Book Read Free

Until Delilah

Page 14

by Harlow Layne

  “Hey,” Dad’s voice says from behind us before he wraps his arms around both our shoulders, “what are my two girls doing over here talking in whispers about?”

  “Just me falling apart.” I laugh.

  My dad doesn’t, however. He slips his arm off Ava and wraps me in a tight hug. “What’s got you upset?”

  “I’m being stupid, that’s all. Ava already talked me down,” I murmur into his chest.

  “She was thinking Max might change his mind about Beck and the baby once it comes and reality sets in. I told her blood doesn’t make a family, and he’s going to love them no matter what,” Ava says with pride in her voice.

  “She’s right, baby girl. I’d disagree with her if I thought for even a minute that man out there isn’t head over heels for you, but I know he is. I see the way he looks at you and the way he’s doing everything in his power to protect you. If that’s not a devoted man, I don’t know what is.”

  I jump when the metal fence tings, and Max is standing there with a worried look on his handsome but serious face. “Is everything okay? Are you feeling okay?”

  “I’m fine just uncomfortable up on those bleachers today for some reason.” I smile at him, loving that he came over to make sure I’m okay. “The boys are doing great.”

  Max chuckles and shakes his head. “We all know you have no clue about the game, but yes, they’re doing well.”

  I shrug my shoulders because it’s true. “I’m trying though.” I giggle.

  “I know.” He smiles fondly down at me. “Would you two give us a second before I have to get back out there?”

  “Sure,” my dad says, wrapping his arm around Ava’s shoulders and steering her away.

  Max hooks one finger through the fence. It’s not easy to hold hands this way, but I manage to get two fingers over his and my thumb underneath. “Now, what’s really going on over here?”

  I look down, hating that he can so easily read me. I don’t want to tell him about how I don’t understand how he so easily accepted me, Beck, and the baby as his own. He doesn’t deserve my insecurities, so I go with my other problem.

  “Some of the women and moms look at me like I got pregnant with your baby, so I could trap you. They don’t know how far along I am, and I’m sure to anyone who sees us together or knows how long I’ve been around, they presume the baby’s yours.”

  “That’s fine with me. We know the truth and when this baby is born, I’ll be the only father he or she will ever know.” He takes his other hand and places it lower on the fence where my stomach is. “Are you excited that next week we’ll finally find out what’s growing inside you?”

  I laugh at that. “You make it sound like it could be anything. Maybe it’s a watermelon, or maybe it’s an alien.”

  His lips quirk up. “Poor choice of words, but whatever it is, it’s our baby. I’ll love him or her just like I love its mom.”

  Sucking in a deep gasp, my breath gets caught in my chest. It takes several seconds before I can speak and when I do it comes out stuttered. “You love me?”

  “I should have told you last night. I…I wanted to say things, but they came out wrong, and then you were upset.”

  I was upset, and I didn’t want him to see me cry over the words he said. I was awake when he came to bed and pulled me into him. Once I was in his arms, I fell asleep instantly.

  “I’m sorry I left you outside. I was upset. If you would have led with loving me…” I stop and smile thinking about Max loving me.

  “I should have started with that. If you need me to prove it to you, I’ll show you later when we’re alone.” He winks.

  “I don’t need you to prove it to me.” I press my body to the fence. “I’ve been waiting for the right moment to tell you, I feel the same, but I wanted you to believe me when I said the words.”

  Max’s thumb caresses my cheek through the fence. “Why wouldn’t I believe you?”

  “Because I’m a hormonal mess.” It comes out a mix between a laugh and a cry. “I didn’t want to say it after sex because you might think I said it in some blissed-out state and didn’t mean it.”

  “Let me stop your right there, beauty. You can say those three words to me anytime you want and each time you say them to me, I’ll believe them. You can say them crying or after crying. During sex and after. Even when you’re mad at me. I don’t care when, but if you’re feeling them, I want to hear them.”

  “Max,” I cry, “I need to kiss you.”

