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The Flame Iris Temple

Page 37

by Colin Glassey

  Without warning, Ashala faced north and started running toward the city as swift as a deer. He watched without stirring as she disappeared from his view. Sandun never saw her again.

  The End


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  As a reward, I’ll send you a link to the short story: Sandun Meets the Chosen of Ses.

  The Flame Iris Temple is the third book in the series The Secret Journey.

  The first book is titled The Burning Tower.

  The second novel is titled The Fire Sword.

  The book following The Flame Iris Temple is tentatively titled The Adversary.

  And after that? Who knows?

  Personal Note

  The cities I visited during the writing of this book include: New Orleans, Grass Valley, Reno, Broome (Australia), Cairns (Australia), Sydney, and Taipei.

  As I said in the first book, this is not a history, but it takes place in a world much like our own with people, cultures, and stories that are similar to Earth’s.

  About me, I will say this: I am an American, and I have lived most of my life in California though I have travelled widely. I have been married, and I have three children. Professionally, I have held several jobs, including the practice of law, developing commercial software, technical writing, and teaching.

  The following musicians have been inspirations to me:

  William Ackerman

  Michael Hedges

  Ronald Orzabal and Curt Smith (Tears for Fears)

  Brian Eno


  Jordi Savall

  Appendix A

  People, Places, Things

  Keltens and locations – West of the Tirala Mountains

  Agnefeld – A city near the southern border of Kelten. See also Earl of Agnefeld.

  Akia – One of the great islands that form the core of the Archipelago. The ancient capital of Pella is located on the north coast of Akia. See also Melnehlan, Ikaria, Falstan, etc.

  Archives Expedition – Led by Sandun and Sir Ako, the Archives Expedition was commissioned by King Pandion to explore a possible route from Erimasran to Serica.

  Basil Vuno – Master hunter and mapmaker, has traveled throughout Kelten leading hunts for the wealthy merchants and nobles. Childhood friend of Sandun. Joined the Archives Expedition and crossed the Tirala Mountains. Entered into a romantic relationship with Expedition scout Olef and is the father of her infant son, Niksol.

  Black Terror – Widely used alternate term for Naktam.

  Damar – Born in the valley Sun House in southern Kelten. An expert horseman and scout who crossed the Tirala Mountains and reached Serica.

  dreamweed – A mildly narcotic/hallucinogenic plant that is smoked or eaten. Grows in Nukivanu and Tokivanu.

  Earl of Agnefeld – A major lord of Kelten, father of Sir Ako.

  Erimasran – A large but little-populated province of Kelten. Major cities include: Sirosfeld and Potomopolis. The northwest region of Erimasran is called Tokivanu, and the northeast is Nukivanu.

  Erithofeld – Small town south of Seopolis. Home to many scholars and alchemists. There is a rivalry of sorts between the scholars in Erithofeld and Tebispoli.

  Esolas – Major trade city in the center of the Archipelago.

  Farrel – Expert marksman, a scout who joined the Archives Expedition, crossed the Tirala Mountains, and reached Serica. The best cook in the expedition.

  Fiodroch – A powerful kingdom directly south of Kelten. Blessed with warm weather and good soil, Fiodroch is populous and wealthy. However, it has suffered from a succession of ineffective kings, and the nobles of Fiodroch hate each other with a passion. At present, King Pandion has good relations with King Langaras of Fiodroch.

  Hepedion – A town of Kelten, several days journey north of Seopolis. Birthplace of Sandun and Basil.

  Ikaria – The largest of the great islands that form the core of the Archipelago. The city of Esolas is located just off the coast of Ikaria. See also Akia, Melnehlan, Falstan, etc.

  Issedon – A small and rather disorganized kingdom directly north of Kelten. Raiders from Issedon have been attacking Kelten settlers in Erimasran for centuries. Tutaos is the king of Issedon, but he controls little beyond his capital city, Polimani.

  Jibur – A small kingdom, south of Fiodroch. Jibur suffers from hot summers and from powerful storms that sweep in from the ocean on a regular basis. The southernmost kingdom of the Archipelago. Recently, several expeditions set sail from Jibur heading toward Serica, but none made it through the treacherous waters and the huge sea monsters that live in the shallow eastern seas.

