,” I reminded her.

  “Oh, yes! Well, let’s see. First off, you have a beautiful home. I mean, wow... it’s awesome. My room last night? Perfect. And the closet? Incredible. You and Mark certainly know fashion.”

  “Mark,” I spit out, then realized my reaction had been abrupt. I forced a smile and cleared my throat. “He is the one with all the fashion sense. I wouldn’t know a Prada shoe if it kicked me in the face.” Her face softened with a smile. Mark was right... this helped. Keep it light. Smile. “Then what did you do?”

  “Well, Mark took me down to the stables to pet the horses. They’re so beautiful. After that we relaxed by the pool, which is also, beautiful. A nap, a book, dinner and now I’m here with you.”

  “I’m glad you are.”

  Another smile from her. It’s working.

  She tugged her lower lip between her teeth. “Aiden, can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “How old are you?”

  Ah, the question everyone wanted to know.

  I leaned back in my seat. “Well, I was thirty-five when I turned.”

  “And when was that?”


  Her wide eyes answered. “1348? As in, you’re...” She started counting her fingers, then stopped. “Over six hundred years old?”

  I nodded.

  “Holy shit.”

  The cuss words were cute coming from her small, pink mouth. Looking at her innocent face, you wouldn’t readily expect them. Her mouth, pouty and full yet smaller than most, was another feature on her face I found quite pleasing.

  “I’ve been around a very long time.”

  “Where are you from?”

  The question sent my mind back to days long gone. A life I barely recognized. “The Scottish Highlands. The kingdom of Moray.”

  “Wow. Scotland. I’ve always wanted to go there.”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  Tipping her head, she furrowed her brow. “You don’t have a Scottish accent.”

  “I haven’t lived there in over six hundred years. I lost the accent centuries ago.”

  She bit her lip and I wondered what it tasted like. “Oh, I suppose that makes sense.”

  “And you? Where are you from?”

  “Milwaukee. I only moved to Chicago eleven months ago.”

  “I see.”

  She pursed her lips and kicked her foot while she glanced around the room. She made me feel something I hadn’t felt in ages... longer than I could recall. Nervous.

  She’s food. You don’t need to impress her. Just convince her to stay.

  I did want to impress her though, at least connect with her somehow. A connection was another thing I hadn’t had in ages, nor cared much for it. Connections meant loss when you lived forever. I’d realized centuries ago the constant grief felt over burying those around you marred the joy of eternal life. Humans were no longer on my list of companions. Mark was an exception but only because I’d promised him immortality after several more years of service. He’d be around long after I grew weary of his constant insolence.

  “Will it hurt?” Her voice quaked with the question.

  “When I feed on you?”

  She nodded.

  “The first time hurts for a few moments. I’m told after that it can become quite pleasurable, euphoric even for some.”

  “Just like sex,” she noted.

  Her brazenness sat me back, but I appreciated it.

  Biting her lip, she shifted in her chair. “Can we try it once before I decide? And if I don’t like it, I can still go?”

  She didn’t know that the chance of me letting her leave was unlikely after I tasted the sweet red juice flowing through her veins. If she decided to go, I would try to respect her wishes, of course, but even now her scent stirred something deep within me, deeper than any thirst I had ever felt before.

  A thirst I hoped I could control.

  “Of course.” The lie rolled off my tongue with a hope that I could maintain my honor and respect her decision.

  “So how do we do it? Do you like, just bite my neck? Do we use an IV? How does this work?”

  “I prefer to feed from the vein. Your neck is preferable. I will be careful and quit long before you are at any risk.”

  “You can control yourself?” she asked, a worried look on her face.

  I liked that she thought things through. She was smart. Careful.

  “Yes,” I said, hoping I wasn’t lying. It had happened to me many times in my youth, an unfortunate side effect that left casualties from time to time, but it had been decades since I had slipped. Another glance at the delicate lines of her face and I steeled my nerves. I wouldn’t allow harm to come to her. I couldn’t.

  “Let’s try it. I’ll see if I can handle it,” she said.

  “I think that’s a wise plan.”

  “Do we just do it here? Is there like, a special room?”

  I flicked my wrist. “Here is as good a place as any if you’re comfortable.”

  She raised both eyebrows. “I wouldn’t say I’m comfortable in this situation, but I don’t think a change of room is going to change that.”

  Smile. I reminded myself.

  When I did, I could see the tension in her face soften. It pleased me to see her warm up. Jenny’s happiness had meant nothing to me as I fed on her over the last five years, but seeing Emilia happy moved me. I liked it.

  “Here will work just fine. Come. Sit by me on the couch.”

  Emilia looked to me and then her glass of wine. “Liquid courage,” she said before she downed it in a huge swig. The act made me smile. This time it came naturally. That didn’t happen to me often. She was certainly amusing.

  “Let’s do this.” She hopped up and slipped beside me on the couch. I heard her pulse speed up as it thrummed through her veins, and my fangs begged to spring forth. As I leaned closer, her eyes met mine. They were blue with a hint of brown rimming the iris, like a warm sunset glistening off the ripples of a lake. Blues and greys swirled together in a dance that pulled me into their depths. But sadness crept across me when I saw the fear flash through them a moment before they fluttered closed. I didn’t want to cause her fear. Though I didn’t understand why I cared, I only wanted to bring her joy.

