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The Essential Jagged Ivory (Jagged Ivory Boxed Set)

Page 12

by Lashell Collins

  “Um, Noah just came up with a great idea for all my pictures,” Mercy told him as he walked over and sat beside her on the couch, forcing her to scoot closer Noah's way to make room.

  “Did he now?” Otis asked, looking at his brother as he draped his arm possessively around Mercy's shoulders.

  Mercy glanced back at Noah, hoping he would jump in, but one look at him told her instantly that she was on her own. So, she proceeded to tell Otis and Buz about their plan herself. They seemed to agree that it might be a fun endeavor, and while they discussed it, there was a light knock on the open door.

  Noah looked up with relief when he saw Aaron standing in the doorway with his gear. “Hey, man. Thanks for coming,” he said as he stood, motioning the tech into the room and showing him where to set the guitar case and small amp.

  “What are you doing with that?” Otis asked with a frown.

  “Just working out some shit in my head,” Noah answered flatly without looking at him.

  “You working on new material?”

  “That's what I said.”

  “Thought we weren't going to concentrate on that until this leg of the tour was over.”

  “Yeah well, it comes when it comes. Or would you prefer I ignore it until a more convenient time and risk losing it?” he asked, looking at his brother with an attitude.

  Otis stared at him for a moment with narrowed eyes. Then he smiled slightly. “Nope. Knock yourself out. In fact,” he said, taking Mercy by the hand as his smile got bigger and his gaze never left Noah's, “we'll just go to my room so we won't disturb you.” He stood up then, gently pulling Mercy with him. “Come on, sweet thing. Let's go have some fun,” he said to Mercy. But his words were clearly chosen for his brother's benefit, and he laughed slightly as they headed for the door.

  Mercy hung back for a moment, turning to look at Noah. “Thank you for keeping me company. And for the blog idea. I can't wait to get started,” she smiled.

  Noah's eyes softened as he looked at her. Then he nodded silently.

  When they were gone, an awkward silence fell over the room. Finally, Buzzy spoke up saying, “Okay, I know I'm pretty slow on the uptake sometimes, but if I didn't know any better, I would think that Otis is under the impression there's something going on between you and Mercy.”

  “Yeah, well there's not,” Noah answered.

  “Mmm hmm,” Buzzy responded. “But … I'm getting the feeling maybe there should be.”

  “Leave it alone, Buz,” Noah said though clenched teeth.

  Buz looked at Cory, with a what-do-you-know expression. He pointed his finger at him, saying, “You know something.”

  “I can't tell you anything, man,” Cory sighed, shaking his head.

  “Leave it alone, Buz,” Noah repeated sternly, and Buzzy raised his hands in surrender.

  “Alright. I'm outta here.” He said as he walked to the door. “But it's no fair keeping secrets,” he smiled on his way out.

  Chapter Seven

  “I like it, man,” Cory told him honestly as he nodded his head. “I like it a lot. In fact, I've already got some ideas about that middle section you were talking about. Take it from the top and let me play with it a little bit.”

  Noah settled himself on the stool and began the song once more. He and Cory had spent the morning shut up in his hotel suite in Frankfurt, and were hard at work on the new song he had started. The melody had been plaguing him for a week now, and Noah had taken to keeping his Les Paul Standard and the compact MG30 Marshall amplifier by his side at all times instead of packing it away with the rest of the gear. The guitar and amp became part of his regular luggage, going with him from hotel suite to hotel suite. The song simply refused to leave him alone. So he had enlisted Cory's help to flesh it out, hoping their natural musical chemistry would draw it out of him.

  They worked diligently, and as Noah had hoped, the song quickly began to take shape, with Cory and his Gibson providing the texture. In no time at all, the melody started to gel and Noah began humming along, singing softly under his breath as they played.

  “Why does getting to know you

  Feel like remembering who we were?

  Every smile, every touch,

  Whispers that I’ve loved you before.