  Kagne Areke – Trader and traveler from Tokivanu, in the northern wilds of Erimasran. Joined the Archives Expedition to escape difficulties with the Bishop of Sirosfeld. Spent around nine months with Sandun in Seopolis when they were both young men.

  Karmo – City of ghosts in the middle of the Tirala Mountains. Utterly destroyed about a century ago.

  Kelten – A region of the Archipelago that is linked culturally and linguistically to the great islands of Akia, Melnehlan, and Ikaria. Kelten was settled during the second Trimarch of the Pellian Empire, less than a thousand years ago. Kelten has expanded and taken control of the east side of the Kelten Alps, a land called Erimasran.

  Kelten Alps – A long and high range of mountains that divides the original lands of Kelten from Erimasran.

  Kelten Civil War – A complex series of events resulted in many battles fought across the land as noble families picked one side or another. The largest battle took place outside Woodland where more than fifty thousand Kelten soldiers fought and many thousands died. The battle of Agnefeld may have been the last battle in the civil war, but only time will tell.

  King Pandion III – Reigning king of Kelten. Claimed the throne after defeating the bad King Oniktes after the battle of Agnefeld. Married to Queen Joaris with two (legitimate) sons: Proklos and Leonos. Pandion spent nearly a decade in exile in the Kingdom of Fiodroch before his triumphant return to Kelten.

  Knights of Hurin – Order of religious knights founded in Pella a thousand years ago. Smaller in number than the Knights of Saint Pellar.

  Knights of Saint Pellar – Order of religious knights, about four hundred years old. Members take vows of chastity and poverty. Sir Ako was offered a position in the order, but he turned them down.

  Knights of Serica – Order of knights, founded in Tokolas by Sir Ako with the approval of Lord Jori Vaina after the Burning Tower.

  Master Eulogo – Long-serving head of the Royal Archives in Tebispoli. Sandun worked for Master Eulogo for nearly a decade.

  Melnehlan – A large island that, in conjunction with Akia and Ikaria, forms the core of the Archipelago. Melnehlan is perhaps the richest region of the Archipelago at present, but it is often riven by wars between the archdukes who each rule large territories. The king of Melnehlan is usually chosen from the weakest of the archdukes.

  Mount Shioni – One of the tallest and most beautiful mountains in Kelten.

  Naktam – The great evil that has opposed Sho’Ash since the beginning of time. Synonymous with the Black Terror.

  Nukivanu – Northeast region of Erimasran, bounded by the Tirala Mountains to the east. Very desolate.

  Olef – A female scout and member of the Archives Expedition. After starting a relationship with Basil, she became pregnant and gave birth to an infant child: Niksol Vuno. Olef may have been part of a criminal gang before she joined the scouts.

  Padan – A scout and man-at-arms. Right-hand man of Sir Ako. Born and raised in this hills around Mount Lefkotai in
the southern Kelten Alps.

  Pella – Former capital of the great Pellian Empire. Pella was ruined by a series of earthquakes as well as civil wars. For all the vicissitudes it has suffered, it remains the center of the religion of Sho’Ash and is a very important city in the Archipelago.

  Pellian Empire – Created by the Great Commander more than 1,500 years ago, the Empire ruled much of the Archipelago for centuries. Later historians divided the Empire into Trimarchs or long stretches of time when different branches of the Imperial family controlled the government. The Pellian Empire finally collapsed shortly after the independent kingdom of Kelten was proclaimed.

  Piksies – A race of small humanlike people. Once native to Kelten, they vanished shortly after Kelten was colonized by the Pellian Empire. A city of Piksies was discovered by the Archives Expedition. The Piksies gave Skathris and the stone cutter to Basil. See also: Junithoy.

  Saint Hurin – More than a thousand years ago, he was the soldier/guardian of Saint Pellar.

  Saint Pellar – The woman who brought the Holy Book and the religion of Sho’Ash to the Archipelago more than one thousand years ago. Pellar was not her real name, but after she was martyred in Pella by order of the Kuropalatine, she became known as the Saint of Pella.

  Sandun Eiger – Around thirty years old, former master of the Royal Archives, born in Hepedion, north of Seopolis. Leader of the Archives Expedition. Known in Tokolas as the Fire Sword due to his involvement in a pyrotechnic display and the fact that his Piksie sword, Skathris, glows faintly.

