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Page 5

by Rachel Angel

  “I’m ready for that meeting,” she called out as she emerged from her room and entered the kitchen.

  Stephen, at the counter with a cup of coffee in his hands, looked up at her. Still upset from whatever had gone wrong with his meeting with Mrs. Laurence, he just barely nodded a greeting.

  “Is everything all right?” Harley said.

  “There’s no need for you to come to the meeting this morning,” he said, his tone cold and harsh.

  “Oh,” Harley said. While disappointed that she’d put so much time into her appearance specifically with the meeting in mind, she nonetheless was relieved, but hid it. “Why?”

  He shrugged. “A change of plans,” he said as he poured her a cup of coffee. “You can go to your classes.”

  “Is that Mrs. Laurence giving you trouble?”

  Harley persisted, eager to know what was really going on. Considering how he always wanted her at his side, it was strange to see him preoccupied 78

  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) with something else and willing for her to go elsewhere.

  It had to be something really big and, most likely, very secret, for him to be willing to forego keeping his eagle eye on her.

  “Mrs. Laurence is a nag who can never be happy,” Stephen said with a grunt. “I could throw the entirety of the campus budget her way and she would still find something to complain about.

  Believe me, I know that type. They’re not happy unless they’re miserable.”

  Harley nodded as she accepted the cup of coffee Stephen handed to her. “You know, I’m good at dealing with miserable people. I could tag along and be a buffer,” she said with a playful grin.

  “Not this time, kiddo,” he said firmly. He set his coffee down and came around to the living space to grab his jacket. “I’m off. Be here when I get back.”

  “But I have classes,” Harley argued. “When will you be back?”

  “I should be here for dinner.”


  Rachel Angel

  Harley hid the inner smile that filled her. An entire day without him on her back. Though she suspected that something dark was going on, she was looking forward to taking advantage of the day on her own.

  After slipping his jacket on, Stephen came to her and planted a cool kiss on her forehead. “I’ll see you later,” he said. “Stay out of trouble.”

  He walked out and closed the door.

  Harley let out a long, long breath. Alone at last. After taking a sip of coffee, she headed to her room to find her class schedule. If her first class of the day wasn’t too important, she would skip it.

  She found her schedule; fae literature.

  “I’m living enough as a fae without having to read about it,” she muttered as she set the schedule aside.

  After another sip of coffee, she grabbed her purse and headed out to find Red and Zed. Initially, she walked the campus searching for the twins with their usual and familiar appearance; Red with his flaming hair and Zed with his indigo hair.


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) But just as she spotted the tall thin guy beside the short stocky one, she remembered their glamoured appearance and smiled.

  “What are you laughing at?” the tall, thin one said as Harley approached.

  “I don’t know,” she said with a giggle. “I’m just wondering why you guys chose such oddball appearances. And, by the way, remind me. Which one of you is Red and which one is Zed?”

  “Isn’t it obvious,” the short stocky guy said.

  He pulled opened his button down checkered shirt to reveal a blue t-shirt emblazoned with a large, superhero style ‘Z’ on it. “I’m Zed.”

  “Which makes me Red,” the tall lanky guy said.

  “Good,” Harley said. “Now that that is settled, where can we go to talk? I want to know everything that’s going on in the Faery Realm.”

  “What about your father?” Red said, looking around. “Isn’t he keeping a close watch on you?”

  “No,” Harley said with a frown. “Not today.

  He had some sort of secret meeting this morning, which is actually quite strange. He wants me at his 81

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  side all the time, for every meeting. He’d even told me to prepare for a meeting this morning with the financial consultant. But after a late night run-in with Mrs. Laurence last night, he came back home upset, and this morning he told me that I didn’t have to attend the meeting. When I showed interest in going, he made it clear that I had no business being there.”

  “Hmm,” Red muttered. “Interesting. And you have no idea who the meeting is with?”

  “No,” Harley admitted. “I’m not even sure if Mrs. Laurence really has anything to do with it or not.”

  “Come on,” Zed said. “Let’s head over to our place. I’m tired of looking like this and I want you to admire the real me. We can talk more about this over lunch.”

  Laughing, Harley nodded, and the threesome headed to their apartment in the posh dorm.

  “The place has gone through quite a change,”

  Harley noted.

  “Yeah,” Red said. “Thanks to you. I love the way you redesigned the space.”


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) With dark exotic woods, black leather and brushed silver, the décor was rich and masculine.

  Harley liked the feel of the space as much as they did. While lacking in any typical girly whimsy, the space was nonetheless welcoming and warm. She felt as if she were being hugged by a massively muscular man.

  And when she turned to tell the twins as much, she was met by the Red and Zed that she knew and loved.

  “Well, now,” she said. “That is so much better.”

  She looked into their eyes, not only seeing the familiarity of the men she loved but seeing the love she felt for them reflected back at her.

  “Have a seat,” Red suggested. “I’ll go get lunch ready.”

