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Mine for Eternity

Page 9

by Megs Pritchard

  “Thanks,” Hunter said. “You guys get going, and I’ll wait for Carter and then meet you back at Niles’. If there are any issues, I’ll get in touch.”

  He grabbed his things and stepped out of the van, Chester following. “Keep a piece in and alert us to any immediate danger. If necessary, we’ll turnaround to come back for you and Carter.”

  Hunter nodded. “I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  Chester slapped him on the back and walked towards the van. “Good luck,” he said, before closing the van doors.

  Hunter stayed and watched as the van pulled away. When the rear lights were out of view, he walked back to the wall and stood waiting.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Carter sat in his chair, his fingers typing rapidly, scrolls of data flying across the screen. He needed to get the virus uploaded onto the system and then he could leave.

  The virus would wipe out everything, erase all the information they had. Carter had built in a back door, one carefully hidden within files they barely accessed. He needed to retrieve the files from his room and then he was free to leave. No matter what happened now, at least Spencer and his family were safe.

  He had already altered the CCTV recordings, so now there was no trace of Hunter ever being inside the mansion, and more importantly, no trace of him helping Spencer get out.

  Once it hit one hundred percent, Carter switched off all the screens and left the room, walking as quickly as he dared back to his own quarters. No one could know of his plans because he didn’t want to share the same fate that Spencer had.

  Inside his rooms he went to his hidden space behind the skirting board and retrieved all the information he had stored in there. He shoved it into a backpack and collected a few personal items. He stood and turned, glancing over the rooms that had been his for such along part of his life and felt nothing. This place had never been his home. It had been his cell, and now he was ready to leave.

  Leaving his room, Carter hurried along the corridor towards the same exit he’d met Hunter at previously and bumped into Garrick. His eyes widened, his heart jumping in his chest, and he stepped back, a hasty apology on his lips.

  “Where are you going in a hurry?” Garrick demanded.

  “Oh, back to the IT room. Just want to double check all our security measures are in place after the alert earlier.”

  Garrick narrowed his eyes and tilted his head slightly. “Why is your heart racing?”

  “You surprised me, that’s all. I wasn’t expecting to bump into anyone. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to get back to work.”

  Garrick nodded, and Carter stepped past him, walking down the hallway. His shoulders itched, and a glance over his shoulders showed Garrick watching him.

  Carter ran his hands over his face, rubbing at his eyes. “Shit,” he whispered. Hunter. Just ran into Garrick. I don’t know when I’m going to get out.

  Do you need me to come in and get you?

  I don’t know. Let’s wait and see. Garrick could just have been doing his rounds and meeting me wasn’t intended. We weren’t near my room.

  The door suddenly opened behind him and Carter turned to face Garrick and Belinda, who stood in the doorway. He swallowed hard when he noticed their eyes. Red eyes weren’t always a good sign, especially when Carter knew there was nothing going on between them.

  “Can I help you?”

  Belinda stormed into the room, grabbed him by the throat, and threw him to the floor. “We need to see the recordings from earlier.”

  “Recordings?” he asked as he lay stunned, blinking rapidly to clear his head where it had made contact with the floor.

  “From the cameras, you idiot!”

  “Oh, okay. What time?”

  “About an hour ago. The cameras covering the basement.”

  Carter swallowed again and stood, walking over stiffly to the bank of monitors and pressed a few buttons on the keyboard to bring up the feed Belinda wanted. He glanced at the clock. He needed to get them out of here before the system fucked up. Luckily, he’d programmed in a delay, but time was counting down.

  “What’s that smell?” Garrick demanded, turning blazing red eyes in his direction.

  “I cut myself shaving.”

  Garrick glared at him. “Did you?”

  “Yeah, earlier. I’m sorry. I should have made sure it had stopped bleeding before leaving my room.”

  Garrick’s nostrils flared, and Carter swallowed again. “Pull up the feed.”

