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Into The Light (Immortal Hearts Book 1)

Page 22

by Katherine Hastings

“Emilia, I love you,” I whispered into her ear. Her quick panting breaths slowed as she inhaled one deep one and pulled out of my embrace, turning to wrap her arms around my neck. Her answer was a kiss, long and slow, filled with passion and love, flooding me with emotions so strong I felt likely to crumble beneath their weight.

  “And I love you,” she whispered back between soft kisses. “Was it as good?”

  “No,” I said, and her eyes snapped open. “It was so much better. So, so much better.”

  A sweet smile pulled up her lips. “It was?”

  “You have no idea.” I blew out a puff of air.

  “Oh, I think I do.” She giggled and pecked my nose.

  “I feel so alive, Emilia. For the first time, I get it. I understand why you wouldn’t give this up and I’m so glad you didn’t. All these centuries I thought I was living, but just these last few hours with you have shown me just how much I’ve been missing. I can’t wait to see where this life of ours takes us.”

  “There’s nothing stopping us now,” she said, tipping her head and getting a devious glint in her eyes. “I know what I want to do next.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s that?”

  “Bora Bora.”

  I nodded as my smile grew. “Then Bora Bora it is.”

  She squealed and hopped into my arms. It drew a laugh from me while I closed my arms around her and spun her around in the water.

  “I’ll have Mark arrange everything,” I said.

  She pursed her lips and then they slid into a frown. “We’re going to need to start doing these things ourselves. Soon Mark will be gone.”

  The thought of him not handing me my paper when I awoke caused a knot to tighten in my stomach. After all these years together, I couldn’t imagine not having him ridicule my outfits and scold me for being too uptight. I was going to miss him more than I’d realized.

  “I need to call my brother,” I said, knowing that my hiatus from my family needed to come to an end so I could ensure they would take care of changing Mark. “My brother Lothaire will change him for me.”

  Emilia drew back and tipped her head. “You’ve never told me why you don’t speak to your family. What happened?”

  I sighed and slid to the side of the pool, leaning my elbows back onto the concrete. “It wasn’t any one thing, really. In fact, Lothaire, my older brother, is the Chieftain of our clan now and has been for six hundred years. Our Chieftain who made the pact with the Picts was my uncle. When he died, with my father dead and no heirs, the role transferred to my brother. With the title comes certain responsibilities, as well as my place in the family as his right hand. I just didn’t want to be part of it anymore. I needed a break.”

  “Be part of what?”

  “Our clan are the original vampires, and over the years we’ve passed on the gift to others. Some of them formed their own clans, and though we worked together for years, eventually a battle for power began and some of the clans have been warring since. Lothaire has been locked in a constant state of battle against the opposing clans for two centuries.”

  “So you just left them?” she asked, a hint of judgement in her voice.

  “I wouldn’t say I just left them,” I answered, “I was exhausted, Emilia. As Lothaire’s right hand, I was forever protecting him or hunting out those who would oppose him. Every time I eliminated a threat, a new one would pop up in his place. Over and over, I would fight each time a new vampire tried to come to power and move in on us again. It was my job to torture them for information and dispose of them when I was finished. There was so much blood, so much death... I just saw no ending in sight. If I hadn’t left, I would have spent the rest of eternity removing people’s heads and never getting a moment’s rest. So, I told Lothaire I was done and to promote someone else to my place. He didn’t take it well. We had a blowout fight, he forbade the family from talking to me, I left, and it’s been almost ten years since we’ve spoken.”

  “You haven’t talked at all?”

  I shook my head. “Not once. He’s reached out a few times demanding I attend the annual clan meeting. No apology or attempt at reconciliation, just a message demanding I show up. Though at this point, I’m not sure who needs to apologize to who. But honestly Emilia, I love the quiet life. It was just me and Mark. No battles, no heads rolling past my feet, and no more fighting. It’s just not who I am, and I hate being forced to live that way. Lothaire doesn’t understand. Ruling and the clan means everything to him. Well, that and Grizella.”


