Heart of the High King (D'Vaire, Book 19)

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Heart of the High King (D'Vaire, Book 19) Page 40

by Jessamyn Kingley

  “I had no idea wolves weren’t found in Kentucky,” Rafe replied.

  “Mortis help Rafe.”

  “Yeah, I know. If you hadn’t been there, I would’ve died. There’s no way I would’ve found the road on my own. So somehow a wolf appeared out of nowhere like a trail guide?”

  “His spell is very unique. I didn’t have a chance to plan anything. It’s a mishmash of the sentinel spell as well as the one I used to resurrect Grymmie’s dog, Hekate. I think that’s why he doesn’t always necessarily act in the way you’d think an undomesticated animal would,” Chander remarked.

  “Yeah, he’s a big baby who lives for pets,” Rafe responded.

  “But still a sentinel that would protect you with his life,” Alaric commented.

  “Who happens to be very good at calling out my lies to me. So finding an animal he’s compatible with is going to be a difficult task, right?”

  “I’d think impossible,” Chander responded.

  “No mate for Mortis?”

  “He’s worried now that he has no mate,” Rafe complained, anxious about the same thing.

  “Oh no, he’s going to get a mate. There’s no way he doesn’t deserve to enjoy having someone to share his life with,” Chander reassured them. “I just think we only have one option.”

  “Please don’t tell me we’re going to have to go to Kentucky and find some remote area to wait for a second wolf to appear out of nowhere,” Brogan begged.

  “That’s not necessary. All we need is a wolf spirit. Chand would use the exact same spell,” Alaric stated.

  “Well then, let’s do it. We can certainly add another D’Vaire wolf,” Aleksander said.

  “I’m glad you’ve got a positive attitude about it, because in order to duplicate the spell exactly, I need a soul to tie him to, and you’re Rafe’s mate,” Chander remarked.

  Mortis got up and jogged to Aleksander, so Rafe got to his feet to see how his other half was reacting to Chander’s suggestion. Grinning, he tried to pet Mortis who was licking his fingers. The High King glanced at Rafe, and his smile only grew wider. Giving his attention to the Arch Lich, Aleksander shook his head slightly. “I can’t believe you want to give me my own wolf. That would be so incredible; when can we do this?”

  “Aleksander give Mortis mate?”

  “Chander’s going to give you a mate, he’s going to be soulbound to Sander like you are to me.”

  “Yay. Now?”

  Rafe chuckled. “Mortis wants to know if we can do it now.”

  “We need to discuss how it’s going to impact you first, Aleksander. As you know sentinels were once tied to necromancers. During that two-thousand-year period, babies were born and within an hour of birth, each went into a three-day coma. It was the adjustment of their soul to being aligned with another life-force. Rafe was out for two or three months, but he had a great deal more going on, so we have no clue how long he actually needed to adjust to Mortis. Even Grymmie was out for a day when we tethered Hekate to him so he could summon her. They’re not bound the way you’ll be, and he’s resurrected himself, so your best-case scenario is a minimum of three days, but it could potentially stretch longer,” Chander replied. “I doubt it makes any difference, but you should also know the wolf will likely be male since you are.”

  “A pair of gay wolves isn’t going to bother anyone. Those are newborns you’re talking about, and I have a powerful dragon. I doubt I’d be out that long,” Aleksander commented.

  “We believe shifters lack magic. I think that impacts things. And there’s a real possibility that because we don’t have a specific spirit, your dragon might greatly impact how the spell works. You could wind up with a wolf considerably stronger than what we might expect.”

  “I still believe you’re giving me worst case, not best,” Aleksander responded, his voice filled with confidence. Rafe was trying hard not to be pessimistic, but Chander was the necromancer. If he believed Aleksander would be out for at least three days, then he likely would be.

  “So, how does the coma work? Would he have to go to a hospital?” Rafe asked, wandering closer to his mate. Offering no fight when he was pulled onto his lap, Rafe went willingly while the chair squeaked in protest.

