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Dirty, Filthy Fantasies- The First Collection

Page 8

by Sarah Hawke

  While the two men stumbled backwards and leaned against the crates, Sadira scooted forward on her knees until she was barely an inch from Telanya’s face. Up this close, the high elf’s perfume mingled with the musky scent of the semen spackling her face and chest. Sadira gathered several globules from the other woman’s eyelids and shoveled them into her mouth. The heat alone almost made her climax again.

  “I hope you enjoyed my first lesson,” she said. “Just remember our new deal: you have to drain them both twice. And since I’m the one who did all the work here…well, technically you’re still at zero.”

  Telanya growled into her gag, but Sadira just laughed as she continued licking the spatter from the other woman’s nose and lips. It had been so long since she’d tasted seed that she almost felt like a lotus addict smoking powder after trying to quit. She wanted to clean every single inch of this slut’s perfect body…

  Just be patient and pace yourself. The boys are getting a good enough show that they’ll be hard again in no time. This slut’s punishment has only just begun.

  “You look beautiful,” Sadira teased. “I’m sure your husband would think so, too. Who knows, maybe his old pecker would get stiff at the thought of his lovely wife getting a cum bath from her students.”

  Telanya didn’t even bother muttering into her gag. She looked completely resigned and defeated…and her quim was swollen and sopping because of it.

  Sadira grinned as she lapped up one final glob from the high elf’s chin. As much as she wanted to keep going, forcing the Headmistress to wear her student’s seed until it dried was ultimately far more humiliating.

  And in the end, that’s what all of this was really about.

  Act Three: Punishment

  “If you boys are feeling up to it, I think it’s time to get her ready for the main event.” Sadira glanced back over her shoulder to Keldrys. “Ready to work some more drow magic?”

  “Absolutely,” he said, leaning back up. He traced a pattern in the air and whispered several words of power in his native tongue. The magical restraints binding Telanya’s limbs began to glow, and she yelped in surprise when several long, rope-like tendrils materialized in the air above her. They stretched down and ensnared her arms and legs, then abruptly lifted her off the ground.

  “This spell was a favorite of my former mistress,” he said. “She would keep her slaves suspended for days at a time.”

  Sadira nodded in approval as he continued his incantation. After a few more seconds, Telanya was hanging parallel to the ground with her wrists and ankles pinned together like a bound hog.

  “Most of the girls at the brothel loved braids like this,” Sadira said, grabbing onto Telanya’s long blonde ponytail. “It gives the men something to grab onto so they feel like they have even more control.”

  She pulled the braid as taught as she could before tying it the magical manacles. By the time she finished, Telanya could barely even move her neck. She had to look forward rather than down, and the pose had the additional side effect of forcing her to thrust her tits out even more. Some of the remaining seed on her breasts trickled down to her nipples before dripping to the floor, but thankfully the remaining splotches on her face were sticky enough to stay in place.

  Keldrys circled around behind her to inspect his handiwork. He spread her knees apart a bit further to ensure they had unrestricted access to her cunt and ass, but otherwise his spell was perfect. Telanya was completely and utterly helpless, and her occasional thrashing struggles just made Sadira’s even wetter.

  “I think she’s finally ready,” Keldrys said, positioning himself behind her. “I’ll go first.”

  “Not just yet,” Sadira said. “Fucking her is too easy. I’m going to make her beg for it first.”

  He cocked a black eyebrow. “You’re serious?”

  “It will be all the sweeter when you finally take her, trust me,” Sadira promised.

  Keldrys grunted and started stroking his cock again. “You haven’t let us down yet, abbil. She’s all yours.”

  Sadira smiled and squeezed his shoulder. Once he backed away, she took a slow lap around Telanya and dragged a fingernail along the other woman’s legs and back. A trail of goosebumps followed swiftly in its wake. For several minutes, the only sound in the warehouse was the echo of her heels hitting the floor.

  “I know how much you want this, but I’m willing to bet you’re still living in denial,” she said when she finally squatted back down in front of Telanya’s face. “That’s all right. By the time I’m finished, I promise you’ll be begging for dark elf cock.”