  “His wife. They’ve been together for four hundred years and I swear their bond deepens every day.”

  “Four hundred years? Most couples I know struggle to make it to ten. I take it she’s a vampire, too?”

  “Yes, though she was human when they met.”

  “She changed for him?” Her eyes widened.

  “On their second date,” I said, laughing. “Much like us, their connection was instantaneous, and they were married on their third date. If that’s not love at first sight, I don’t know what is.”

  “I’ll say. And you have a sister?”

  “Yes, Annella, my baby sister. I miss her terribly, but she is a loyal clan member and abided Lothaire’s command that no one speak to me. She’s also a warrior, though she works in the shadows more than direct battle. She’s not the kind of woman you want to bump into in a dark alley. Then there’s Thorne. He’s not blood family, but we were best friends since birth. After I left, he became Lothaire’s right hand... a position he’s perfect for.”

  “Sounds like your family life is complicated.”

  “Just a little.” I laughed.

  “At least you have a family,” she said on a sigh.

  I realized now how much she had lost and how alone she’d been when I’d found her. Her soul had been as shattered as mine. The night we’d met she’d been on her own, battling this world without an ally in sight. Even though complications filled my family and I hadn’t seen them in a decade, I knew they would kill for me and stand at my side no matter what. A twinge of nostalgia twisted in my gut while I wished for the simpler days before the clan battles began. I couldn’t understand Lothaire’s desperate need to remain in power. I just wanted us to walk away and go back to the way things were. Let the others take over, and focus on being a family again just enjoying our existence. He wouldn’t listen and eventually it drove a wedge between us too deep to withstand.

  “I’m sorry you lost your family.” I slid an arm around her and felt her head settle upon my shoulder. “You have me now. For always.”

  “Perhaps someday I can meet your other family.”

  “Perhaps,” I said, and then realized I needed to break the news I had turned human again. Not looking forward to that conversation, I still knew it would be necessary when I explained to Lothaire why I couldn’t fulfil my end of the bargain with Mark. For a moment I felt like a little boy again awaiting my father’s temper when he found out I broke his favorite bow. It would be the first time in ten years we talked, and with my news, it would go badly. That much I knew. At least it wouldn’t be about returning to war with him. I was human now, and that option was no longer on the table.

  Goosebumps prickled my skin and startled me. Looking down I examined the little bumps on my arm, realizing I hadn’t felt cold in centuries. I ran a curious finger over them.

  “Cold?” Emilia asked, tipping her head.

  “I think I am. It feels so strange!”

  “How about the hot tub and then we’ll go in and I’ll figure out our trip to Bora Bora while you call your brother.”

  “Deal,” I said before kissing her nose and swimming toward the warm water calling my name. Lothaire and my tongue lashing could wait a little longer. Right now all I could think about was spending every second of this perfect day in the sun with Emilia.



  I PUSHED THE LAST OF my shoes into the bag and sat on it to help it close. As I strug
gled to close the zipper, I smiled when I remembered where I’d be taking this suitcase.

  Bora Bora.

  And I was going to Bora Bora with Aiden... who was a human.

  How all of this had happened was still a mystery I knew I would never solve. If anyone had told me that night in the bar that the man in the corner was the love of my life, a vampire, and now a human because of his love for me I would have called the cops and had them lock me away. And yet here I stood pushing the last of my new shoes into the bag I was taking on my vacation with him.

  A human him.

  “Get your cute ass down here and say goodbye!” Mark called up from downstairs.

  My joy wavered for a moment knowing that Mark was leaving and the next time I saw him he would be different. Very different. He would be a vampire.

  “Coming!” I called back and steeled my nerve to say goodbye. I’d had two days to process his leaving but knowing the time had come only ripped open the wound again. Aiden had called his brother, and after some heated words Lothaire had agreed to fulfill Aiden’s promise and change Mark. Secretly, and selfishly, I had wished he’d said no so Mark would remain as he was now. My bestie. My human bestie.

