Heart of the High King (D'Vaire, Book 19)

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Heart of the High King (D'Vaire, Book 19) Page 41

by Jessamyn Kingley

  “Draconis to Draconis. High King to High King. Their souls are now tied, and their lives now linked. May their hearts always stay united, so they will never want another,” Dra’Kaedan declared.

  Smiling at his gorgeous mate as their blood mixed, Aleksander didn’t miss that Rafe’s eyes were damp with unshed tears.

  “Dragons claim their mates with a bite that leaves no mark. Centuries ago, a draconic tradition began of exchanging rings,” Dra’Kaedan said. “Aleksander and Rafe will now exchange bands to allow the world to bear witness to their joining.”

  Mortis loped to them with a dragonskin pillow in his mouth, and Worth took it from him. Untying a ribbon as the sunlight reflected off the jeweled band, Worth flashed the rings. In what was Madeline’s most intricate work, she’d used a pave of sapphires and blue and black diamonds in a seamless flow between the two colors of D’Vaire that represented both of their beasts. Over those gems were tiny, precise reproductions of their dragons in the silver and gold, which also edged the thick rings. They were going to be impossible to miss, and Aleksander loved them. Worth handed one to Aleksander while Somerly took the other and passed it to Rafe.

  “Chosen by Fate and accepted by my heart as true, I accept you as my mate,” Aleksander stated proudly, sliding the ring onto Rafe’s finger.

  “Chosen by Fate and accepted by my heart as true, I accept you as my mate,” Rafe responded quietly. Slowly, he pushed the band on.

  “In an ancient tradition of the Vampyr Clutch and adopted by D’Vaire, High Arcanist Delaney the Dark and Vampyr Lord Grigori Volkov-D’Vaire will now assist with the attachment of collars, or necklaces as they are commonly referred to outside vampire circles, designed specifically for the High Kings. While they will not use the words sacred to the Vampyr Clutch, each chain with its blood lock will show the world they are committed to only each other,” Dra’Kaedan said.

  Aleksander bent his knees so Delaney could place the collar on him. It was two thin chains—one of silver and one of gold—with a two-toned lock with a full-color version of the D’Vaire heraldic emblem on the face. Once Grigori got the other around Rafe’s neck, the athame was handed to Noirin, who nicked Aleksander’s finger. Alaric did the same to Rafe, and they spread their blood on the crests, sealing them for eternity.

  “By the tradition of the Draconis High Court of D’Vaire, you are now mates. You have honored all of us by allowing us to bear witness to your joining,” Dra’Kaedan proclaimed.

  Aleksander and Rafe tugged off their cloaks and handed them off to Drystan and Conley. T’Eirick made another cut on Aleksander’s palm while Saura did the same for Rafe. They placed their hands together with a smile.

  “Draconis to Draconis. High King to High King. Our blood has spilled, and our spirits have bonded. We ask Fate to grant us a mark from left shoulder to elbow so the world may bear witness we belong only to each other,” Aleksander said. A fiery burn raced over his biceps, and there was a grayish outline of the dragon Rafe had been. On Rafe’s skin he was happy to see his beast decorating his skin, but he hated the sadness in his gaze. Rafe’s mouth twisted as he shrugged.

  “Sorry,” Rafe whispered.

  “None of that,” Aleksander responded in the same soft voice, then tugged Rafe against him. “We would like to thank the Grand Warlock, who gave us an outstanding ceremony today. Although we had many people who also participated, we would have preferred to include everyone, as each of you are important to us in equal measure. I would also like to personally express my gratitude for my mate. I wasn’t whole until I met Rafe, and everything I am and will be in the future is because of him. He is, in fact, my hero.”

  Rafe buried a hand in his hair. “Thank you, I love you too,” he said a moment before their lips met. As far as Aleksander was concerned, his mating ceremony was perfect.

  Chapter 56

  “Wait, let me get a picture of you guys,” Jeremiah said while Rafe and Aleksander walked between the rows of chairs to get changed into comfortable clothes.

  Offering a smile, Rafe pressed closer to Aleksander’s side. Others besides Jeremiah took the opportunity to snap a photo, and Rafe was glad they were outside, or he’d probably be blinded by flashes.

