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Inhuman Behavior

Page 5

by Faith Ryan

  A creak sounds from the hallway and I try to clear my sleep addled mind so I can figure out who’s wandering around my house. I remember moving Wren upstairs from the basement and putting him to bed. He shouldn’t be able to leave the room, the lock on the door is designed to be impenetrable, much like the one on his cage.

  A quiet noise sounds outside my bedroom door at the same time I realize I forgot to shut the door on my way to my bed. I’m out of bed and at the door before he can wake Amalie with his presence.

  “Pup, what are you doing?” I question him as I exit the room, closing the door behind me. He tries to look around me but fails.

  “Is Amalie in there? Can I meet her?” He sounds excited at the thought and it annoys me he wants to know her when I’m standing in front of him. It’s irrational considering that’s what I want for the both of them.

  “She’s sleeping. What are you doing out of your room, Wren?” I can’t stop the misplaced anger that leaks into my voice.

  He frowns at my gruff tone. I’m glad I cut his hair; it makes it easier to see his expressions, not completely but enough to sense what’s going on in his head.

  “I woke up in a strange bed. I forgot where I was. When I remembered, and I noticed you were gone, I—I couldn’t go back to sleep. Which is really fucking weird considering this whole situation.”

  “Language, pup.”

  “Sorry. You weren’t there, so I thought I would search you out. I didn’t think about Amalie. It’s easy to forget about her sometimes since I haven’t met her yet. She’s like an unfathomable fantasy. She isn’t going to seem real until I can see her with my own eyes.”

  “No, I’m sorry.” I run a hand through the hairs on his arm until I get to his hand. I interlock our fingers and tug him back in the direction of the bedroom I’ve given to him. “You asked about Amalie and jealousy overcame me. I need to rid you from my thoughts, get you out of my system, so when the time comes, I can give you to her without lashing out at either of you.”

  He looks at me with wide eyes. “Get me out of your system? How?”

  Good question. We enter the bedroom and I turn my back on him, shutting and locking the door behind us. When I look at Wren, he’s standing near the bed, fidgeting and rolling from foot to foot. He’s innocent in ways I’d never expected. I imagined being part of the Carnaval would have exposed him to the more of the seedier sides of life. The other freaks that he considers his family have obviously protected him as the child he came to them as. But Wren is no longer a child, and I want to show him how much of a man I see him as.

  Truthfully, I don’t see him as a pet any longer. Caring for him, building trust, and loyalty, it’s brought us beyond such a simple relationship of a master and his pet. He’s my pup, and that goes beyond anything a simple pet could ever be. I don’t know how I’ll break the news to Amalie, but I’ll worry about that later. For now, I will show my pup, my Wren, how much I don’t really want to get him out of my system at all. I’d much rather infuse him into my veins so I can never be without him.

  “Uri?” Wren calls to me and I leave my thoughts behind.

  “Yes, pup?”

  “How are you going to get me out of your system?”

  “I’m not.” I close the distance between us and rest my palms on his shoulders. My thumbs stroke through the hair on either side of his neck and I feel it when he swallows hard. “I don’t want you out of my system, Wren, I don’t want to rid myself of you. You started as a way to bridge the growing distance between myself and Amalie, but I’m beginning to see that I’ll never be able to close that gap. Instead, I’ve decided to keep you as my own.”

  “What?” The word squeaks out of him. “But—you said—I don’t understand.”

  I let one hand drift down over his chest, petting him to calm his racing pulse. I feel it beating wilding under my thumb. “Does that scare you, pup?”

  Wren shakes his head. “No. I’m not scared. I don’t know what I’m feeling. It’s like I said before, I’ve never felt anything like this. I don’t know how to put it into words.”

  I thought Wren was playing games, trying to run from me. Now I wonder if he just doesn’t have the experience to plot such an intricate ruse. Perhaps his reactions to me are truly sincere and not the act I perceived them to be.

  “Well, maybe you can at least tell me this; does it feel good?” I circle my finger around his nipple then let it roam lower. I dip into his belly button briefly before continuing the descent to his groin. I trail down the length of his soft cock, enjoying the shiver I elicit from him.

