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Prossers Bay Series

Page 18

by Cheryl Phipps

  His eyes creased in that sexy way he had when he smiled and his voice became a soft caress on her senses.

  “I wish I’d known that earlier – maybe I’m a slow learner. You aren’t like that. You’re independent, infuriatingly so, and you listen to everyone’s opinion regardless of whether you like what they have to say. I’m so glad you came to work for me. You’ve made the resort a better place, and I can’t imagine what I would have done without you.”

  Megan gulped. She felt like she was under some sort of spell, and it was one she didn’t want to escape from. Fortunately, their salads arrived at that moment, piercing the mood, and allowing it to slip away without embarrassment.

  Every day that she fought the attraction that was Jordan Lambert, she lost a little more ground. Should she fight harder? Should she give in to the desire and just accept it for what it was? Two people, hot for each other, who needed to get it out of their system. And then what? They’d carry on working together like nothing had happened? Or would she have to move on?

  Chapter 10

  It isn’t a date. It’s work. No need to get all flustered. Megan berated herself as she trawled the internet for an idea of something to wear. It had been a long time since she’d gone to anything more than a dinner or movie with her friends and she was worried that her fashion sense, something she’d been proud of in her executive days, had left her completely.

  As a cleaner and a mom, her clothes had naturally leaned to the more practical jeans, t-shirts and shorts. Not out of place in Prossers Bay as a rule, but at a swanky affair at the resort they might not go down as well. She snorted at the idea and glanced quickly to her open bedroom door.

  The girls had gone to bed some time ago and had been sound asleep when she’d checked on them before propping herself up in her bed with the book she’d yet to finish, and her laptop which she’d promised herself not to open.

  Still, the event was work-related, and it couldn’t hurt to do a bit of research before she paid Mary Anne’s a visit. This was the only woman’s dress shop in Prossers Bay that had a bit of flair, and since the resort had opened she’d noticed that Mary Anne had a much trendier window display. Maybe there was a chance she’d find something suitable there. Maybe.

  Boy, she was really worked up about this. Of course, part of it was that this was the first glamorous event she’d been invited to since she’d worked in Auckland. Then there was the fact that Jordan would be there. The last few days of spending so much time together finalizing details had made her want him more than she’d ever thought possible. An evening with him, even in a room full of people, was something to look forward to.

  Megan had realized at lunch the other day that they both had strong perceptions of each other based on their history that might not or didn’t have to apply to them. Perceptions that she had deliberately encouraged, and she’d hated the awkward silences after their failed attempt at dating.

  Amanda meant nothing to him. The way he was around her made it as plain as a bagel that there was nothing between them. And Amanda, having been at the resort for several days, had shown herself for what she was – a woman who needed a man to pay her way. Therefore, in Megan’s world, a woman who was not to be pitied. In fact, the way Amanda treated the staff at Haven made it hard for Megan to be polite.

  She looked at her watch. It was only eight o’clock. If she was really going to do this – and until tonight she’d been thinking of ways to get out of it – then she’d need a babysitter.

  Plucking her phone from beside the bed, she called Jeanne.

  “Prossers Bay Motor Camp.”

  “Hi, Jeanne. Still at work?”

  “Not really. I’m in the office, but I’m only doing a bit of tidying up for tomorrow. I have a school coming in and there won’t be time to do a thing while they’re here. I need to have eyes in the back of my head with thirty of the little darlings, as well as teachers and parents wanting any extras they don’t have to pay for.”

  Megan laughed. “Whatever. You love it when the camp’s bursting with kids. I bet you spoil them all rotten.”

  “You know me too well. But these kids are special. They come from a poor area and the school would never have been able to find it, yet from out of the blue they received a donation for the whole trip. Buses, food and the accommodation. It’s the second time and for two different schools. I love that sort of thing.”

  Megan desperately wanted to confide in Jeanne that Jordan Lambert was the knight in shining armor, who deserved a big thank you from all concerned, but it wasn’t her call to make.