  When I made it to the bottom of the stairs, he stood in the doorway wearing a pair of Gucci sunglasses and a goofy grin.

  “Well?” he asked and did a twirl. “Don’t you think all those extra sit-ups and kale smoothies made a perfect vessel to cement me into for eternity?”

  I chuckled and nodded my head. “You look incredible, Mark. Perfect. There will be no sexier vampire on the face of the earth.”

  “Damn straight,” he said, and pulled his sunglasses off his face and shot them a look. “I won’t be needing these anymore soon. It’s too bad, really. I look fantastic in them.”

  “You might not need them, but you can still wear them inside just to make a fashion statement. Are you sure about this Mark?” I stepped to his side and pulled his hand in mine. “This is forever, Mark. Like forever forever.”

  I heard Aiden come up behind me and his arms slid around my waist.

  “Well, if I don’t like the blood drinking, stuck in the dark for eternity part, I can always turn into a born-again human. I get the all the good powers and none of the downsides. It seems to be working well for, Aiden.”

  “Just be sure this is what you want. That’s all I’m asking.”

  He squeezed my hands. “I’m sure. This time next week I’ll have compelled a few billionaires to share their wealth and I’ll be making out with Ryan Gosling in my new penthouse suite.”

  “Mark,” Aiden warned. “We don’t compel people to have sex. That’s just creepy.”

  “Puh-lease,” Mark said with an accompanying eye roll. “I’m not gonna get all rapey. I only mean that I’ll compel his bodyguards to grant me access to him. Once he meets me, there will be no compelling needed... he’ll be begging for a taste of all this.” He waved a hand over his body.

  “Mark, he’s straight.” I laughed. “And married. To a woman. A stunningly beautiful, uber-sexy woman.”

  “He won’t be after he meets me. Eva’s got nothing on me.” He waggled his eyebrows and we burst into laughter.

  “God, I’m going to miss you.” I threw my arms around his neck and squeezed tight. “Don’t be a stranger.”

  “I’ll miss you, too, sweetie. And don’t worry, you’ll be trying to toss me out of here in no time. You’re not getting rid of me that easy.”

  Aiden stepped forward, and I released my grip around Mark’s neck.

  “Remember, don’t agree to join the clan. Just take the blood and go live your life.”

  He scoffed, pressing his hand into his hip. “I have no intentions of joining some centuries-old vampire war. The only war I intend to wage is against this fucking wrinkle between my brows I will be stuck with for eternity if the Botox I’m getting doesn’t survive the transition.”

  “Take care, friend.” Aiden placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “I’ll miss you.”

  “Who would have thunk? Next week I’ll be a vampire and you’ll be human.”

  “Not in a million years,” Aiden said with a chuckle.

  Mark pursed his lips and I could see the quiver in his lip starting. “Thank you, Aiden. It’s been an incredible ride. Now take care of my girl, okay?” He pulled me into his arms and squeezed tight.

  “Forever,” Aiden said as Mark and I broke our embrace.

  Mark grabbed him and yanked him in for a tight hug. The two embraced for a moment before Mark pulled away and bolted out the door. I could see the shimmer in his eyes when he cast a last look back. Aiden took my hand, and we stood in the doorway and watched the helicopter take off. Mark gave a wave, and I remembered my Uber driver, Jake, and wondered if this is how he felt watching me flutter away.

  “Well, it’s just us now.” Aiden squeezed my hand.

  “I’m going to miss him.” Laying my head on his shoulder, we watched the helicopter disappear into the sun.

  “I need to get a message to an Uber driver and let him know I’m alive. Remind me to do that when we get back from our trip, okay?”

  Aiden arched a brow. “Do I need to ask?”

  “I’ll tell you on our way to Bora Bora. Are you ready?”

  “I’m packed and ready for my first tropical vacation.”

  I waggled my eyebrows. “You’re going to love it.”

  “Not as much as I love you,” he said.

  “Well, obviously.” I giggled and leaned over to give him a kiss.