  “Yes,” he whispers. “It feels really good.”

  I move my hand away from his dick and slide it around his waist to grip his ass. I pull him closer to my body. My finger slides between his crack and I press the tip over his puckered hole and tease the bundle of nerves there.

  While I work him up, hoping to take it a lot further this time, I take his mouth with my own. Unlike our first kiss, Wren doesn’t hesitate to twist and tangle his tongue with mine. When the need to breathe becomes more imperative than enjoying Wren’s taste, I pull away and drop to my knees, gulping in lungfuls of air.

  I don’t stop my assault on his ass, instead I increase the pressure there and lean forward to nuzzle my face against his flaccid cock. His hair tickles my face, but I like the way it feels. I swipe my tongue along his length and take him into my mouth. I’m not new to sucking dick, though it has been a while, but having Wren in my mouth is remarkable. I’m able to fit all of him inside and his softness against my tongue makes my cock harden. I lick over him a few times before letting him fall from my lips with a wet plop.

  I look up at Wren from my place at his feet. The lust in his eyes as he stares down at me, gives me a sense of pride. He wasn’t meant to be mine. I already have Amalie, but she doesn't want me anymore… and Wren does. To hell with her, I’m taking him for my own. I’ll break it to her later, after I’ve fulfilled my desires on this gorgeously furry man standing before me. Firstly, I need to ask Wren his thoughts on the matter.

  “What do you say, Wren? Want to be my pup?”



  I woke up alone with the bedroom door wide open. I thought I could find a way out, but Uri’s house is locked up tight. When I couldn’t get the front door open, I went exploring. I didn’t get far. The first room I entered was the bathroom where Uri had given me a bath. The second was his bedroom.

  Now I’m back in the bedroom he bestowed to me and he’s on his knees at my feet asking me to be his pup. I want him, there’s no doubt of that. His touch sets me on fire and makes me crave things I’ve never wanted before. Think about the endgame, Wren. Letting Uri believe I’m his can only help me succeed in escaping. And I’ll get to experience all the things I didn’t know I wanted until I met him. I can satiate these new desires while ensuring my eventual freedom.

  “Okay,” I tell him. “I’ll be your pup.”

  Pretending to be his pup won’t be too much of a stretch from performing at the Carnaval, and despite what I’ve led Uri to believe, with a few exceptions, I quite enjoy playing the lovable dog boy.

  “But Uri?”


  “Shouldn’t I be the one at your feet?”

  Not that Uri at my feet wasn’t something I wanted, but if we were going to be master and pup, I want to know what he expects of me.

  “Eager to be at my feet, Wren?”

  “Well, I just thought that’s what you wanted.” I shrug.

  “Oh, I want that. I want that very much. But right now, I want to worship my pup and show you how much I appreciate you saying you’ll be mine. You’re as much a man as I am, Wren, and there will be times I’ll want to treat you as the man you are.”

  Uri is a confusing man, and he has secrets. He didn’t want me in his bedroom and though he’ll probably claim it’s because he didn’t want me to meet Amalie yet, I can’t help feeling in my gut that there’s another reason. I didn’t m
anage to see anything before he closed the door to the room earlier, his body was blocking my view.

  “Oh, okay.” I don’t know what else to say to that.

  “Relax, Wren. While I want you as my pup, I want you as my man too. I’ve never had a pup or a man in my life permanently before, we’ll figure it out together. Let’s just do what feels right.”

  This is a different Uri than the man who took me from the Carnaval and kept me in a cage in his basement. This is a needy man, one who seems desperate for someone to love who will love him back. Does Amalie not fulfill this need for him? The way he talks about her and the way he wanted me to be a gift for his love, I can’t believe that he’s lacking in affection and touch the same way I am.

  “I want to do something. Will you let me?”


  “I want to see if you like to be rimmed.”

  “Rimmed?” I try to remember if I ever heard or saw anything about someone being rimmed. My mind comes up blank.

  “Yes. Can I?”

