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Mine for Eternity

Page 3

by Megs Pritchard

  He sucked on Carter’s neck, marking the place he was going to bite and slowly slid his fangs in.

  Carter screamed, his body arching up, his ass gripping him tight, so tight he wasn’t sure if he could still move.

  With the first taste of Carter’s blood, the first swallow, the connection was finally complete, and Carter’s emotions tumbled through him. The euphoria in his orgasm, the pleasure their connection brought him, but underneath it all, he could sense Carter’s worry and his fear. His tiredness.

  Hunter thrust once, twice more into Carter’s body before he too came, his orgasm so intense his body trembled with the force of it. It rolled over him and he knew it affected Carter too as he groaned harshly as his body reacted.

  He pulled his fangs free and licked the wound closed. His body trembled in the aftermath of his powerful orgasm and he turned his head to the side and kissed along Carter’s jaw line until he reached his lips.

  Carter opened immediately, kissing him deeply, and Hunter didn’t want this moment to end, but he knew it would because at some point his mate was going to have to leave and Hunter was going to have to let him go and he wasn’t sure if he could.

  Had he made a mistake? Should he have mated with Carter?

  Chapter Four

  “Wow,” Carter mumbled, his throat scratchy from the sounds he’d been making.

  Sex had never been like that for him before. It was usually a quick tumble in the dark, a way to scratch an itch, but the connection and the intensity between the two of them had blown his mind.

  He ran his hand down Hunter’s back, feeling the sweat coating his skin. He knew he was in a similar state, his body wrung out. He was so tired in that moment, he could close his eyes and sleep for days. The pressure he felt every day to hide what he was doing was becoming almost too much for him to take, but here in this moment, lying with his mate made what he was going through worth it.

  He felt Hunter lift his head up and he turned his from where it lay on the pillow, opening his eyes to stare up into the eyes of his mate. The red glow was gone, and he lifted his hand, palming Hunter’s cheek.

  “What now?” he asked.

  Hunter leaned down and placed a kiss on his lips and then slowly pulled free, rolling onto his side next to him. “I’m not so sure. Before we did this, I was sure I could let you go back there, but now...”

  Carter rolled onto his side, so they were facing each other, and he stared into his mate’s eyes. “I can do this. I need to do this because I can’t leave those people out there—both human and vampire—to be used the way they are right now.” He ran his fingers through the tangle of Hunter’s long hair and gave him a small smile. “I know you’ll be there for me. You know how I feel about this, but I need to do this. If anything happens and I need you, you’ll hear me, won’t you? You’re a vampire. I can communicate with you. We’re mated so you can feel the connection. You know I need to do this. Let me finish what I started.”

  Hunter closed his eyes and Carter bit his lip, waiting for him to speak. He could feel the conflicting emotions inside Hunter, his need to protect him, but also the need to do the right thing and save those who couldn’t save themselves.

  Slowly he nodded, opening his eyes. “Okay, but you need to promise me that at the first sign of trouble you’ll reach out to me, so I can come and get you.”

  “I will, but right now, I need to go to the bathroom.” Hunter chuckled as Carter stood before going into the bathroom to clean up.

  When he finished, he left the bathroom and stopped in the doorway, staring at his mate lying on the bed, naked, everything exposed to him. He wasn’t sure when they would see each other again, so he had to take the time he could now with his mate and with that in mind he walked back over to him. Hunter sat up and watched him like the predator he was, as Carter crawled on the bed towards him, only stopping when there were mere millimeters between their lips. “I want you again.”

  “I know, I can feel it.” Hunter’s eyes glowed as he spoke, and Carter caught a glimpse of his fangs between his lips. He shivered, knowing how much pleasure they could bring him, and he lay on his front on the bed next to Hunter. He glanced over his shoulder at Hunter, giving him a sultry smile. He pulled his legs up under him and widened them.

  He caught the look Hunter gave his hole, and Hunter moved over him, covering his back with his body. He kissed along Carter’s shoulder, Carter shivered at the light touch.

