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Fated Volition: The Sapphire Star Saga

Page 15

by A.L. Meinhold

  Chapter Fourteen

  What Makes a Family

  Fello was waiting outside patiently when she woke that morning. Alex hoped he had not been waiting for long. He smiled as she greeted him and held out his arm for her. It was unexpected, but a kind gesture and she hooked her arm in his. As they walked around the city, she took in all the sights. Though she had gotten a glimpse of most of the buildings the day before, she wondered aloud if there were more than just what was down the main path.

  “Aye. Most of us reside here in the city. A few choose to live on their own. Most prefer the kind of community we have here.” He responded.

  Alex replied, “Your city is different than most I’ve seen. What is the structure exactly?”

  He answered, suppressing a laugh, “We could spend days speaking of our culture and society.”

  Alex laughed, rolled her eyes and gave him a little shove, “Okay, the just of it then?”

  “We have large families, typically ten to fifteen in one household.” He said.

  Alex must have looked shocked because Fello laughed and quickly added, “They are not all born of the same woman.”

  His statement just made her confused.

  “We live much longer than humans. Six or seven times as long. The eldest in our city is well over five hundred. That is a long time to spend with one person.” He said ambiguously.

  “So you don’t mate for life?” Alex asked.

  “Does that surprise you?” He asked.

  “A little I suppose. I thought everyone desired love.” She replied.

  By then they had reached the small pub she had noticed on their way into the city. He motioned for her to sit at a small wooden table and she obliged. He ordered tea and something else that she did not understand and they sat in silence for a while. After a few sips of his tea Fello spoke.

  “There are a lot of beings in the world that believe in love. Of those beings out there, the majority tend to believe in true love, one person that is a perfect match with whom you can spend the rest of your life. Again, I remind you, many of those beings do not live as long as we elves do.

  “We believe in love, but also that we continuously change and grow. Sometimes together and more often apart. We fall in love, settle with someone for a few years, decades even, and then move on. It is almost always mutual and rarely ends in heartbreak.”

  “How so?” She asked curiously.

  “Well, let me see if I can explain this adequately. Let’s say perhaps that a couple had decided to have a child and then a few years later feel that their relationship has reached its end, they will then find new partners who will join them in their house. They will raise that child together and then if the new couples decide to have more children, all the adults will raise them. Everyone takes care of each other.”

  Alex thought about what he was saying. It seemed strange to her. She looked around at everyone, going about their lives. For the first time she noticed the children. She wondered what it would be like to grow up with several parents, and always have someone there to look after you. She thought about the reefs that were outside the city of Aurora.

  When she first looked at them, it seemed to be a chaotic mess of different species all crammed into one spot. The more she watched it became clear how much they all needed and cared for one another. Each ones existence dependent upon the other. If the elves were happy with their way of life, who was she to judge how they lived it.

  It obviously worked for them. She told him what she thought and he smiled at her warmly. They enjoyed a pastry type breakfast and set out walking again. He took her by the shops and training grounds. Telling her a little bit about each thing, they saw. The men and women had very specific jobs in their society.

  Men were either teachers, instructing the young, or guardians to the entrance of the city. Women were in charge of hunting and elite training. Most of their warriors were women, because they were swift and quiet in battle and had incredible skills in combat. Something Alex found interesting was that they were able to choose when they could conceive.

  Women did not have children until they decided to. It was a huge decision to make, because when they decided to have children they no longer worked until the child was grown. Alex learned that because the families were so large, they divided in to clans. Once they reached adulthood, they could join a different clan.

  Fello stopped and chatted with a young woman, introducing her as Felicity White Dove.

  “So your clan is White Dove?” Alex asked.

  “Very good, I see you have been learning our ways.” Felicity nodded in approval.

  “Our first names are given to us at birth and then we choose our second names when we choose our clan.” Fello explained again.

  “There is even a big ceremony held when we come of age to choose our clan.” Felicity added.

  Alex was about to ask how often they chose to join a different clan then the one they grew up in, when a young and pretty elf smiled and waved at them from a distance. She was lovely in every sense of the word. Her features were slight and petite unlike the large lanky limbs of most of the elves. She was not much taller than Alex was.

  The girl had a basket of wildflowers, some of which she weaved into her hair. When she approached, she greeted Felicity with a passionate kiss on the mouth. Alex looked at Fello, unsure of what to make of it.

  “Alex this is Komorea, Felicity’s partner.” Fello said.

  Alex greeted her politely, “How do you say your name again?”

  “Co-more-ay.” She said.

  “It means, moon light that filters through the trees.” Felicity added adoringly.

  Fello chatted with the women a while and Alex found herself studying the couple. It fascinated her the way they were so comfortable with each other. Absently touching one another, without thought or hesitation. The women said their good byes and left hand in hand.

  “Love comes in many forms; it is not uncommon for a woman to love another woman, or a man to love another man.” Fello said, and then asked, “It is common for humans too, yes?”