  Shadows from another place and time,

  Haunting the dark corners of my mind.

  If you could feel my memories

  Would you still be in his bed?

  Save me from this anguish,

  Give me ecstasy instead.”

  The song was a passionate ballad about the torment of seeing the girl you love with someone else, and knowing that she should be with you instead.

  When the song finished, Noah took up the pencil and paper he had been using for a week now to jot lyrics on, and revised his composition as Cory silently studied his friend. He shook his head slightly as he watched him, and then sighed.

  “Those are some heavy words, man. You really are hung up on her, aren't you?”

  Noah sighed as he placed the paper and pencil aside and looked up at him, saying nothing.

  “If it makes it any easier, I don't think they're sleeping together.”

  Noah frowned at him. “What makes you say that?”

  “I don't know,” Cory shrugged. “They just … they don't act like they're bumping uglies, you know? I mean, he still acts like he's in pursuit mode, and she's clearly not giving it up. I mean, think about it … you know Otis. You know how he gets when he thinks you two are in competition over something. If he had already bedded this girl, he would've found a way to let you know it by now. Especially now that he suspects you have a thing for her.”

  Noah thought about his friend's words for a moment. Cory was right. Otis would have found a way to rub his face in it by now if he felt the competition was over. Maybe there was a sliver of hope left for him after all. “You don't know that for sure,” he said, trying to keep his hope in check.

  “No, I don't know for sure but … you never see any kisses, or hugs, or even slaps on the ass.”

  “Would you slap her ass with Mike watching your every move?”

  Cory laughed. “Okay, you've got a point there. But come on, man, you know what I mean. In fact, the only kiss I've ever seen them share is the one in the limo that night a couple weeks ago.”

  Noah winced slightly, trying not to remember that image. “Why is this happening?” he asked quietly, not really expecting Cory to have the answers.

  “Fate?” Cory responded with a shrug. “Maybe she's your soulmate and fate's just trying to work out your timing issues.”

  Noah laughed slightly at his friend. “Or maybe you're full of shit and I just really need to get laid.”

  Cory smiled at him. And then he frowned as he thought about something. “Wait a minute. Are you saying that you haven't done that since we got to Europe?”

  Noah didn't respond to Cory's question. Instead, he just avoided his gaze with an almost embarrassed expression.

  “Oh, my God, man! You haven't! You haven't touched a single chick since Mercy showed up, have you? And they're falling at your feet every night. What have you been doing? I mean, I've seen you bring a few back to your room.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Noah sighed heavily. “They fall at my feet, I pick 'em up, bring 'em back here and then … nothing.”

  “What do you mean, nothing?”

  “I mean nothing,” he answered. “I'm just not interested. I keep sending 'em walking with no action.”

  “No shit?”

  “No shit,” came his pitiful reply. “I get them back to my room and start counting all the ways they are not like Mercy. I know how this sounds … but I don't want anybody else.” He sighed heavily once more. Then he hoisted his guitar and started the song over again as Cory joined in.

  An hour later, the song was complete. It still needed drums and bass, and Noah hadn't decided if he would sing it himself or hand it off to Otis, or if they would share the lead vocals like they did on
a few other songs. But the composition itself was finished, and Noah felt a huge sense of relief.

  “Got a name for it?” Cory asked as he packed up his guitar.

  Noah frowned for a moment and then looked at his friend with a sad expression. “Soulmate,” he said simply.


  Later that evening, Mercy wandered into the guys' dressing room at the arena and sat for a moment to replace the battery in her camera before the show. The guys were all in the Green Room sitting down for an interview with a local entertainment program. As she worked, she thought about the shots she had taken earlier during their soundcheck, and she couldn't wait to get back to her hotel room so she could post the pics to her blog.

  The tour journal was going really well. She had begun to get several comments a day from fans, thanking her for posting the beautiful pictures and telling her how they would give almost anything to be in her shoes. It was turning out to be a lot of fun and Mercy was enjoying it. She smiled to herself as she thought about it. Suddenly, she heard a voice in the room with her and she jumped slightly. She wasn't sure Cory was aware of her presence, but she couldn't help overhear the end of his phone conversation as he stood in the doorway.