  “Me too. It doesn’t happen enough. Let me know I can help with anything.”

  “Thanks. So many people have offered that I’m very touched, and they’re not even my kids.”

  “Speaking of which, would Lisa be available for babysitting on Friday night?”

  “I’m sure she would. She’s still cleaning on the weekends for Abby, but she wants a car, so she’s saving like crazy.”

  Jeanne and Allan didn’t make a great deal of money from the camp, so the three eldest kids helped out where they could, even if it was only to pay their own way at college or for things like cars and fancy clothes. It must be hard on them all, but you couldn’t tell because the kids were so lovely and their parents were the kindest, most generous couple she knew.

  “Lucky for me. Actually, I’ve been thinking that when I get my bills sorted I’m going to update my car. Maybe Lisa would be interested in the Honda?”

  Jeanne hesitated. “She won’t be able to afford much.”

  Megan would give Lisa the car right now if she could afford to. She owed Jeanne and Allan so much more than an old car, but Jeanne was proud so she would have to tread gently.

  “I wouldn’t want much. I’ll get Max to take it in to his workshop and give it a once-over beforehand, to make sure it won’t end up costing her anything in the near future, and then she can decide. If it’s not what she wants, then that’s absolutely fine.”

  “Let us know closer to the time, but I think she’d definitely be interested. I know how careful you’ve been with it.”

  “It’s a matter of having to when you can’t pay for repairs. Which reminds me – it also has a couple of new tires.”

  “Sounds better all the time. What time would you like Lisa to come over on Friday?”

  “Could she come after school? It would give me chance to get ready in semi-peace.”

  “I’ll let her know, and good luck with the date.”

  “Stop fishing, Jeanne. It’s not a date, it’s a work event. Actually, I don’t know what time it will finish. Would Lisa mind staying over if it runs late?”

  Jeanne laughed at being caught out. “She’ll be happy to. She loves the girls. Just remember, she’ll need to get up early to clean for Abby on Saturday.”

  “No problem. I can drop her off, and you know Mia and Cody won’t be sleeping in, regardless of how much I might like to.”

  “I remember those days, but I’m sure it’s nothing compared to the years when they were babies. Bye.”

  Megan hung up the phone with a smile. The Emerton family did that to her. Just knowing them lifted her spirits and it was about more than their friendship. They had been so amazing when she’d turned up in Prossers Bay when the girls were babies. She’d stayed at the camp, in the best of the cabins, for a couple of months until her tenants left and she could move back into this place.

  Nothing had been too much trouble and they had fussed over her, enveloping her and the girls with their love. If she hadn’t had Jeanne, as well as Abby and Stephanie, who’d all helped with the furnishings, she didn’t think she would have managed on her own. Determination only went so far when you had two babies keeping you awake most of the night, and not sleeping too much during the day either.

  Switching off the laptop, since she had no idea what she was looking for, she snuggled into the sheets and pulled her book towards her. Just a chapter or two, then she would have an early night
and tomorrow she’d pop into Mary Anne’s during her lunch break.

  Mary Anne was a widow who took great care of herself. She had that indiscriminate age thing happening, where you imagined her to be anywhere between forty-five and sixty. She wore clothes like an Italian woman – classy, yet casual, immaculate, yet seemingly without effort. Her makeup was always so beautifully applied that whether you saw her in her shop or on the street, she always looked radiant. Her blonde bob swung across her cheeks as she came to the door to greet Megan.

  “Megan, what a nice surprise. I haven’t seen you for such a long time. How are those delicious girls of yours?”

  “Hi, Mary Anne. The girls are wonderful. Finally settling into the long hours with me working full-time.”

  “That’s good. I did hear that you were working at the resort. Jordan Lambert is such a nice man, and I might add, not too bad on the eyes. I hope that you’re taking good care of yourself while you’re working so hard?”