  “Not at all. This is a magically induced coma. Essentially, it’s the soul resting, not the body, so he might even be able to hear you if you wanted to talk to him. Or he might be in a total dream state. We left Grymmie in his room to sleep it off,” Chander said. “There’s nothing that can go wrong here, and he won’t have any physical impairments other than just lying there like a slug.”

  “I guess Rafe here gets to run the show for three days while big brother does his best impression of a log,” Worth teased.

  “Okay, well, I still think it won’t be three days,” Aleksander responded. “My dragon helped Rafe pull through all that healing in a matter of hours, but I want to prepare for the worst, so what if we did this on a Friday evening? I’d be awake by Monday night, right? So I can still make our family meeting.”

  “Theoretically, yes.”

  Considering what a tumultuous time Rafe had since the moment he met Aleksander, he couldn’t help but wonder if it would indeed be that easy, but he wanted Mortis to have his other half. It was kind of Aleksander to want the same, and he appreciated that his mate was willing to do whatever it took to help make it happen. Shifting so he could see Aleksander’s face, he lifted a hand to his cheek. “Mortis, do you mind if Sander and I have our matebond ceremony first?”

  Mortis let out a woof. “Rafe get ring, then Mortis get mate.”

  Aleksander’s mouth touched Rafe’s forehead. “Is he okay with it?” he whispered.


  “Thank Fate.”

  “I guess you’re on board, too.”

  “Rafe, I would love to officially make you my mate in front of our whole family,” Aleksander said. When their eyes met, Rafe tilted his head as their lips met in a kiss that Aleksander deepened a heartbeat later, and his arms tightened around him.

  “I guess no one is going to argue about spending another weekend here,” Brogan mused. “I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that this Saturday will work?”

  When Rafe’s mouth was finally free, he kept his gaze locked on Aleksander as he stroked his stubbled skin. “What do you think?”

  “That I wish it was Saturday already, but we’ve got plans to make.”

  “Thank Chander and Aleksander.”

  Rafe laughed. “It just hit me that their names rhyme. Chander and Sander, Mortis says thank you.”

  “My pleasure, and I got the scoop on the High King’s matebond ceremony,” the Arch Lich said, getting to his feet. Mortis ran over and Chander petted him enthusiastically. “I’m also staying for dinner.”

  There was a smile on his face as Rafe was once again kissed, and he couldn’t wait for Saturday either.

  Chapter 55

  Seven hundred and fifty-three years was a long time by most standards, and some of those days had seemed endless, but as Aleksander adjusted the heavy dragonskin cloak trimmed in velvet and gorgeously embellished with gold and silver beads, he had to admit that for the majority of his life, he hadn’t believed he’d ever be standing in a room, preparing for his matebond ceremony. Not only had he hidden his sexuality, but he’d kept to his land since he was a young king. Although he was mocked for years about the likelihood of his mate showing up at the door, that was essentially what had happened when Rafe drove up to the gate.

  Aleksander hadn’t held himself away from the intriguing man, and within a couple of weeks was confessing his secrets via text. Then he’d disappeared, and for eleven months Aleksander had ached for him. Horrid things had entered his mind, and he’d wondered why Rafe had deserted him. Those moments burned in his gut now, knowing what Rafe had endured at the hands of his father and brother, who were still stealthily keeping the fallen knights at bay.

  Despair had nearly choked Aleksander as he’d wondered i
f Rafe would consent to being healed or if he’d have to watch him die. Sorcery D’Vaire had accomplished a great many things, but it was still a surprise when Rafe walked into a room, those lustrous curls enticingly streaked with navy framing his unmarred face. Healed physically, there were still scars aplenty, and the results were visible in his eyes. Although they lacked the black scales of his dragon, the most worrisome issue was the trepidation and unease in their depths. Rafe walked through the mansion, fearful of making any kind of impression.

  Although he was a High King, he lacked faith in himself and his abilities. Time would heal him, and the D’Vaires were giving him plenty of space to process the turmoil of the last year or so of his life. As for Aleksander, he held him close and let him speak of it, though he rarely took the opportunity. It was his job to soothe him how he could, and Aleksander’s heart broke whenever Rafe woke up screaming. It had only happened twice since Rafe moved into their space that he had outright refused to consider redecorating in any way, but it still infuriated Aleksander how Rafe’s former family had tried to ruin him in every way possible.

