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To the Stars End- Original Soul

Page 24

by Demetri Grim

  “Pest talk too much. I talk a lot yes. But Pest puts you in danger with words. I ask one more time. We talk about something else?” The big monster pleaded at her as the hostility drained from him.

  “Ah... okay. So how about just showing me the different forms then Grey, no story needed, just what the forms are good for then? Is that- is that okay with you?” She asked the grumbling warrior. He rumbled noncommittally and snorted, still keeping his eyes locked on Grey.

  “Fine, have it your way kid. Your soft heart not going to be pretty if things go bad.” He mumbled something else under his breath that she didn't catch and dropped his head back to the bench, now watching her instead.

  “Very well then. This one will give only the basics to the new girl. Don't want to upset the moody bastard now do we.” Goldenhorn snorted once in response to that but was otherwise ignoring them. “My fourth form was one the master had me train.” Their voice dropped and they shivered again. “It is not easy to force a change, but this one is strong. This one managed to take a form outside of this one’s time.” The elf’s face puffed up a second before a ripple of black fur burst from their features. The lean frame of the elf filling out as muscles replaced the frail elf’s arms. Their face elongating into a lupine muzzle, tall ears perked to the top of their head standing straight up. It was not any type of Primal Beka could recognize. It only had one set of arms and no tail. It looked more like an animal with the shape of a man. More like Goldenhorn in fact but with sleek dark black fur that covered most of their powerful body. Standing over seven feet tall the beast man‘s jackal-like face peered down at her with a quiet and regal air. Beka paused in her work.

  “I have never seen a primal like that before.” Beka shook her head. “Or is that like you Goldenhorn?” She paused, looking between the two. Descriptions of Primals and what she saw from Grey that first terrifying day left Beka with the impression that Primals have aspects of several animals mixed into one twisted form. Goldenhorn and this Jackal definitely seemed to only be one species. “Is that a Beastkin from Septa?”

  “No this one's form is one from Cross.” Their voice echoed unnaturally with a powerful booming base and an overwhelming sense of command. The regal stature of the beast making her feel almost like she was talking to a king. Beka actually found herself gaping in awe at the changeling. Goldenhorn’s voice broke her from the stupor.

  “That is Rathor. Race that leads Primals here on Cross. Why you not know this? You fight Primals for centuries but not know who lead them?” Goldenhorn questioned, lifting a massive eyebrow at her.

  Beka felt herself blush and shook her head. “No. As far as anyone in the capital knows, the Primals are just a bunch of savages, wild relentless killers. They represent the worst and most lethal aspects of countless beasts all rolled into one wickedly evil monster. They were driven from all but the northern reach of Cross before I was born. Rathor I don’t think have ever been mentioned. Not even in the histories or books my mother taught me.”

  “This one knows why new girl. The Rathor are very powerful. Their Primal magics affect the mind. It is said you do not recall a meeting with one unless they choose for you to do so. That is unless you are a Primal as well or like this one, a...” The Jackal-like face frowned deeply and their very long, very tall ears flattened backwards over their skull. ”A monster.” Beka smiled reassuringly at the changeling and patted their arm.

  “I guess that explains it. No one knows about them because no one ever remembers the meeting. I wonder, if I will remember now because you showed me.” She clipped a length of gold wire and returned to the forge to soften it a bit more as she had done a few times already between stories.

  “It is possible. This one used this form for only a very quick meeting. It was done to gain this one's other Primal forms. That is all this shape can be used for because it is so rare. It would cause problems for the master if this one used it to fight.”

  “Is that what your other forms are for? To fight in the arena? You are really hard to kill after all. It’s easy to see how that could be useful to someone like Lord Kindredstar,” Beka said. Grey glanced at Goldenhorn before they nodded slowly when the Kathini only shrugged.

  “Yes this one does scripted battle with well-paying nobles.” They paused, watching to see if their words would provoke another outburst before continuing. “This form is fast and sexy.” Instantly the changeling shrank by almost two feet as the curvy long legged Primal woman appeared. Their voice drawing out the sounds as they flexed the extra set of arms that grew out from their back. “Master will use this one for high paying nobles who are all perverts. The ones keen to... dominate an innocent Primal woman.” Their voice dipping into a smooth sultry tone, with all the right inflections to make everything they said seem like an innuendo. Beka blushed and coughed as she returned to working diligently.

