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Page 7

by Pepper North

  Several times, he lifted her until only the broad head of his penis invaded her tight channel. As he allowed her to wiggle lower, Hagan moved gradually deeper into her heat. When at last he was fully implanted inside her, the sorcerer began to rotate his hips in a slow circle as he shifted her body up and down his shaft. He allowed her to grind against the root of his erection on the downstroke, making them both groan in delight.

  In the past, Indigo had struggled to orgasm with the few men that she had allowed into her bed. Figuring that something must be wrong with her responses, she had virtually given up on climaxing during sex. Making love with Hagan showed her the error in her thinking. Over and over, the powerful sorcerer brought her into the peak of toe-curling sensations.

  Pushing the thought of other men out of her head, Indigo knew that everything would be different now. Her life had changed to incorporate this magical being who was linked forever with her. She didn’t have to wonder if this was the right one. Ripped from her old life, fate had delivered her to him. He was hers, and she was his.

  She heard his breath finally begin to quicken as he allowed his body to focus on his own pleasure as well. Indigo could feel her body poised to explode again, and she began to beg him to come with her, “Now, Hagan. Now!”

  Hagan pulled her hips to meet his as he surged into her body. His pleasure exploded inside her tight channel as Indigo tightened around him as her own climax rocked through her body. Their bodies strained together several times, elongating their intense orgasms.

  With a sigh of delight, Indigo collapsed onto Hagan’s chest. He rolled her to their sides. Taking her hand, he raised her palm parallel to his. “Watch, blueness!”

  Indigo gasp in surprise as a magical symbol began to glow from their hands. A burst of light arced from the center of her palm to meet an equally bright beam of light from his. Once united, the lights cycled through colors: scarlet, jade, rose, violet, marigold, hazel, sienna, pearl, primrose, sky, amber, and finally, indigo.

  The deep blue light grew stronger and larger until it encircled Hagan and Indigo in its bright glow. Indigo held her breath as it shimmered around them. Delicious tingles of energy covered her body. Hagan lowered his head to hers and pressed his firm lips against her softly parted ones. The light exploded and seemed to absorb into their bodies, boosting her pleasure once again. She lost herself in Hagan’s kiss before giving into the magical push into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 16

  Waking up in Hagan’s arms had been amazing! She’d clung to his body even in her deepest sleep. Indigo blushed as he swept her hair back from her face. She’d never been the aggressor in initiating sex. Now looking in his gray eyes, she couldn’t help but remember asking him to make love to her.

  “Ah, blueness. You make my heart happy,” he murmured as his lips took hers in a sweet but demanding kiss.

  When her lips chased his eager for an encore of last night’s bonding, Hagan had chuckled that low, familiar laugh that sent shivers of delight through her body. “No lovemaking this morning, droblin. It’s time for a warm bath to soak your body. Your Pappa wants to make sure you are not sore before he enjoys your sweetness again. I have plans for later,” he teased, waggling his eyebrows up and down at her.

  Indigo couldn’t resist laughing at him. Giggling at his antics, Indigo allowed him to help her use the diaper he had obviously wrapped around her hips before joining her in sleep. When he whisked her from the warm sheets, she’d huddled against him as he carried her to the tub. This time, he had not joined her but had allowed her to soak in the warm water before tenderly washing her body.

  Soon dressed and fed, Indigo lie in Hagan’s arms, drinking the sweet potion from the bottle her Pappa insisted that she use. She wanted to fuss at being treated like a baby, but inside, she had to admit to herself that she enjoyed being spoiled by the sorcerer. He seemed to treasure their time together, so she submitted to his care.

  Shimmering lights appeared before them. With her mouth filled by the bottle’s large nipple, Indigo’s hand tightened around his. Hagan nodded and helped her sit up, abandoning her bottle for the moment. He leaned in to kiss her softly.

  “I wondered how long it would take for the droblins to convince their Pappas to come to visit. It appears that Amber couldn’t wait to greet you. If I am right, my living space will soon be jammed full of droblins and sorcerers,” Hagan shared with a laugh.

