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Fated Volition: The Sapphire Star Saga

Page 25

by A.L. Meinhold

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Training Day

  Victoria had never been inside a castle before, but it was exactly as how she imagined one would look. Tall stone walls and drafty rooms filled corridor after corridor. Each room they passed seemed bigger than the next. When they stopped at the kitchen, her eyes grew big and her stomach rumbled. It was enormous and filled with people.

  Several men bustled in, wearing similar grey tunics. They greeted them kindly, then picked up several trays and bustled out just as quickly. Women dashed around carrying away dirty pots and replacing them with clean ones. Whatever they were cooking smelled fantastic.

  Ava led them to a round table large enough to accommodate all seven of them. A plump man strolled over and spat out a list of things he had available for them to eat. Most of it was things she had never heard of before and so she settled for a roasted turkey leg and hot tomato soup. A loaf of fresh bread accompanied her meal and it crackled divinely when she sliced in to it.

  Enjoying it immensely, she sopped up the last of the soup with a piece of bread and pushed her bowl away in embarrassment. The others joked at her ability to eat so quickly. After they had all finished, and their plates cleared away, Ava showed them to their rooms. Ayden left the group first as his room resided in a different location than theirs did.

  As they came to another long hall of rooms, Evangeline spoke to Ava, “Is there a room that is big enough for all of us perhaps?”

  Ava laughed angelically and paused in front of a large wooden door.

  Opening it, she motioned for them to enter. Inside the huge room were five, four-poster beds. Each one made of ebony, and carved with the most intricate patterns. Placed to one side of the room in a half circle, the beds left the rest of the room open and filled with beautiful items. Victoria wandered the room and examined things randomly. There was a small chaise placed at the end of every bed, each one a different pattern or color.

  A vanity equipped with girly things sat neatly tucked away in a corner. A gigantic wardrobe full of clothes sat open as if waiting for them. Scenic paintings covered the walls, and her eye fell on one that was different from the numerous landscapes that hung. It was a depiction of five pregnant women, standing in front of the castle under the night sky, while a blue star was falling over them.

  She thought she recognized one of them.

  “That’s your mother, there.” Ava said behind her, pointing at the woman on the far left.

  It was a remarkable resemblance. She recognized her mother’s stern face and platinum hair even though it was much longer. The other girls ventured over and admired the painting as Ava pointed out whose mother was where. Victoria remembered that aside from herself and Ryhan, none of the others had ever met their mothers. Suddenly feeling bad for the way she left her mother, she thought she ought to find a way to get a message to her and let her know that she was all right.

  “You’re mothers wanted to sleep together as well. They were inseparable. Your bond was evident, even then.” Ava said to them.

  Thinking back on everything that had happened and the things they had done, there was no denying their power was great, but she was not convinced their bond was as strong as Ava implied. Lillian acted as if she could barely stand her, and Ryhan and Alex were constantly fighting. Evangeline got tired of keeping everyone calm and levelheaded. If their bond was so great, Victoria thought it should be easier to be around one another. Perhaps that would come with time.

  “Through that door is a washroom, the tub is filled and ready for whomever would like to use it. Just ring the bell when you need fresh water and someone will be happy to oblige.” Ava said, then added, “Get a good night’s rest, tomorrow morning you start training with me.”

  With that, she left them, not allowing a chance for them to ask any questions.

  “This is Amazing!” Alex said excitedly.

  Ryhan huffed and went to the washroom.

  “Well that was rude, she didn’t even ask if anyone minded that she went first.” Alex said.

  “Alex please.” Evangeline pleaded.

  “Sorry Angel, just tired I guess.” Alex said with a wink.

  Victoria watched her closely as Alex flopped down on a bed and motioned for her to join.

  She raised her eyebrow and laughed, “You sure that’s such a good idea?”

  Alex laughed with her, “I’ll keep my distance.”

  Victoria joined her, laying down in the opposite direction. Their heads lay next to each other and Victoria swung her feet gently over the side of the bed. Resting her hands on her stomach, she felt her tense muscles relax.

  “This is nice,” Alex said to her.

  She nodded in agreement.

  It was nice, for that moment. She had an unsettling feeling that it would be the last night they were able to relax for a while.

  Alex rolled on her side and leaned on her elbow, resting her head on her hand, “I want to talk to you about something.”

  Victoria rolled over and assumed the same position, face to face she joked. “It’s that I smell isn’t it?”

  Alex burst out laughing. “No, it isn’t that you smell.” She leaned in closer and sniffed then added, “Well you kind of do, maybe you should take the next bath.”