  “Please, Hunter. I want to feel you. I want to leave this room knowing I’ll feel you for days and knowing that you’re out there waiting for me.”

  “All you have to do is call me and I’ll be there.”

  Carter shook his hips, and muttered, “Please.”

  He moaned deeply when Hunter pushed back into his body and he squeezed his hole around his dick. Hunter moaned in response and Carter did it again, loving the fact that he was giving his mate pleasure.

  Hunter’s hands slid down his arms until they reached Carter’s hands, and he entwined their fingers together as he moved leisurely in and out of Carter’s body.

  The sex was slower this time, but just as good as before, and Carter lay there enjoying their few stolen moments together. He loved the feeling of his mate draped over him, the way he placed kisses along his shoulder and neck and how his fingers tightened around his own, hell, he even loved the small puffs of breath he felt against his skin.

  “You feel so good, Carter.”

  “So do you.”

  Carter opened the connection fully between them, letting Hunter feel everything he was experiencing, and he knew the second Hunter felt it because he groaned harshly, his body shuddering above him as his hips moved faster. Hunter’s hands tightened further on his as his hips moved, his dick sliding in and out of Carter’s ass.

  Carter pulled his hand free from Hunter’s and he grabbed his dick, stroking it in time with Hunter’s thrusts. He could feel his orgasm coming, the tingling in the base of his dick and the way his balls were pulled up tight. Wow, Hunter sure knew how to fuck and how to move his body just right to hit Carter’s sweet spot time and time again. Hunter knew how much pleasure Carter was feeling, just as he felt Hunter’s.

  “I’m close,” he mumbled, stroking his dick faster.

  “Want me to bite you?” Hunter asked, as he trailed his fangs up and down Carter’s neck, causing him to gasp in pleasure.

  His body shuddered, his breath rushing in and out of his body, waiting for that moment Hunter brought him to the peak of ecstasy.

  Hunter kept teasing him with his fangs and Carter panted, his body starting to shake the closer his orgasm came. Suddenly, Hunter hissed, and his fangs slid into his neck, and Carter came, his come spurting over his hand and onto the bed below as he stroked his dick, prolonging his orgasm and the pleasure that spiraled through him and into Hunter.

  Hunter cried out above him, his hips slamming into Carter’s one final time, grinding against him before pulling out and slamming in again. Carter moaned when Hunter’s orgasm crashed over him through their bond, prolonging his own orgasm.

  When they both finally caught their breath, Hunter slid out and lay next to Carter on the bed. He straightened up and rolled to the side, avoiding the wet patch, and reached a hand out, placing it on Hunter’s chest. They lay staring at each other, a small smile on Hunter’s face.


  Carter grinned. “Well, you did get me a bit dirty.”

  Hunter grinned in return. “And it’s only right I should get you clean, isn’t it?”


  Hunter stood under the warm water, letting the spray wash over his body, his arms wrapped around Carter, and enjoying the quiet that fell between them. He knew at some point he was going to have to let Carter go, but for now, he needed to keep him in his arms for as long as possible. He knew Carter felt the same way, could feel it through the connection, and he held him tighter, giving them both what they needed.

  He’d heard how mates could
fall in love quickly and easily once they found each other, and he’d always thought it was part of the myth about the whole mate pull but being here in this moment with Carter showed Hunter how true it was. He could feel his emotions deepening the longer he was with Carter, and the struggle he could feel building at the thought of letting him go.

  He told Carter he could, though, had promised he’d be there for him if he needed him, and even though his mind knew this was what needed to happen, his heart and his body fought against it. Carter was his mate, it was ingrained in him to do anything and everything he could to keep him safe, to protect him, yet he’d agreed to let Carter walk back into the very place he desperately wanted to keep him safe from.

  He had to get a grip because he didn’t want Carter to feel any of the emotions running through him. Carter needed his strength right now to be able to carry on.

  “I can feel you, you know.”