  Even though we’re in the worst position possible, he doesn’t deny me. With a finger on each side of my face, Max positions his lips through the fence and kisses me in front of everyone. Even though it’s awkward as fuck, it’s the sweetest, hottest kiss ever.

  The crowd cheers and claps and for a moment I think it’s for the game until my brain clears from its lust induced fog and I realize they’re clapping for us.

  I pull away and I know my cheeks are as red as a cherry. I can feel the heat all the way to the tips of my ears. It’s then I remember I still haven’t said those three words to Max, and he deserves them more than any other man on the planet.

  I push up onto my toes. My fingers curling around the metal fence and press a chaste kiss to his lips. When I break away, I make sure to catch his gaze as I say, “I love you, Max.”

  Pulling away so Max can get back to the game and out of the spotlight, I stop when he calls my name. When I turn around, he’s right where I left him.

  “I love you too, beauty.”

  We decide to have a date at home instead of going out. I’m tired, and I want to spend as much alone time with Max as I can before my parents have to leave. They both have quite a few jobs they’ve already committed to, and we won’t see them for the next couple of months.

  Max told me to go relax while he whipped us up some dinner, so I headed upstairs and soaked in his giant tub until I was pruny. Only then did I get out and get ready for our date. Whatever he’s cooking smells amazing from all the way upstairs and I can’t wait to taste it.

  Slipping on a light dress, I twist my hair into a braid, put on some mascara and a coat of lip gloss, and I’m ready.

  Stepping outside the bedroom, I see light flickering from downstairs. The smell of whatever he’s cooking hits me tenfold and my stomach growls, wanting whatever Max has made for us. As I walk down the stairs, I’m greeted by at least a hundred candles that are lit everywhere the eye can see.

  Max hasn’t noticed me yet, too engrossed in stirring something in a saucepan on the stove. At least I thought he hadn’t, but when I’m only a few feet behind him, he extends his hand behind him. I take it. Feeling the rough pads on his fingers skate along my wrist as he pulls me against him. Flush to his back, I wrap my arms around him and lay my head between his shoulder blades.

  Running my hands up from his abs to his pecs and back down again, I say. “Whatever you’re making smells mouthwatering. I already know I want seconds.”

  “Good. I haven’t made this in so long I was afraid I’d mess it up. It’s almost done. I just have to add in the chicken and pasta to the sauce. Do you mind getting the bread out of the oven?” he asks as he moves to the side, so I can get into the oven.

  “Not at all. You should have kept me down here to help instead of letting me indulge myself in a bath.”

  Opening the oven, I pull out the garlic bread and set it on a placeholder already set out on the counter.

  Max moves back and kisses the top of my head. “Nope, tonight is all about you. I want to make you feel good after being uncomfortable for hours today while you watched the kids play. I’m getting a cushion to use for next season. Maybe I’ll have some made for the team and we can sell them to all the parents.”

  “That’s a perfect idea. We could even do t-shirts and hats,” I add. “Are you sad the season is over?”

  “A little bit. It’s definitely shorter than I’m used to, but I’m thinking I’m going to see if the parents still want to have practice to keep th
e boys’ skills up; maybe twice a week until it gets too hot.”

  “Afraid you’ll get bored?”

  “I could never get bored with you and Beck around, but I would like to find something to fill my time. I’m thinking of helping out now and then with Mayson Construction if they need help.” He shrugs. “There’s plenty to keep me busy if you want me out of your hair.”

  “Can’t say that I do, but I’ll let you know if I get tired of you.” I laugh. I’m not sure I’ll ever get tired of being around him. “Do you need me to do anything else?”

  “Just sit your pretty ass down at the table and I’ll bring this over in just a minute.” He pours the chicken and pasta in with the sauce and stirs it.

  “What are we eating?” I ask once I sit at the table. It’s then I notice a bouquet of flowers in the center of the table. There has to be at least two dozen roses. Max really went out of his way to make tonight about me when I should be making it about him.

