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The Essential Jagged Ivory (Jagged Ivory Boxed Set)

Page 48

by Lashell Collins

  Pushing those annoying thoughts of the bus out of her mind, Fae inhaled deeply as she stretched a little. And as she did, her senses were suddenly flooded with the most tantalizing, masculine scent, and it startled her.


  She was in Benji Staffon's hotel suite. In his bed! Quickly looking down to check out her clothing situation, she relaxed when she realized that she was still fully clothed. It all came back to her then – talking to him before Jagged Ivory went onstage and how freaked out he'd been about what to do after the show. And she remembered volunteering to be his sidekick. And then their dinner. She smiled to herself as she thought about the previous night's events. He had been so completely adorable, the entire evening. Charming and funny and warm. And so open. Not at all what she had expected when she first got this gig. She thought he'd have more of an ego and be a little prima dona. He was Benji Staffon after all. But he was nothing like what she had first imagined. Instead he was so incredibly humble and unassuming. And so positive considering all that he had gone through in his life. He certainly had not had an easy time of it, that's for sure. Not that her past had been a bed of roses either, but Fae felt a wave of sadness as she thought about all she had learned about his life last night. And she marveled at how he had been able to survive it and to overcome it all. He was so amazing!

  She frowned as she suddenly wondered where he was, and she glanced at the clock to see that it was nearing 7am. She needed to get up or she was going to be late. And as that thought rattled around in her brain, she heard a door abruptly open across the room and she watched as Benji stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Oh, my God! Her mouth watered as he moved slowly around the large bedroom area. He was beautiful. He had that classic rocker look to him, tall and slender and sexy as hell with that lean, muscular frame. His naturally wavy locks cascaded in damp ringlets down to his shoulders, and the towel riding low on his waist highlighted the enticing V at his hips. Fae could see droplets of water dripping from his hair as they ran slowly down over the large Jagged Ivory logo tattooed on his upper right arm.

  He moved slowly, as if he were purposely trying not to make too much noise, and Fae realized that he must believe she was still sleeping. She kept very still as she watched him pulling clothing out of his bag. She was mesmerized, like a voyeur. And when he pulled out a pair of briefs and the towel around his waist suddenly hit the floor, she felt her breath catch in her throat. Oh, shit! She watched him hungrily, and she knew that she was drooling. She could literally feel the moisture trickle from the side of her mouth as he pulled on the underwear, and she moved quickly to wipe her lips and chin.

  Benji looked toward her when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. “Morning, Sleeping Beauty,” he smiled, turning away from her as he grabbed his jeans and quickly pulled them on. “I ordered some room service. I didn't know what you liked, so I just kept it simple,” he said, turning back around as he fastened his jeans. “Scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. And there's plenty of coffee.”

  Fae sat up slowly, still running her hand nervously over her mouth. “Um. I really need to go. I'm going to be late for load in,” she mumbled awkwardly.

  “Load in's not until 9. You've got more than enough time to eat a little something,” he smiled at her. “You're welcome to use my shower if you'd like, and I got you a new toothbrush from housekeeping too. It's in the bathroom. And I've already called Pete; he'll drive you back to your place so you can change and then he'll get you to load in on time.”

  Fae stared at him in wonder and then slowly returned his smile. Self-consciously, she ran her hand through her dark hair as she looked him over, knowing that she must look a mess. “You've thought of everything,” she said quietly.

  Benji shrugged his shoulders at her. “Just thought it was the least I could do after I basically kidnapped you and kept you here against your will all night,” he smiled.

  Fae blushed when he smiled at her like that. She really wished he would put a shirt on. The sight of him in just his jeans with that bare chest and wet hair was very distracting. “Um, I'm, … I'm going to grab a quick shower,” she said standing up. She crossed the room to the bathroom and quickly shut the door behind her, slumping back against it. She took in a very deep breath and then let it out slowly. And she knew it was stupid, but the only thing she could think of at the moment was Oh. My. God. Who knew Benji Staffon was so hung! She rolled her eyes at herself at the thought, but it was true. The term 'well-endowed' certainly applied. And she had actually drooled. Drooled! All over herself, like a moron.