  But that wasn’t the reason Aleksander was striding out of his room with such speed toward the backyard, where his ceremony was likely awaiting only him. No, Aleksander opened the door with purpose and grinned wildly at the assembled mass of family and friends, like Jeremiah Wellsdraconis, who’d finally gotten to meet Rafe that morning. It was the soul of the man standing near the glorious fountain, dressed identically to Aleksander. Inside of Rafe was unbelievable courage, and Aleksander loved him with all he was and everything he’d be in the future.

  With their eyes locked, Aleksander made it to his spot across from Rafe—the man he’d been born for so Fate could pair them. People could think whatever they wanted; he grabbed Rafe and when their mouths met, he didn’t keep their kiss chaste or short. Rafe went pliant in his arms, and Aleksander thanked every force in the universe for his other half and best friend.

  “You know that goes at the end of the ceremony, right, Lankenstein?” Dra’Kaedan asked from his side. “I mean it’s hot as hell, and you guys should give classes on how to kiss sexy, but let’s wrap this up.”

  Aleksander had no choice but to do as the Grand Warlock requested since Rafe’s attention had gone to laughing at the crazy sorcerer. With one last brush of their lips, Aleksander released Rafe. Happy to note that in his gaze was just a shadow of the trauma he lived with, Aleksander relished his joy.

  “I’m not going to apologize, Squirt,” Aleksander said.

  “No one asked you to,” Dra’Kaedan fired back. “You guys ready to start?”

  “I am, you?” Aleksander asked Rafe who nodded with a smile.

  “Ladies and gentlemen of the D’Vaire family, I cannot put into words the honor that has been bestowed upon me as officiant of the mating ceremony of these two men. However, I cannot in all good conscience refer to them both by that title until Their Majesties officially grant Rafe D’Vairedraconis with it, so I will invite them to join me,” Dra’Kaedan stated. Aleksander rubbed Rafe’s arm when his scowl appeared. They hadn’t discussed this part, but Aleksander was fully on board to give Rafe his moment in the sun.

  “A few years ago, I stood on the lovely land of D’Vaire and learned the value of the extraordinary people who call it home. It took no time to realize that we had underestimated your ruler and ignored Fate’s wishes that he stand out amongst other dragons. With that in mind, we invited him to a ceremony in our throne room that he would have declined had we not surprised him. For Rafe, we considered the same but concluded that doing it here today would have a greater impact as he would prefer only those close to him to attend. I would ask, Your Highness, if you would kneel,” Ellery stated.

  Once Rafe was on one knee, Dravyn handed His Majesty the new crown Madeline had designed for the two of them. Not only was Aleksander’s dragon rising from the gold and silver but the black beast they hoped would rejoin their lives was prominent as well.

  Ellery carefully set the coronet on Rafe’s curls. “High King Rafe D’Vairedraconis, we honor Fate and as such, offer you the title shared by your mate. We know you will carry it with all the integrity and courage in your soul. You may rise.”

  Rafe stood and the crowd erupted in applause and cheers, making him blush. Dravyn handed Chrysander a small box that he opened. Inside was a ring that matched the one already on Aleksander’s right hand. The crest of D’Vaire displayed prominently on it still needed to change to honor Rafe, but he refused to speak of it until he had the opportunity to get his dragon back. After that happened, Rafe would be willing to discuss options, which mildly irritated Aleksander.

  “As lovely as it would be to always have on the intricate crown so painstakingly crafted by the masterful Madeline D’Vairedraconis, it would probably annoy your friends,” Chrysander said with a smile, handing the ring to Rafe. “Therefore, we suggest you just wear this.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesties,” Rafe responded, sliding the thick band on.

  “Congratulations on your matebond. His Majesty and I have delighted in seeing the two of you together, and we look forward to watching your love continue to bloom,” Ellery offered.

  Aleksander was hugged by the pair, as was Rafe, and they both expressed their gratitude to their rulers. They returned to their seats, and Dra’Kaedan took over again.