  “Thanks, guys. I thought I’d paint you two as a mating gift,” Jeremiah enthused, pocketing his phone.

  “We’d love that, but you don’t have to get us anything,” Aleksander responded.

  “I’m still going to paint it,” Jeremiah retorted. “Get inside and change so we can eat.”

  “Yes, sir,” Aleksander answered and grabbed Rafe’s hand. They got inside and made the walk to their bedroom. Aleksander took the magically preserved wreath off Rafe’s head and placed it in a new glass box designed to display them both proudly. Setting it on a shelf, Aleksander then wandered into the closet. Rafe pulled off his cloak and using a thick padded hanger, he carefully hung it up. After tugging off his loose pants and sleeveless shirt, he wiggled into jeans and a raglan tee.

  Snatching his sneakers, he strode out and was headed for the bench at the foot of their bed to put them on when he was hauled against a warm, tall body. Aleksander’s mouth found his ear.

  “Thank you for today.”

  With a hug for Aleksander, Rafe smiled. “No, thank you. It was wonderful, and I can’t believe this fucking ring. Madeline should be selling her shit.”

  “She does occasionally but prefers to focus on whatever she wants instead of making tons of shit to sell like in the old days when we needed the money.”

  “You gonna let me put on my shoes so we can enjoy this party?”

  “Guess what?”


  “That big cake in the shape of our crowns?”


  “It’s white cake with coconut frosting inside.”

  “That’s my favorite,” Rafe responded, his heart melting for probably the millionth time.

  Aleksander kissed him softly. “I know.”

  “It should have stuff in it you like too.”

  “I’m getting steak. That’s what I want.”

  “With my potatoes and pumpernickel bread.”

  “Which I love too, Rafe, so as much as I adore that scowl, you don’t need to get worked up unless you want to skip eating and go to bed.”

  “You’re so weird.”

  “Excuse me, but I prefer the word ‘freak’ to ‘weird,’ although they are both apt and fitting.”

  “I love you weird and freaky, Sander. You gonna let me put my shoes on?”

  Aleksander sighed but released him. “I suppose.”

  Sitting, Rafe shoved on his sneakers. “I’m going to let you hold me later.”

  “Damn right. What do you think about Nox as a name for my wolf?”

  “Means ‘night’ in Latin, right?”

  “I figured since you already used Latin for Mortis, I should follow suit. He’s likely going to be black and blue like him too, so those are the colors of night.”

  “I like it,” Rafe told him, standing after tying his laces. “I also like how excited you are about having a wolf.”

  Aleksander took his hand, and they left their room to head back outside. “I can’t wait.”

  “I’m not looking forward to you sleeping for three days.”

  “Come talk to me while I’m out in case I can hear you, and I’m telling you there’s no way I’ll be out that long.”

  “Right,” Rafe replied. They ventured outside to the glorious smell of the charcoal briquettes Dravyn and King Aeron Beradraconis, Drystan’s father, whose court shared a boundary with D’Vaire, had lit. Brogan handed him a beer, and Aleksander tugged him onto his lap once he sat on a chaise. Although he liked being close to Aleksander, he despaired that it might annoy the other D’Vaires that his mate insisted on showing affection in front of them. They hadn’t been given much time to find a way to forgive Rafe for his departure, and he hoped him assuming the title of High King wasn’t an insult to them.

, have a cupcake,” Dra’Kaedan said, surreptitiously slipping a treat decorated with a D’Vaire lily into Rafe’s hand.


  “Should you two be eating those before dinner?” Brogan boomed out when he arrived on the deck.

  “So much for secrecy,” Dra’Kaedan muttered, then took a huge bite.

  “Eat it,” Aleksander whispered against his ear. “Ignore the ogre. Brynn made them, so it’s going to be delicious.”

  Skeleton Lord Brynnius Daray had arrived with containers full of treats, as Rafe had learned the man loved to bake. Rafe did as he was told and was glad, because Aleksander was correct—it was delectable.

  “Mew Mreow.”

  “Yes, Mortis is a very nice wolf, but you’re annoying him,” Severin told his cat.

  “What happened?” Rafe asked, looking for Mortis and finding him nowhere.

  “I’m sorry, Emrys thought Mortis was playing with him and pounced on his tail,” Severin offered.

