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Against All Odds (Kaliss Book 3)

Page 5

by Cree Storm

  There was no way Jael would survive walking through his coven lands, seeing Sabien and Helio together. There was only one answer. Jael would have to request a transfer to a different coven. He hated the very thought of doing it. He had worked so damn hard to gain the status he had attained. He had been born and raised in this coven. Yet, Jael could see no other choice.

  He felt moisture trickling down his cheeks, and was surprised. He hadn’t even realized he—the Imperial General to the Re—was shedding tears. Gods, Jael didn’t remember the last time he had cried. Maybe when his father was murdered alongside of Ezra’s father. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered.

  “Jael? What’s going on?” Orion asked from the doorway.

  Gathering himself, and putting on his best game face, Jael turned to Orion. His heart heavy, but knowing he had a job to do… for now. “I apologize, Regal Orion. I just needed a moment. I’ll go and speak with my men now.”

  Jael tried to walk around Orion, but the Regal grasped his upper arm. “Jael, we have been friends for centuries. We have fought side by side. You have saved my life more than once.”

  “Just as you saved mine,” Jael whispered.

  Orion gave a small nod. “Yes… we are brothers. There are things you do not know, Jael. Sabien…”

  Holding up his hand to stop Orion from saying anything further, Jael quickly said, “I don’t want to hear it, Orion. None of it matters.”

  “But, Jael—”

  “When we are finished with this assignment, I am going to ask for a coven transfer. As a matter of fact, if there is a way to bring in… If there was a way to bring Cassidy here and allow me to return home, I would do it, but I know that is not possible. I will do my job. I will help you help these people, but when this is over, I will place my request to join with Scion Enoch,” Jael stated.

  Jael pushed past Orion and quickly stopped when he saw Sabien looking at him. His wide eyes quickly slanted as his brows drew together in anger. Helio stood next to Jael nibbling on his bottom lip looking anxious and if Jael wasn’t mistaken, sad.

  Helio whispered, “Jael.”

  Ignoring Helio, Jael made his way back to his men. “Keir, report.”

  “All the prisoners are still in their cells, unharmed. Jael, I swear we were here the entire time. No one has been in or out since we placed the prisoners in their cells,” Keir state firmly.

  “Did any of you hear anything? Anything at all?” Jael asked.

  All three men shook their heads. Jael thought a moment, then ordered, “Anton, with me. Keir, I want you to grab a few men and start an outside perimeter check. Look to see how the fuck the intruder got in here and why no one could see or scent the fucker.”

  “Yes, sir,” Keir replied.

  Jael walked into Remus’s cell where Orion and the others were still looking around. “Regal Orion, my men insist they neither saw nor heard anyone. There is either an exit in the cells we don’t know about, or we are looking at something involving magic. Those are the only answers I can think of.”

  Nodding, Orion stated, “We’ll check in this cell. You and your men check the other two prisoners. I also want to interview the other prisoners. They may know what the hell happened.”

  “I will set up a room to do interviews. Do you wish it down here or topside?” Jael asked.

  “Down here would be best. I don’t want these assholes any closer to the coven members than they have to be,” Orion replied.

  Jael quickly answered, “It shall be done.”

  Turning without giving Sabien or Helio a glance, Jael left the room his heart tearing yet again. Suddenly Jael felt himself being shoved into the empty cell he had been in earlier. Fangs and claws out Jael twisted, hissing and prepared for battle.

  * * * *

  Sabien quickly dodged Jael’s claws before the man could rip out his throat. Sabien was surprised that even when Jael recognized Sabien was the one in the room, the man continued to show his fangs and hiss, “Out of my way!”

  “Not until we talk, Jael,” Sabien growled back.

  The term, blind with rage, was the best way Sabien could explain the look in Jael’s eyes. Instead of the magnificent emerald green orbs, they were cold, hard, and bright red. His clawed hands flexed in front of him and his stance was taut and ready to attack once again… and that was exactly what Jael did.

  Sabien moved once more, not wanting to hurt his mate. However, it didn’t seem as if Jael had the same concern when Jael brought his leg up with a roundhouse kick, knocking Sabien backwards, followed by a kick to Sabien’s chin and then chest.