  Sadira reached out with her palms and cradled Telanya’s breasts. She fondled them gently took a few moments to appreciate their firmness before she finally pinched the nipples and let go.

  “I bet your husband loves nibbling on these. Boldruk sure did.” Sadira giggled devilishly. “I have something else in mind.”

  Drawing in a deep breath, the half-elf whispered the words to a spell. Tiny sparks of electricity crackled along her fingertips, and Telanya’s long ears perked up at the sound.

  “I know you can’t see it, but that’s all right,” Sadira said. “You’re the one who taught us how to manipulate energy, remember? Don’t you trust your own lessons?”

  She touched Telanya’s breasts again, and the high elf’s entire body twitched and writhed in place as the electric current buzzed through her. It wasn’t enough to harm her, of course—not even close—but it terrified her enough that she started yelling into her gag.

  “Oh, don’t be such a baby,” Sadira scolded. “I thought you highborn were supposed to be poised and proper all the time?”

  She shocked Telanya a second time and giggled sadistically at the other woman’s discomfort. Sadira knew how good it felt from personal experience—she and a fourth-year friend had gotten drunk one night and practiced the spells on one another. Sadira hadn’t climaxed that hard in a long time…at least, not before today.

  “Be a dear and come over here, Liam,” she beckoned. “I need you to check and see how she’s doing.”

  He nodded and stepped over to her. Emptying his balls on Telanya’s face had apparently dispelled the worst of his anxiety; he didn’t hesitate in the slightest, and his wonderful cock was hard and ready to go. That was good—Sadira still had plans for him later.

  At her direction, he shuffled around behind Telanya and dragged his fingers across her slit. He grinned and showed them all his glistening fingers.

  “She’s gushing,” he said.

  Sadira grinned. “Of course she is.”

  She grabbed the high elf’s nipples again and watched in delight as Telanya thrashed in place. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she muttered into her gag so hard that spittle began leaking from the sides. Between her increasingly smeared mascara, the semen on her nose and cheeks, and now the saliva dripping from her lips, the Headmistress was a complete mess. And she loved every minute of it, no matter how much she protested.

  “I’ll shock her cunt next, unless she’s finally willing to admit the truth,” Sadira said. “Let’s find out, shall we?”

  She unstrapped the gag and slipped her finger back inside the ring. Before pulling it out, she gently dragged the fingers of her free hand across Telanya’s soft, pale neck. With her hair pulled back so tightly, the outline of the phallus was actually visible in her throat.

  “Boldruk’s orc cock isn’t the first oversized member you’ve inhaled, is it?” Sadira asked. “No, you’re a lot more experienced than you look. You’re what, a hundred and twenty? How many cocks have you swallowed in that time? How many men have filled this wonderful throat of yours, hmm?”

  Sadira tugged on the ring and began to withdraw the phallus. She made sure to take her time; she stopped inch or so and paused just to make Telanya sweat in anticipation. When the phallus finally popped free of her lips, the high elf coughed and gasped for air.

  “You bitch!” she hissed between pants. “You dare use magic on

  “I know it’s technically forbidden without a guild license, but I’m sure I’ll have one soon enough,” Sadira said. “Especially once you fix our grades.”

  Telanya’s face twisted. “I will never—urmph!”

  Sadira shoved the tip of the phallus back through the woman’s lips. “Now, now, you need to behave,” she scolded. “Remember, there’s only way to end this: all you need to do is admit to me how much you want these fine gentlemen to fuck you.”

  When Telanya tried to mutter a nasty reply, Sadira promptly conjured another spark of electricity and pinched the high elf’s nipples. The Headmistress didn’t stop thrashing for several seconds after the shock spell had worn off

  “She might need a bit more incentive,” Sadira said, glancing back to Liam. “Why don’t you give her a taste of what she’s missing?”