  Seopolis – Capital city of Kelten, situated on the coast and at the mouth of a large river. Seopolis is a major trade port and the center of most of the government of the kingdom.

  Sho’Ash – God worshipped by nearly all inhabitants of the Archipelago. A complex figure, Sho’Ash is believed to have killed the Black Terror and saved the world.

  Sir Ako – Full name: Ako Bous Rosen. The third son of the earl of Agnefeld, and, since age seventeen, a knight of Kelten. Joined the Archives Expedition and led it successfully across the Tirala Mountains to Serica. He saved Russu Ti Tuomi from assassins in Tokolas. In Kelten, he was married to Lily of Stonyford, former handmaid to Queen Joaris.

  Skathris – Magic sword owned by Sandun; a gift of the Piksies. Able to cut through metal with ease.

  Spear of Sho’Ash – The weapon Sho’Ash is believed to have used to kill the Black Terror.

  Stone Cutter – Magic knife owned by Basil, capable of cutting through stone and metal. Also: any magic blade able to cut through stone.

  Tebispoli – A small town situated across the estuary from Seopolis, the capital of Kelten. Tebispoli is home to the Royal Archives, the College of Astronomers, and the offices of the Royal Navy. Sandun lived here for a decade.

  Tokivanu – Northwest region of Erimasran. Kagne’s birthplace.

  Wiyat – Scout and man-at-arms who crossed the Tirala Mountains and reached Serica. His father is a captain of the guards for the earl of Agnefeld.

  East of the Tirala Mountains

  Ajh – A demigod of great power. Sandun is her most recent champion. Sandun refers to her as an adesari or an angel, depending on who he is speaking to. See also Ell.

  arch-governor – A new title given to Lord Jori Vaina by his ministers.

  adesari – Angelic creature, believed to be mythical, often venerated by followers of Eston and Ekon. The followers of Eston believe that, although they are few in number, the adesari engaged in a struggle with the triatismas long ago and emerged triumphant. Adesari are said to have powerful followers called ekonistars.

  Ahnlas – Large port town and capital city of Godalo province.

  Alina Boethy – Daughter of Valo Peli.

  Anenohad – One of the coastal provinces of Serica. Its capital city is Urmatos. To the north is Monavar, and to the south is Godalo.

  Anessa – Large town in the province of Torsihad.

  Arja Boethy – Wife of Valo Peli (AKA Arno Boethy).

  Arno Boethy – Birth name of Valo Peli.

  Artos Vepsailin – Native of Rakeved, merchant and distant relative of Russu Ti Tuomi. Formerly the unofficial envoy from Rakeved to the government in Tokolas.

  Ashala – Native of Gipu. Daughter of Gushi. She chose Sandun upon his arrival in Gipu and stayed with him as translator and lover when the Archives Expedition continued its journey to Serica. Died from poisoned soup.

  Betesek – Medium-sized town in Zelkat province.

  Birumaz – Second-largest city in Shila, controlled by House Kirdar for many centuries. Birthplace of Miri Kirdar.

  Blue Frostel – AKA Arna Frostel, member of the Rulon Mors. Descendant of General Arna Frostel.

  Boethy clan – Valo Peli’s clan in the Tea Hills of Serica.

  Brinolf – A priest of Mairen Pal at the Seven Stars Temple.

  Brother Oakheart – Abbot of the Water Moon Temple.

  Budin – Large island kingdom east of Shila.

  Burning Tower (battle of) – Pivotal battle in Vasvar’s campaign against Lord Jori Vaina. The Archives Expedition destroyed many ships that were part of the Vasvar fleet during the battle.

  Buuk – Southernmost province of Serica. The River Mur flows through Buuk to reach the Southern Ocean (see also Kunhalvar, Dombovar, Torsihad, etc.).

  Buukos – The capital city of Buuk province.

  Chancellor Udek – The highest-ranking member of Jori Vaina’s government. An old and highly educated man.

  Chancellor Verkesi – AKA the Last Chancellor. Famous for being both corrupt and ineffective in his position; he was the last chancellor of the Water Kingdom. There was a great mystery about what happened to the vast treasure he collected before he was killed by in battle with the Kitran army.