  Carter nodded, turned back to the monitors and pulled up the feed from earlier - the feed he’d changed. Wiping his forehead, Carter pushed his chair back to let the two vampires watch the feed, keeping an eye on the time.


  They’re watching the feed from the basement. They won’t see anything. I’ve changed it.

  How much longer?


  Do you need my help?

  Not yet, no.

  “This is it?” Belinda demanded.

  “Yeah, the feed from the basement like you asked.”

  “Is this the right time?”

  Carter nodded. “You can see the time stamp in the corner. It’s from about an hour ago. Do you want me to bring up earlier?”

  Garrick growled. “Do it. Now.”

  Nodding, Carter brought up thirty minutes prior and sat watching it for any glitches. There shouldn’t be any, he was good at his job. He glanced at the time and bit his lip, sweat blooming on his forehead. He needed to get out.

  “If you could tell me what you’re looking for, I could do a quick scan and find it.” He knew they wouldn’t find what they were searching for, but he’d do anything to get them out.

  Garrick moved closer to him, his nostrils flaring. “That scent. It’s familiar.”

  “It’s me. Like I said, I’ll be more careful next time.”

  “There’s nothing!” Belinda screamed, picking up a chair and throwing it across the room. “How did he get out?”

  “Yes, Carter. How did Spencer get out?”

  Carter stared into the glowing eyes of Garrick and knew somehow, he’d fucked up.


  What was taking so long? Carter should have been back by now.

  Where are you?

  I can’t leave. They’re in the room with me, having me check the security footage. They can smell blood, Hunter.

  Get out! Now! Think of anything but get the fuck out of there!

  There was no response from Carter and Hunter stared at the wall in front of him. His mate needed him, and he wouldn’t let him down.

  He jumped up almost making it to the top, scrambling to get his fingers into any small crevice before landing on the ground again. “Shit,” he muttered.

  Taking a deep breath, Hunter tried again, reaching slightly higher before dropping back down again. He needed a boost, but the trees were too far back to be of any help to him.


  “Need a boost?”

  Hunter spun around to find Chester behind him. “Carter’s in trouble. They can smell Spencer’s blood on him and I need to go in and get him out.”

  “Here.” Chester squatted, lacing his fingers together. “Like before. I’ll stay here until you give me the signal.”

  “How are we going to get him out? There’s only two of us.”

  Chester grinned, all teeth. “Don’t you worry about that. I’ve got that covered. Now go and save your mate.”

  Hunter put his hands on Chester’s shoulders and his foot on his hands. Seconds later, he was flying upwards and managed to grab the top of the wall and pull himself onto it. He glanced back down at Chester who nodded at him and he dropped over the other side, landing soundlessly.

  His training kicked in and he searched the area, using his heightened vision to ensure no one was around. Not like he cared if there was, he’d simply kill them. No one was stopping him getting his mate.

  He ran through the trees until he reached the edge, then scanned the
area again. Once he was sure it was clear, he sprinted across the lawn and slammed against the outer wall of the mansion.


  I’m fucked, Hunter. Go!

  I’m outside the mansion now.

  I can’t leave the IT suite. Garrick and Belinda are in here with me. They’ve watched the footage, but Garrick can smell blood. I think he knows it’s Spencer’s.

  Think of any excuse to leave. I’ll come in and get you.

  No! All our plans will be ruined.

  Like I give a fuck about that! You, Carter, are all I care about. I love you.

  Hunter, I love you too, but this is too important. Thousands of lives depend on this. Please, Hunter.

  Hunter growled, eyes constantly scanning the surrounding area. He knew Carter and Spencer had risked their lives, but right at that second, he didn’t care. His mate was in danger and he needed to save him.

  I’ll meet you in the same room as before.

  Okay, but don’t come further in. We can’t risk them picking up your scent.

  I’m not leaving without you.

  Just stay there. I’ll make it.

  Hunter entered the building through the same door he had previously and stepped into the same room. Finding a dark corner, he stood and waited. Five minutes. If he hadn’t heard from Carter within five minutes, he’d kill everyone to save him.