  Hunter rolled his eyes. He really did a good job of hiding all that, didn’t he? “I’m sorry. This is the whole vampire mate thing at work.”

  “I know, I feel it too. I want to stay here with you, but I know I need to go and find out more information. They have my family, Hunter. I can’t walk away even if I wanted to.”

  “It’s the only place you can find out where they are being held. I understand that, Carter. As soon as you know, tell me and we’ll get them out.”

  “I’m almost too scared to look, just in case they’re monitoring it, but I need to get them out before we go for the slaves. If they even get a hint at what I’m doing, Hunter, my family is dead.”

  Hunter framed Carter’s face with his hands and kissed him gently on the lips. Staring into his eyes, he said, “We won’t let anything happen to them. Your family is my family. If necessary, I can hide them with my parents. They know what’s going on and are dead set against it.”

  “You will?” Carter looked at him with such hope in his eyes, and Hunter smiled.

  “But at some point, you’re going to have to leave. You can’t keep risking your life like this. I won’t lose you when I’ve just found you, Carter.” He couldn’t lose him. Not now. Not ever. He would kill anyone who threatened or stood in the way of his mate.

  “I promise I’ll be careful. I know how important this is to you, to all of you, especially Jacques. I’ll be careful, I swear, and make sure I cover my tracks.”

  “And promise to contact me at the first sign of trouble, won’t you?”

  “I promised, didn’t I?” Carter sighed and kissed Hunter. “I need to go. I’ve been gone too long already.”

  Hunter nodded and switched the shower off as Carter grabbed the towels. He couldn’t let Carter go without one last kiss and final touch and when they were both dried and dressed, Hunter pulled him towards him, hugging him hard.

  Carter gripped him back, the emotions flowing between them. Neither wanted to let go, but both knew they had no choice. Hunter leaned back and kissed Carter, deep and full of emotion, a kiss Carter was eager to return.

  When they eventually separated, Carter stepped back and sighed heavily. “I’ve got to go.”

  “I know. Contact me when you get there.”

  Carter tapped the side of his head. “I will.” He turned to leave then quickly stepped back to Hunter, pulling him in for another long kiss.

  When they separated this time, Hunter walked towards the motel door, holding Carter’s hand. “I don’t want you to go, but you need to. Stay in touch. Let me know what’s happening.”

  Carter nodded and opened the door, leaning in to kiss Hunter again. “Stay safe,” he whispered, before turning and walking away.

  Hunter watched him get into his car and start the engine. They stared at each other through the windshield until Carter drove away. Hunter watched until he was out of sight. Running a hand through his hair, he muttered, “Shit.”

  Chapter Five

  Pulling up outside Chester and Silas’ house, Hunter turned off the engine and sat in the car. He glanced at the papers and the memory stick on the passenger seat, and sighing, he picked them up and got out of the car, slamming door behind him. As he walked over to the front door, he noticed the other cars and trucks already there, so he knew the rest of Rescue Inc was waiting inside.

  The front door was open, so he walked right in, finding everyone sat in the kitchen, already deep in discussion on what needed to be done next regarding the slaves. He threw the papers and memory stick on the table and went over to the refrigerator, opening it, and pulling out a can of soda. Pulling the tab, he took several mouthfuls, quenching his thirst.

  He turned to find everyone staring at him and gave them all a grim smile. “His name is Carter, the man who works in the IT security team. He’s the one who has been able to access the systems and pass on information to me.”

  Chester frowned, glancing at the can in his hand. “And? I can tell there’s something else.”

  Hunter sighed. “He’s my mate.”

  There was a chorus of ‘what’s’ and ‘what the fuck’s’ before he held up a hand and they all slowly died down. “It gets worse. He’s human. Apparently, his family has known one of the council members’ families for years and when they realized how good his tech skills were, they dragged them into it. He’s been blackmailed to work for them to keep his family alive.”