  “And the male primal?” She prompted, trying to speed Grey’s change along. Sure enough the lean and busty form of the female Primal shifted as their hair grew into a thick shaggy mane and wider draconic face. Their body expanding to fill the clothing they wore to almost comically stretched proportions. The male Primals was nearly as broad as Goldenhorn but not as thickly muscled. Grey flexed the second set of arms, causing their hinged ebony blades to fold out from beneath the feathery fur of their forearm.

  “This form is used when this one teams up with Brown.”

  “Goldenhorn. Name is now Goldenhorn, Pest. You no see gold on my horns?” He pointed to the tops of his horns with both hands and huffed. The large Primal snarled and snapped their tail like a whip over the top of Goldenhorn’s head. Before continuing their story.

  “This form is for when this one fights in epic monster battles alongside Goldenhorn.” The Changeling snarled out his new name and raked the tips of the arm blades across the floor before folding them in half along the thin hinge in the middle and crossing both sets of arms over their chest. For his part the Kathani only nodded in approval.

  “Epic monster battles?” She rubbed her chin and peered at the both of them.” I hear those battles are something to see. I never thought I would actually meet two of the... performers? That's so disappointing! I never knew the damn fights were staged.” She huffed and frowned. A little bit of her childhood dying with the news. “How could Lord Kindredstar condone such blatant deception. If it ever got out, it’s sure to piss off everyone,” Beka grumbled. “So I'm going to guess something here while I'm thinking about it.” She turned to Grey and nodded them closer. “You have that outfit and Lord Kindredstar’s shape so you can play as his body double, don't you.” She chewed at her bottom lip before continuing. “So when the people he pisses off at the rigged tourney games come for payback you get the beating instead. Am I right?” The blue black feathers on the primal’s face fluffed and they glanced at Goldenhorn, a spark of fear rippling through their body. Quickly reverting back into their base form and its lack of mouth.

  “Ha! I knew it!” She crossed her arms under her chest and shook her head. “He is so despicable.”

  “Heh, you are too clever for own good kid,” Goldenhorn said, deadpan. “That is why Pest has that form and the clothing. Should have known you figure out way to get them to spill beans.” He sighed and sat up. “Protection from assassin. They also has form of Red so others can see Takagi with his butler outside of Menagerie. Go ahead Pest, I no tell Red you use his shape.” The big Kathani leaned in conspiratorily and whispered rather loudly to her. “Red hates that his form was stolen by Pest. Takes it as personal slight. But seeing as Red not leave Menagerie, it was necessity. Still it chaps his ass.” He chuckled and pointed to Grey as their form darkened and grew into the image of Red. The usual stoic face of the red-tinted man split into a wide toothy grin that showed a set of very sharp, very long canines.

  “Sharp teeth. What the hell is he?” Beka asked before she remembered that very question was something Goldenhorn had said was not going to be answered. “Never mind, I forgot. No questions ab
out the boss, sorry.” She waved her hand at the grumbling Kathani before he could make a remark.

  “This one never gets to use this form. It is so much fun.” The non-Red’s voice was deep but not the usual monotone. It made her wonder if the monster in question was actually more friendly than he let on. That or you have to be a monster for him to treat you differently. She scrunched her nose at the thought. “The only form this one gets to use less than Red is the one master made this one take right before this one chose yours. This one has not used it for anything yet, but will get to very soon.”

  Red’s stolen image shrank once again, losing several feet in height. Stopping just slightly smaller than Beka. Their dark skin turning pale and flushing with an even tan. Their thick form slimming into soft feminine curves. The angular corners of Red’s body melting away. Their face rounded as a cascade of long black hair fell to the middle of their back. Full lips and bright violet eyes followed a small nose and smattering of freckles. A hint of age creasing the corners of their eyes as the change finished with a pair of pointed ears slightly longer than Beka’s own.