  “God, I miss you so much, babe. It's getting harder and harder to be here without you. … No, Donna! Come on. You know I would never do that to you. I love you, baby. … Yeah, well, you don't ever have to worry about that. No matter how lonely I get. … I can't wait either. I am counting the days! … Oh, me too. I can't wait to hold you. … Listen, I need to get back in there before they come looking for me. I'll see you soon, babe. … Love you too.”

  He hung up then and turned around, walking back out of the dressing room, and Mercy guessed that he must have just wandered in looking for a quiet place to finish his phone call. He was obviously talking to his girlfriend, Donna Devlin. Mercy had heard snippets of his conversations with her before, and he always sounded so sweet and attentive when he talked to her. And as she thought about it, she realized that Cory wasn't like his bandmates when it came to women. Granted, he was the only one of the five that was very definitely attached to a significant other. He and Donna had been living together for over two years. But Mercy had been traveling with the group for a few weeks now, and she had yet to see him with any other women. Yes, there were always the usual tarts and party girls after each show, and they were always eager to please. But where his bandmates usually made no attempt to hide their willingness to be pleased, Cory would routinely turn away their advances. He was more than happy to talk to them and sign autographs, take pictures … but when the flirting turned into touching, he would turn them down flat. She admired that.

  She kept thinking about it all through the concert while she watched them from the wings. They were as amazing as always, turning it on and electrifying the crowd. And as she looked out at the sea of people, she wondered which of the females out there would make their way backstage and be lucky enough to win a place in the dressing room tonight. The thought made her feel more than a little ill as she watched a shirtless Noah prancing around the stage with his guitar as the band rocked out to “Rev Your Engine.” He was so freaking hot, sometimes it angered her. He would look at her with those light, piercing eyes and she just wanted to rip off her own panties and throw herself at him. It pissed her off. And she hated watching other women hanging all over him. Especially when he looked like he was enjoying it.

  Once the concert was over and the backstage obligations were done with, the guys were treated to an after-party at the hotel where their techs and crew were staying. They didn't often party with their roadies but, when they did, it was always a wild hell of a time. The scene looked like something out of a movie, and Mercy wasn't entirely shocked when hotel security called local law enforcement in. The party ended pretty quickly after that, and the guys were relieved that they didn't have to call Mike to come get them out of a jam.

  When they made it back to their hotel at just after two in the morning, they all sat around in Buzzy's room for a while, talking and winding down, until finally Benji said goodnight and headed off to his own room. Cory and Noah soon followed suit, leaving Mercy and Otis alone with Buz and some chick he'd brought back with them. Mercy sighed and ran both her hands through her thick brown hair as she watched Noah and Cory go, and her mind suddenly couldn't help bringing her earlier thoughts back to her.

  “Well, that's a first,” she mumbled bitterly once they were gone.

  “What's that, darling?” Buz asked, looking at her with a frown.

  “Noah Ivory, going to bed alone after a concert,” she replied sarcastically.

  There was silence for a few seconds, and then Otis asked, “Why do you care?”

  Embarrassed, Mercy felt her face flush a little. “I don't. I don't care. I'm just … making conversation,” she said quickly. “I overheard Cory on the phone before the show, talking to Donna. And it hit me that I never see him with any other girls. He's pretty faithful. And that just got me thinking about the rest of you, and how you all take advantage of the whole rock and roll sex thing.”

  Otis and Buz just looked at her for a moment before glancing at each other. Then they turned back to her with amused grins on their faces. “The whole rock and roll sex thing?” Buz questioned with a raised eyebrow.