  With a swirl of magic, he enlarged the room to include several extra-large chairs and an area equipped with a mound of pillows around a low table. Only then did he open the portal between Kai’s home and his. Almost immediately, a giant, bald sorcerer stepped through a doorway that opened, carrying a red-haired human.

  “We’re glad you’ve arrived safely, Indigo. Please excuse the determination of my droblin to be the first to greet you,” the arriving sorcerer greeted her. Efficiently controlling the pushing hands of Amber, who wanted to be let down, Kai introduced himself and his Little one before setting his droblin’s feet on the ground. A barely visible tether dissolved with a twinkle, allowing Amber to leave his side.

  Both sorcerers laughed at the surprised look on Indigo’s face as Amber rushed forward to hug and kiss her cheek as if they had been best friends for ten years. “Blueness, our droblins are very fond of each other. I think they are almost as eager to meet the new arrivals as their sorcerers are,” Hagan explained. “Amber and the droblins were the ones who sent you the warning before your arrival.”

  As more shimmering requests to visit drew the two sorcerers’ attention away, Amber hugged Indigo again before stepping away to scan her length. “Are you okay?” she urgently asked.

  “I think so,” Indigo answered. “I guess I’m as good as I can be for someone who was just abducted from everything I know.”

  “It is hard in the beginning,” Amber agreed, before stepping to the side as a brunette with violet eyes escaped from a sorcerer who looked like a pirate.

  One after another, the eight droblins greeted the newest arrival. Each was kind and so pleased to meet her. Indigo was a bit overwhelmed by the instant friendship that the others offered her. This wasn’t at all like the atmosphere that she had been wrapped in at work in the large, every-employee-for-themselves company that she’d been working for.

  When the final young woman arrived with not one but two sorcerers, Indigo looked at the others with big eyes. “Yes! That’s Marigold. She has two Pappas. That’s good sometimes and doubly bad if she earns a spanking,” Amber shared with a laugh.

  “Hi, Indigo! Your eyes are absolutely as gorgeous as I thought they would be in person. We’re so glad you’re here!” the newest arrival enthused with a tight hug around Indigo’s waist.

  Dropping one arm, Marigold steered her and the cluster of droblins over to the cushions as if that were the seating area where they were all used to gathering. Everyone collapsed down to sit on the floor. Indigo looked around the circle of faces, noting that they were in all shapes and sizes. Deciding to start with an easy question, she asked, “Do we always sit on the floor?”

  “Welcome to life as a droblin. We’re all tiny sized compared to the sorcerers. They have made furniture for us, but we kind of enjoy sitting on the pillows. That way, our voices are down here, and our Pappas are up there. They don’t hear everything that we say,” Violet shared with a giggle that started laughter around the circle. around the circle.

  “What happened back home? You know, doesn’t anyone miss me?” Indigo asked in a burst of concern.

  “Some of us passed away back in our timelines. My Pappa explained that the family of the others just don’t seem to notice that we’re not there. It’s like we live far away, and time passes with no one noticing that they haven’t seen us,” Violet tried to answer.

  Indigo nodded her head slowly. Her mind tried to process the strange concept that no one would really notice that she was gone. “All our stuff just disappeared? Like the stuff from my desk at work?” she wondered, thinking about Sq
ueals and everything. It was overwhelming to think life just went on without her.

  “If we just disappear with no one really noticing, I think it’s easier for our families. They don’t have to grieve for us. It’s like they know we’re okay and happy,” Pearl shared her opinion.

  A hush fell over the group of young women as they all considered all that they had left behind when they were transported to their sorcerer.

  As if deciding it was time to change the subject, Sienna cleared her throat.

  “So… bonded?” Sienna asked with a raised eyebrow, starting another wave of delighted giggles that Indigo had to join even as she felt her face warm.

  Covering her hot cheeks with her fingers, Indigo realized that the only way they knew this was having experienced it themselves. “You all, too?” she whispered.