  “They just don’t stop, do they?” Miguel muttered. “They blackmail, sell, or kill anyone who gets in their way.” As he spoke, he reached over and gripped Jacques’ hand, who was staring at the paperwork on the table.

  “This a list of the blood slaves from Graham’s place?” he asked quietly.

  Hunter nodded. “Yes, about fifteen names on there and the location they’re being held in. Can you check the list and see if you recognize any of them?”

  Jacques nodded, pulling the papers towards him, and at the same time, Jared got his laptop out, powered it up, and reached for the memory stick. “You know what’s on this?” he asked as he held it up.

  “No, I didn’t get chance to check it.”

  “What are you going to do about your mate? This Carter?” Chester asked.

  Grimacing, Hunter said, “If you’re asking did I mate with him, then the answer is yes.”

  “You mated him?” Chester asked, his eyebrows rising in surprise.

  “Yes, I did. I needed the telepathic connection between us. That way, if anything happens, I’ll know about it straightaway. You know what it’s like, Chester. I didn’t want him to go back there at all. I wanted to keep him well away.” Hunter stared at the can in his hand. “At least this way, he can still do his job, find a way to save his family, and remain in contact with me. It’s not ideal, I know it’s not ideal. It’s a fucked-up situation, but we sat down and talked it through and that’s what we decided.”

  “Ouch,” Jeremy muttered. “I’m sorry it had to be this way.”

  “It is what it is, but we did what we had to do.”

  “Looks like they’ve bought into three solar panel companies,” Jared muttered, his eyes scanning the information in front of him. “And would you believe a local farmer?”

  “Well, to go ahead with their plan, they’re going to need a way to farm and distribute food,” Michaela muttered and leaned over Jared’s shoulder, staring at the information on the laptop. “They’ve also got shares in the local water company. So that’s energy, food, and water covered.”

  “Well, we knew they had this planned for a while,” Silas muttered as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “If they’re going for world domination, they’re going to need a source of energy, food, and water to survive the ensuing chaos they create. Cunts,” he muttered darkly.

  I’m back, Hunter.

  Hunter felt the tension drain from his body, but a different one replaced it. And everything is okay? They don’t suspect a thing?

  No, nothing at all. Is everything okay there? Was the information I’ve given helpful?

  We’re just looking ove
r it now. The names and places are great, I can’t thank you enough.

  Just let me know if you need anything else, and I’ll try to get it for you, but I need to be careful now. I’m sure they suspect something is going on. I ran into one of the commanders when I got here, and he’s asked me to put in some extra security measures, so whatever you’re doing needs to happen soon.

  You’re safe? No lying to me now, Carter. They don’t suspect you, do they?

  No, absolutely not. I just need to keep my head down for a few days until everything settles.

  Okay, but stay in contact with me.

  I will and let me know what happens. I want them to be free just as much as you do.

  “Everything okay, Hunter?” Chester asked.

  “Yeah, Carter got back okay, but he thinks they might suspect something. They’ve asked him to put in some extra security measures, so he said whatever we need to do, we need to do it quickly.”

  Nodding, Chester said, “It helps that we have someone on the inside, but not if his life is in danger. Hunter, if at any point you suspect there is a problem, we’ll help you pull him out.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it. You know how important mates are.”

  “We all do, Hunter, and we’re a team. So, whenever you need us, we’ll be there,” Ale said, reaching out to hold Troy’s hand.

  “This is enough, the information we have?” Jacques asked. “I hate to think of them stuck in that house being... hurt.”

  Miguel leaned over, resting his forehead against Jacques’ and they stared at each other, and Hunter knew what they were doing. The private conversations that went along with those looks.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Dean asked, leaning his elbows on the table in front of him. “We’ve got the names of the blood slaves, and the location they’re being held at. Is there anything that mentions the security systems, shifts, the number of people on the security teams, and layout of the location? We’re going to need all of this before we even contemplate going to scope the area out. I’ve been in these situations before when we thought we had all the right intel and we’ve gone to the location and it’s been completely wrong. It’s not an experience I want to go through again.”


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