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Page 4

by Pepper North

  “No, Indigo. Your nightshirt is gone. It is time for a bath and then breakfast. Everyone will allow us time to bond before they visit. While it is only you and I, there is no need for you to wear clothes,” he patiently explained.

  “I can’t do that?” she answered, appalled.

  “It will get easier for you, blueness. There are no secrets between a sorcerer and his droblin,” Hagan informed her.

  “I don’t see you going around naked!” she threw back in his face.

  With a wave of his hand down his body, Hagan dissolved his clothes, leaving himself completely nude. Simultaneously, he transported away the blanket she was clutching to hide her body. When she felt the material under her bottom disappear, Indigo looked automatically down before clapping her hands over those blue eyes.

  “You’re not wearing any clothes!” she gasped.

  He watched her face waiting to see how long it took her to realize that her hands over her eyes hid the view of his body from her but did nothing to shield the delightful image that he could see clearly. He chuckled as her hands flew from her eyes to cover her breasts and pelvis.

  Hagan lifted one finger, and her arms glided back to her sides with her hands tucked behind her. She looked down as she struggled to free herself and froze at the sight of his penis. The sorcerer smiled as those blue eyes widened before springing up to meet his. Disbelief was etched into her expression.

  “That’s not possible,” she said in shock. Then sneering, she added, “Did you create a monster of a cock for yourself with your magic?”

  “Magic does not work that way, droblin,” he said dryly. “While I could conceal myself,” he explained, making his body vanish from her view, “my body still exists in its original form.” He lifted his now invisible finger and drew one feminine arm forward. She struggled only at the end when she watched her fingers open to wrap around his hard shaft.

  His low groan brought her eyes back to look where she’d seen his head earlier. Drawing her attention back to his pelvis, Hagan flexed his hips slightly, pressing his penis through the tunnel created by her fingers before relaxing back into position. Freeing her from his magical control, Hagan wanted her caresses to be determined by her own free will. His pleasure increased as her fingers deliberately tightened around his thick shaft and her eyes stared at his invisible crotch.

  With a thought, Hagan dispersed the cloaking magic and revealed himself to her view. For the first time, the magic wielder lowered the barriers to his talent, allowing himself to hear her thoughts. His smile widened as she lightly squeezed his shaft.

  Oh, my god! The words burst from her mind. The staccato of her thoughts separated each word from the other. He’s huge! I’ve never seen a… even her mind hesitated before whispering cock that big! Even online!

  Hagan tried not to reveal his reaction to her thoughts as his amusement at her reluctance to even think words she considered dirty. He’d almost laughed out loud when she’d asked about his monster “cock.” After watching her for many years, Hagan knew that she was reserved in her thoughts and actions. The shock of all that was changing around her had made her daring. He liked it.

  It’s so hard… but soft and velvety. Her thoughts paused as her fingers moved curiously on his penis. I wonder what he tastes like?

  Closing his eyes and drawing on the disciplined control that he had built over the centuries of practicing magic, Hagan resisted the urge to lower her to her knees and allow her to discover the answer. His jaw clenched tightly as he raised the barriers he had developed to keep from being overrun by the thoughts of those around him. Even if gigantic expanses of space separated him from someone in distress or anger, Hagan could hear the emotionally powered thoughts. For self-protection, his barriers could control the barrage of thoughts.

  “We have all the time in the world to explore each other, blueness,” he said, lifting her hand from his shaft and standing. When Indigo looked hurt, Hagan explained, “I have waited for you for hundreds of years. I want you more than I wish to breathe.”

  Hagan watched a shocked expression glide over her features. He began walking toward the bathing room, waiting for the question that she wished to ask. He leaned forward to kiss her forehead tenderly to reassure her.

  “How old are you?” she asked.

  “I am thirty times your age,” he answered easily and smiled as she worked on the math in her head. She is enchanting! he thought as he entered the bathing chamber.

  Her head turned at the sound of the running water already filling the tub before she remembered. “That would mean you’re over 600 years old.”