  “Oh, yeah,” Pearl answered with a wicked smile, setting off another peal of delighted laughter around the table.

  Silence filled the rest of the room, making all the young women turn around to look at the sorcerers who had stopped talking to watch them. Another round of laughter bubbled from the droblins’ lips as they collapsed on the table. The giggles continued when Garrick’s dry humor noted, “Can you imagine what life will be like when all twelve are here?”

  “Indigo, will you come here, please?” Hagan directed, holding his hands out to her.

  Self-consciously, Indigo rose to her feet and walked over to him. She felt better when she looked around to see all the droblins following her. Within seconds the young women were perched on their Pappas’ laps. Hagan greeted her with a soft kiss to her temple.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt the giggles, but I think it’s more effective if everyone hears Indigo’s story together. That way, I don’t share incorrect information with the sorcerers, and Indigo only has to say it once,” Hagan shared the reason for drawing her to him.

  Pausing to see if anyone had a disagreement with that suggestion, Hagan whispered privately in Indigo’s ear, “Remember they all arrived as you did. They know that this is very different for you. More than anyone else in your life, these people have your back.”

  Leaning back in his chair, Hagan helped Indigo move closer to his body before asking, “Blueness, will you tell us what happened before you arrived. Mention anything that you remember as being different or strange. We may interrupt to ask you questions, okay?”

  “O… okay,” she answered shakily before her voice trailed away. Looking around the faces watching her, Indigo cleared her throat. She tried to think about where to start. Finally, she chose to begin with the letter that had appeared in her stack of forms to enter at work.

  The droblins all looked very proud that their words had reached her. When she shared that she’d seen that paper before answering the door and had decided not to open it, their faces all became very serious. The droblins all nodded their approval of her decision to keep the door locked and closed. Quickly, she described the other scary encounters preceding her transportation here.

  “I don’t know what they were going to do if they got their hands on me. I’m just glad they never did,” she shared with a ragged exhale. Her fingers linked with Hagan’s as they rested on her thigh. She felt better touching him.

  “I think you were very lucky to have avoided them as well,” Brodric agreed, and everyone nodded solemnly.

  “Have you seen our stone?” Hazel quickly asked to change the subject. The look on her face and on several other droblins revealed that the threats that Indigo had survived had frightened them.

  “I did see the stone. There are only four lights left,” she recalled.

  “Yes, yours and three more,” Sky shared.

  “Indigo will touch the stone soon. For now, droblins, why don’t you play and get to know each other. I created a new game for you after watching my droblin play this game with her family many times,” Hagan shared.

  Winking at his droblin on his lap, the sorcerer gestured to the wall where a huge picture of a donkey appeared. When Indigo turned back to face him with a grin, Hagan waved a wide strip of cloth to use as a blindfold. In a rush, all the droblins slid from their Pappas’ lap to cluster around the picture. Chattering noisily, they began to organize themselves in order.

  Chapter 17

  All too soon, the fun was over. The droblins were quickly tiring, and the sorcerers made the decision to wait and have Indigo touch the stone until the next gathering. One by one, the sorcerers secured their droblins to their bodies with a magical cord. They would not risk anyone else becoming separated from them as they transported through the portals between their homes.

  When all the guests had departed, Hagan carried his droblin to her nursery. Laying her on the padded table, the sorcerer helped her use her diaper before stripping it off her body. He rolled Indigo quickly on her side and lubricated her bottom before adroitly inserting the medication preventing magic sickness.

  Indigo held her breath through the entire process but did follow his directions to relax her bottom. Patting her bottom, Hagan praised her. “Good girl, blueness. That was much better, wasn’t it? Now, I’ll begin to stretch your bottom a bit while you sleep.” When her eyes clouded with fright, the sorcerer reassured her, “It will not hurt. I promise.” After guiding in a plug just slightly larger than his finger, he kissed her cheek and gave her bottom a fond pat.