  Carter swallowed hard, sweat breaking out all over his body at the intense glare Garrick gave him. He knew. Carter was certain Garrick knew that he’d been involved. He had Spencer’s blood all over him from where he’d carried him out of the basement.

  “I don’t know how he got out. What was he getting out of? I thought he was in his room working.”

  Belinda hissed. “He’s a traitor!”

  Carter acted surprised, letting his mouth fall open. “What? No, not Spencer.”

  “Yes, Spencer. He betrayed us. His own kind to protect some pathetic slaves.”

  “I just can’t see him doing it. There must be a mistake. Spencer’s worked hard to ensure-”

  Carter fell to the floor, his face flaming in pain from the blow Belinda gave him. He blinked rapidly, his eyes stinging, and he moved his jaw from side to side feeling the pain radiate throughout his face.

  “Now, there’s no need for that, Belinda. Carter’s shocked like we all are about Spencer’s betrayal.”

  Carter lay on the floor, running his tongue over his teeth and tasting blood in his mouth. He wiped his lips with the back of his hand, noticing blood. He stared at the floor, panting. He didn’t think his jaw was broken, but the pain was intense.

  “You’ll have to excuse me,” he muttered.

  He stood slowly and leaned on the back of the chair as a wave of fresh pain covered his face. Talking hurt. Moving hurt, but he needed to get out.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Belinda demanded harshly.

  Carter waved a hand over his face and picked up his bag before staggering over to the door. He heard movement behind and froze when he heard Garrick speak.

  “Let him go, Belinda. He’s human, remember. You’ve probably damaged something, and we need him. Let him get checked out.”

  He opened the door and stepped through, speaking to Hunter as he stumbled along the corridor, pain throbbing in his face with every step he took.

  I’m on my way.

  What happened? I can feel your pain.

  Belinda hit me. I don’t think she broke anything, but it fucking hurts. I’m not too far away. Be there soon.

  Do you need me to come and meet you?

  No, we can’t risk it. I’ll manage.

  Carter gritted his teeth, causing a wave of fresh pain to erupt along his face, and staggered on. He wasn’t too far away, but with the pain, it felt like a thousand miles. He needed to carry on though, he needed to escape this hell and before his virus affected the systems. He glanced at his cell and groaned. One minute until the virus did its thing. Carter only had a minute to reach Hunter and get out.

  He leaned against the wall, fresh sweat covering his cold and clammy skin, and he closed his eyes. Panting harshly, he waited for the pain to subside. The bitch must have done some damage for the pain to be lasting this long.

  He heard a slight sound, and he opened his eyes and almost screamed, but managed to stop the sound.

  “Hunter,” he breathed.

  “Let’s go,” Hunter whispered.

  Chapter Fifteen

  He stared at Carter’s face, seeing the dark bruises developing, and he gritted his teeth. He would find that Belinda and make her pay for touching his mate. He pulled Carter’s arm over his shoulder and took his weight, walking quickly, but silently.

  “How long?” Carter lifted his cell and showed him the countdown. Ten seconds left on the clock. “We need to get out. Can you run?”

  Carter shook his head and Hunter felt the pain. Pausing, he carefully lifted Carter in his arms, his speed increasing until he was jogging. He knew he was hurting Carter, but he had little choice. He needed to get them out of the mansion before the shit hit the fan.

  He touched the earpiece and spoke to Chester. “I have Carter. Exiting now.”

  “We’ll be ready.”

  Hunter frowned but said nothing. Chester had called in help and he needed it. With his injured mate, Hunter would take all the help he could get. Carter was his only priority.

  He reached the door that led outside, and he paused, listening. When he heard no approaching sounds, he carefully opened the door, trying not to jar Carter. He scanned outside and stepped out, closing the door behind him and leaning back against the wall.