  “Yes,” he answered simply. “Now, you know why I do not have you pinned across the nearest padded surface. Your body and mind are struggling with the shock of coming to me. We will make love—often. But I will force myself to allow you to adapt. Does that make sense?”

  She nodded. Her expression revealed her quick mind trying to make sense of her new world. Indigo’s face hardened, and she quickly responded, “I don’t want you to think I’m a floozy or someone that sleeps with men that she just met.”

  Hagan smiled at her concern that he viewed her negatively. “I know the person you are inside. I know every boyfriend you’ve had. I also know that your heart has never been involved in any liaisons you’ve had in the past.”

  She colored as she realized that he knew who she’d slept with and probably everything about her past. “Did you just stare at me for twenty-two years?” she asked, horrified.

  Chuckling at her aghast expression, Hagan stepped into the tub. “I checked in on you frequently, but just as you had the job to grow into the beautiful droblin that you are, I had the job of preparing this space for you.”

  He sat down into the deep bathing tub filled with fragrant liquid. A hiss of discomfort slid from her lips as his droblin’s punished bottom met the warm fluid. It morphed into delight as the liquid wrapped around the rest of her body. Her soft sigh of enjoyment pleased him. Hagan wanted her to enjoy the things that he could provide her. The entire home was planned for her. Silently, they sat together in the warm bath, enjoying the feel of the silky water against their skin.

  Chapter 11

  Sitting on Hagan’s lap in the bathtub, Indigo leaned against his warm chest and rested her cheek on his muscular body. She didn’t understand why she felt better touching him, but she did. Lifting a hand from the liquid, she traced the soft hair sprinkled across his torso.

  Indigo had a million questions to ask. She didn’t know where to begin. Consumed by her thoughts, she missed him magicking a container of body cleanser and a hair tie within his reach. She jumped as his strong hands scooped under her shoulder-length hair. Gathering the silky strands into a messy ponytail on the top of her head, he adeptly wrapped a hair tie around it.

  Her hand flew from the water to explore how he had fixed her hair. “Wow, that must look funny?” Indigo had learned a long time ago that it was essential to be able to laugh at yourself.

  “I would say adorable,” Hagan argued with a wink. He chuckled as a red blush colored her cheeks. Leaning in, he captured her lips with a searing kiss. When the sorcerer lifted his mouth, he shifted back to lie against the tub wall.

  Indigo felt herself sway toward him, and she reached out to brace herself against his hard chest. Deep in her abdomen, a mass of heat and longing continued to grow. It had eased after her orgasm, but now it flared back into life.

  “I don’t understand. Why does my body respond to you so strongly? We just met!” she demanded, resisting the desire to straddle his body and take advantage of the erection that she had explored earlier.

  “You were destined to be mine from the moment that your life began. Your body knows that you have met your mate. When I touch you, it is like I’ve completed a circuit, and a light goes on. Your body touching mine is electric. Lovemaking between the two of us will be spectacular,” he explained, allowing his face to reveal the desire that filled him as well.

want me too?” she whispered as if afraid to hear his answer.

  “I have wanted you with every breath that I have taken. Even before your life began, I have dreamed of you and waited for the time that we would be united. Never doubt my feelings toward you,” he demanded.

  Indigo felt herself nodding in agreement before her mind fully had processed his words. Leaning in to raise her lips to him in a silent plea, she moaned in pleasure as his lips descended to woo her softly. As he raised his head, her fingers lifted to press against her lips, wishing to save that soft, heat-filled kiss forever.

  She allowed him to move her back slightly away from his hard body. He raised her slightly from the water and lowered her into a new position, straddling his thighs. Grabbing his thick biceps to stabilize herself, Indigo wondered if she had somehow signaled that she wished to be in this position. Dismissing the possibility that he could read her thoughts, she allowed herself to look at the incredible body that rose before her.

