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Beautiful Trouble (Dirty Hollywood Book 2)

Page 11

by Claire Raye

  Ava chuckles now, smoothing her hand over my chest. “Okay tough guy.”

  “I’m fucking serious,” I say, pulling her closer. “Nobody messes with my girl.”

  She smiles against my mouth. “Okay,” she murmurs. “But enough about that, what are we going to do today?”

  Now it’s me smiling. “Let’s do something fun,” I suggest, chuckling as Ava slides her hand lower because she assumes by fun, I mean stay in bed and fool around all day. “Yeah, it will most definitely involve that, baby,” I say, grinning as I roll her beneath me.

  Couple of hours later, we’re up, dressed and ready to go. I grab Daisy’s lead and turn to Ava, “You good?” I ask.

  She glances down at the overnight bag I’d asked her to pack. “Yeah,” she replies. “You’re still not telling me where we’re going?”

  I grin, shaking my head as I hold out my hand to her. “It’s a surprise,” I add, winking.

  We head downstairs and out onto the street toward the parking garage behind my building. It’s expensive and annoying as fuck trying to own a car in central London, but there’s no way I’m giving it up.

  As we walk toward the other baby in my life, I turn and watch Ava’s reaction. Her eyes widen, a smile tugging at her mouth as she takes it in before turning to me and saying, “Holy shit, you have a Dominic Toretto car?”

  “Wait, what?” I stammer, surprised. “You know…”

  “1970s Dodge Charger,” she says, running a hand across the roof. “Very nice.”

  “Hold up,” I say, my hands on her hips as I turn her to face me. “You know what kinda car this is?”

  She cocks an eyebrow at me. “Yeah, of course. It’s Dom’s car from Fast and Furious,” she says.

  “How?” I say, shaking my head. “How can you possibly know that?”

  Ava grins, sliding her fingers into the front of my jeans and tugging me closer. “Would it drive you crazy if I told you I’d met Vin,” she whispers, lips brushing against mine. “That I actually worked for one of the producers who was involved in making Fast Six.”

  “Holy fuck,” I breathe out. “I am seriously turned on right now.”

  Ava laughs, kissing me once, before saying, “Even got a ride in the car,” she whispers.

  I groan, pushing her back against my car as my mouth crashes onto hers. I hear the thud of our bag as it hits the ground before Ava’s arm snakes around my waist, her hand slipping into the back pocket of my jeans.

  “You’re about to go for a ride in my car, baby,” I growl, my lips against hers. “And while Vin’s might have been the ‘70s model,” I murmur. “Mine, is a ’69,” I add as I grind my hips against hers. “Sixty. Nine. Ava.”

  Ava laughs, low and sexy as she kisses me once more before pushing me back. “Best you take me for a ride then,” she says, winking up at me.

  It’s a little over an hour to Oxford and as soon as we clear central London and get on the M40, I put my foot down. I fucking love driving my car like this and although I don’t get too many chances to do this, I love the idea of sharing it with her now. Glancing over, I see Ava smiling, a relaxed look on her face as her head rests on her hand, which is propped up on the window, her other hand on my thigh.

  Smiling, I lift her hand to my mouth, press a kiss to her knuckles before lowering it to my leg again. Glancing in the rearview mirror, I see my goofy dog in the backseat, her head and tongue hanging out the open window as she too watches the world go by. This is fucking perfection, right here. Me and my three girls.

  “You ever been to Oxford?” I eventually ask, as I turn off the M40.

  “No,” Ava replies, shaking her head. “Never.”

  I grin. “It looks like a Harry Potter movie set,” I tell her. “They filmed some scenes here. It’s a cool city, very trendy.”

  Ava nods, her eyes taking in the buildings as we get closer. “Where are we staying?” she asks, glancing in the back seat. “With a dog?”

  I grin. “I know a place,” I tell her.

  She twists in her seat so she’s facing me. “Not your car though right?” she asks, her brow scrunched.

  I burst out laughing. “Well, I said I’d take you for a ride, baby, maybe a little 69 action too,” I add, winking. “But I won’t make you sleep in here.”