  Alex thought about it for a few moments before answering, “Common? Perhaps. Accepted? Certainly not everywhere. It is difficult to know what to expect from people, some are supportive and others are very much against it. Where I am from it is understood that it happens, but not spoken of.”

  “Ah, it is easy for some to misunderstand something simply because they cannot feel it themselves. Those who have never experienced passion, say those who have are lustful. Those who have not experienced accomplishment, say those who have are boastful. It reasonable to say that they take it to a dark place because they do not understand what it is like to experience that kind of love.” He said, almost as if he were comforting her.

  She glanced at the couple strolling down the path and imagined how happy they were, no question whether they could, or should, be together. Could her life be like that one day? Unaffected by the opinions of others. Before that day she would not have thought so, but a spring of hope began to flow through her, perhaps it would.

  “So, what does your name mean Fello Swift Feet?” Alex asked, changing the subject.

  He said, “It means one who takes his time.”

  “So, your name is Slow Swift Feet?” Alex asked.

  They both laughed about it and then Fello took her back to the house. They had wandered around for most of the day and the sun was starting to move behind the trees. She bid him farewell and went inside to find some food. She was famished. They were supposed to meet with Alta Abralle later that evening and she desperately wanted to lie down for a while.

  Rustling up some bread, she ate it quickly on her way to the bed. Alex was not sure why she was so exhausted but she felt as if she were going to fall asleep before her head even reached the pillow. Right away, she knew he was there. Alex had mastered dream walking years ago and she could always sense when someone had entered her dreams.

  “Come out, you have no power over me
here.” She yelled.

  “No?” A voice asked in the distance.

  He sounded so far away, yet so close.

  “No. Have you forgotten whose dream you are in?” She asked.

  “This isn’t your dream Alexandra.” He said, and then laughed, as if she were not in on the joke.

  Alex looked around. She was in the room she fell asleep in. Not that it mattered, surroundings rarely made a difference in dreams, especially when you could create almost anything you needed to. Something felt off. She could not quite put her finger on it.

  “I told you, you are mine, and I will have you. One way or another.” The voice whispered fiercely.

  It was distant, like it was speaking from far away. Her first instinct was to run, even though she knew it would not do her any good. Staying seated on the bed, she wasn’t going to let him get to her. A music box on a stand next to the bed started to play. The melody sounded familiar. It was an eerie song and she slammed the box closed.

  “What do you want?” She yelled at him.

  “Just you Alexandra.” He said.

  His voice had become solid. He could have been standing right next to her.

  “Who are you?” She asked.

  She knew before he even answered, “Adaro.”

  His name came out in a hiss.

  “Show yourself.” She demanded.

  “I’d rather you show yourself, Alexandra.” He sneered.

  As soon as he said the words, she heard the sound of tearing fabric. Seconds later, she realized her shirt was coming apart at the seams. She clutched at it, but it was if invisible hands, strong and rough, were pulling against her wrists. The force knocked her back and pinned her arms down to the bed.

  Her shirt was nothing more than shredded pieces of cloth.

  She could feel his hands all over her, but could see nothing. Fear overwhelmed her and she choked on the scream that was building in her throat. Think, Alex think. She could smell him. He smelled of salt water and something rotten. She gagged. Flooding the room would not work. His power came from water the same as hers.

  Invisible hands raised the hem of her skirt. Moving it up over her knees and inching up her thighs. Her skin felt wet where he had touched her, the same way it would if you had wiped a damp cloth over your skin. She closed her eyes and concentrated, imagined every single drop of water evaporating out of the air. She would suffocate him.

  It did not feel like it was working at first, but she kept pulling all the water towards her with her mind. He began to gasp and call her name with a raspy voice. He screamed in outrage just before she woke up. Sweat covered her from head to toe. Her clothes were intact and nothing in the room seemed out of place.

  She gave herself a few moments to calm down and changed into dry clothing. Drinking a cup of tea, she waited for Evangeline and Ryhan to get back. When they came in, she noticed that Ryhan was smiling and had wildflowers strewn throughout her hair. Alex wondered silently if Komorea had gotten a hold of her.

  It was the first time that she had seen Ryhan happy since they met and felt guilty for ruining her good mood. Alex explained what happened, every painful detail.

  “I don’t understand. He came in to your dream?” Ryhan asked.

  “No. It was as if he pulled me in to his. It isn’t something I have ever experienced before. Evangeline?” Alex asked.

  Evangeline shook her head, “I haven’t either, not like that. I don’t know of anyone who can pull someone who is awake in to their dreams.”

  “Great, so now what the hell do we do?” Ryhan asked angrily.

  “I don’t know.” Alex said, afraid there was nothing they could do.

  “Perhaps we should speak with Alta about this?” Evangeline suggested.

  Alex just nodded in agreement. Maybe Alta would know more about how to stop Adaro. They certainly did seem to know a lot about dreams. Ryhan did not seem too pleased with the idea, but then she was never happy about anything. They sat in silence for a while before deciding they should head to the Great Hall. She did not know if she could bear having Adaro invade her mind again and hoped Alta would have the answers they were looking for.


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