  Victoria chuckled then regained her composure and brushed Alex’s hair back behind her ear, “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “Until recently, I never knew that I could have feelings…what I mean is, I didn’t know that the feelings that I had were okay. Meeting you and feeling what I feel has been amazing. It has made this whole journey seem like less of a nightmare. Made my nightmares more bearable anyway. We have been through so much already, and I have only known you a few days, yet I feel like I have known you my whole life.” She paused and Victoria tried to say something but then she continued.

  “What happened in our dream, in Adaro’s dream, I didn’t even know I could feel that way about someone. It was incredible, but I am a virgin, and I want my first time to be when and how I choose, not because of a spell. I guess I just wanted to let you know that, so that if something like that happens again, we don’t do something that we might regret later.” She blurted out the last bit as fast as she could and her cheeks flushed bright red.

  “Can I speak now?” Victoria joked, and then continued without waiting for a response. “I don’t even have to say out loud how I feel about you, because I know that you can sense it. I used to think flying through the air was an adventure, then I met you and my life has been one non-stop adventure. It has been scary and amazing, because you are amazing. I cannot wait to get to know you more, even if it seems, as if I have known you forever. The passion we shared in that dream was extraordinary, but I agree with you. I want my first time to be with the only person I will ever be with. It would be a bad idea to rush something so significant.” Victoria said.

  Alex smiled and leaned in, giving her a small peck on the lips.

  Ryhan exited the washroom. “I rang the bell for whoever is going next.”

  “Guess that would be me.” Victoria joked.

  There was a small knock, opening the door she was surprised to see a small child standing there.

  “You need assistance?” The boy asked. Only it was not a boy, it was a little man.

  “FARWEN!” Ryhan called excitedly.

  Victoria stepped aside as Ryhan rushed over to greet him with a hug.

  “You know each other?” Victoria asked.

  It was the first time she had seen Ryhan show any emotions outside her normal range of contempt and sarcasm.

  “I met Farwen shortly after leaving Resteir. He was a great comfort to me.” She explained, then turned to Farwen, and asked, “How is Roger? Have you kept in contact with him?”

  Farwen answered timidly. “I am afraid I do not know. I lost contact with him a few days ago.”

  Ryhan looked down at her feet, a wave of emotions crossed her face, and then it went blank.

  “Who is Roger?�
� Lillian asked.

  Ryhan turned to her angrily. “Why don’t you mind your own business LILLY.” And stormed out of the room.

  Victoria started to follow her but Evangeline stopped her and said she would take care of it. Farwen drew another bath and Victoria took her time, relaxing in the hot water. It was nice to get clean. She had done her best to wash when they stopped at the stream, but dried wendigo blood still covered her in places. When she finished a layer of grime floated on top of the muddy red water. She exited the washroom to find not only were Ryhan and Evangeline back, but Farwen had also stayed and was catching Ryhan up on things that had happened since they parted.

  She did not want to eavesdrop, but everyone else seemed to be listening intently, so she took a seat on the bed next to Alex and attended quietly.

  “When I left Roger at the Centermerge stronghold, I gave him a small trinket called a mirror stone. The small flat pebble looks like glass and projects your image to whomever had the match. It allowed him to communicate with me briefly when needed. He would contact me every other day and let me know what was happening in the city and with the soldiers.

  “Axiom had been ordering more coastal guards, hunting parties and had posters of Evangeline and Ryhan at every post in Corafeldon. When the hunting parties returned so quickly, Roger thought that they found their targets. Instead, new posters of Alexandra and Lillian went up and the hunters continued their search.

  “Recruiting became brutal. Volunteers were no longer enough. Soldiers went from village to village taking any able-bodied man above the age of fifteen. The last I had heard, Axiom was building his army and preparing ships. That was three days ago.” Farwen said.

  “Is he coming here? I didn’t think we’d have to fight so soon.” Lillian said sounding panicked.

  “I don’t know. I do not think he has much information on what goes on here. It would be unwise of him to bring an army not knowing what to expect.” Farwen said, trying to comfort her.

  “He knew about Alex and Lillian.” Ryhan exclaimed.

  “Mentis and Memoria can only report what they’ve seen or what they have heard. He knows of you all yes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he knows about your bond and all you can do.” Farwen said.

  “If they saw any of the things we have done since finding each other, then Axiom knows about our powers.” Victoria added.

  “Well we don’t have to worry about those damn birds anymore.” Ryhan said smugly.

  “I would still keep watch. Axiom has many spies in many forms.” Farwen warned.

  “Yeah, like your buddy Thad?” Ryhan asked.

  Farwen looked shocked.

  “You don’t know?” Ryhan asked, surprised.

  He shook his head sadly, as she told him what happened on Doctemptha.

