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Broken Wing (Arthur Academy Book 1)

Page 21

by Kathleen Mareé

  I turn to look at Austin, parked beside me.

  “You in?”

  He nods, so I follow them out of the carpark, tearing up the loose gravel as I do - more than happy to get the hell away from here.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  When I heard the buzz from downstairs alerting me that Tucker was at the door, it reminded me about our lunch plans that we loosely made yesterday. But hearing his voice through the intercom, I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable as my thoughts were on Paxton and his constant warnings to steer clear of him. In truth, I totally forgot he was even coming, with everything happening last night surrounding one very unexpected visitor. Paxton told me stories about his childhood and about how his mother was kind and loving. The books she used to love reading to him and his sister when they were little and stories of the beach-house she loved taking them to when his father was away on business. It was a little rustic cabin on a private beach a few hours from here, which was her secret hideaway. Something she couldn’t wait to share with her kids. And how she always went back to her old hometown to visit her family in the poor community they still lived in. Inland of Portland, and a few hours from here, where small timber homes, and the kids barely had shoes on their feet let alone the latest toy to play with was their normal existence. It felt like his mother grew up in a similar community that I had. The similarities were sending all too familiar tremors across my skin, the more he talked about it. He had seen some of it you see, when he was a young boy, when his mother used to go back there and help out her sister and nephew. Paxton spoke about them buying food for them, and clothing when they would visit. About how they had to make sure the visit stayed secret from his father who definitely didn’t approve of his new wife and child rifling through the streets of that shady town. When I told Paxton that I could imagine his father would have been scared for them going there – he simply scoffed telling me that definitely wasn’t the case. But he didn’t go further, so I didn’t push it. I was lost in his world, and at the possibility that his mother who grew up the way I had – got out. She did it, and the hope that rose in my chest when I thought I too – could follow a similar path, was the smallest thing I held onto.

  It was clear as he spoke of her, how much he loved her. And why wouldn’t he? She sounded so lovely and beautiful, that it made me envy the kind of childhood he would have had growing up. Something I for one, had no history of. He tried to get me to be as open as he had been with my childhood too, but how could I sit there and tell someone like Paxton Reed that my family wasn’t a life of rustic cabins and childrens’ stories? Mine was something out of a nightmare. Something you read about in the paper or see on the news. That moment with him? I wanted to keep it purely about him. I wanted to let him open up and tell me what he wanted me to know. To let me in. It made me look at him in a totally different way. The warmth that radiated from his gaze and the joy to which he spoke was worth every waking minute I spent lying beside him hanging on every single word. Every syllable. And despite us sharing a few more intense makeout sessions in between, he never tried to take it further. And I’m thankful. Because I’m not sure I would have had the will to stop him if he did. Never in my life, had I felt like I belonged. But in Paxtons’ arms last night, listening to his deep voice talk about his life – I felt like I belonged. I must have fallen asleep at some point early this morning though, because all I woke to was me alone on my crumpled bed and the lingering woody scent that made me realise it wasn’t a dream. It had been real.

  Too real.

  And now I was dressed in a white tee, tucked into my high-waist mom-jeans and docs, and meeting Tucker outside my dorm like I didn’t just see the inside to the devils soul.

  Because I’ve come to realise – I kind of like it there.

  “Hey! You ready?” he asks, nodding his head toward his truck.

  I nod with a polite smile, and follow behind him quietly, tucking my hands in my lap as we take off.

  Tucker rattled on about the classes he had coming up, and some exam that would determine his grade for an advanced class he was hoping to take next year. He planned to make his way up the food chain, by getting the best grades in all the elite classes he could. I guess he was hoping to get himself into the ‘money’ side of his family. I didn’t ask questions. I nodded when I was supposed to, gave the occasional smile – but my head was cloudy and elsewhere so I barely paid as much attention as I should have.

  When we finally pulled into his cousins’ diner that he brought me to last time, we took a seat near the back corner before I even realised he had stopped talking. I glanced up at him, shaking my head out of my thoughts, and notice him silently staring at me.