  Quickly wrapping her in a fresh diaper, the sorcerer carried her to the large rocking chair. With his precious droblin cradled on his lap, Hagan enjoyed their time alone. Asking his droblin questions, he listened to her excited chatter slow and her eyes begin to blink closed. Those black lashes lingering longer on her cheeks with each flutter. When she was asleep, he tucked her in her crib with Stretch to nap.

  Hagan worked in his study as his droblin recharged her energy. He had created a view window into the nursery so he could watch her as he worked. Thanks only to the discipline of years of magical research, the sorcerer was able to pull his attention from watching his sweet blueness sleep in her crib. He allowed himself frequent breaks to make sure she was safe and happy.

  The stone again lay on his desk as he searched with his eyes, fingers, and magic to make sure that nothing hazardous lurked on the cold surface. He would have Indigo touch the circle of lights when she awoke. Postponing it any longer wouldn’t help and could give the evilness that threatened the droblins more time to adjust their plans.

  A loud noise from the living area snapped his head up from the dusty papers that he held in front of him. Dropping the documents, Hagan was on his feet and at a run for the nursery immediately. He didn’t know what had caused the noise, but he would investigate only when his droblin rested safely in his arms.

  Sealing his research behind the disguised door as he burst into the hallway, Hagan was almost to the nursery when he saw a dark shape duck through the doorway before him. With a burst of speed, he dashed into the nursery and yelled, “Begone!” before wrapping Indigo in a fierce protection spell.

  Chapter 18

  Rousing at the sound of her Pappa’s shout, Indigo shrank back into the far corner of the crib as the dark shape whirled to meet Hagan’s attack. Shielding her eyes from the explosions of sparks and spells that lit the nursery, Indigo tried to watch the battle that waged in front of her. At each magical blow, she held her breath, wanting to scream but not wishing to distract her sorcerer.

  Afraid that Hagan would be hurt, the young woman wanted to help in some way. She knew that Hagan’s magic was strong-much stronger than the intruder’s. She also knew that she was his weakness. The dark shape was here to attack her. Hagan would have to divide his power between protecting her and defeating the shadowy figure.

  Slowly, Indigo began to move. She tried to conceal her movements until she reached the edge of the crib. Thank goodness, Hagan hadn’t raised the side of the crib to enclose her. Looking over the side of the mattress, she could see the floor below her. It seemed very far away.

  She knew he would see her movemen
t as she dropped that distance. She needed a distraction. Frantically, her eyes searched the crib for something that she could use. The soft blanket could be thrown over his head. She instantly dismissed that idea. She’d have to be way too close to launch it successfully.

  Her eyes locked on Stretch. He was the only thing else in the crib. She knew what she had to do. Picking up the stuffie, she quickly kissed his head before slinging the giraffe to the far side of the room. Indigo moved immediately and didn’t wait to see if the diversion worked. She didn’t allow herself to think about the flash of light that burst from the side of the room.

  Jumping to the ground, she ran as fast as she could to the hallway. Scanning the sconces as fast as possible, she lucked out and found the hidden room’s location quickly. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Hagan’s back getting closer to her as he fought to keep the darkness away from her. Stretching her arm up, she frantically drew the image she had practiced earlier.

  When the door cracked open, she fell through the doorway. Whirling in place, she looked back at the open door. “Pappa! Come through the door!” she urged him when she saw Hagan’s large form falling back toward the opening. His hand threw magic at the door to close it at the last second.

  “No, Pappa!” she screamed as she watched him seal her inside safely. His body weight thudded heavily against the wall where the door had just stood. Left alone in the pitch dark, Indigo wrapped her arms around herself as she scanned the blackness, trying to see anything, anywhere.

  A glow rose over there at chest level. Closing her eyes, Indigo recreated the room in her mind. It came from where she remembered her Pappa’s desk sat in the library. Indigo rose clumsily to her feet and headed toward the dim light. Feeling with her hands held in front of her, she tried to avoid any obstacles to her path. Finally, her fingers closed over the edge of the immense piece of furniture.


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