  When he was certain they were in the clear, he tightened his grip on Carter and ran. He covered the space in seconds, never more grateful to be a vampire than in that moment. Speed was essential.

  He carried on running when he hit the tree line, needing to put as much distance between them and the mansion as he could. Minutes passed with only the sound of his own breathing and Carter’s whimpers, and when he reached the wall, he staggered to a stop.

  “Pass him up,” Chester whispered from the top of the wall.

  “He’s injured. Some bitch punched him and I’m sure something’s broken.”

  Chester nodded, and he opened his mouth to speak when the alarms sounded. “The virus,” Carter muttered.

  “We’re out of time.” Chester reached down for Carter.

  Hunter adjusted his grip and kissed Carter softly. “I’m going to throw you.”

  Carter nodded, and Hunter threw him. Carter flew up and Chester grabbed his arms. Carter swung into the wall, grunting, and Hunter winced as the pain Carter felt flowed through their bond to him. He watched Chester pull Carter up and quickly inspect his face.

  “Cheek bone. Either fracture or broken. Possible concussion.” He looked down the other side of the wall and suddenly Carter was gone.

  Chester leaned back down to him and Hunter jumped, grabbing Chester’s hand. He scrambled to the top of the wall and sighed in relief when he saw Donnie and Jensen putting Carter in a car.

  “How?” he asked.

  “I’ll explain when we get out of here.”

  Both Hunter and Chester jumped down, landing softly and sprinting over to the car. They jumped in and Donnie gunned the engine, throwing the car forward. Carter curled up into Hunter as Jensen palpitated his face.

  “I can feel movement. It’ll need an X-ray. I’ve already given him something for the pain, but I can’t risk too much in case he needs surgery.”

  “Where to?” Hunter asked.

  “Hospital. We have a fake ID for him, so don’t worry about them finding him.”

  Hunter didn’t say anything, too busy concentrating on Carter and trying to absorb some of the pain he was feeling. The more he could take the less Carter would feel. The pain was dulling as the meds worked and Carter lay slumped against him.

  “How long until we get there?”

minutes. Can’t risk going faster. Don’t want to alert them to our location. Once we’ve scoped the hospital out, we’ll go in. If it looks too risky, I’ll drive somewhere else,” Donnie said, his hands gripping the steering wheel.

  “Shit,” Hunter muttered.

  “We’ll get him seen,” Chester assured him.

  Hunter nodded, staring down at the slumped form of his mate in his arms. The miles passed quickly, and when they pulled up outside the hospital, Jensen jumped out and walked towards the entrance. Minutes passed before he came out and nodded.

  Chester and Hunter jumped out, and between them, managed to get Carter out of the car. They carried him to the entrance and walked inside to be met by staff with a wheelchair. Hunter put Carter in it and watched as his mate was wheeled away.

  A nurse came over and smiled at them. “We’ll assess him and let you know.”

  “How long?”

  “We’ll need to X-ray his face and take bloods. I’ll come and get you when I can.”

  Chester grabbed his arm and Hunter sighed. He wanted to be in there with his mate. He let Chester pull him over to some crap plastic seats. His mate was safe and being treated and all Hunter could do now was wait.


  His eyes opened slowly in the dimly lit room. He smelled the antiseptic and bleach, a unique smell that you only had in certain places. He knew then he was in a hospital. Carter rolled his head over the pillow, wincing at the slight flare of pain, and found Hunter watching him from his seat.

  When their eyes connected, Hunter leaned forward. “Hey.”

  Carter swallowed, his mouth dry and Hunter picked up a plastic cup and helped him take a sip. Sighing, Carter smiled at him, then winced in pain. “Hey.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  Carter gently moved his jaw and touched his swollen cheek. “Tired. Sore.”

  “Fractured cheek and a mild concussion.”

  “Yeah.” Carter briefly closed his eyes.

  “You were in overnight, but we’ll leave now you’re awake. Chester’s getting your prescription and the doctor is coming. He knows Niles, so understands our need to leave sooner rather than later.”


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