  She sighed as she shook her head and tried to shrug it off as she began to get undressed. She hated sleeping in her clothes, but she would do it all again if given the chance. Anything to be near that incredible man in the other room. You're pathetic, Fae, she thought to herself as she stepped into the shower.

  She couldn't get him out of her head, the mental image of his naked body was seared on her brain. He was so freaking hot. And she knew that she was simply horny. How long had it been for her? When was the last time she had allowed herself the luxury of having sex? She certainly hadn't had any during the course of this tour so far. And she would never go that route with a member of the crew. It was the code she lived by, and it was a rule she never broke.

  Months. Fae rolled her eyes again as it slowly dawned on her that it had been nearly eight months since her last sexual encounter, and that had been with a very hot blind date that Wayne and Dave had set her up on. Some son of a friend of theirs who they insisted would be perfect for her. He was a tattoo artist with a chain of successful shops around the Los Angeles area, and he was gorgeous. And Fae knew ten minutes into the date that she never wanted to go out with him again. He was an arrogant, self-centered jerk who talked about himself the entire night. But he was sexy as fuck and Fae had really needed to get laid. They had done the deed in the back seat of his 1963 mint-condition Ford Galaxy. He had called her every day for about two weeks afterward but she never answered. He finally took the hint and stopped calling.

  As she got cleaned up, her mind wandered back over her and Benji's conversation from last night. All of it. She still couldn't believe that she had rambled on about her mother dying, and the faeries and everything. She never talked to anyone about that stuff except Wayne and Dave. But Benji was just so easy to talk to, and he seemed genuinely interested in what she was saying. That was rare in a straight man. It made her feel like she mattered.

  She frowned at that thought because it brought up something that he had said last night at dinner. He was talking about being an orphan, and he said that no one wanted to know him. That he never felt like anyone wanted him around or even cared about him until he met the guys of Jagged Ivory. Fae couldn't imagine going through life so alone. Something like that was tough enough as an adult, but Benji had done it as a child. Even after she lost both of her parents, she still had Wayne and Dave in her life, and they sort of took on the role of her surrogate parents. But Benji had had no one for so long. He said he had been twenty-four years old when he joined the band. So that meant that, up until six short years ago, he had been totally alone in the world. Never belonging anywhere, never feeling that anyone was in his corner. It was no wonder the band meant so much to him. He had struggled and fought to survive his entire life. And Fae knew that he was still fighting. Only now he was fighting to stay clean. Fighting not to disappoint the only family he had ever known.

  She was still thinking about it when she came out of the shower. She dried off and dressed quickly. But she refused to put on the same panties, so she stuffed those into the pocket of her jeans and went commando. It was just until she could get back to her apartment to change. She found the new toothbrush Benji had procured for her and brushed her teeth. And then she used his hair brush to pull her wet hair into a ponytail. And when she finally emerged from the bathroom, Benji was seated at the table in the sitting area of the suite, eating his breakfast. She noted that he had final
ly donned a t-shirt.

  He looked up and smiled at her as he popped a piece of bacon into his mouth. She returned his smile somewhat nervously as she joined him at the table. And he watched as she removed the warming cover from her plate and began to eat. She ate a few bites in silence before she looked up at him and said, “This was really nice of you. Breakfast, I mean. And the toothbrush.”

  Benji smiled at her once more. “Like I said, it just seemed like the least I could do,” he said quietly. “Look, Fae … I don't think I said this last night, so I want to be sure to say it now. I appreciate what you did for me. Hanging out with me and keeping me company. You know, I didn't realize it until this morning, but … last night I didn't even think about not being at some club or party. I was just so focused on our conversation. I enjoyed your company. I had fun talking to you.”