  “Chicken, pasta and mushrooms with a creamy Madeira sauce,” he answers as he brings the large skillet to the table and places it in the middle between two lit candles and the beautiful flower centerpiece. He walks back to the kitchen and grabs the garlic bread and some fresh parmesan cheese.

  “I had no idea you have this kind of culinary skill. You’ve been holding out on me,” I joke as he serves us both the pasta.

  “I didn’t want you staying only for my cooking.” He winks, putting a piece of garlic bread in each of our bowls.

  “True.” I take a bite and moan around my fork. Only once I chew my bite do I speak. “If I’d known you could cook like this, I might have made you my slave.”

  Covering my hand with his, he gives me a mischievous smile. “I’m already your slave, beauty. All you have to do is ask and I’ll do anything you ask of me.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “And I like the sound of you eating my food. I’m not sure how long I’m going to be able to hold myself back from taking you right here on this table.” He reaches down and adjusts himself.

  “Is dessert you?” I ask before taking another bite and moaning.

  “All I know is I’m having you for dessert. I’m going to lay you out on this table, dive my face between your legs, and not come up until your hoarse from screaming my name.”

  Yes, please.

  “I see you like that idea.” He chuckles darkly. “Don’t worry. We’ve got all night to have fun, and I plan to ravish your body until you can’t keep your eyes open.”

  There’s nothing better than a man who takes immense pleasure in pleasing his woman, and Max does to the extreme. He knows exactly what I want and how to wring every last bit of pleasure from my body each time we’re together.

  “You’ve gone quiet,” he says before taking a bite.

  “I’m only thinking of how good you make me feel. Each time gets better and better with you. I wonder if it has anything to do with me being pregnant and the extra blood flow or…” If it’s all Max.

  Max responds by winking. “Eat and I’ll show you.”

  “I don’t want to rush such an amazing meal.” I try to keep a straight face. There’s nothing that I want more than to give my body over to Max and his skills.

  “I’ll make it again. Whenever you want, just eat quicker.”

  I can’t help but laugh at his impatience, even though I’m feeling the same way. Perhaps even more so. I can barely sit still on my chair. The need to feel Max inside of me is building with each passing second and it won’t be long until I’m ready to combust.

  “Am I eating too slow for you?” I ask, bring my fork to my mouth with intentional slowness.

  “You’re not going to think it’s so funny when I spank your ass later for torturing me like this.”

  Like that’s a punishment. “All good things come to those who wait.”

  “I’ve been waiting for you my entire life. I think the time for waiting is over.”

  Even as good as the dinner is he’s made, I set my fork down before I stand up and move to position myself on his lap. I run my fingers through his hair that’s starting to get a little long, but I love it. It gives me something to hold on to when he’s driving me wild with his tongue. “You shouldn’t have to wait a moment longer.”

  He places his hands on the table on either side of me and I think he’s going to rip my dress off, but instead, he leans forward, running his tongue along my bottom lip as he moves all the dishes out of the way.

  Picking me up by the waist, he sits me on top of the table. I can’t stop watching as his hands slowly move up from my calves to my knees where his fingers disappear under the hem of my dress.

  When I glance at Max, his eyes are locked onto where his hands just disappeared to. He must feel me watching him because he looks up and his blue eyes are dark with desire.

  “Lean back and let me taste your sweet pussy.” His voice is rough and thick with want.

  I’ve barely leaned back on my elbows when he flips up the skirt of my dress and spreads my legs with his wide shoulders.

  Dipping down he licks me from back to front and then swirls his tongue around my bundle of nerves giving it a jump start.

  He rumbles his approval and then dives deep, spearing my core with his thick tongue. Lick after lick, he makes noises of approval. When his head pops up, he growls out, “You taste sweeter and sweeter every day. If it was possible, I’d keep you pregnant forever.”

  “What?” I want to argue but words halt on my tongue when two fingers plunge inside and start to pump, curling in the right spot while he fastens his lips around my clit and starts to suck.