  When his hands began to smooth the sweet-smelling cleanser over her back, she instinctively closed her eyes in delight to focus on the feel of his touch. As his fingers glided silkily over her body, spreading the lather over her skin, Indigo clung to his massive shoulders for stability. Her breath caught in her throat as his fingers brushed the swell of her breasts.

  “So beautiful,” he complimented in a low, growly voice that sent shivers down her spine.

  Her eyes burst open to meet his passion-filled gaze. Shivering as his hands cupped her breasts fully, she gasped as his thumbs brushed over her erect nipples. Pulling her shoulders back, Indigo presented her body to his view. Always having been nervous and self-conscious when nude in front of a man, the look of raw passion that was chiseled onto Hagan’s face made her confident for the first time. She wanted him to look at her—to touch her.

  Those incredible hands crept down her torso. Instantly, self-doubt crept back into her mind rattling her newfound courage as he touched the part of her body that she disliked most. Indigo sucked in her pooching stomach, trying to make herself as slender as possible. As she held her breath, two long fingers moved to pinch her thigh. “Ouch!” she cried, exhaling abruptly as her eyes filled with tears from the sharp pain.

  “You are perfect as you are,” Hagan said, smoothing a hand over the red spot on her leg. “This will bruise and remind you that I do not wish you to be anything but yourself—not plumper, not thinner, not taller, not shorter, not anything. You are my droblin. You are perfection for me to enjoy for all our years.”

  Studying his face for any sign of deceit and finding none, Indigo relaxed slightly. “That hurt,” she accused.

  “Lessons often hurt,” he succinctly answered as one hand slid to her red bottom and squeezed.

  Indigo nodded her head slowly. She looked down at the red mark on her thigh. When his hand cupped her chin and raised it, her blue eyes met his gaze. “I don’t like those lessons,” she whispered.

  “But you will remember it.” His lips brushed hers softly as his hands again drifted to wash her tummy.

  This time, she didn’t try to conceal her body’s natural shape. His hands caressed her rounded flesh as if savoring the feel of her body. Her quick intake of breath as his fingers glided down to the hair between her legs allowed him to deepen the kiss. His tongue dipped into her mouth to touch her as one hand moved to cover her mound. Indigo felt the heat between her legs but couldn’t force herself to move away as his deep kisses distracted her.

  The sensation only lasted a few seconds. As he shifted his fingers, she felt the bath liquid glide over her flesh as never before. She broke off the kiss to look down through the shadowy fluid. The sight of bare flesh greeted her. Indigo lifted herself to her knees, raising her body closer to the surface of the bathwater. Her hand moved to rub over her now exposed mound. Her adult curls had disappeared.

  Looking at Hagan in disbelief, she asked, “You shaved me?”

  He simply took advantage of her raised position to press one hand between her thighs covering her intimate folds and the other over the crease of her buttocks. Again, that heat grew under his hands.

  Shock held her in place. The warmth didn’t hurt. She changed her question as his hands glided away to grip her body and pull her back to sit across his hard thighs. “What are you doing?” she asked in confusion.

  “Droblins are cared for completely by their sorcerer. This hair is no longer necessary, so I have removed it to make wearing your diaper more comfortable,” he explained as if this was just a normal occurrence.

  “Diaper? What? Only babies wear diapers. I can use the toilet!” she protested. Her indignant voice rose several decibels.

  “Do not yell at me, blueness. Your bottom will not react well to another spanking,” he warned. When her mouth opened again to retort angrily, he nodded toward her mouth. Her lips sealed shut. As she glared at him, he calmly gestured toward the room.

  “This is a bathing room. It is not like your bathroom. What is missing?” he asked before nodding his head again to release the hold on her lips.

  She knew that he could prevent her from talking once again. I just won’t talk to him if he doesn’t want to hear from me! After glaring at him pointedly, Indigo twisted her head to look around the room. It was totally empty other than the large bathing tub.

  Without thinking of her vow of silence, she blurted aloud, “The toilet’s in a different room?”