  “What were you saying?” I asked uneasily.

  “You okay Hendrix? You seem a little distracted today.”

  “Uh sorry Tucker. I had such a huge day yesterday and I, I just didn’t sleep all that well I’m sorry.”

  He smiles, reaching over and touching my hand softly.

  “It’s all good. As long as you’re okay. I thought maybe I was boring you or something. I can get a little carried away when I’m thinking about my future. It seems to be all that I’m striving toward these days.”

  I shake my head. “Nope it’s on me. I’ll be present now, promise. Just point me in the direction to some coffee and I’ll be all yours.” I gulped, hoping he didn’t take that how it sounded.

  He squeezed my hand, and teasingly said, “I thought we were just friends.” He waggled his brows, causing me to laugh out loud.


  When my laughter eased, I glanced at Tucker who was stuck staring at something behind me, angrily muttering, “Well this should be interesting.”

  “What?” I ask, as I turn my head over my shoulder to see what’s caught his attention. I gasp when I’m met with the angry, searing gaze of Paxton whose standing tense in the doorway with Banks and Austin.

  I pull my gaze away, guiltily, wondering what he must be thinking. I spent all night talking to him, letting him open up and then half a day later I’m sitting in here with Tucker. A guy I know Paxton can’t stand.

  But we’re friends.

  All of us are supposed to friends, so there is no reason to feel guilty.


  I shake my head, trying to shake any feelings of remorse or unease. We’re friends. I keep repeating it over and over, trying hard to concentrate on my coffee, sliding my fingers around the outside of the mug whilst my eyes follow the movement eagerly – desperate to block out the thumping in my chest. I wait a few more minutes, thinking any moment Paxton will show up at this table demanding to know why I’m sitting here with Tucker – but as every excruciating second goes by, his overwhelming presence never comes.

  “Soooo…” I start, glancing up at Tucker who is still grinding his jaw. “This isn’t awkward.”

  He sighs heavily. “I know I shouldn’t let him get to me, but I just hate that guy. He’s just so god-damn pretentious. The way his whole damn life is laid out for him on a platter. That whole, god-complex he has, just irritates me. He just doesn’t care about anyone but himself.”

  “Actually, he isn’t so bad,” I mumble, pausing when I see Tuckers eyes narrow in my direction, so I quickly add, “I just mean, everyone has issues. I’m sure he isn’t as bad as what everyone thinks he is.”

  Despite the soft expression Tucker is trying to look at me with, there’s a kind of hatred too that seems to simmer beneath the surface. “Look it’s sweet that you try to see the good in everyone, and I know you’re new here so I’m going to say this in the nicest way possible. Don’t let anything Paxton Reed does or say - fool you. He only thinks about himself. Always has… And one day, he will get what’s coming to him.”

  An automatic shudder came over me, when it felt like his words had some deeper meaning I didn’t understand.

  “For someone as new as me here, you seem to have a deep issue with him.”

��I may have just started school here, but you know I have family here and Paxton….”

  “Ooh this looks cosy,” Banks voice interrupts as it saunters from above me. Tucker instantly reaches across the table and takes my hand in his.

  “And what do we owe the pleasure Banks?” he bites, squeezing my hand once more.

  “No pleasure of yours I hope, you know I don’t roll that way. But for new girl… I may make an exception. Ouch!” he groans, as Austin comes up and flicks him on the ear.

  “Leave her alone Banks.”

  I smile kindly, noticing the worried look on Austins’ face as he glances down at my hand beneath Tuckers. I gently slide it away and mutter a warm, “Thanks Austin.”

  He shrugs, glancing over his shoulder nervously. “You ah, you need a ride home or anything Hendrix?”

  Tucker folds his arms across his body sternly. “As you can see, she is in more than capable hands already thanks.”

  Austin all but ignores Tucker, like he’s waiting for my answer so I softly add, “I’m good thanks.”

  He offers me a kind smile. “Just let me know if you need a ride okay?”