  Sabien grunted as the air left his lungs. Quickly recovering and snatching Jael’s right leg before he could strike again, moving the man’s foot so that Jael’s body twisted in the air, he landed hard on his back. “Stop this nonsense before you get hurt, Jael.”

  Jael sneered, leaping back to his feet and going into his fighting stance once again. “Too fucking late and I will not be alone in my pain, yours will just be different.”

  Moving forward, Jael swung his right arm towards Sabien, then left and right again. Sabien tilted back bringing his knee up to block the kick Jael suddenly tried. “Damn it, Jael, stop it.”

  “Fuck you, asshole,” Jael growled, lunging forward and swiping down, cutting into Sabien’s shirt and scraping his chest.

  Sabien hissed, feeling the slight sting. He didn’t want to hurt his mate, but if he didn’t find some way to subdue the shit, Sabien would find himself gutted. Whatever the fuck happened to mates loved, cherished, and kept their mates safe no matter what? Damn, Jael was a stubborn son of a bitch. “If you would give me a chance to explain, you wouldn’t be doing this.”

  * * * *

  Jael’s anger intensified. Since the day his parents had explained about mates, Jael had yearned for his. To know that someone was out there, meant just for him. Someone that would love, honor, cherish, and make him feel as complete as anyone could be. What a fucking joke.

  Jael knew he caught Sabien off-guard when he lunged forward, wrapped his arm around Sabien’s neck and flipped him to the floor. Jael knew his mistake right away when Sabien wrapped his legs and arms around him tightly, restricting his ability to move. It didn’t take but a moment for Sabien to flip Jael onto his back and gain the upper hand. “You are my mate, Jael and so is…”

  Taking his claws, Jael jabbed them into Sabien’s sides. The move had Sabien hissing and pulling back enough for Jael to get his legs under Sabien and push so hard, Sabien flew off of him and into the wall.

  * * * *

  Sabien heard yelling coming from outside the locked door and without taking his eyes off of his angry mate, he stood up and yelled out, “Stay out! I’m fine.”

  Jael’s lip curled up, as his facial features tightened even further. “You might regret that request.”

  “No, we are mates, Jael. Mates do not hurt each other,” Sabien stated confidently.

  Jael scoffed, “Mates? Since when have you looked at me as your mate? You avoid me, refuse to speak, or even touch me. You refuse me for who I am, and you want to talk to me about being mates? And you don’t give hurting me a second thought, so fuck you, Sabien, and your thoughts on mating. You don’t know what a mate is.”

  Jael lunged once again swiping his left hand then right, Sabien doing his best Matrix inspired moves to avoid having his chest ripped open. “I have never denied our mating, Jael. The fate of this coven requires our full attention. If I was to touch you, I wouldn’t be able to control myself and claim you no matter where we are. Diverting my attention could cost us our lives. We have no clue who we can or cannot trust right now and distractions are dangerous. I told you to let us get through this then we would talk.”

  “I didn’t see you making that same request of Helio.”

  Moving just as quickly, Sabien snatched one of Jael’s wrists and then the other, using his bodyweight to propel Jael back into the wall. Jael struggled, trying to get out of his grip, but Sabien was not about
to let the man go… not Jael’s wrists, nor Jael himself. Using all the strength he could muster, Sabien took Jael down. His mate’s chest on the floor, but Sabien was locked on and not about to let go. Feeling his cock hardening the more Jael wiggled his ass against his shaft, and as angry as Jael was at him, Sabien could scent his mates arousal as well. If only Jael would stop being an ass and listen. There was only one thing Sabien could think to do. Lifting his head high, praying Helio had returned from wherever the hell he had gone, Sabien shouted out, “Helio!”

  “What the fuck? Get off me you son of a bitch!” Jael snarled, as he continued to struggle.

  Helio appeared gasping, “Oh Gods, you’re hurt!”

  “I’m fine, sweetness, but I do need your help,” Sabien stated.

  “Anything,” Helio immediately replied.

  The rancid scent of anguish coming from Jael broke Sabien’s heart. Knowing he had to make Jael understand what was going on, Sabien looked at Helio. “Please, let him taste your blood.”