  Heat builds deep in my core. My toes curl. Reaching down, I tangle my fingers in his hair and hold Max right where I want him. It won’t take much more before I fall over the edge.

  One hand skates up my stomach and pulls down the fabric until my breasts break free. They fall out and pucker as the cool air hits the buds. In tandem, he swirls his tongue around my hardened nub and pinches my nipple.

  I arch as pleasure takes over, shooting out of my pores as I groan and grind my core against his face.

  Pumping slowly, he brings me down with small thrusts and little licks until I’m flat on my back, staring up at the ceiling, and trembling with aftershocks.

  I hear Max and look down my body to find him pumping his shaft with slow strokes.

  When did he lose his clothes?

  “I love seeing your pussy wet and dripping for me. Now I’m going to fill you with my cum, so I can watch it drip out of you and coat your creamy thighs.”

  Fuck, how his dirty words turn me on.

  He pumps in languid strokes as he stares at me. “I told you I wanted to show you I love you, but fuck if I don’t want to bend you over this table knowing your succulent tits are pressed against the cool wood and smack that ass of yours until it’s pink while my dick’s inside of you.”

  “Yes,” I answer breathily. “You show me with every action. Now I want you to take me how you want me. Make me come harder than I’ve ever come before.”

  “Fuck, you’re perfect for me. Turnover and show me that perfect ass of yours, beauty.”

  I do as I’m told, pulling my dress up around my waist while my breasts press into the table and send a shiver through me. I feel the hairs on his thighs brush against the backs of my legs seconds before he runs one large hand down my spine and over my ass to dip inside. Wet fingers ring around my tight hole, smearing my juices around and putting pressure but not pressing inside.

  “Do you want my fingers inside here while I fuck you?” He presses a little harder but doesn’t breach my entrance.

  I don’t answer but press back, showing him what I want.

  “Perfect,” he says as he positions himself at my entrance and slides inside in one swift thrust.

  Placing one hand at the small of my back, he pistons his hips. His pelvis slaps against my ass and then smack. I jump and moan, my walls spasming around his thick cock.
  “I love feeling you squeeze me and pull me deeper,” he moans. His fingertips dance over to the other cheek and circle once before I feel them leave my skin and then the sharp crack of his hand against my flesh.

  I moan louder and stick my ass out for more.

  “Your ass is a pretty shade of pink. I think I’ll reward you with my fingers.”

  He slides his fingers through the wet that’s gathered and pushes at the tight ring.

  “Breath,” he soothes.

  I try to steady my breaths, but it’s difficult when each thrust brings me closer and closer to where I want to be.

  I relax my body as he slowly pushes a finger inside. I’m so full it’s almost painful, but with each stroke, I stretch, and my body accommodates the intrusion. It doesn’t take long until I’m panting with the need to come and thrust back in tandem with him.

  “Tell me you love me,” he demands. He leans over me, his hand moving around to grab me by my throat.

  “I love you,” I pant.

  He thrusts faster and deeper and I feel him swell inside of me.

  “Tell me you’re close,” he rumbles from right behind me.

  “So close. I just n...” I don’t finish because he pulls his hand from the small of my back and moves around my front to pinch my clit.

  Fireworks explode behind my eyelids as I quake around his jerking cock. I fall flat against the table as I ride out the aftershocks and feel him still deep inside of me.

  Gently he pulls out of me and picks me up, cradling me in his arms as he sits down on the edge of the table.

  Kissing the side of my neck, Max breathes heavily. “Let me catch my breath and then I’ll take you upstairs and make love to you for the rest of the night.”



  “I’m going to go stretch my legs,” I tell Max before I stand. I’m not sure how I let him talk me into coming to the town’s high school football game. I was already uncomfortable at Beck’s when I was five months pregnant, and now I’m rounding on nine months. No woman this pregnant should be sitting on the bleachers. Max has even brought me a cushion, but it isn’t cutting it for me tonight.


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