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Beautiful Trouble (Dirty Hollywood Book 2)

Page 8

by Claire Raye

  Glancing back over my shoulder, she meets my gaze, smiling as she says, “Yeah, he’s amazing. He makes me very happy.”

  She blushes as I watch her, her eyes widening as I run my fingers slowly up the back of her calf.

  “When are you coming back to London?” I hear her ask, her eyes locked onto mine. She nods at whatever the answer is, her hand still resting on my back as I turn around and finish painting her toenails.

  When I’m all done, I lift both her legs, resting her feet on the coffee table in front of us before I lean back so I’m resting against her. She wraps an arm around my shoulders as she says, “Anyway, Julia, I better go. I can’t wait to catch up. Say hi to Aiden.”

  Julia says something back before Ava hangs up the phone and throws it on the couch.

  “I take it that was the famous Julia Harris,” I ask, tilting my head so I’m looking up at her. “Your ex-boss and longtime lesbian lover?” I tease.

  Ava swats at my chest, laughing as she says, “Perv, but yes, it was. She’s coming to London soon and is dying to meet my new husband.”

  I grin. “Is that so?” I ask. “Well, it just so happens that I’m very keen to meet her too.”

  Ava rolls her eyes. “You’re only saying that because you can’t stop thinking about the idea of her and I together.”

  I chuckle. “Maybe,” I tease. “But maybe I don’t want to share you with anyone anymore.”

  Ava’s eyes meet mine and I watch as her smile fades. “What are you going to do about V?” she asks, changing the subject.

  I exhale, running a hand through my wet hair. “There’s nothing to do,” I tell her. “I’ve told her about us, and she’s just going to have to get used to it.”

  “She thinks it’s too fast?” Ava asks, picking up the conversation we were having earlier. “Or that I’m not the right person for you?”

  I run my hands down the bare skin of her thighs, my eyes on her now red toe nails. “She does think it’s too fast, yeah,” I admit. “But she also doesn’t know you, so she has no idea how perfect you are for me.”

  Ava exhales, her fingers running through my hair as I lean back against her. “I really don’t want to be a wedge between you two,” she says. “I mean, yeah I was jealous that first time I saw you with her, but…”

  “Babe,” I say. “You know you have nothing to be jealous of.”

  She nods against my shoulder. “I know,” she says, hand brushing against my pec. “I get it now,” she continues. “But you’re clearly good friends, you’ve been a part of each other’s lives for a long time. I can’t be the reason that falls apart.”

  She lifts her feet off the table now, bending her knees as she places a foot on either side of me.

  “You won’t be, Ava, I promise you,” I say, resting my head on her shoulder as I look up her. “V will come around. She just needs a little time to get used to the fact that she’s not the number one person in my life.”

  Ava exhales, clearly not buying what I’m telling her. Truth be told, I’m not sure I do either. As close as V and I are and as much as I know she is only looking out for me, I also know she can be a stubborn arse. That it could likely be a really long time before she reaches out to speak to me again.

  If she ever does.

  “Anyway, enough about V,” I say, “How long will these nails take to dry?”

  “Not long, why?” Ava asks.

  I grin up her. “Because I’m horny,” I tell her leaning up to kiss her mouth. “And I really want to fuck my wife.”

  Ava laughs, pinching my side as she says. “Food first, then…”

  “We fuck…” I whisper, pulling her mouth to mine.

  The next morning, Ava leaves early for work again, leaving me with a cup of tea and a kiss before disappearing out the front door.

  When I eventually get up, I shower and take Daisy down to the park before heading back home. After breakfast, I head down to the pub to do a few orders and sort the payroll.

  I half expect V to drop by like she normally would. But she doesn’t and once again, our usual breakfast passes by without any sign of her. There’s not even a text to cancel this time and it shits me, that she’s being like this.

  Still, a part of me feels guilty too, at the things I said to her yesterday, at my anger and the way I kicked her out of my flat. We’ve had our fights over the years, but I never meant to call her a bitch or tell her to fuck off.