  She tipped her head, exposing her long, creamy neck to me as she pinched her eyes tight. My gaze fell to the vein that whisked the nectar through her body and caused my fangs to pop before I intended. The sound made her jump, and I heard the deafening drumming of her heart speed to racing.

  I couldn’t blame her for her rising terror. Most donors reacted the same way their first time, but soon I hoped her fear would subside and I could enjoy the sweet tang of her fear-free blood. Fear tainted blood and gave it a taste like soured milk. Like a wine that hadn’t been allowed to breathe. Some vampires needed the fear to feel powerful, in control. I was powerful and in control and didn’t need to control a weak human to prove it. I preferred to drink my blood like one would sip a fine, aged wine. It was worth the time and the money to eliminate the fear and sip the sweet, pure juice from the vein. Even though fear coursed through her now I was certain I would still savor every last
drop that tantalized my tongue.

  I slipped my hand along her neck, brushing her hair behind her shoulder. The warmth of her skin invigorated me as I leaned down. Her body tensed when I slid my hand behind her head and lowered my readied fangs to the skin burning below me. Her flesh gave way as my fangs slid inside, and she gasped and grasped my shirt, clutching it tight.

  The first drop of blood touched my tongue. Her sweetness slid down my throat, and my body pulsed with ecstasy as I bit down harder. She gasped again and clutched me tighter. Never had I tasted anything so pure, so complex, so intricate. Her blood flowed into me and awakened my every sense, stirring something deep within I had never felt before.

  I could almost feel her life force blending with mine, and the sensation brought on a euphoria I’d not yet experienced in my centuries on this earth. Though I knew it was time to stop, my fangs remained deep within her neck as I begged them to release. Despite the frantic pleas of my mind, my body, my primal urge, refused to let go. I heard her whimper. The sound of her distress rocked me back to my senses.

  Don’t hurt her. Please, don’t hurt her.

  It took all my resolve to slide my fangs from the depths of her skin. She gasped again as I withdrew. Leaning back I studied her with concern. Had I gone too far?

  The two red punctures on her neck began to close. Her eyes blinked open and found their way to mine. But this time the fear in her gaze had gone. In its place resembled something akin to bliss.

  “Are you all right?” I asked, surprised by the question I didn’t remember asking anyone in centuries.

  A slow, dazed nod tipped her head up and down. “That was... I don’t even know what that was.”

  “I didn’t hurt you?”

  “Only at first.” She started to regain her senses, her lazy speech speeding back up.

  “Good.” I blew out a long breath. At first, I only wanted to ensure she had a good experience so she would stay and supply me with that liquid gold, but now... now I wanted to know she’d had a good experience because I wanted her to be... happy.

  She reached up to feel the holes on her neck, but they were gone. “Cool,” she said as she looked at her bloodless fingertips. “But how?”

  “Our fangs puncture flesh, but our saliva repairs it.”

  “Incredible. That was... I don’t know what that was, but it’s a deal.” She looked up at me, no question or fear left in her eyes. “Five years. Five million dollars. I’m in.”

  A smile tipped the corners of my mouth. She returned it. Something resembling joy, I think, rippled through my core.

  “It’s a deal,” I responded with an outstretched hand. She grasped it and we shook.

  “And I get to keep the clothes. And shoes.”

  “As many as you want.”

  “Holy shit, this is crazy. I need more wine.”

  A glance to the bar showed the almost empty bottle. “Mark!” I shouted toward the kitchen.

  He appeared a few moments later, his face pulled tight in concern. “What is it? Is everyone okay?” He knew I would have a hard time controlling myself with her. Poor boy thought I drank her dry.

  “We are wonderful. Emilia here needs more wine to celebrate the fact she has agreed to join us.”

  Mark’s cheeks swelled with his huge grin. “She’s staying? You’re staying?” He looked to her.

  She smiled and nodded.

  He tossed up his hands and clasped them together. “Hallefrickinlujah! We’re going to have so much fun! This calls for the good stuff! I’m going to the wine cellar. I’ll be right back!”

  He hurried off down the hall, his excitement causing Emilia and I to exchange another smile.

  “The good stuff? Yay! I get the good stuff!” she chimed.

  I looked at her and sat back. I already had the good stuff. And I couldn’t wait to have more.



  I TOUCHED MY NECK AGAIN. No holes, no bumps, nothing to indicate a vampire had been feeding from my vein just minutes ago. The skin didn’t even feel bruised or sore. It was as if nothing had happened.

  But something did happen.

  Aiden had drunk from me. I had sat on the couch while a man... a vampire, drank my blood. The immediate sensation had been intense pain, fiery and hot, as if his fangs were made of molten lava. It had seared only for a moment and then... I can’t even describe the feeling that came next. I’m not sure there is a word for it. Ecstasy? Euphoria?