  We eventually pull into a street that’s dominated by a huge warehouse, that’s been converted into loft style apartments. Reaching for the fob, I trigger the gate to the carpark, before turning in and finding a park.

  “You have a place here?” Ava asks, a surprised look on her face as she gets out of the car.

  “I do,” I nod. “I lived here for a couple of years and didn’t want to give it up,” I add, grabbing our bag and Daisy from the car. “It sits empty most of the time, but I like the idea of being able to come here whenever,” I continue, taking her hand in mine. “Even more so now I have you to share it with.”

  Ava says nothing as we walk inside and take the stairs up to my loft. Inside, I watch as she stands in the living area, her eyes taking in the huge open plan industrial style space, the high ceilings and floor to ceiling windows that dominate one side of the otherwise exposed brick room.

  I lean in and kiss her temple. “Our place now,” I murmur, before moving into the kitchen to get a bowl of water for Daisy.

  Ava wanders around, not saying anything as she runs a hand along the back of the worn leather couch, before moving toward the bedroom and its small bathroom. When she returns, she comes into the kitchen, where I’m leaning against the bench, legs crossed at the ankles, waiting for her.

  “What do you think?” I ask, pulling her toward me.

  “It’s…” she pauses, looks around again, her eyes wide. “It’s amazing,” she murmurs. “I can’t believe it just sits here empty.”

  I shrug. “Never really wanted to rent it out,” I tell her. “In case we ever want to come here.”

  Ava looks back at me, her eyes wide as she shakes her head slowly, seemingly lost for words.

  Grinning, I lean down and kiss her. “Come on, let’s go get a drink,” I tell her. “Then I’ll show you around.”

  Taking Daisy with us, we head back down to the street and toward the main part of the city. Even though it’s the weekend, the place is bustling with tourists and students.

  With an arm around Ava’s shoulders and Daisy’s lead in my other hand, I steer her toward a cobbled side street that runs behind one of the university houses until we come to a pub.

  “Here,” I suggest.

  Ava stares up at the building, the half full beer garden that we can partially see out the back. “Sure,” she replies as her eyes wander over the name of the place.

  Heading around the back, I find us a seat, handing the lead to Ava. “I’m just gonna grab us some beers,” I say, kissing her quickly, before I turn and head inside.

  “Lewis!” comes Mack’s booming voice as I walk up to the bar. “Been a long time.”

  I nod, grinning at him as I lay my hands on the polished wooden surface. “It has,” I reply. “How’s things?”

  Mack nods, moving to face me as he says, “All good here. What can I get you?”

  “Two pints of Stella.”

  He nods again. “V with you?” he asks as he starts to pull the beers.

  I shake my head. “Nope,” I reply, holding up my left hand.

  Mack finishes pulling one beer before glancing at what I’m showing him. His eyes widen when he notices. “Holy fuck, you got married?” he asks.

  Grinning, I nod. “I did, she’s out back,” I tell him. “Come and say hi when you get a sec.”

  “Fuck,” he says, chuckling a little. “I will.”

  He slides the beers toward me, taking the twenty pound note I slide him with a not so subtle eye roll in my direction. When I head back outside, I see Ava sitting at the wooden table, Daisy sat at her feet and what can only be described as a herd of idiotic boys trying to stalk my girl.

  I walk over, putting the two beer
s on the table, as I straddle the wooden bench seat, a leg on either side of Ava. Glancing up at them, I cock an eyebrow in a way that I hope conveys the message to fuck off, before turning back to my wife.

  “Cheers,” I whisper, leaning in to kiss her.

  Ava giggles, shaking her head at me as I pull back. “You’re so territorial,” she whispers. “So possessive.”

  “Does that bother you?” I ask, taking a sip of my beer.

  She shakes her head, still smiling. “No, it’s kinda cute, actually.”

  “Cute?” I scoff. “Those fucking idiots needed to know what’s what.”