  Fae smiled at him. “I really enjoyed talking to you, too. It's been great getting to know you. And I know parts of our conversation were sort of intense, but … I had a really good time last night,” she said softly. “If you wanted to hang out again sometime … I would love that!”

  Benji smiled at her. “Yeah?”

  Fae nodded her head at him. “Yeah. Absolutely.”

  “Well, maybe after the show tonight? If you're not too sick of me.”

  “I would love to,” she exclaimed, grinning ear to ear. “Maybe this time we could actually talk shop. I think as I was drifting off last night, I heard you say something about not having heard me play a whole lot. But we could do that … this time,” she said, feeling herself blush. “I mean if … if you felt like it.” Then she rolled her eyes at herself, feeling embarrassed as she said, “You probably wouldn't feel like it just coming off stage.”

  Benji smiled apologetically at her. “No, after a show might not be the best time,” he agreed. “But we could definitely get together on an off day and jam. That would be very cool.”

  Fae's smile grew bigger even as she felt the butterflies winging around in her belly. A private jam session with Benji Staffon! Oh, Lord! The thought excited her so much. How many wanna-be bassists out there would die for a chance like that?

  “Eat up,” he smiled. “You've got about an hour to get to your place, get changed, and get to the stadium for load in.”

  “Do you always get up this early?” she asked with a frown as she took another bite of her eggs.

  “No. But I knew you were gonna have to get to the stadium early, so I set the alarm on my phone before I went to sleep,” he said quietly. “And I want to apologize for keeping you awake so late. I know the backline has a much longer day than Jagged Ivory does. So I'm sorry about that.”

  “It's alright. I'll be fine,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “I've functioned on a lot less sleep before.”

  They chatted about nothing in particular as she finished eating. And when she was done and had gathered her things, Benji opened the door and followed her out into the hallway. When she and his bodyguard got into the elevator, he stepped in behind her.

  “What are you doing?” Fae asked, looking at him curiously.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Thought I'd walk you down to the lobby.”

  “Sure you want to do that, Mr. Staffon?” Pete asked.

  “It's early yet. Shouldn't be that many people down there.”

  Fae smiled shyly at him, but she didn't say anything. And she found herself wondering if he was always this sweet or if he was simply trying to repay her for keeping him company last night. She wasn't really certain, but she thought it was a kind gesture just the same. And she couldn't believe that he wanted to hang out with her again tonight.

  When the doors of the lift finally opened, they could clearly see the lobby was bustling with activity as many early risers and new arrivals were milling about.

  “I think you should head on back up to the band's floor, Mr. Staffon,” Pete said.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Benji agreed.

  “I don't feel right letting you go back up by yourself, sir,” the large man said. “Maybe I should just make sure you get back upstairs before taking Ms. Miller on her way.”

  “It's alright, Pete,” Benji smiled. “I appreciate your diligence, man, but I can get back upstairs on my own. You just make sure Ms. Miller gets to the stadium on time, okay?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Benji smiled as he turned to Fae. “Thanks again for everything, Fae. I appreciate it.”

  “You don't have to thank me, Benji,” she smiled. “It was my pleasure.”

  “Alright. I'll see you at soundcheck,” he smiled.


  She stepped out of the elevator then, and Benji watched Pete lead her though the lobby as the doors closed. And he smiled to himself as he thought about her. When he woke up this morning and turned over to look at her, she was still sleeping so peacefully. And she looked like an angel with her black hair spread out across the crisp white fabric of the pillow case. She looked perfect. And Benji couldn't help but wonder what she was doing there. Why had she cared enough to hang out with him last night? What was in it for her? He knew that she still harbored some silly star-struck sentimentality. Maybe that was it. She had referred to him as her bass guitar hero. Perhaps that's all it was.

  He was still thinking about it when the elevator doors suddenly opened and he was greeted by the stern looks of Jagged Ivory's security personnel guarding the doors. The two men both gave him a nod as he stepped off the elevator and made his way down the hall.