  The door was thrust open, and Noirin gave Mortis a little push. “Go on and see Rafe. Kendrick almost fell over you, and I think he might be a little frightened of you for some reason.”

  “Noir goddess mad,” Mortis whined.

  Since Noirin had already disappeared back into the house, Rafe gestured at Mortis to come to him. “I’m sure she’s not. Emrys thought you were playing.”

  “Scare Mortis. Jumped into table.”

  “He’s right there, why don’t you go make peace with him?”

  “Rafe mean.”

  Emrys was stealthily approaching Mortis while he spoke with Rafe, and the cat licked the side of Mortis’s fur.

  “See, he’s not trying to hurt you,” Rafe told his wolf, who was sniffing Emrys. “He likes you and wants to be your friend.”

  “He’s a very nice cat. He does like you, Mortis,” Severin added.

  When Myrddin swooped off Vadimas’s shoulder to land on Mortis, the wolf lay down, allowing the little dragon to use him as a bed. Emrys took advantage of the opportunity and curled up with his friend.

  “Cat okay.”

  “I told you Emrys was cool.”

  “Hope mate like him.”

  “I’m sure your mate will like everyone.”

  Aleksander kept a hand on Rafe’s back as he stretched to rub Mortis’s head. “In less than a week, he’ll be here. Do you like the name Nox for him?”

  “Mortis like.”

  “He approves,” Rafe told Aleksander. Touched by Aleksander’s desire and excitement about giving Mortis his other half, it was yet another reminder of why Rafe’s mate was so special. Fate had certainly rewarded Rafe with the best dragon she’d ever created, and the gifts in his life far outweighed the pain he’d endured.


  The revelry had gone on for hours, and while Rafe had enjoyed the people, the food, and watching the D’Vaires have fun, he was ready to have Aleksander alone. As soon as the door shut, he nearly threw himself into his arms and was thankfully caught close by the dragon, who devoured his mouth. Two large hands dragged his shirt up and they sucked in oxygen as it was tugged over his head. Aleksander reached for his belt while Rafe cursed into their kiss, pissed about all the stupid buttons on his mate’s shirt. When he finally got the damn thing open, he moaned—not at the warm skin under his palms but because Aleksander had managed to get a hand into his underwear. Aleksander was rubbing and squeezing Rafe’s cock, making him grow harder by the minute.

  Rafe attacked Aleksander’s jeans and hoped to hell his other half wanted to fuck him, because he desperately loved the feel of him. Aleksander was large and thick, and when they were connected intimately, Rafe mused that he’d ever wondered about his desire for him. “Need your dick,” he murmured between kisses.

  “You’ve been trying to unzip me for like the last ten minutes,” Aleksander teased, taking a step back and shoving off his button-down. “Get on the bed.”

  Yanking off his shoes, Rafe ran and with one big push, he managed to get every throw pillow onto the floor. His remaining clothes were tossed aside and once he’d climbed onto the mattress, he dug into the nightstand to find the lube. Behind him, an equally naked Aleksander bit gently on his nape as his hands ghosted over his thighs. When Rafe found his prize, he leaned into Aleksander, who smoothed his palms across his chest, then wrapped his fingers around his cock.

  Aleksander stroked him while Rafe buried a hand in his hair and angled his head for kisses. “Turn around,” Aleksander demanded.

  Doing as he was told, Rafe handed him the slick. Plastering himself against Aleksander, Rafe was rewarded with two fingers finding their way into his hole. When their lips met, Rafe poured all his want and the deep primal ache that stirred inside him for his mate into that connection. His hands stroked his sweat-slicked skin, and Rafe marveled that Aleksander wanted him. It was impossible to hide the cock poking his belly, and he had no idea what he’d done to deserve the man so greedily devouring his mouth.

  “Three, please,” Rafe begged. As desperate as they were for each other, Aleksander offered no argument, and Rafe let out a sigh into their kiss as he was stretched for his other half to fuck him the way he yearned for. Ignoring the tightness of his balls, Rafe squirmed and wriggled, driving them closer to madness as he continued to use his tongue to torment him.


  “Yeah, I wanna be on top, Sander.”