  It wasn’t something I’d ever done, but I was just so angry and frustrated at her. I just want to her to understand why Ava is so different, why she is important to me and why I know nothing like what happened with Joanna was going to happen again.

  Somehow, I knew that with all of my heart.

  But V never shows and instead, it’s a long, slow day. By five o’clock, I’m getting restless and bored. When Oliver walks in, shouting, “Lewis, where’s that beautiful wife of yours?” I immediately laugh, grateful for the company.

  “Working,” I say, pulling him a beer.

  He nods his head at me as he takes a seat at the bar, sliding a five pound note toward me. I ignore it, even though I know he’ll just ignore me and keep putting them there every time I pull him another beer.

  “How’s married life treating you?” he asks, taking a long sip. His fingers fidget with his lighter and I know he’s dying to smoke. He won’t though, because he knows I both hate it and have banned it from my pubs.

  “Fan-fucking-tastic,” I say, grinning.

  Oliver chuckles. “Still riding that honeymoon high huh? Non-stop shagging and the like?”

  I cock an eyebrow at him. “A gentleman never tells, my friend.”

  He bursts out laughing now, shaking his head as he lets out a snort. “Fucking hell, look at you,” he says. “Tamed by a woman.”

  I grin. “Pfft, my woman is absolutely a wild one, there’ll be no taming.”

  “Well,” he says, taking another sip of beer. “I’m really happy for you,” he says. “Marriage suits you. You look good, happy.”

  I nod. “I am,” I tell him. “Really fucking happy.”

  “How’d V take the news?” he asks, immediately killing my buzz.

  I shove a hand through my hair, as I busy myself with some glasses. “How do you think?”

  “That good huh?” he asks, finishing off his beer. He’s known us both long enough to know what she’s like. He also saw the shitstorm that was Joanna too, so I know he gets why V would react the way she has.

  I pour him another beer, once again ignoring the five pound note he slips onto the bar. “It wasn’t great,” I admit. “I mean I sorta get it,” I continue. “But she just doesn’t know Ava. She doesn’t get why I’m not worried about any of that other stuff.”

  “Does Ava know about all that other stuff?” Oliver asks, waving a hand around the room.

  My eyes meet his before I look away, taking in the pub that has been in my family for generations. That was the start of everything for them. “She knows enough,” I say, shrugging. “And I know she doesn’t care about any of that other shit. She’s not like that.”

  Oliver nods as he pulls out his cigarettes and sets them on the bar. I cock an eyebrow at him and he chuckles. “Outside, I know,” he says. “But listen, why don’t you give her a chance to get to know Ava, for all of us to get to know her?” he suggests.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  Oliver stands, grabbing his cigarettes and lighter. “Have a party or something,” he suggests. “Make it relaxed, casual, no pressure. Invite your friends and your wife and just let shit happen.”

  I scrub a hand across my jaw, the stubble bristling against my hand as I contemplate his suggestion. It’s actually not a bad idea. Pulling out my phone, I fire off a quick text.

  Me: Hey babe, thinking of having a really casual get together…celebrate us, you know, getting married  When is your girlfriend coming to town?

  I watch as the bubbles float on the screen before her response comes back.
  Ava: next weekend, dirty perv.

  Me:  you love it.

  Ava: I love you…but party sounds like a cool idea, thank you x

  Me: anything for you beautiful. See you tonight x

  I slide my phone back into my pocket as Oliver comes back into the pub, the waft of cigarette following him inside. I shake my head at him, knowing he’ll never change.

  “Keep next weekend free,” I say, smiling.

  He looks up at me, a questioning look on his face.

  My grin widens. “A party, casual, get to know Ava?” I prompt.

  Oliver’s mouth curves into a smile. “Nice,” he says. “And make sure you invite V,” he adds. “The sooner you get that shit sorted, the better.”

  I exhale, pulling my phone out again, knowing he’s right.