  Jael rasped, “Get off of me.”

  “Not until you discover what I did just moments ago,” Sabien stated firmly.

  “I will not taste the blood of a butterfly dragon. It will make me practically insane if I do,” Jael argued just as firm.

  Sabien sighed. “No, it won’t. Besides, if you walk away from our mating you’ll go insane quicker, so what the hell is the difference?”

  “Let me up,” Jael quietly ordered.

  Sighing heavily, Sabien rolled off Jael and stood. Jael turned around and then sat up and looked at Helio. Sabien could see and scent Helio’s unease. Jael must have as well. “I would never hurt you, Helio. You know that a vampire is sworn to protect and honor all dragon butterflies.”

  Shrugging, Helio whispered, “Maybe so, but mates aren’t supposed to hurt each other, and you didn’t have a problem hurting ours.”

  “Ours? What the hell are you talking about?” Jael asked in confusion.

  “I mean what I just said. You and Sabien are my mates and you attacked and hurt him. If you can do that, knowing who he is, how can I trust that you won’t do the same to me?” Helio asked sadly.

  Jael’s eyes widened, and his jaw dropped in shock, then quickly morphed into horror.

  “I accidently discovered who Helio was to us when he got a cut and I automatically went to heal it. I wanted to tell you right away, but then Remus fell through the roof and things went crazy,” Sabien explained.

  Helio slowly stepped up to Jael and placed his wrist in front of him. “Go ahead.”

  Jael gently took Helio’s hand and lightly sunk one of his fangs into Helio’s finger. Quickly pulling it away he backed into the wall and slid to the floor. “Oh Gods, what have I done?”


  Helio heard the horror and anguish coming from Jael and it tore at his very soul. Looking to Sabien, he saw the haunted look in his eyes and knew he was feeling just as Helio was. Helio kneeled and placed a gentle hand on Jael’s knee. “Hey.”

  Jael leaned his head back hitting the wall behind him. His eyes were closed tight, his jaw clenched, as he said in a rough voice, “Gods, I’ve fucked everything up.”

  “No you didn’t. You were hurt and angry. Anyone would have done the same thing if they had seen their mate with another. It isn’t like you could just scent who I was,” Helio stated firmly.

  “And I’m fine, Jael. Look, my side is almost healed,” Sabien stated, pulling up his shirt.

  Jael refused to look in Sabien’s direction. Instead the man turned away, rasping, “I’m a fucking idiot. I don’t deserve a mate.”

  “You are not an idiot. You are an Imperial General to the Re and our mate. No mate of mine or Sabien’s would ever be an idiot. Now stop wallowing and embrace who we are to each other,” Helio insisted.

  Sabien joined Helio and crooked his finger under Jael’s chin, turning him so their eyes met. Jael whispered so low Helio almost missed what he was saying, “I am so sorry, Sabien. I know it’s a lot to ask for you to forgive me, but I am so sorry. I swear I will do anything to try and make up for attacking you like I did.”

  Sabien smiled. “There is nothing to forgive. I fucked up when I didn’t acknowledge who you were to me from the beginning. You were already hurt and upset, as you had a right to be. Seeing me holding another… well, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. If it helps, I know a way you can make it up to me.”

  “Anything. I’ll do anything,” Jael replied.

  “The second we are given the opportunity, I want us to claim each other, and this way, there are no more doubts for any of us,” Sabien whispered then leaned in and slid his lips over Jael’s.

  Helio felt his cock rise and push against his pants. When the kiss deepened, Helio breathing picked up as did his heartrate. “So hot! Holy cow! I really can’t wait to see you two together for the claiming.”

  Sabien pulled back and smiled. Jael turned to Helio and pulled him close, drawing Helio’s lips to his own. There was no way Helio could hold back his moan of pleasure as Jael deepened the kiss, nipping his bottom lip until he opened to his mate. Jael pushed inside his mouth, swirling his tongue as if Jael needed to taste every inch of him he could with just his tongue.

  “Damn, I could jack off on just watching you two,” Sabien murmured.