  With an arm still wrapped around Rafe, Aleksander scooted them near the headboard. Rafe lifted a knee and straddled him as Aleksander coated his dick in lube. The second he let go of himself, Rafe reunited their mouths while reaching behind him. Guiding the slick tip of Aleksander’s cock to his hole and with a minimal amount of fumbling, he managed to get him in place. Pulling slightly away, he sank slowly down, and they smiled at each other when the head popped through the first barrier of Rafe’s body.

  Lifting a hand, Aleksander stroked his cheek as Rafe took his time letting Aleksander fill him up. As soon as he was seated on Aleksander’s lap, his other half cupped his nape and brought their lips together. Their kisses were hungry as Rafe rode him. Aleksander grabbed a fistful of curls and wrapped his long fingers around Rafe’s length again, making him gasp. There was nothing gentle about the way he stroked him, so Rafe picked up the pace.

  The sound of their skin slapping was mixed with the muffled curse words Rafe grunted out against Aleksander’s lips. It was nearly too much pleasure for Rafe as Aleksander jerked him while his fat cock not only tantalized his prostate but every other nerve ending inside his channel as he moved faster. Rafe’s tongue licked one long fang and he pulled his head back, knowing what Aleksander wanted. Baring his neck, he let out a shout when Aleksander bit into his soft flesh. His nails dug into Aleksander’s biceps as they both came. It was a moment he intended to sear into his memory as it was the culmination of a dream thought lost. The only war inside him was whether it was the joy in his soul or the blistering orgasm which had felt better—not that they couldn’t both be winners, he assured himself as he tried to catch his breath.

  The hand holding his cock disappeared and he was gently tugged close by the sweaty man he adored. Holding Aleksander tight, Rafe murmured the only words that mattered. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Rafe. I always will.”

  Chapter 57

  Rafe was standing near the side of the bed when Aleksander strolled over in his pajamas. “Do you want to get under the covers?”

  “I guess.”

  Tugging back the blankets, Rafe gestured at Aleksander to climb in. Dressed in a special pair of pajamas Larissa had made that week that featured black wolves on a blue background, Aleksander settled on the mattress. Everyone was doing what they could to welcome Nox to the household, and Rafe was moved by their warmth. Rafe tucked Aleksander in and sat close. “You ready?”

  “Yeah. Give me a kiss.”

  Tears threatened for no good reason Rafe could pinpoint when their mouths met. It was still weird to show affec
tion with an audience, since Rafe had no idea who approved of their relationship and who didn’t, so he kept it relatively short. “Love you.”

  “I love you too. Relax, you’re not going to have any time to miss me.”

  Rafe harrumphed and got to his feet before he did something stupid like beg Aleksander to tell Mortis he’d have to wait for his other half. It was small and selfish, which reminded him of what an asshole he could be, so Rafe simply crossed his arms.

  “I never dreamed I’d get the chance to tranquilize Aleksander,” Conley crowed.

  “You sound too excited,” Aleksander said. “But come and do it, because it feels weird as shit to be lying in bed with everyone in here.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Conley retorted, striding across the room. When he passed Rafe, he squeezed his arm. “Rafe, close your eyes.”

  With one last glance at Aleksander, who gave him an air kiss, he let his lashes fall. There was a small click in the quiet space.

  “Okay, you can open them now,” Drystan told him softly.

  Rafe’s gaze went to his mate who appeared asleep. “The tranq lasts how long?”

  “For him, probably around eight to twelve hours. After that, he’ll be able to hear you talking, right, Chand?” Conley asked.

  “Yeah, so keep him company,” Chander replied. “Ready for me to cast the spell?”

  “Mortis ready.”

  Rafe stroked his fur. “Let’s do this.”

  Two glorious black wings beautifully decorated in the same neon green as Alaric’s eyes gracefully appeared behind Chander, and his irises shifted to red as dark smoke billowed like a halo around Aleksander. Next to him a globe formed, and Rafe’s brows lifted as it grew to nearly four feet tall. Mortis whined and he darted behind Rafe as the bubble burst. An enormous wolf stared at Rafe and Mortis with a gaze in the colors of D’Vaire. His fur was raven, which tapered into blue on the base of his sides, his belly, and legs. When he let out a woof, Mortis bolted for the door.


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