  Me: hey…can we try again? Saturday night. I’d really like it if you could just get to know her. Find out why I’m so sure…

  I hit send, staring at my phone, willing the bubbles that signify she’s typing a response to come up on the screen.

  But they don’t, not even after the message changes from delivered to seen.


  Chapter Ten


  The sign on the door to the Public House reads “Closed for Private Event” and I smile as I look at it, taking in its meaning. It’s the celebration of our wedding and while my family isn’t here to enjoy it with us, it doesn’t make it any less special.

  I shared the news with them yesterday via FaceTime and to say they were shocked would be an understatement. I think my mom sat silently for a solid thirty seconds before my dad gave her a jab to the side.

  “Are you pregnant?” she asked in all sincerity, and I knew that would be her first question.

  “No Mom, I’m not pregnant.” In her eyes that would the only reason for something like this.

  I may have embellished a little when I shared the story of how I met Lewis and how long we’d been together. A few years ago I stopped sharing my relationship status with them because of how quickly things ended in the past. I move too much, I travel and my job doesn’t make things easy, and avoiding their judgment kept things calmer for me. I may have left out that three month hiatus Lewis and I took just so I could make it seem like this whole marriage thing wasn’t as impulsive.

  Even if it totally was.

  I walk back into the bar; it’s decorated with tiny fairy lights and tulle strung from the rafters, all done by Lewis and Oliver. This is a shocking sight given their outward appearance, but underneath their harsh exterior they’re both genuinely kind.

  They’re sitting together at the bar with Oliver flipping a pack of cigarettes end over end while Lewis has his eyes glued on the door. He’s waiting for someone and while his eyes light up when he sees me, it’s not me he was hoping would come through that door.

  I walk over to him, watching him as he watches me and there’s something so insanely sexy about his attraction to me. It’s feral and intense, but strangely calming. I didn’t ever believe in love at first sight. I thought it was bullshit. I thought people confused lust for love and in the past I would’ve said I was one of those people. But with Lewis it’s different and I felt it the moment I met him. I’m not just in love with Lewis; he’s my soul mate. Falling in love with him was a choice, but being connected to him in ways I can’t explain was not.

  Lewis’ hand snakes out and wraps around my waist pulling me closer to him until I’m practically sitting on his lap.

  “What do you think?” he asks, his eyes floating around the room. We both talked about how this would just be a quick get to know you type of thing for all his friends and family and when I got a break from work, we’d go back to New York to meet my family. “You’re not disappointed we didn’t have a real wedding, are you?”

  “Of course not. And we did have a real wedding. The people who mattered were there.”

  “See, this is why I love this girl.” Lewis’ hands go up and he isn’t talking to anyone in particular, but it’s just Oliver and me in the room.

  Our short conversation falls silent and Lewis’ eyes retreat back to the door and I catch Oliver giving me a look. It’s an unspoken word, a knowing glance that we both realize is more important than the words being said out loud.

  He’s waiting for V and she’s not going to come.

  The thought breaks my heart. It kills me that she’s doing this to him and I’m the cause. I know she’s not the enemy in all of this and I need to stop thinking about her that way. I’m the enemy and she fights dirty.

  My thoughts are interrupted by the opening of the door and Lewis shoving me off his lap as he jumps up from his chair. His hand slips into mine and he’s tugging me toward the door before I even have a chance to process what is happening.

  Hope rises heavy in my chest and for a split second I feel like I’m floating, like the burden of wondering if V will show dissipates. But when I turn around my eyes take in Julia and Aiden, and while they aren’t who I was hoping to see, my excitement level spikes again.

  It hasn’t been that long since I last saw Julia, but we pretty much spent every day for the last five years together. She was not only my employer, but we also became incredibly close during that time. She’s down to earth and kind and friendly, totally different to what the media portrays her to be.