  Harley sat on the soft black sofa, running her hand over the leather. “I really outdid myself, didn’t I?” she said with a chuckle.

  Zed sat in the armchair nearby and looked pensively at her.

  “What?” Harley said. “Don’t you like it?”


  Rachel Angel

  “The décor is great,” he said. “It’s you I’m worried about.”

  “Me? Why?” she said. “Because of my father?”

  “Because of the influence your father has on you.”

  “Don’t worry, Zed,” Harley assured him.

  “I’m keeping a level head about the whole thing.”

  “Are you?”

  “I put the lasagna in the oven,” Red said as he returned. “It should be ready in about an hour.” He looked to Harley then Zed. “What’s going on?

  What are you guys talking about?”

  “The dark side,” Zed blurted out. “And Harley’s part in it.”

  Harley frowned. “You make it sound as if I were up to no good, Red.”

  “There was a fire late last night in the building where Mrs. Laurence’s daughter lives,”

  Zed announced. “Did you know about that?”

  Shocked, Harley got to her feet. “No! What are you saying? Do you guys think I had something to do with that?”


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6)

  “Calm down,” Zed said as he reached for her hand and urged her to sit back down. “Considering what you told us a while ago about your father’s late night meeting with Mrs. Laurence, we’re just curious about the connection.”

  “Well, I’m not connected to it in any way.

  After seeing you guys last night, I headed home and twenty minutes later, Stephen arrived and marched off to bed, then told me about the change of plans this morning. Do you really think that I then went out and set fire to Mrs. Laurence’s daughter’s building? I don’t even know where she lives. I didn’t even know that Mrs. Laurence had a daughter.”

  Red and Zed loo
ked at one another.

  “You know,” Harley said. “I really do hate it when you guys do that.”

  “Do what?” Zed said.

  “Look knowingly at one another,” Harley said. “It’s really damned annoying. Instead of looking at each other, why don’t you just come out and say what you have to say. Clearly, you don’t 85

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  trust me. Clearly, you think that I’ve been completely taken in by my father.”

  “And, clearly, you’re upset,” Red said. “And that was far from our intention.”

  “You have to remember, Harley, that we’re the ones who tutored you in the dark fae magic. We know what you’re capable of. We know what you know.”

  “Exactly,” Harley shot back at them. “You know just as much as I do, perhaps even more about the dark fae magic, and yet no one is questioning your intentions.”

  They looked at one another.

  “She has a point there,” Zed said.

  Red looked her straight in the eye. “But we don’t have the Dark Fae Wizard watching over us.”

  “You have to admit, Harley,” Zed said very slowly and carefully. “The fact that you’ve crossed over to the dark side is troublesome. You’ve even forgotten Kingsley and Oak. We know what you’ve been through since arriving at Fallen Fae Academy.

  We took part in bullying you that first year, and Cici and Ashley humiliated you. Then April betrayed 86

  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) you by hiding that she was actually a dark fae herself and…”

  “And now you learn that your father is not who you thought he was,” Red added. “It’s enough to make anyone question their values and morals.”

  “Well, that is where you are wrong,” Harley spat. “Dead wrong. I know my values and I know my morals. And there is nothing that can ever change that.”

  “Then come back with us,” Red pleaded.

  “Leave your father behind and come with us to the Faery Realm. Be a light fae once more.”

  “I can’t,” Harley said simply. “Believe me. I may be playing along with my father, following him to his meetings and spending time with him, but I have not adopted his ideology. I assure you. I am far too grounded to let that happen.”

  Red and Zed smiled, both of them reaching out to take her hands. “But you’re beginning to see him as your father, not the Dark Fae Wizard,” Red said.


  Rachel Angel

  “Isn’t he my father?” Harley asked.

  “Wouldn’t I want to get to know him better now that I know he is?”

  “But he’s the Dark Fae Wizard, the most powerful and influential dark fae there is. He’s the leader of the Dark Fae…”

  Harley crossed her arms and glared at Red and Zed. “You don’t trust me, is that it?”

  Red and Zed looked anguished before Red reached out for her hands to hold them.

  “I love you, Harley,” Red said.

  “As do I,” Zed added.

  “We both look forward to a future with you in the Faery Realm,” Red went on. “I see great things happening to us.”

  Harley smiled. “Good. I’m happy to hear that.”

  “We only want you safe and sound. With us.

  We’re sorry if we sounded accusatory, but we love you so much, we don’t want to lose you.”

  “You won’t lose me,” Harley said, kissing Red, who was still holding her hands. “I still love 88

  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) both of you,” she kissed Zed, running her tongue over his, until he was groaning.

  Red moved to stand behind her while he reached inside the front of her shirt to squeeze and tease her nipples until she was moaning.

  Zed continued kissing Harley, swallowing up her moans.

  She broke off the kiss, looking at them. “Are we good? Is everything clear now?”

  They nodded.

  She calmed herself down, letting her breathing get back to normal. “Now, then,” she said. “Let’s move on to more pleasant topics.”

  “Like what?” Red said.