  Megan laughed self-consciously. “I try.” She hadn’t put herself first for several years, so just being here, looking for a new dress that she probably couldn’t afford yet, seemed very selfish.

  “Now, I don’t suppose you’ve come to chat as you’re probably on a break, so I’ll let you browse, or did you want some suggestions?”

  “I would like a bit of help, actually. I’m hosting an event at the resort, and it’s going to be pretty fancy. I’ve been out of the loop for so long that I’ve really got no idea what would be suitable.”

  “I see.” Mary Anne put a finger to her lips and tapped several times while she looked Megan up and down. Her eyes suddenly lit up. “I think I have just the ticket. Pop into the changing room and I’ll bring you something.”

  She ran into the back of the shop and, after a bit of rustling, returned a few minutes later with a wrapped dress. She hung it on a hook just inside the door of a cubicle and as she removed the covering with a flourish, Megan gasped. The dress was gorgeous – like nothing she’d ever owned before, not even in Auckland when she was managing top events every other week. It was ankle length, or maybe it’d be floor length on her short frame, with a slit up one leg. It was the color of caramel and had only one shoulder strap. It looked very slim fitting and Megan instinctively sucked her stomach in.

  “I think it’s a bit out of my league,” she said in awe.

  “Nonsense, dear. This is made for you, even if it wasn’t literally, I’d take a bet that it’s a perfect fit. Please, humor an old lady and try it on.”

  “How much is it?” Megan’s hand was already on the dress but she snatched it back when Mary Anne answered.

  “Horrendously expensive, but try it on anyway. Now, calm down. The woman who ordered it decided the color didn’t suit her, a fact I had mentioned several times, but she spends a lot in here and recommends me to her friends, so against my intuition I let her order it. As you can see, I was left with it. I can’t return it since it’s a one-off, and who in Prossers Bay would wear it? As much as I know this will be perfect for you, there’s no obligation, but if you like it then you can have it for what I paid.”

  Megan couldn’t resist Mary Anne or the dress. She pulled the curtain of the changing room, slipped out of her black trousers and white shirt, and reverently took the masterpiece of its hanger. After undoing the side zipper, she slid the fabric over her body. It slithered into place like warm chocolate, touching her skin in a whispered caress.

  Pulling the zipper up, she stood back to survey it, and for a few moments was frozen in shock. Was that her? Her hair looked the same, and that had to change, but she had been transformed. She felt like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis.

  “May I take a look?” Mary Anne hovered outside the curtain.

  Megan opened it and saw the shopkeeper’s face turn from excitement to delight.

  “I wasn’t wrong. I rarely am. Sorry to be so opinionated, and this is really not a hard sell, but Megan, you have to agree that this is the perfect dress for you.”

  “I do have to agree, but don’t you think it’s a bit over the top for a drinks evening at the resort?” Megan couldn’t help doing a little twirl, and the slit opened to reveal her tanned leg.

  “No, I don’t. You’ll be the envy of every woman, and men won’t be able to keep their eyes off you.”

  Megan sighed as she looked down at her bust, which had gone from a decent shape to a much perkier version, thanks to the amazing stretch and cut of the fabric. She felt beautiful, and if she could afford the dress then she would damn well buy it. Not that she wanted men looking at her. Well, maybe just the one.

  Chapter 11

  Megan entered the conference room like a goddess in a single-strapped dress that hugged every one of her delectable curves, her arms and one shoulder completely bare. Skin the color of milk chocolate was made lustrous by the caramel silk. Jordan wanted nothing more than to touch her. To run his hands up her arms and around the back of her beautiful neck. To pull her close and kiss that sassy, red-coated mouth. As if she could read his mind, she looked over at him.

  She moistened her lips, which made his pulse race even faster, acknowledged him with a nod, and began to greet the guests as they entered.

  He made his way over to her, barely acknowledging his guests with perfunctory answers to questions he simply wasn’t interested in at this point in time. When he eventually arrived at her side the CEO had beat him to it and was looking her over like a shark about to dine on some exotic species.