  Jael pulled back, breathing as hard and fast as Helio. Jael turned to Sabien. “Let’s go finish this, so we can find some alone time.”

  Helio stood up, trying to get his brain to work. When Sabien had told him he needed to go to Jael, Helio had taken that time to quickly pop into Saturnalia and check on his friends, but he hadn’t been able to find them before he felt Sabien’s need for him so intensely, he had returned immediately, and now here he stood, not knowing where his friends were and fearing that something horrible was happening to them. “I need to speak with Orion.”

  Sabien helped Jael off the floor, holding him close, then turned to Helio, “Did you talk with your friends?”

  Shaking his head, Helio replied, “No. They weren’t there. Sabien, they would never have left Saturnalia without a good reason. I have to find them.”

  Helio found himself surrounded by both Sabien and Jael. The comfort of his mates’ arms helped calm his anxiety. Jael kissed the top of his head, whispering, “We will find them, sweetness. Somehow I think our other prisoners might be able to help.”

  They exited the room, finding Orion waiting outside the door looking none too pleased. He glared at Jael and then Sabien. “Are you two finished?”

  Helio watched his mates lower their eyes and scented their shame. Not liking this one bit, Helio stepped up to Orion. “Stop talking to my mates like that. You should understand how a mating works. All matings go through bumps and curves. Ours is no different. We realize how important this mission is to all vampires, but matings trump everything and you know it.”

  “It’s okay, Helio. He’s right, we are in a rush to find answers and help our people,” Sabien quickly responded.

  Helio pursed his lips but stopped talking. He was surprised when Orion grasped his shoulder and smiled down at him, saying, “You’re right. I’m glad to see you guys seem to have worked your shit out. Once we finish talking with the prisoners, I think it will be time for us to call it a night. We’ve been on the go for over thirty-six hours, and about now we could all use some rest.”

  Helio stood there twisting his hands together nervously. “I need to talk to them as well. When I went to Saturnalia, I discovered Lanius, Lochus, Kondras, and Ianis are missing. They might know something about it. With that recipe for Kaleidotrip it just seems too coincidental to me.”

  “I don’t like you being so close to the enemy,” Jael stated.

  Helio gave a hesitant smile to his mate. “I’ll be okay. You and Sabien will keep me safe.”

  Sabien wiggled his brows. “Yes, we will. Let’s get this done. I have some hot monkey sex to get to with my two very sexy mates.”

  Helio felt his che
eks heat as Jael gave a low growl while adjusting his cock, saying, “Don’t talk like that, or we aren’t going to get very far.”

  * * * *

  Orion had tried talking to both men, but neither would say a word. They sat in the room in complete silence.

  “Damn, this is going to take forever. Neither of these guys are going to talk to us,” Sabien snarled.

  Helio sighed. He had to agree with his mate. They had been at this for over an hour and neither man would say anything. There had to be a way to open their stupid mouths. Helio wanted to find his friends and claim his mates. That meant time was of the essence. He could feel his mates’ impatience growing. Heck, he was feeling the same.

  Worry for his friends increased. Helio just knew if he didn’t find them soon it would be too late. Needing a moment alone, Helio walked into the cell Orion had been using to speak with the prisoners and drew in a deep breath, then let it out slowly. He caught a scent that confused him. It was odd and out of place. Tilting his head to the side, Helio took a bigger whiff of air. He could taste almost a metallic flavor mixed with energy. It was something not many paranormals could scent, but Helio wasn’t your average paranormal. Sniffing again to be absolutely sure, he noted it was slight, but it was there. “Why do I smell…? By the Gods!”

  “Sweetness, are you alright?” Jael asked.

  Holding up a finger to stop his mate from speaking, Helio scented the room again, then gasped, “I’m so stupid! How could I have missed it?”

  Rushing towards Jael, Helio anxiously said, “They were here!”

  “What? Who was here?” Jael asked, following behind Helio.

  “My friends. They were… well, one of them at least, has been here,” Helio quickly answered.

  Helio ran past Orion and Sabien, ignoring their calls for him to come back. He couldn’t do that. He had to find his friends and fast. He just knew that time was not on his side in this.


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