  He paused for a heartbeat while he tried to figure out what she meant, but then his eyes sparkled in delayed recognition. “Right,” he said, taking a knee. She was suspended the perfect height for his mouth; all he had to do was lean forward to feast on her quim. He dragged his tongue across the full length of her slit, then gently pressed a pair of fingers inside.

  Maybe this kid does have some skill. One of those rich debutantes must have taught him something after all.

  Sadira withdrew the phallus again. Telanya gasped for breath the instant her mouth was empty, and her forehead creased with strain as Liam fingered her more vigorously. When his tongue returned to her slit, she had to bite down on her lip to stop whimpering.

  “Why fight it?” Sadira asked, gently tracing the tip of the phallus across the high elf’s neck. “Just say the magic words and these fine gentlemen will show you what you’ve been missing.”

  “Never,” Telanya hissed. “You can shock me all you want, you twisted mongrel bitch.”

  “That’s true. I can.”

  Sadira gestured with her chin for Liam to lean back, and once he’d removed his fingers she pinched Telanya’s nipples and jolted them with another burst of electricity. The Headmistress yelped and moaned even while she thrashed—her body’s betrayal was nearly complete as she approached another climax.

  “I think she just needs one final push,” Sadira said, glancing back at Liam. “Do you remember the spell?”

  He grinned, his lips still wet with her juices. “I do now.”

  He whispered the proper words of power, and energy sparked at his fingertips as they returned to Telanya’s quim. Her long ears perked up when they heard the unmistakable buzz of electricity, and she opened her mouth to protest—

  At which point she cried out in climax the instant he touched her clit. Sadira grinned in delight. She’s all yours now.

  Telanya had been a mess before she’d come down, but she was a downright disaster now. She panted breathlessly after Liam released his spell, her face covered in a mix of sweat, seed, and mascara. Her blonde braid had started to fray thanks to all the thrashing, and beads of perspiration had pooled on her back and stomach.

  “He can bring you again,” Sadira said. “All you have to do is ask.”

  Telanya glanced back over to her. The last glimmers of resistance in her blue eyes had faded. She looked tired. She looked broken. She looked dominated.

  “Just say the words,” Sadira prompted. “Beg for your student to fuck you.”

  The high elf swallowed. “Fuck me,” she muttered.


  “Fuck me!” she screamed. “Fuck me now. Please!”

  Sadira smiled. “You heard her.”

  In a single smooth motion, Liam sprang to his feet, grabbed ahold of his cock, and nudged the swollen tip up to Telanya’s quim. But before he eased it inside, he glanced back to Sadira for confirmation.

  You’re their mistress too, now. By the end of the day, he’ll do anything you ask.

  She nodded. “Take her.”

  Liam thrust inside without the slightest resistance. Telanya cried out again, and her entire body trembled as if she had been shocked. She wouldn’t last long—Sadira wouldn’t have been surprised if the other woman climaxed two or three times before Liam erupted. Now that the dam had been broken, all bets were off.

  “If only the rest of our class could see you like this,” Sadira said. “Your face dripping with seed, your quim stuffed by your own student’s cock…imagine how many of the other boys would want to take their turn. I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you? One young, stiff member after another…”

  Telanya gasped as Liam started pounding her in earnest. The slapping of their skin echoed through the warehouse along with her increasingly pathetic, mewling whimpers. Sadira watched in delight, her quim tingling and her toes curling. She eventually reached her right hand down and starting massaging her clit.

  “She’s ready for you too, Kel. Why don’t you teach her what a dark elf tastes like?”

  “A lesson that’s long overdue,” he said, shuffling up beside her again. He gave his gray cock another few strokes before he grabbed a loose patch of Telanya’s blonde hair and held her head in place.

  “Open up, highborn slut,” he ordered.

  At first, it seemed like she might actually try to resist, but we pressed the gray tip against her lips she opened wide and let him thrust inside. Her stunted moans and whimpers were soon replaced by desperate gags and gurgles as Keldrys took full control. He fucked her mouth like a quim, assuming that the phallus/gag had already properly softened her throat.