  “Well, hello there. I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Rick Sainsbury, the reason for this evening.” He took one of her hands in his, holding it for way too long in Jordan’s opinion.

  “How do you do, Mr. Sainsbury. I’m Megan Adams, one of Jordan’s managers. I do hope we’ve provided you and your wife with everything necessary to make your stay perfect.”

  Jordan was delighted that she had, in one sentence, put the pompous man in his place. Sainsbury was now forced to introduce his wife, Loretta (a one-time beauty pageant entrant, according to his notes), who looked bored, and was standing just behind Sainsbury. The look on her face made it apparent that she was aware of her husband’s misguided attention, and that she couldn’t have cared less.

  Megan shook Loretta’s hand. “Mrs. Sainsbury, while you’re here perhaps you’d like to take advantage of our exclusive spa? It’s as good as any you could find in the city, and here at Haven, we like to think it’s even more relaxing, what with the beach right outside the window.”

  “That sounds wonderful. The boys will be busy talking business tomorrow, so I’d love to do that. Are you sure that they can fit me in?”

  “Don’t you worry about that. We can always find room for special guests.”

  Loretta gave her a thoughtful look, then smiled. “Thank you. If you’ll excuse me, I might leave the rest of the party to their business.”

  She took her drink out to the large deck and began chatting with other guests who were outside, enjoying the balmy evening. Jordan thought it odd, but he still had the CEO to contend with.

  “I must say I was very surprised by what you have here, Jordan. I saw the brochures, but I had to see for myself. Everything’s not always what it seems. But when you have a bit of money to splash around, most things are accessible.”

  He was watching Megan as he spoke, obviously trying for some sort of innuendo that Megan could be bought. Jordan would have liked to give the man a thump or two, but Megan proved immensely capable of handling the creep.

  “Everything is exactly as we advertise, Mr. Sainsbury. I’m sure you’ll find that we run a very classy establishment, and I look forward to taking care of your beautiful wife. Speaking of which, I might see if there’s anything else she might like to do while she’s here. Please excuse me.”

  Sainsbury stared after Megan, as all the men did. He could see no panty line, and her pert backside rubbed against the fabric in a tantalizing shimmy that Jordan wished was reserved only for himself. He was a hypo
crite, because he was just as guilty in lusting after her. Besides, it was his fault for pressuring her into being here.

  “Another drink, anyone?”

  Their eyes focused back on Jordan, and he knew he’d hit on the right suggestion. There was now a distinct shortage of women and, business trip or not, they were all planning on having a good time. An endless supply of alcohol apparently seemed like a good start.

  He wanted, needed, to be with Megan, but as long as these men were here he was the host and he couldn’t leave them.

  Chelsea was directing the waiter and she gave him a small grin. He was clearly not as discreet as he was hoping to be. Oh, hell, Amanda had just entered and, unlike Megan, she encouraged the hungry stares of the group of men hovering around Sainsbury.

  She threw back her newly bleached blonde hair and strutted across the room to where they all stood. Her tight red dress was far too short, her body far too tanned. It seemed as if she had been availing herself of all the spa treatments she could. Jordan still had no date for when she would leave. Partly his fault, he acknowledged, since he hadn’t made time to talk to her much over the last few days. He made a decision to do so at the earliest chance tomorrow.

  As the night wore on the room, or rather the men, got rowdier and Jordan was over the CEO and his crassness. The men were merely following his lead, but Amanda was spurring him on with fresh drinks and a lot of very close contact. He didn’t personally care, and Amanda was at least keeping the group entertained, even if she hadn’t been invited. He was almost gritting his teeth as he listened to Sainsbury brag for the hundredth time about his business, his houses and his cars.

  Jordan kept a lookout for Loretta, hoping that she wasn’t going to take offense. If the business he could bring to Haven hadn’t been so lucrative, Jordan would have hauled Sainsbury’s rather large body outside and told him what a complete asshole he was.


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