  “You know what I mean,” Mercy said with a roll of her eyes as she blushed some more. Then she motioned to Buzzy's bed where the beautiful young girl waited patiently for him as she flipped through channels on the TV. “The groupies, the female fans willing and eager to do anything to be with you. I'm not pointing fingers, I don't blame you guys for taking advantage of it. I was just noting the differences between all of you, that's all.”

  “And what differences have you noted?” Otis asked, still wearing his amused grin.

  “Well, Cory obviously believes in being faithful, while the rest of you seem to avoid commitment at all costs.”

  Otis laughed out loud. “Is that how you see us?”

  Mercy nodded her head. “For the most part. I mean, I know that Benji used to be involved until his girlfriend left him. But they were always in the news for breaking up anyway because he kept cheating.”

  “Ah … that's not accurate,” Otis replied, taking up for his friend. “They were always breaking up because she couldn't deal with his problem. And he … doesn't think he has one,” he finished quietly.

  His words set Mercy back for a moment as she took in the concern in his voice. Then she shrugged and continued on her discourse, believing it best not to talk about Benji's troubles. “Well, at least you two don't even attempt to go the steady girlfriend route because you know yourselves too well.”

  “I don't go the girlfriend route because I can't find a woman who'll put up with me for any length of time,” Buzzy said, smiling at her.

  “I find that hard to believe with all that charm you ooze, Buzzy,” Mercy responded with a smile, and he chuckled.

  “Buz doesn't go the girlfriend route because he's still in love with the one that got away,” Otis offered.

  “Hey! Man, that was not meant to be public knowledge,” Buz exclaimed, glaring at Otis.

  “Really?” Mercy asked, looking at Buzzy with a fresh curiosity.

  “That is the last time I tell you shit, Otis,” Buz continued, genuinely upset with his friend.

  “Oh, man, will you relax! It's just Mercy,” Otis replied.

  “Yeah, I won't repeat it,” she promised. “I swear. So who is this woman who refuses to relinquish your heart?”

  “No comment,” Buzzy mumbled. “I thought we were talking about sex on the road.”

  “Yeah, sweet thing. So, let me get this straight,” Otis spoke up. “What you're really saying here, is that you won't sleep with me because you think I'm some sort of man ho. Is that it?”

  Mercy looked at him with a shocked expression, and then burst out laughing. When she was finally able to control the giggles, she took his face in her hands and said, “O
tis, I won't sleep with you because I am not interested in you that way. And you are not interested in me either. You just want to have sex with me!”

  He frowned at her. “What's your point?”

  “Argh!” She let out an amused, frustrated groan as she shook her head at him, and Buzzy laughed. “My point is that this is a game for you. And I'm not interested in being one of the prizes, okay?” He gave her an exaggerated pout and she smiled at him. “Besides, you are not a man ho. That distinction goes to your brother!”

  Otis and Buz looked at each other in confusion before turning back to her. “How did you come up with that?” Otis asked, frowning at her. “Out of the five of us, Noah is the last one I would describe as a ho.”

  “You're joking, right? 'Cause he sure acts like a man ho to me,” Mercy huffed. “I don't think there's been a single concert since I've been here where he didn't take at least one girl back to his hotel room. Sometimes more than one! Tonight's been the only exception. I think the only thing he wants from a woman is sex, and once he gets it, he's done!” She was aware of the bite in her tone as she thought about their old encounter, and she hoped Otis and Buzzy didn't notice.

  Otis laughed, shaking his head. “You don't know my brother at all!”

  “What do you mean? Are you trying to say I'm wrong?” Mercy frowned at him. “I know what I've seen these past few weeks.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Otis responded, giving her an amused smile. “You've probably seen him take a few women to his room. I don't doubt that. Happens all the time. I'm just saying that you have him pegged completely wrong. Noah is not a man ho, he's … a pussy.”


  “Come on now, O, let's play nicely here,” Buz chided. “What Otis means to say is that, underneath that brooding façade of his, Noah is what women commonly refer to as 'a nice guy.' He loves the idea of love. It's part of what makes him such a great songwriter.”


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