  That, or he simply didn’t care. Sadira wasn’t sure which one she founder hotter.

  “This is what we need on crystal,” she murmured. “Imagine showing this to the whole class. Imaging showing this to the city council!”

  Telanya couldn’t even mumble anything with his cock ravaging her throat. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and from the way her body started twitching she was probably climaxing again. Liam wasn’t far behind.

  “Oh, gods!” he blurted out. “Here it comes!”

  “On her back,” Sadria told him. “Cover her!”

  He barely withdrew in time. His first salvo sprayed all the way up to Telanya’s hair, with half of it splattering across her bound ankles and wrists. The rest pooled on her buttocks and lower back. Sadira was just about to scuttle under the high elf and clean Liam’s cock for him when Keldrys also erupted. He didn’t pull out, unfortunately, but he must have unleashed an enormous load considering how quickly thick white strands began seeping out of Telanya’s lips. His cock eventually slipped out with an audible pop, and Sadira grabbed the high elf’s chin and forced her to keep her mouth closed.

  “Swallow,” Sadira ordered.

  When Telanya hesitated, Keldrys helpfully pinched her nose shut. She glanced up at him, confused and desperate, before she gulped down his offering and gasped for breath.

  “I bet you never thought you’d have drow seed in your belly, did you?” Keldrys taunted as he released her nose and gently smacked her cheek. “It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. The next batch is going straight into that highborn cunt.”

  He chuckled as he examined Liam’s handiwork. A steady trickle of the kid’s semen was dribbling off her ankle and down her slender calves. Sadira barely resisted the urge to clean it off. She needed to move on to the final stage of her plan. So far, the boys had all but monopolized the fun, but they would need a while to recover after draining themselves again so soon. It was time for her to get what she really wanted…and teach Telanya one last lesson in submission.

  Act 4: Release

  “Go ahead and rest up for a few minutes,” Sadira told the boys once they had come down all the way. “But first let’s get her back on her knees where she belongs.”

  Keldrys nodded and whispered the words to another drow incantation. He reassumed control of the magical restraints suspending Telanya in the air, and he gradually lowered her back down to the cold warehouse floor. A moment later she was upright on her knees again, and Sadira reached behind and untied her braid so sh
e could actually look forward.

  “It’s time for the two of us to have a bit of fun while the boys reload,” Sadira said. “You’re obviously an experienced cock-sucker, but what about slit-licking? Did you have a lot of practice back home?”

  Telanya looked up at her, another internal battle raging on her face about whether or not she should cooperate. A part of her obviously still felt betrayed by how much she was enjoying all of this.

  “I know you highborn are supposed to train for decades before your people consider you a real wizard. That’s a lot of time spent hanging around a bunch of other young elves.” Sadira gently lifted the other woman’s chin so she couldn’t look away. “How many of your fellow students did you fuck?”

  Telanya looked up but remained silent.

  “I bet it was dozens,” Sadira said. “Maybe even hundreds. We’re always told that your people are carefree and open, but ever since you arrived in Highwind you’ve been acting like a priestess—and not one of the good ones like at the Love Goddess temple or those crazy Eternal Priestesses. It must be hard for you to keep your legs shut after all those carefree years at home.”

  “That’s probably why she likes that disgusting half-orc so much,” Keldrys commented.

  “I bet you’re right,” Sadira agreed. “Our poor little highborn slut has been trapped in a boring shell. You should thank us for letting you out.”

  Telanys’s eyes fixated on the crystal dangling between Sadira’s breasts. “You’ve had your fun,” she said. “Now give me the memory crystal and let me go.”

  “Now, now, you still have to drain their cocks one more time each,” Sadira scolded. “And you will. But first, it’s my turn.”

  Grinning, she reached down to her waist and slowly pushed her skirt down off her hips. It fell to the floor, and she stepped out of it one heel at a time. She could feel the boys watching her intently, which was the point—her quim tingled at the thought of them hardening. She might not have been a statuesque high elf like Telanya, but her human blood gave her a fuller figure and larger tits.


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