  Compassionate Cloud Temple – A well-known temple of Eston, outside of Tokolas.

  Daka – Capital of the Kitran Empire. Former capital of the Palahey Kingdom.

  demelzo – A title applied to scholars who have passed the most difficult tests. Somewhat analogous to being granted the title Doctor of Philosophy.

  Devek – the site of a major battle between the Red Crane Army of Jori Vaina and the Kitran army under Nilin Ulim.

  Diasu – Maidservant to Miri Kirdar and resident of Birumaz.

  Doctor Haz – Physician to Lord Jori Vaina in the city of Tokolas.

  Doctor Hofanta – A local doctor in Tokolas.

  Dombovar – The richest province of Serica, with a wealth of natural resources and a concentration of the best scholars and artisans. Its capital, Naduva, was the last capital of the Water Kingdom. For more than five years, the Iron King has ruled Dombovar.

  Domlod the Golden – The god of wealth, worshiped by Kulkasen in Serica.

  Ekon – The name of the religion followed in the Kingdom of Shila. See also Eston. There are minor differences in practice and beliefs between the followers of Ekon and Eston.

  ekonistar – The followers of Eston believe that a small number of humans are not what they appear but instead they are ekonistars: spirits who have already attained perfect understanding of the world. Ekonistars are the human-seeming servants of the the adesari.

  Ell – A demigod of great power. Ell rescued Sandun, Kagne, and Polkinombu from the middle of Nilin Ulim’s camp. Later that same day, Ajh took Sandun away from Ell.

  Essebeg – A tiny village in the hills east of Jupelos.

  Eston – Major religion of Serica and surrounding lands. The religion of Eston is old and complex, but belief in reincarnation is one of the core tenets of the faith. Known in Shila as Ekon and in Gipu as Janko’aran.

  Eun Tols– A member of the royal family of Shila (House Tols). The newest (and fourth wife of Lord Jori Vaina). She accompanied Jori Vaina on the Northern Expedition.

  Evet – Nephew of Rogge the trader.

  Fantu’veri �
� One of the three major trade towns in the Tirala Mountains, west of Serica. Famous for its gold mines and its precious gems. See also Gipu and Hotan.

  Filpa – A new squire of the Knights of Serica. Formerly a member of the Kunhalvar messenger service. His friend and later a squire in the Knights of Serica is Zaval.

  Fire Kingdom – One of the first kingdoms in Serica’s history. The capital was Solt’varkas. The Fire Kingdom conquered most the provinces of what is now considered Serica. See also Gold Kingdom and Water Kingdom.

  Flame Iris Temple – One of the most famous religious shrines in Serica. The temple is devoted to the religion of Eston. It is both a monastery and a place of pilgrimage and often the destination of pilgrims from Serica, Shila, and Rakeved.

  fox-spirit – Mysterious shapeshifters, believed by many to be fables. In the stories, they are scary, sometimes murderous creatures, and masters of disguise. See Sekovos.

  Fuseboni – A town on the Mur river, at the border between Zelkat and Kunhalvar.

  General Arna Frostel – A famous general of the Water Kingdom. Executed by the Water Kingdom government under suspicious circumstances.

  General Erdis – An old friend of Lord Jori Vaina. General of the Kunhalvar army. See also Red Crane Army.

  General Kun – An old friend of Lord Jori Vaina. General of the Kunhalvar army.

  General Modi – Cousin of Lord Jori Vaina. Commander of the eastern army of Kunhalvar. The eastern army is fighting with the army of the Iron King of Dombovar.

  General Tuno – AKA Two-Swords Tuno. General of Vasvar and now King of Vasvar. Murdered King Borsos and subsequently attacked Tokolas (see the Burning Tower).

  Gipu – Small trading city located at the edge of the Tirala Mountains. The Archives Expedition stayed in Gipu for nearly six months during the winter. See also: Hotan and Fantu’veri.

  Godalo – One of the coastal provinces of Serica. Godalo shares a border with Rakeved to the south and Anenohad to the north. Its capital city is Ahnlas.

  Gokiran – One of the great Sogand tribes. Second in status ranking to the Kitran and ahead of the Turan and the Gurwan.


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