  “Oh my god,” she squeals, grabbing for my hand so she can see my ring, before pulling me into a hug. With her mouth next to my ear and quiet enough so it’s just between us, she says, “That’s one hell of a ring.”

  When we separate, I take a second to introduce them to Lewis and everyone is welcoming and friendly, unlike my meeting with Victoria.

  It only lasts a few seconds because the next to arrive are Lewis’ parents, and while I’ve met them once before, they act like we’ve known each other all our lives. They embrace me with strong arms and tell me once again how thrilled they are to have me in their son’s life. They love the idea that he fell head over heels in love with me after just a few weeks and call it fate. But it all makes me think of Victoria and her complete lack of acceptance.

  Lewis’ mother looks around and while she’s still smiling it’s small and lacking the zest it once was. “No V?” she asks, looking between Lewis and me.

  “Not yet,” I say, trying out a little optimism that has long since been lost with Lewis.

  He just shakes his head, a sad look in his eyes that doesn’t go unnoticed by me.

  The night goes off without too much chaos, the initial shock of seeing Julia Harris at a random bar in London dying down pretty quickly and I have to commend Lewis’ friends because not a single paparazzi showed up to stalk her.

  Aiden and Lewis chat most of the night about his upcoming movie, which is already getting buzz even though it hasn’t even started filming yet. A little bit of jealously flares in Lewis when I tell him I’ve already read the script, but Aiden quells that by offering to screen it for him when it’s done. He even offers us passes to the red carpet premiere here or in L.A., which ever we’d like.

  The next morning, I wake up early despite the slight hangover I’m nursing. Since starting in this industry I haven’t been able to sleep past six a.m. and today that’s a good thing. I’m up far earlier than Lewis and knowing that he’ll be sleeping well into the morning, I throw on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt and grab the tiny piece of paper from the pocket of my jeans I was wearing last night.

  When Victoria didn’t show up, I found Oliver and demanded he give me V’s address. I wasn’t going to sit idly by and let her shit all over Lewis. Oliver was more than willing, and even offered me a bit of advice, telling me to not give up. He also gave me V and Lewis’ backstory and how they met when they were just five years old and have pretty much been inseparable ever since. This is all fine and good, but this isn’t high school anymore and it’s time V grew up and out of this mean girl phase.

  It’s about a ten minute walk to Victoria’s apartment
and when I arrive, I pull my phone from my purse and check the time. It’s still early, only a little before seven, but I don’t care. I hit the buzzer for her unit and wait.

  Nothing happens, so I hit it again and again and again, bordering on psycho and knowing there’s a possibility that she won’t let me in. I wouldn’t. Who would let a random overzealous unknown button pusher into their apartment at seven in the morning?

  But then I remember her attempted entry into Lewis’ house and I hold the buzzer down in the hopes that this is something they both do. And I’ll be damned if it doesn’t work.

  The lock clicks out of place and I pull the door open and take the steps two at a time, arriving at her door with her waiting, arms folded over her chest and a scowl painted on her mouth. But this all changes when she takes me in, the shock of it not being Lewis written all over her face.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” she mutters, her hands scrubbing over her face. She’s disheveled, but still absolutely stunning as she stands in front of me in a pair of hot shorts and tank top. Her long brown hair is piled high on the top of her head and her face is smudged with last night’s mascara. I hate that she still looks good despite all of this. It’s obvious I’ve woken her up and that was my goal.

  “I have nothing to say to you,” she scoffs, her hip jutting out as she pushes her chin toward me.

  “I think you do.”

  “You’re right I do,” she shoots back, her lips pursed together, her eyes narrowed. “You’re a money-grubbing bitch.”

  “And you’re a cunt. So now we’re even. Let me in.”

  She contemplates my words for a second before stepping aside and I walk in without saying another word.

  She flops down in a kitchen chair and I pull the one across from her out and sit. This obviously isn’t a friendly visit and she doesn’t bother to offer me coffee. The silence in the room is deafening and I mirror her posture and her demeanor. She isn’t going to win this.


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