  I nod slowly, and mutter a thank-you, before watching as he drags Banks away by the scruff of his neck and presumably joins Paxton near the front. I don’t dare turn around. I’m lost in thoughts about why Paxton didn’t come over here. Since I started here, all he’s done is demand I stay away from Tucker, like he can’t stand the thought of him near me. The fact that after our talk last night, he hasn’t bothered, makes me think it didn’t mean as much to him as it did to me. And I try hard not to overanalyse that, but I can’t fight the disappointment that sits in the pit of my stomach. Maybe he is already regretting it which is why he wasn’t around when I woke up this morning.

  “As I was saying, I just hate those guys and the way they feel so entitled. Even they can’t keep their rich noses out of our date,” he adds a little lighter, taking my hand in his again. When I don’t reply, but continue staring at my coffee like the answers are somehow there, Tucker sighs and squeezes my hand until my eyes find his.

  “And, since they’ve ruined the mood, what do you say…? You want to get out of here?”

  I can’t stop the sudden nod as I realise I’m eager to get as far away from Paxton and this nausea that just won’t go away as I can. Tucker meets me at my chair as I stand beside him before we make our way to the door. His palm is cupping my lower back as we move together, my heart is thumping in my throat, and my eyes are settled on the door. I hold my breath, completely aware of the guys sitting at the table beside us – but determined more than anything, not to look up.

  “Have fun you two,” Banks teases as we pass, and as soon as Tucker opens the door, the quiet chime that greets us as we exit is the only thing I hear as I tensely gaze over my shoulder. And sure enough, Paxton is staring at us, with that angered gaze searing me whole. But not a second later, he’s the first one to pull his eyes away, which hurts me more than I want to admit.

  It turns out I’ve been telling Paxton Reed to stay the hell away from me, and I never realised how much it sucks to actually get your wish.

  After the confusion of the weekend, between Paxton being too interested and then not at all – you can imagine my surprise Monday morning when I see a familiar body leaning against our building as I exit for classes.

  “Are you lost?” I ask, half defeated, yet with a half-smile.

  “I’ve never been more found little sis,” Austin jokes as he comes toward me and nudges my arm playfully. No sooner his eyes go over my head like he’s looking for something…. Or should I say… someone.

  I narrow my eyes. “Lucys’ not coming to classes today.”

  He stills, eyes wide as he says, “And why would I care?”

  “I don’t know. You tell me…” I smile, as I head toward the campus hearing him jog to catch up with me.

  “I think we need to talk about the other night. About what you think you heard and what you’re implying. You know I was drunk okay…?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “Come on, don’t play dumb. I told you, you can’t say stuff like that. I thought we already talked about this. Like I said I was wasted, talking shit.”

  “I’m not saying anything, so what is it that you are so damn worried that I’m actually saying…?”

  He groans angrily. “Oh, just forget it.”

  We continue our walk to the main building in silence, but I feel bad for putting Austin in such a sour mood. So, I change the subject.

  “So, I’m pretty sure you don’t need to keep doing this. I can handle it from here on.”

  We stride up the stairs and into the main building.

  “And what makes you say that?” he asks, like he’s only half listening to me.

  “I’m pretty sure that anything Paxton may have asked you, doesn’t need to happen now. Besides, Amber has left me alone... So, whilst I’ve enjoyed getting to know you, I don’t want to be some puppy you feel you need to look after.”

  He stops, reaching for my arm so I stop me before entering my class.

  “First off, you’re wrong. About everything you’ve said since I met you outside your dorm. And second, it may have started that way, but I meant what I said. I like to think we’re friends new girl.”

  I smile kindly, noting the sincerity behind Austins eyes. Another friend, I could definitely do with. “Well, that’s good then, because I like to think we are too. Friends I mean.”

  He nudges me playfully again, before my eyes glance downward. This is how it started with Paxton, he was opening up to me making me feel like maybe I belonged, and then yesterday it was like a switch was flicked and he changed his mind or something. Is this what these people were about…?