  Ava laughs. “Okay tough guy,” she says, leaning in to kiss me again. “Tell me though,” she adds. “This place, it’s called Public House,” she continues, waving at the building. “And it’s all done the in the same style as yours.”

  I nod, knowing she’d get it straight away. “Yeah, it is.”


  I take another sip of my beer. “So this place is mine too,” I tell her. “Along with about ninety-four others.”

  “What?” Ava asks, swallowing her beer with a cough as she puts a hand over her mouth.

  I look around the beer garden, at the pub I spent nearly nine months working at when I first got into the family business. I have good memories of my time here, even if the place in London is now my favorite. For one very particular reason.

  “Remember the first night we met?” I ask her. Ava nods, her eyes on mine. “When I told you I took over the pub from my grandfather?” She nods again, still not saying anything. I smile, tucking her hair behind her ear. “That pub was the first. It’s been in my family for generations, passed down until my great grandfather decided to expand.” I take another sip of beer, my other hand resting on Ava’s thigh as I continue. “He created an empire, really. A brand that’s all over the UK now.”

  “Ninety-four pubs?” she asks, her voice low.

  I nod. “There are thirteen in London alone,” I tell her. “All still family owned. Still run by me and my parents,” I continue. “This is what V meant when she told you I had money,” I say, my fingers gently squeezing her thigh. “This is why I don’t care if you want to quit your job. You never have to work, Ava,” I whisper, taking her hand in mine. “Ever.”

  Ava stares up at me, her eyes wide as she takes in everything I’ve just told her. “Filthy fucking rich,” she eventually murmurs.


  “That’s what V called you,” she says. “Filthy fucking rich.”

  I shrug, finishing off my beer. “Yeah, I guess,” I admit, knowing that’s definitely one way to describe it.

  Ava swallows hard, before lifting her beer and taking a long sip of the cool liquid. I watch her, see the million questions she has in her eyes. When she turns back to me though, she asks the one I least expect.

  “So how come you don’t think I’m after your money?” Her words are low, barely a whisper. “Like…like she was?”

  I shake my head, sliding closer to her as I thread our fingers together. “You fell in love with me, married me, when you thought I was some guy working in his granddad’s pub and living in a shitty flat above it,” I tell her, lifting our joined hands to my mouth.

  “I did,” she says, smiling.

  “I know who you are, Ava,” I add, smiling back at her. “I love you for so many reasons, but the fact that you loved me when that’s all you thought I was, is a big part of it.”

  Ava leans closer, her lips brushing against mine. “I love you back, Lewis,” she murmurs. “For reasons that have nothing to do with money.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Spending an entire weekend with Lewis was perfect, but it’s something I know won’t happen very often. We were lucky; the cards fell in our favor because filming moves to nights today, which means I now work nights too. The entire crew was given two days off to prepare, even though I’m not sure there’s anything you can do to prepare for having your days swapped for nights.

  There are very few things about working over night that are positive other than being able to wake up next to Lewis. For the next few weeks I’ll be a zombie, a nocturnal animal, living my life in a foggy haze of wondering if I’ll ever sleep normally again. It sucks and it happens with my job, but it doesn’t make it any easier.

  His body is warm, but today is different. There will be no alarm to shove me out of bed before I’m ready, no leaving before the sun comes up, no leaving Lewis in our bed alone—at least for today.

  I wiggle against him, my ass pressing into his already hard dick and he groans, reaching around and grabbing my breast.

  “Ava,” he growls, that possessive side always there on the surface and there’s something about it that’s so innately sexual, so wanton. The way he says my name has always had a strange effect on me, making me grow desperate and needy for him.

  Lewis’ knee slides between my legs and I grind against it, my head falling back as a moan escapes my lips. With his mouth next to my ear, small puffs of air escaping it, leaving my skin heated as he breathes warm against me.

  “Are you ready for me, sweet girl?”


  “Tell me. Tell me how much you want me, Ava.”

  His words drive my desire and need for him, everything in me screaming for him to touch me, to be inside me.

  “I want you, Lewis.”

  “Come on, Ava. You can do better than that. Tell me how wet you are. Tell me how much you love having me inside you.”