  It was still relatively early, and the band didn't have to be at the stadium for several hours yet. So Benji was surprised to see that a couple of the guys had their doors propped open already. Frowning to himself, he slowed down as he passed by an open doorway and stuck his head in. The suite was Noah's, and when Benji stepped inside he heard his friend before he saw him. He was in the sitting area of the suite, strumming on his Les Paul Standard as he sat in a chair. He was wearing a pair of black pajama pants and no shirt, and Benji frowned once more as he glanced quickly around the room.

  Noah looked up from his guitar when he saw movement in the doorway and smiled at him. “Hey, man.”

  “Hey. Where's Mercy?” Benji asked before he sat in the chair next to Noah's. And he nodded his head in greeting at Buzzy when he saw him walk through the door after him. Buz smiled and stretched out on the couch that sat across from them.

  “She went for a run,” Noah said, answering his question.

  “Running?” Benji said with raised eyebrows. “Wow. That sounds way too much like exercise to me.”

  Noah chuckled at him. “Yeah, tell me about it. She's tried a few times to get me to run with her, but ain't nothin' happening. She and Mike run together all the time though. And I tell her, you two can just keep that nice little father/daughter activity, and I will see you when you get home,” he smiled.

  Benji and Buz both smiled at him as he continued to pick softly on his guitar.

  “I'm surprised to see you both up so early,” Benji said to them. “What time did you guys get in?”

  Noah shrugged. “I guess it was around 2:00 or 2:30. But I'm telling you … I don't sleep late anymore, man. My house wakes up at the crack of dawn since Mercy moved in. She gets up and runs most mornings, and the latest she'll sleep in is like 8:30. She's a little fireball of energy.”

  “And you love it,” Buz teased, smiling at him.

  Noah looked at him with narrowed eyes, and then gave him a big embarrassed grin. “I love her. There's a difference,” he smiled, and they laughed at him.

  “Did you all have a good time last night?” Benji asked, genuinely interested. He didn't know why it was so important to him that they continued to do the things they enjoyed doing. But it was.

  Noah shrugged again. “It was alright. We missed you and Cory,” he said quietly. “Hey, has anybody seen Cory this morning?”

  “His door is still shut,” Benji answered.

  “Hmm. It looked pretty intense with his
family last night,” Noah said. “Wonder how that went. Did you talk to him after we left?”

  Benji shook his head slowly. “Like you said, it looked intense. I didn't want to interrupt, so I just left him to it.”

  “So, Benji,” Buz said, giving him a mischievous grin. “From what I saw this morning … it looked like you found an interesting way to pass the time last night!”

  Benji frowned at him. And he could see that Noah was looking back and forth between them with raised eyebrows.

  “What do you mean?” Benji asked him.

  “Oh, I think you know what I mean,” Buzzy smiled.

  “What am I missing?” Noah asked with a furrowed brow.

  Buz stared at Benji for a second with a goofy grin on his face while Benji continued to scowl at him. Finally Buz turned to Noah and said, “You missed Benji walking his bass tech to the elevator a little while ago so that she didn't have to do the walk of shame all by herself.”

  “Whaaat?” Noah drew the word out to emphasize his surprise. “Damn, bro, that was fast!”

  Benji rolled his eyes at both of them, but he couldn't help the sly smile that kissed the corners of his lips. He shook his head as he looked at them. “It's not what you're thinking,” he said, looking from one man to the other.

  “Oh, I'm thinking it looked like you walked her down to the lobby this morning,” Buz replied, still smiling as he continued to tease him. “Very gentlemanly of you, by the way! And it looked like you woke your bodyguard up pretty early so that he could take the lovely bass tech wherever she needed to go. It also looked like you two were giving each other that 'yeah-we'll-fuck-again' eye as you stepped onto the elevator!”

  Noah cracked up laughing at Buzzy's description of the scene, and Benji couldn't help laughing himself.


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