  Everything Uri has done to me so far has been beyond pleasurable. Surely this will be as well, right?

  “Yeah, okay.”

  “Get on the bed.”

  I climb on to the mattress, unsure how I should position myself. Do I stay on my hands and knees? Do I lie down on my back, on my stomach?

  “I think it’ll be easier if you’re on your back.”

  Uri seems to read my mind and even helps to position me so I am comfortable, and he is sitting on his knees between my legs. He runs his hands from my ankles to my thighs and back down again before gripping my legs and pushing my knees into my chest. My ass lifts slightly off the bed and Uri grabs a pillow to shove under me, keeping me elevated.

  “Hold your legs in this position.”

  I wrap my arms around my thighs just below my knees. Uri adjusts himself until he settles with his legs to the side, half off the bed and his face right above my exposed lower body. I can just see the top of his head and when he doesn’t move for a few minutes, I writhe in anticipation.

  “Stay still, pup. I’m enjoying the view.”

  I doubt that’s true, but his words ring with sincerity, so he at least likes something he’s seeing.

  I jolt when his finger connects with me, not expecting the touch. He presses against my hole and eases the tip just inside for only a second. He grips my cheeks, one in each hand and uses his thumbs to hold them apart, baring my hole to his scrutiny, more than it already was.

  Uri’s head lowers until I can’t see him and when he puffs out a breath over the puckered opening, I clench and release at the sensation.

  “You’re just begging to be filled, aren’t you? But first I want a taste.”

  His tongue swipes over me in a wet and intimate kiss, much like the ones he’s lavished on my mouth. This kiss is more intense in the lust it pushes through my veins, lighting me on fire from the inside out.

  I have a moment of insecurity, pondering how Uri can stand to do this with all the thick hair covering me in my private areas. Then his tongue pushes into me, and he literally licks inside me. I can’t think or worry; I can only feel as he bites and sucks at my flesh. The resulting orgasm takes me by surprise. It comes out of nowhere, fast and all-consuming. I howl out as I come and Uri takes it as a sign to continue, somehow pushing me into another climax. As I come back down, Uri eases away and sits up, licking at his lips.

  “You taste so fucking good, and the sounds you make… damn, Wren, I almost came myself.”

  “So, you liked it?” I ask him, curious if maybe my hair made the experience less than satisfying for him, considering he has Amalie and however many others to compare it to.

  Uri laughs. “I should ask you that. But if you must know, yes, I liked it. I liked it a whole hell of a lot.”

  “Me too. I liked it a lot.” I confess.

  “Good. I have something else I think you’ll like just as much.”

  Uri reaches over to the nightstand and opens the same drawer where he stored the brush. He pulls out a bottle of clear liquid, and after a moment I see the label marked lube. He coats the fingers of one hand liberally and places them at my hole.

  “I’m not going to fuck you tonight, but I want you to feel good enough to want to fuck me.”

  “But—” I protest, but Uri pushes a finger into me. It burns a bit, not as much as it would without the lube, I’m sure. Not to mention I’m still relaxed from his mouth’s attention. He pulls it out, though not completely, then pushes back in deeper.

  I try again to protest. “Uri, I—” Oh God, what the fuck did he just touch inside me? “I can’t fuck—” Shit, he did it again. “Uri!” I scream out his name and my body spasms at the feel of his finger brushing against forbidden parts of me.

  He holds his finger still inside me and grins down at me. “You have something to say, pup?”

  I gulp down air, trying to catch my breath enough to speak. “Yes. I’m trying to tell you I can’t fuck you. I can’t get hard, remember?”

  I’m losing sense of what’s happening between us. I’m falling headfirst into the way he makes me feel. The way he touches me. I don’t want to lose myself any more than I already have, but I can’t stop the wonder I have for each new sensation he inflicts upon me. He makes me want to give him anything he wants, even the impossible.

  “Don’t worry about that. I have a theory that you’ll be hard enough to fuck me with a little help.” He winks. “Want to test it?”