  Beka’s legs trembled as she rose to her feet. Her eyes meeting the glowing violet gaze of Grey's stolen face.

  “Grey…” She swallowed hard, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she took a step away from them both. Her tools falling to the stone floor. “Why do you have my mother’s shape?”

  Chapter 20: Deal Breaker

  “Grey! Why do you have my mothers shape!” Beka's voice wavered and she backed away, her hand coming to her tool belt. She took hold of the chisel. Her eyes wide as she looked between the two monsters. Her mother's face was turned up in a confused and frightened expression that broke her heart and disgusted her in equal measure. The Kathani's heavy brow was drawn together in concern as he stood, glancing between her and her mother's stolen form.

  “This one-this one, thinks you are mistaken.” Her mother's soft voice called out to her, causing her to flinch away. “Please this one is not who you say. This one is Magister Fineret the emissary, a noble.” Grey tried to reassure her as they took a step forward with their arms held up in peace. Every word they spoke with her mother’s mouth. Their perfect infections. The familiar tones. It was proof that Grey had been around her mother more than just once. Her mother, who was a world away with the King of Arcadia. The emissary of Cross. Had her shape in the hands of a murderous magister’s pet doppelganger.

  “It's Galten!" Beka spat out, her temper igniting in place of the fear she should have been feeling. "Fineret was her first husband! She remarried,” her face dropping into a scowl, “to my father. Your master got that wrong when he came to my home to hire us.” She glared at Grey as they opened their mouth to answer. But she cut them off with a gesture. Turning, she stalked away. “No don't say anything! I don't want to hear your excuse. Or whatever reason you have. That is not your voice, not your face to use. I guess your master forgot to inform you who I was or that he screwed up my mother’s name to begin with.” Beka rounded at them. The crestfallen image of her mother dissolved away to Grey's basic form. Their large almond eyes glistened as if they were crying. She almost stopped, but that tearful expression was just a lie. Just like everything else in this place. “I have to go.” She felt the danger hang heavy in the air at her words. Something sinister was going on with the noble, her mother, and these monsters. She had to warn someone.

  “Hey kid, stop! You cannot go!” The bovine monster called to her. She was just about to the door when a thick furry arm as large as her leg blocked her path. The beast’s massive body stepping between her and the door. Forcing her to take a step back to avoid getting hurt. “Just pretend. Just pretend you see nothing,” the horned creature pleaded. “You have to finish. Takagi will do-”

  “Will do what? Make me disappear? Have one of his pets kill me?” She pointed to Grey who flinched away from her and ducked their head, avoiding eye contact. “You going to replace me too? Is that your plan? Isn't that why its here?” Her anger was rising as a heat in her chest. She wanted to just explode. Her words coming out sharp and hostile.

  Beka knew she should not provoke these monsters. The beast could kill her with a flick of its head as easy as breaking a twig from a dead branch if it wanted to. Her mind raced. She was overwhelmed, outraged, and tired of being afraid. For weeks she had walked on eggshells working on the spear. She was actually injured by this savage the first day. Now she was likely to just be replaced by a monster and no one would ever know. She could cower and take her death crying, or stand up to it and stare it in the face. Gritting her teeth, she did just that.

  Locking eyes with the monster blocking her path she glared for all she was worth. Beka opened her arms wide. Inviting the beast to strike her. Though she was determined to remain brave in the face of her death, her legs shook and her heart pounded as she waited for the blow. Silently she kept on with her staredown of the creature. She had clearly grown too comfortable around these things and now she was going to die for it.

  “So bloody do it already! Why not just kill me before they take your head off! I'm not going to wait all the way until the bloody end just to be replaced by that thing! In whatever sick game your gods damn master is playing!” She thrust her chest out and lifted her head defiantly.

  Instead of an attack, the large amber eyes of Goldenhorn looked away, breaking her challenge. He heaved a long sad sigh. Beka felt her anger and tension falter as the Kathani dropped his head and stepped away. Turning to open the door for her as he refused to look back up at her.