  “Please allow me to personally thank Their Majesties on behalf of D’Vaire; we appreciate you giving our newest High King a suitable anointing of his prestigious title. When Aleksander asked me to stand up here today and assist with joining him and Rafe, I was honored but also terrified. The moment most important in someone’s life is finding their mate, and although dragons once eschewed ceremonies like this one, as they preferred to do their bite and ring exchange in private, it is imperative to not only me but every D’Vaire that this be as special as possible. You might believe it is due to the titles of these fine men, but instead it is because of their incomparable hearts and what they have come to mean to us. Love flourishes in D’Vaire, and that begins with its leaders. One of them is the foundation, and we’ve been led by his example. Our newest High King represents the sprout rising from the ground, nourishing the root, and by extension, every one of us.”

  Dra’Kaedan waved at Larissa, who came running. “Your Highness, would you please remove your mate’s crown?”

  Aleksander plucked the coronet from Rafe’s head and set it down in the large open box in Larissa’s hands.

  “In the year 1369, D’Vaire was founded just outside the gates of a place where the six original dragons grew up. Everyone here knows the story by now of the king who was shunned and called cursed by bastards who were led by greed. Over six centuries and countless moves later, I’m told those D’Vaire dragons stood close to where we are right now while their house rose from the sand and made a unanimous decision to defy their emperor should he ask them to move again. That day has yet to arrive, and Their Majesties have no plans to ask Aleksander to hide from his brethren ever again. Another man might’ve become hateful or angry at the foolishness and shunning of his former peers but not Aleksander. Instead, he took an idea for a sanctuary and used his determination to make it happen. It is not the friends he has made or the family he has gained that have lifted the revered D’Vaire name. No, it is Aleksander’s dignity and devotion, to this court and every person in the Council, that have brought such adulation and it will only grow now that he has his other half,” Dra’Kaedan stated. Aleksander was misty-eyed at the sincerity that rang in Dra’Kaedan’s voice and his kind words. Attuned to him as usual, Rafe reached for his hand, and Aleksander took it with alacrity.

  “At Court Kestle in the year 1188, a child was born. A century later, he took flight as a black dragon—a color previously thought to be the only one of worth though we know better now. Still, they are consistently stronger than most, and Rafe’s was no exception. Rafe cannot speak to the motives of King Kestle, who lacked the courage and faith of other leade
rs by choosing to defy His Majesty when he stayed behind as the dragons joined the Council of Sorcery and Shifters. Two hundred years later, Rafe was finally allowed to step foot on the soil of North America. Had King Kestle not defied his emperor, Rafe might not have had to wait so long to find his other half, but when he was sent to D’Vaire for the first time, he and Aleksander were shocked to find they were mates. From that moment, a friendship has flourished, and Rafe has remained committed to growing closer to Aleksander. It was that devotion that drove him to allow Sorcery D’Vaire to heal the wounds inflicted upon him. Rafe’s spirit is undaunted, and he stands before us today renewed, not just through magic but by his indominable and unparalleled soul. No man is more suited to Aleksander than High King Rafe D’Vairedraconis.

  “Today, we will observe the traditions that our family has adopted to unite this couple. We will begin with an ancient elven custom. Chieftains Cadlyr and Evlithar Cwylld-D’Vaire will present floral wreaths designed by Killian the Dwyer and Drindyr Duke Dravyn D’Vairedraconis,” Dra’Kaedan said. The man whose stones had helped Rafe, along with his other half, who made up the special team assisting His Highness with his guidebook, walked over with wreaths covered in the lilies created specifically for D’Vaire.

  “Gentlemen, please raise your left hands,” Dra’Kaedan instructed once the flowers were on their heads. Madeline joined them with a box and when she opened it, she revealed a dagger with a blue-black hilt and a silver blade with the word “D’VAIRE” etched in gold. Brogan lifted it and made a cut on Aleksander’s palm, then handed it off to Chander, who did the same for Rafe. It was the Arch Lich who’d saved Rafe’s life by tying his soul to Mortis’s, and Aleksander had tried to work in as many family members as possible into their ceremony.


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