  No... it ran deeper than that. Different. I’d felt him pulsing with me as if our beings had somehow merged and breathed as one. Our blood had pulsed together while sensations I’d never knew existed raced through me. I’d felt the same blissful release as a full body orgasm, but somehow different... better.

  Aiden stared at me now. His arctic eyes watched my every move. He seemed different now. Softer, maybe? His awkward attempts at smiling had been painful to watch. I wasn’t Suzy Sunshine but smiling at least came naturally to me. It looked like the most unnatural thing in the world to him every time he attempted it. Except the one time at Mark’s expense. That time he’d almost seemed human.

  While Mark was off getting wine, Aiden and I sat alone in silence. What does one say to the man who’d just sucked on her neck? Was it good? Do I need a different diet? How’s the weather? I thought I could hear crickets if I really tried.

  Aiden just sat quietly and stared, making no attempt to fill the silence between us.

  So flipping beautiful.

  Honestly. The vampire lore had gotten this one down pat. Vampires are mythical, otherworldly beautiful creatures. Then another thought occurred to me... he was the only one I had met. Maybe he’d looked like this even before he’d turned? Maybe other vampires were overweight with bad hair and zits. Now I wanted to know, but I didn’t want to come out and ask if he was naturally this hot or if it was a welcome side effect from vampirism. A little part of me wanted to see him without his clothes to confirm that physical perfection lay underneath them.

  Okay, so a big part of me.

  Continuing my silent studies I wondered what other traits I had seen in the movies were real. He had super speed. I’d seen that with my own eyes. Mind control. They’d said he could erase me, so we’ll put a check inside that box. What were the rest? Hearing? Smell? Sight? Mind reading?

  Mind reading! Son of a! Did he just hear all that? Did he hear me thinking about him naked? Is he hearing me thinking this, too? Can you hear me, Aiden?

  I stared at him with widened eyes waiting for him to say, “yes, I can hear you.” He continued to watch me but didn’t answer and confirm my fears. With a swallow I decided to ask.

  “Can you hear my thoughts?”

  He scrunched his brow. “What?”

  “My mind. Can you read it? In movies some vampires can read minds. Can you do that?”

  Amusement flashed across his face. “Is that the cause of the big eyes and frozen face? You’re worried I can read your mind?”

  “Yes,” I admitted. “Can you?”

  Aiden shook his head. “No.”

  “Good.” I collapsed back, the tension releasing from my shoulders.

  “Why? What were you thinking about?” He tipped his head, a curious expression accompanying it.

  “What? Nothing,” I lied. Heat flushed my cheeks.

  A smile.

  There. His lips curled slightly at the corners. His eyes joined them in the gesture. My heart squeezed in my chest.

  “You were thinking about something you don’t want me to know about. What was it?” he asked, a sparkle flashing in his eye.

  You naked.

  “Nothing. Really. I was just curious about some... things.”

  “Mmmhmm.” He laced his fingers together and set them on his lap, his eyes searching mine for an answer. The heat in my cheeks traveled to my chest. I cursed the splotches that started to form. A trait I had inherited from my mother. Anytime I felt stressed I broke out in a very glamorous speckled rash across my

  His eyes fell to it. It embarrassed me more and deepened the color.

  “Are you all right?” he asked as he looked me over.

  Shifting uncomfortably beside him I tried to brush my hair forward to cover it.

  “Where is my wine?” I fumbled with my dress and diverted my eyes from his curious gaze. He made me feel like a bizarre animal at the zoo.

  “I’ve got bubbly!” Mark shouted, entering the room holding a bottle of champagne and two long-stemmed glasses.

  “Oh, thank God.” The words slipped out of my mouth and I jumped up to meet him. I practically ripped the glass from his hand.

  He looked at me, his confused expression questioning my antics. His next glance went to Aiden. I swear he scolded him with his eyes. Aiden returned his look with a shrug and his gaze wandered away.

  Their silent exchange complete, and my embarrassment at epic levels, I eyeballed the bottle. Mark caught my eyes pleading with the champagne to uncork itself and fill up my glass. Hell, I wanted to break the neck and drink straight from the bottle.

  “Step back,” he said with a smile. His fingers slipped to the bottom of the cork and pushed. We both cringed waiting for the familiar pop that meant backup was on its way. Unlike us, Aiden sat unconcerned that the cork might break loose and take out an eye

  I bet he can’t be hurt by flying corks. Another vampire trait I must confirm.

  Pop. The cork shot out and flew toward the ceiling. The height of the vaulted ceiling forced it to fall back before contacting it. Bubbles exploded out the neck and rushed down, making a small pool on the tile floor.

  Mark glanced over at Aiden who gave the liquid on the floor a look before moving it up to Mark.

  “Don’t give me that look. I’ll clean it up,” he challenged right back. Aiden crossed his arms and sat back. Mark certainly knew how to handle him. Noted.

  He filled up our glasses and raised his in the air.

  “Here’s to a wonderful, profitable, fabulous five years together. All of us.”

  I raised my glass to meet his and followed his gaze to Aiden. He tipped his chin in a nod as we clinked glasses. I downed that champagne like I might never get another drop.


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