  My body is on fire, flushed and heated but struggling to be so open with him. Self-consciousness washes over me and Lewis notices the change, shifting his body so he’s now on top of me.

  “You’re not used to it,” he murmurs, his fingers trailing down my cheek, stopping under my chin, he forces my eyes to his. “You’re insanely sexy and everything you do, every moment, every word, turns me on. I want you to own it.”

  “I want to,” I whisper back, my eyes lowering in embarrassment.

  “I watch you control someone else’s life like it’s nothing. You dominate a room, control people with just a few simple words. You’re a force and your confidence in what you do is sexy as fuck.”

  “That’s easy. It’s my job.”

  “I want that girl too. I want the one who walked into my bar and owned me with a simple look and a snarky attitude.”

  I want to be that girl for him too, but it’s not the same. He knows me now and I can’t hide behind the fact that what I showed him all those months ago was just a ruse. I thought I’d never see him again and there’s a confidence in that. But he’s my husband now and I should be able to let go, to explore my sexuality with him.

  I suck in a deep breath, my fingers threading into Lewis’ as I move his hand to my chest and down my stomach until our entwined fingers are between my legs.

  “Touch me, Lewis,” I purr, his fingers brushing against me. “I want you to make me come.”

  “Like this?” His fingers slide slowly, his thumb rubbing and I tremble at his touch.


  And just as he ups his tempo, his phone rings out, but he doesn’t stop, just reaches for his phone. He checks the screen and tosses it back it on the bed next to us.

  “No distractions. Where were we?”

  “You were touching me,” I remind him, my words breathless. “I’m so wet, Lewis.”

  “I can feel that, sweet girl.”

  “It’s because of you. I’m ready for your hard, thick cock.”

  Holy shit, I can’t believe these words are coming out of my mouth, impulsive and desperate. But everything about them is a huge turn on and even bigger is the effect it’s having on Lewis. His pupils are dilated, his lips swollen as his chest rises and falls rapidly.

  “Fuck, Ava. I need to be inside you.”

  And I can’t possibly argue with that.

  Feeling sated and relaxed, my head is resting on Lewis’ chest as we both come down from th
e high of being together so intimately. Our connection is natural and simple, and he brings out the best in me. Marrying him was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.

  My fingers trail down his chest, the room filled with a comfortable silence as he twirls a lock of my hair around his finger.

  “I want to have babies that have your hair,” he whispers, his lips brushing the top of my head.

  “What if our babies look like you?”

  “That would be disappointing,” he teases, his phone interrupting our hypothetical situation, chiming out with a text.

  “Who is it?” I ask, pushing up to look at his phone.

  “It’s V. She wants me to call her.”

  Before my showdown with Victoria just hearing her name would’ve tugged at every insecurity I have, would have made me far more jealous than I’m used to, but now things have changed.

  “Call her then.”

  “You sure? It’s supposed to be just you and me today.”

  “Lewis, call her. If you want things to get back to normal between the two of you, you can’t avoid her phone calls. You can’t always be with me. She’ll be hurt.”

  “How the fuck did I get so lucky to find a girl like you?”

  Lewis scrolls through his phone and hits V’s number, the line trilling before I hear her muffled voice answer.

  “Hey V. What’s up?”

  She talks for a few seconds, her words garbled by the phone being held to Lewis’ ear and then he says, “Yeah, she’s right here. Hold on.”

  He passes me the phone and casually says, “She wants to talk to you.”

  “What? Me?” I ask and realize she can probably hear me and the shock in my voice. It’s not that I don’t like V, things between us are civil, but we haven’t had much interaction since I called her a cunt. Not my finest hour.

  He shakes the phone in front of my face prompting me to take it from him in spite of the anxiety that is suddenly swirling in my chest.


  “Hey Ava. So I was thinking we could meet for lunch or something. You know without Lewis. I’d like to, um, I’d like to apologize.” Her voice is a little shaky, but it’s got nothing on me, and Lewis laughs out loud when I start to speak.


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