  “Hey, stop thinking too much. We’re friends. I got your back. That’s all you need to know.” He tilts my chin up so I look at him, and the warmness of his gaze, makes me smile easily.

  “You know, if I had an actual brother, I’m pretty sure you would be as close to what I’d ask for.”

  “Yeah, well, you’re only human.”

  Austin and I are standing close to one another just smiling widely like we have some inside joke, and it’s not until I’m knocked by Mercedes as she shuffles past me, that I shake my head and glance around the hall. I gulp noting that nearly every single student in the hall is staring at us right now. And not only that, but Mercedes is shooting daggers at not only Austin, but me as well as she darts around the corner. As I continue to scan my surroundings, I see Paxton, glaring at me from behind his locker too. And I swear if I was any closer, I’d see there was almost an indentation on the door from where he is tightly gripping it, like he wants to snap it off its’ hinge. But despite the sneer on his face, and the flare of his nostril, I can’t help the shiver that snakes its’ way down my spine.

  And it’s definitely not from fear.

  “Hey Gabe! Wait up,” I holler as I leave Political Science and see him just ahead in the hall. He slows a little, but cautiously looks at me over his shoulder.

  “You heading to lunch?” I ask chirpily, still noticing the unusual more-sombre expression across his face. When he doesn’t answer straight away, I sigh and ask, “What’s wrong? Has something happened?”

  He stops, taking a breath and running his hand through his hair. “Look I like you Hendrix, but what you’re doing is not okay.”


  Suddenly images of Paxton come to mind, and I’m worried that Gabe thinks I’m a home-wrecking kind of girl.

  “Come on, I don’t want to spell it out for you. But Mercedes is my best friend, and seeing you with him is hard for her.”

  I shake my head. “Mercedes? What does this have to do with Mercedes?”

  “Austin. She’s had a thing for him forever and seeing you guys get closer is pushing her over the edge.”

  Austin. He’s talking about Austin. Not Paxton…

  “No, no, no, Gabe. I promise yo
u there is nothing like that going on between Austin and me. I swear. We are just friends.”

  He raises a perfectly arched brow at me. “Well, what she saw this morning told her otherwise. She’s messed up over that boy. Always has been.”

  “No, I swear. I don’t like Austin like that I promise.”

  After a second of him eyeing me up and down, his easy smile falls across his face. “Well, I’m glad to hear it, because it wouldn’t be fair for you to have all the hot ones at this place. Tucker, Austin and Paxton Reed – that’s just too much sausage for a girl like you to handle.”

  I gulp, suddenly having to jog a few steps to catch up to him, as he chuckles to himself and enters the cafeteria. I keep my eyes on Gabe, and our table as we make our way there, noting that Tucker and Mercedes are already seated chatting quietly. I really wish Lucy was here today, and I make a mental note to go see her later on.

  “Hey,” I leak awkwardly as I take a seat next to Tucker, no sooner seeing Mercedes glance down at her food.

  “So… turns out Hendrix isn’t fucking around with Austin, so you can stop your sulking.”

  “What?!” Both Mercedes and I shriek at the same time.

  “What?” he asks feigning innocence. “I don’t like beating around the bush, in any situation, so it needed to be said. Now you can get on with your day and not think our new friend here is betraying you, and Hendrix can go on sorting out which sausage she wants for dinner.”

  Tucker spits out his drink; his eyes fluttering like crazy.

  “Way to be honest there Gabe,” I mutter, before turning my attention to Mercedes. “I promise you there is nothing between us like that okay. We’re just friends. I’m not interested in anything more than that - with anyone.” I ignore Tuckers huff, and concentrate on the vulnerable gaze of Mercedes.

  She shrugs. “Look I was being a bitch earlier. It doesn’t matter anyway. I was upset and blamed you, but he isn’t interested in me like that. Over the years, he’s never looked my way until….” She shakes her head. “We had one night together and really - I should’ve known then. He was drunk, but I’ve just liked him forever. I’m so stupid.” She stabs her salad with her fork aggressively, and I reach out and touch her arm.


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