  I remove my finger from Wren and crawl up his body. His innocence and worry about not being able to perform for me is cute, and it makes me want to sip that purity from his lips. I kiss him hard, stroking my tongue deep and transferring the taste of him from my mouth to his. He sucks his own essence from my tongue, and it makes me want him to let him suck on other parts of my body. But that’s not what I’m after tonight.

  I break the kiss as an idea comes to me. “I’ll be right back.”

  I practically jump from the bed and race to the bedroom I share with Amalie. I find what I’m looking for sitting on the nightstand where I’d left it after using it last. I grab the dildo and make my way back to Wren. His eyes track me as I enter the room and stride over to the bed with my prize. I tap his thigh.

  “Move over, pup.”

  I lie down beside him and hold up the dildo for him to see. It’s smaller than me when I’m hard, but it’s perfect for how I want to use it tonight.

  “What’s that for?” Wren’s words come out breathless; curiosity mixed with apprehension. He’s intrigued and turned on, but unsure if he should be.

  “This is for me.” The short hairs on his face shift to gather between his eyes. I can tell he is scrunching his brows in confusion. It’s fucking adorable. “Oh, pup, your innocence is intoxicating. I want you to use this on me. Open me up in preparation for your cock.”

  “Are you sure, Uri? I mean, are you sure about me fucking you. You really think it’ll be possible?”

  “I do.” I don’t say anything else, just hand him the rubber cock and the lube I used on him earlier. He takes them but just holds them in his hands.

  “I don’t know what to do. I think I can guess, but I don’t want to mess up or hurt you.”

  “Your concern is appreciated but unnecessary. Lube up your fingers and my ass like I did to you, then the dildo. Then fuck me with it. I promise I’ll like it, pup.”

  Wren nods and pops open the lube, squirting some onto the fingers of one hand, the hair darkening from the wetness. He drenches all four fingers with the lube, probably using more than is needed. When he’s finished he snaps the lid closed, then looks to me for direction.

  I turn so that my ass is exposed to him, lifting one knee to my chest while keeping the other leg straight. My upper body is twisted awkwardly so I can watch what he does. I’ll have stiff and achy muscles by the time we’re done, but it’ll be worth it. I reach a hand to my ass and pull my cheeks
apart so he can get to my hole easily.

  Wren tentatively probes at me with a slick finger, barely pressing in before pulling away. He does this a few times before I grow frustrated and grab him by the wrist and force his finger inside. I don’t let go, using my hold on him to fuck myself.

  “Add another finger,” I tell him, pausing my movements long enough for him to insert another slick finger. The lube lets him slide the digits into my hole easily while the hairs on his hand tickle me inside and out.

  Wren doesn’t take over, letting me continue to use his hand how I want. “Another.”

  Wren moves his ring finger to my hole and pushes inside, his pinky finger sinking in alongside it. He tries to pull back, but I push all four fingers as deep as my angled grip will allow.

  “Does it hurt?”

  Wren’s eyes are anchored to where part of him disappears into my body. I let myself enjoy the burn of being stretched, answering him with a moan before I tell him with words.

  “It hurts so fucking good. Think you can get your thumb inside too?”

  His eyes go wide, and he stutters out a response. “I—I don’t know.”

  “Do it, pup. I want your whole fist.”

  He tucks his thumb in close to his palm and squeezes his fingers tightly together as much as he can. He pushes in and the way his hand spreads me open sears pleasurably through my surrounding nerves. I encourage him to keep going until his wrist is being hugged by the ring of muscle at my entrance.

  The tips of his fingers brush over my prostate as he slowly thrusts his hand in and out, and the hairs on his arm tickle against my skin. The longer he fucks me with his fist, the harder he pushes into me and the closer I get to coming. The dildo is useless at this point, Wren’s hand stretching me much wider than it would have. I don’t want to come until Wren’s cock is fucking deep into my ass. Slowly, I pull his hand out and hiss at the tearing feel as his knuckles scrape across my spasming hole.

  “Put your cock inside me. It should slide in easily, even soft. If you’re like your canine counterpart, the clenching pressure will hit your glands just right and an erection will result.”


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