  “IT’S INCREDIBLE,” I said, leaning into Aiden’s embrace while our helicopter passed over Mount Otemanu. The green mountain stretched up, towering over the cerulean waters of Bora Bora. The vibrant colors of the ocean collided with the white sand beach stretching around the island. The beauty took my breath away.

  “I can see the bungalows.” Aiden pointed to the long dock dotted with the thatched bungalows we would call home for the next two weeks.

  “I wonder which one ours is?”

  “All of them,” he said, turning to me with a smile.


  “I rented the whole strip of them. We need our privacy. I don’t want to worry about waking the neighbors.” He winked and pulled me tighter into his body.

  “You are something else.” I giggled.

  “Was I wrong?” He cast a quizzical glance at me.

  Flashes of the past few nights of our torrid lovemaking flickered across my mind and I shook my head and shot him a satisfied smile. “Not wrong at all.”

  After our helicopter landed the staff greeted us and we followed them down the long wooden dock to the largest bungalow at the end. We thanked them and stood side by side at the entrance to our private getaway.

  “May I?” Aiden asked.

  “May you what?”

  Without waiting, he swept his arm beneath me and pulled me up against his chest. I tossed my head back and laughed while he carried me over the threshold.

  “Amazing.” I gasped. The glass floor suspended over the ocean let in a soft, aqua glow and sent ripples of light from the water flickering across the ceiling and walls. Small colorful fish darted beneath our feet and my stomach flipped from the feeling of being suspended over water.

  “Okay, over-the-water-bungalow? This might be your best idea yet,” he said, staring down at the view beneath his feet.

  “Pretty fun being human, huh?” I traced a finger across his neck.

  “This is definitely not something a vampire would enjoy.”

  He carried me across the crystal-clear floor and out onto the private deck that overlooked the ocean and the mountain just off in the distance. An infinity pool stretched out in front of us and reflected the bright sunlight rippling off the soft waves.

  “Wow.” I breathed. “It’s more beautiful than I imagined.”

  “I never even thought to imagine something this beautiful.”

  “Not a bad view, huh?”

got the best view in the world.”

  With one glance, I realized his eyes weren’t staring out into the ocean with mine... they were fixated on me. My stomach flipped for the umpteenth time beneath his gaze. His talent in coaxing those little flutters from me was unprecedented, and I hoped they would never stop.

  I leaned up to kiss him, but a knock on the door interrupted my attempt.

  “Our bags,” I said, and he slid me down to the ground.

  We greeted the valet and stepped aside while he carried our bags into the bungalow. Another man came in carrying a tray with two glasses of champagne and a platter of sushi.

  “Sushi! I love sushi!” I said. “You can put it out on the table on the deck.”

  They hurried through our bungalow and left after Aiden slipped them a hundred-dollar bill.

  “There. Now it’s just the two of us until morning.” His sexy smiled caused my heart to squeeze in my chest.

  “Sushi, Aiden. Your first bites of sushi. You’re going to die.”

  “Isn’t that raw fish?” he asked while I pulled him out to the table for two propped on the edge of the ocean.

  “Yes, wrapped in rice and nori.”

  He grimaced while he sat down and stared at the colorful little rolls. “I grew up on lox and I hated it then. I don’t think raw fish is my thing.”

  “This isn’t lox. This is sushi. Trust me; you’ll love it.”

  I showed him how to mix his wasabi into his soy sauce and how to use the chopsticks. When he picked up his first piece and dipped it in the sauce, I held my breath and watched while he slid it into his mouth.

  “Well?” I asked while he chewed.

  “Mmmmm,” he murmured and closed his eyes. The happy sound deepened the longer he chewed.

  “Good, right?”

  After a big swallow, he opened his eyes and nodded. “So good! I had no idea raw fish could taste like that!”

  I smiled and grabbed a piece myself. After dunking it in the soy I popped it in my mouth. My own sounds mimicked his while I savored the best sushi I had ever eaten.

  “I love when you make that sound,” he said before inhaling another piece. “You also make it when I do that thing with my tongue you like so much.”


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