  “There are no toilets in this world. Those are created by man at your old home. Here I have created everything that you see. There is no use for a toilet here,” he explained as his fingers began to apply the slick cleanser to the sensitive folds between her legs.

  Still fuming at his treatment, Indigo tried to draw her thighs together to prevent his touch. To her consternation, he simply widened his legs. Her muscles were no match for the strength that packed his incredible form.

  As his intimate care began to build intense sensations once again between her legs, Indigo raised up to stand on her knees to escape her body’s automatic response to his touch. She didn’t want him to know how easily he aroused her. To her dismay, his fingers followed her to play between her widely parted thighs while his other hand moved to wash between her buttocks.

  “Aaah!” she cried, jerking forward to avoid the finger that pressed against her most private entrance. Her hands landed on his broad shoulders and stuck there.

  Off-balance and tremendously turned on, Indigo shook as one finger began to enter her vagina while another pressed relentlessly into her rectum. When his thumb began to brush softly over that sensitive bundle of nerves, she couldn’t hold back the pleasure that cascaded over her body.

  Mindlessly driven by passion, her mouth slammed into his. Demanding kisses and exploring his mouth as his fingers continued to slide in and out of her body, Indigo thrust one hand into Hagan’s thick brown hair that flowed wetly against the tub wall. The small sliver of her mind that could still operate rationally realized that she could move her hands.

  Indigo took advantage of her freedom to reach down to encircle the fierce erection that reached up toward her body. She loved the masculine groan that greeted her touch. Closing her eyes, Indigo focused on the sensations he was drawing from her body and on her efforts to bring him pleasure as well.

  Over and over, her passion exploded until she mindlessly felt her body moved from one orgasm to the next. His fingers seemed to be everywhere, bringing her pleasure. When she didn’t think she could take any more, she felt him swell in her caressing hand.

  “Come with me, blueness!” he commanded.

  His voice roughened with intense passion made her shiver, and one last burst of passion exploded within her. Panting in reaction, she felt his erection burst with gushes of fluid. His hands slid from her torso to grip her hips, holding her in place as his body rose to rub his shaft against her slick folds. They both groaned at the targeted intimate contact.

  As she collapsed against his chest, Indigo knew that when their bo
dies meshed together, the impact would be branded on her heart. She lifted her lips to his in a passionate kiss. She wanted him so badly. Each time he brought her pleasure was unlike any of the bumbling caresses that she’d felt before.

  His heart beat against her in a testament to the impact of her touch on him. Her rational mind knew that he was correct to wait. Until just a few hours ago, he’d been a complete stranger. Now, all she wanted was to be with him totally. Soon, she promised herself.

  Chapter 12

  Indigo rested cuddled against Hagan’s broad chest as he finished bathing her. When he stood from the liquid, her arms lifted to cling to his neck. With a gesture, he triggered a warm breeze to flow over them to dry their bodies. As he walked from the room, her eyes closed. She relished the feel of his hard body against her even as clothing reappeared over his body.

  Moments later, they flew back open as he laid her gently on the padded surface of an elevated table. His hand held her firmly in place as he leaned over to pick up a padded item from a nearby stack. Immediately, she recalled his words. He wanted her to wear a diaper.

  “I don’t need that, Hagan. Really,” she tried to convince him as he easily lifted her bottom from the table to slide the diaper underneath her hips.

  “You will,” he answered succinctly. Holding her legs elevated from the soft padding, Hagan pressed her knees forward to separate her buttocks naturally. Summoning a dose of the medication that each droblin received every day after their arrival, the sorcerer concealed its size before pressing a lubricated finger to her tight anus.

  “Nooo,” she yelled as she tried to jerk her hips away from his touch.

  “You will become used to my attention to your bottom,” he lectured as his finger continued to press into her small passage. Once fully inside, the sorcerer carefully applied lubricant to all the inner walls. “Here, magic surrounds you every day. Without medicine, you would sicken and die. I will not allow this to happen.”


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