  Gripping their hands in hers, she stood and urged them to follow her.

  Filled with a sudden need to put the dark and the light aside, she wanted to concentrate on more animal needs… her body’s needs.

  Grinning, the twins followed without protest.

  In the large bedroom with the king-sized bed, Harley released her hold of them and reached up to pull the elastic band out of her hair. Flowing freely 89

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  around her face and down her back, her hair glistened in the light.

  “I’d almost forgotten how absolutely divine you are,” Zed said as he licked his lips.

  “You’re enough to make any man forget all the aches and pains of war… all the hardships and turmoil,” Red added. “Damn, I’ve missed you.”

  Harley looked wantonly at them, then lowered her gaze to their pants. They instantly understood the message. They kicked their shoes off, tore off their socks and peeled their pants off then ditched their shirts. Fully nude, they stood magnificent before her, all lean hard muscles and stiff hard-ons.

  “Damn, but I’ve missed you guys, too,”

  Harley said as she gazed hungrily at them. “Damn, you guys look good. Too good.”

  Red’s golden red locks fell into his face, giving him a sensual look, while Zed’s darker blue locks were combed back, giving him a harder but equally sexy appeal.

  “What about you?” Zed said as he looked at her red dress. “What do you have on under there?”


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) She grinned at him. “Not much.”

  She pulled the narrow skirt of her dress up to her hips, exposing the crux of her thighs and her butt cheeks.

  Red and Zed licked their lips as they watched her, enthralled by her every movement. She turned her back to them, giving them a better view of her backside.

  “Damn,” Red groaned as he reached for his already erect cock, “You’re completely naked underneath your dress. No panties at all.”

  Zed silently licked his lips again as he stroked the length of his erection.

  “Don’t rush it, guys,” Harley warned as she glanced back at them. Crawling on all fours, she made her way to the pillows and turned onto her back. “I have all afternoon to spend with you.”

  Her body was on fire as she watched them climb onto the bed. She pulled her dress up to her waist, completely exposing her moisture ridden pussy.

  “I want to see more of you, Harley,” Zed whispered. “Show me your breasts… your 91

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  beautiful full and round tits. Show me your erect nipples, so hungry for my lips.”

  Harley sat up and pulled the wool dress over her head and tossed it aside. Completely nude, she lay back. “Is that better?”

  “Damn right, it is,” Zed said as he grunted his way to her. Without wasting much time, he nestled in the crux of her arm and suckled on her breast while his fingers danced their way down to light her clitoris on fire.

  Red joined in, latching onto the other breast, while his fingers stroke her thighs. Harley felt like she was going to explode. With both breasts being simultaneously stimulated, she knew that it wouldn’t take long to reach orgasm. Her clitoris was already throbbing with anticipation, but she didn’t want to stop it.

  She needed the quick release of that first orgasm. It had been too long. Her body had been on pause these past days… past weeks. The need to reach orgasm overrode everything else.


  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6)

  “Holy crap,” she called out as she raked her fingers through the twins’ hair and took a firm grip of their locks. “Holy crap!”

  Her body shook and quivered under the enormous force of the much needed orgasm. Her ragged breathing calmed down after a long and pleasant moment.

  “Now,” she said in a deep, breathy tone.

  “Who is going to fuck me first?”<
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  Zed quickly mounted her and parted her legs wider.

  “I don’t mind letting him go first,” Red said as he rose to kneel at her side. “If you suck my dick in the meantime.”

  Harley grinned at the prospect. She loved having their hands all over her, having them in her… simply having them with her.

  As Zed nudged his way inside her, she greedily pulled Red to straddle her while she took him into her mouth and sucked on him, keeping the same rhythm that Zed adopted. As she tightened her vaginal walls around Zed, she also sucked harder and harder on Red.


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  Reaching around Red’s hips, she grabbed his buttocks, bringing him more forcefully into her mouth. Her tongue licked his throbbing dick as he pumped into her.

  “It’s coming, baby,” Zed called out, thrusting deep and hard into her.

  “Take it all in, Harley,” Red urged.

  “Fucking, take it all in.”

  Harley’s eyes rolled back in ecstasy.

  God, it felt good having both men fuck her at the same time.

  In the very moment that Zed thrust his orgasm into her, Red squirted into her mouth.

  “Fucking good,” Zed let out.

  “Oh fuck, Harley,” Red added, grunting as Harley continued sucking on him.

  Zed pumped harder and faster behind Harley, until she was crying out their names, and shaking from a violent climax.

  “Oh, Zed! Red!” she cried out. “Oh yes, yes!”

  she collapsed against the bed, riding her pleasure.

  Fulfilled more than she had in a long time, Harley left them to regain their strength as she took 94

  Succession (Fallen Fae Academy #6) a few moments to wash up and relax. Then, they started all over again.

  She wanted more of them. If this was the only time that her father would allow her any degree of freedom, she was going to take full advantage of it. She wanted to fuck these boys until she could take it no more.


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