  “You are fool kid. I mean… Beka. But brave fool. I respect this. It best if you forget what you see here. Forget names, forget faces, forget stories. It for your own good. I will try to finish what you have started... Now go.” He kept his head low, eyes closed as Grey cowered behind him. Their deep black eyes gleamed brightly, looking hurt and afraid, pleading with her silently. Beka felt her chest tighten, her eyes stinging, as her emotions threatened to make her start crying. It was too late. She couldn't take back her words. She couldn't just forget what she saw, what it meant for the changeling to have taken her mother's form. It may not be Grey's fault, it may not be anything but coincidence. But she couldn't take that chance. She had to get out of the Menagerie and warn her mother. If the monsters were not going to stop her, she was not going to wait for an elf to do so instead.

  Beka had made it almost to the entry leading back to the barracks when Red moved in next to her. She hadn't even heard his approach before the man was walking beside her. Moving to make her stop. She tucked her hair behind her ear and stalked on, speeding up to go around him while avoiding his gaze.

  “Why are you leaving. You are not finished. The master will not be pleased.” Beka rounded on him and stopped, causing the big man’s feet to actually slide and scuff along the hall as he tried to avoid running into her. He lifted an eyebrow and frowned.

  “I don’t give a damn about your master. The deal is off! I can't stay here! You want to know why, go ask them!” She pointed her finger back the way they came. Red’s brow furrowed and he looked back to the entrance of the holding pit. She took that chance to wheel about and pass into the barracks corridor. She had to make it to the armory and then home before Red stopped her. If Kindredstar or his pets came after her then at least she would have Little Bit to help her.

  Thankfully no one stopped her as she ran through the barracks corridors and into the armory. The door to the courtyard stood open with half a dozen guards clustered around the wrinkled old dwarf. She almost stopped, considering that the old dwarf had told off the elf once before he might be able to help. She shook her head and reconsidered. Her family was already in danger, and she could not even be sure he was going to be on her side. The old dwarf was a family rival and just because he told off the elf did not mean when it came to issues of the nobility or the kingdom that he would be on her side. Dropping her head, Beka hurried past the group. Catching the dwarf’s attention as she pushed pass.
br />   “Oi Lass, ya workin O’the forge today? What ye be doin out ere?” Little Bit called after her. She only slowed a little and turned around, walking backwards across the open courtyard as she called back her answer. Trying to make her voice sound casual.

  “Just, got to grab something from home Little Bit, this is a shortcut.” Turning, she sped away as one of the guards snorted and laughed loudly at the nickname. Beka could not help but smile. She must be the only one allowed to call him that if the ring of metal hitting metal and the groan from the laughing guard was any indicator. Perhaps she should ask for help. Shaking her head she pressed on, keeping to her plan.

  As soon as she was on the open roads of town she started to run. Running from the magelord who would be displeased with her. Running from her responsibilities at the Menagerie. Running from her family’s legacy as a smith. Running away from what she had said. The horrible things she said to the abused and chained, destined-for-death monsters. Deemed to die at the hands of a real monster. She had said such terrible things to them. Even if they were monsters they were nothing but kind to her. A little mischievous and a little rough at times. But they never once deserved her hateful words. Now the last thing she may have ever said to them, before the abuse begins again was going to be the terrible things she did not even truly believe. She was just angry, and frightened. “I had no reason to lash out at them, it was not their fault.” Beka choked back her emotions as she saw the door to the Silverlight smithy. The overwhelming sense of it all bringing tears to her eyes as she rushed into the shop, slamming the door behind her. She slumped against the front door and began to sob.

  “Beka? What's wrong my girl?” A warm calloused hand cupped the side of her face as her uncle lowered himself next to her. “Shhh... why are ya crying? Did those monsters hurt ya?” His voice dropped low as he pulled her into a protective hug. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into the warm leather of his apron, the lingering scent of metal and coal filling her nose and calming her. He must have just stepped away from the forge when he heard her enter. She looked up to him, tears staining her cheeks that were now covered in a smudge of black ash from his apron. He was gazing out the door, his face a hard mask as his mustache twitched in thought.


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