  He sighed. “Thad was a good friend of mine. It is dark times indeed if he could be swayed to Axioms side.”

  “How do we prepare, when he knows more than we do?” Victoria asked, changing the subject.

  “Train with Ava, and trust that you will be able to defeat him.” Farwen said simply.

  After drawing another bath, he bid them goodnight when Alex said she would take care of the rest. It was a lot to take in. Her mother’s voice echoed in her head, ‘People die in War, open your eyes, and grow up.’ Shaking away her feelings of doubt, she climbed into bed. Questioning her decisions was not going to change the fact that Axiom was evil and it was up to them to help stop him. She just needed to believe in the faith that other people had in them.

  Ava woke them before the sun rose the next morning. Victoria hadn’t noticed that Alex had climbed into bed with her during the night until waking and finding her arm draped over her waist. Ava was not dressed in the flowing robes from the night before. Tight fitting pants and a simple tunic along with a leather vest did nothing to mar her beauty. Her long white hair fell in two braids on either side of her head and bits of leather string fastened the ends. Victoria dressed quickly after finding similarly fashioned clothes in their wardrobe.

  She was used to wearing men’s clothing, she could not even remember the last time she wore a dress, but the others looked a bit uncomfortable. With the exception of Alex, who looked stunning, which should not have surprised her. After eating a quick breakfast, they followed Ava to a large field behind the castle. It was broken into four quadrants with a large circle outlined in stone residing in the middle.

  “This is where I will expect you every morning at dawn.” Ava said sternly.

  It was strange to hear a voice so melodic yet so forceful.

  “Consider this your first home, and your bed chambers your second. It is imperative that you learn to harness your powers, individually and combined.” She said.

  “Each of you will practice your elemental powers in your quadrant. This center circle is for the sword and the sword alone. Do not think of using your powers while in it, for it is protected magically, and you will regret it if you do.” Ava said then nodded to a group of people waiting on the side.

  They each moved into one of the open spaces and motioned for the girls to join them. Victoria recognized Lord Byron from the night before. He took his place in the center. Apparently, she was not the only one who had seen him, because Ryhan mumbled something about having to work with a jerk.

  Victoria moved into one of the squares and faced her tutor. She looked to be of elfish descent but was much smaller than the tall tribes of Ferrentri was. The woman’s petite stature was comparable to her own.

  “I am Villa.” The woman said, “We have much to learn from each other I think.”

  Victoria was not sure what else she could learn about her powers. She already knew how to manipulate the wind and pull the air from space. As if sensing her doubt, Villa smiled at her slyly before disappearing into a cloud of mist. It happened so fast that she could hardly believe what she had just witnessed.

  A cool breeze swept over her and then Villa called out from behind her, “Do you believe me now?”

  “How did you do that?” Victoria asked.

  “It is called Air Mimicry, it is difficult to learn, but once mastered can be very useful in combat. Observe.” Villa called over a man that was watching from afar.

  They began sparring. His large muscles flexed rigidly with each movement. Towering over her, he stood almost a quarter of her height taller. Victoria thought the match would end quickly. Villa did not stand a chance against the brute. Just as things started to get interesting and the man moved in closer to take her down, Villa grabbed his arm, transformed into mist and reappeared behind him. Flat on his back, his limbs flailed in the air as he lay on the ground. It happened as fast as lightning. Villa had pulled his arm through his legs and flipped him onto his back in a fraction of a second.

  “Okay, you have to show me how to do that!” Victoria said excitedly.

  Villa dismissed the man and they got to work. After a couple hours, all Victoria had managed to do was sweat and get frustrated.

  “It will come to you, just imagine your intention and you will make it happen.” Villa said encouragingly.

  Grabbing some water and a handful of dried meat, she sat on the side of the field and observed how the others were doing. Focused so intently on her own teaching, she forgot that they were undergoing the same rigorous training. Evangeline sat next to her and watched the others intensely.

  To their right Alex was busy with a woman called Nerei.

  Water flooded their quadrant and they sloshed through it frantically. They would each create a creature out of water and then send them toward each other, the goal being that one of the creatures would destroy the other. Alex looked tired and she relented, ready to take a break when Nerei’s water rabbit ate her water snake.

  Alex joined Victoria and Evangeline and they watched Lillian together. A man named Herne stood before her, his green skin and large antlers the only suggestion that he was not human. They were in a fierce battle and Lillian appeared to be winning. At first,
Herne took the advantage trapped her in a thick binding of vines. Grabbing the creeping plant and pulling forcefully, the vines turned to dust as they broke away from her body. As she moved toward him, he lobbed a large rock toward her.

  She reached out and touched it before it hit her and sand fell around her in its place. Sand quickly piled up around them as he launched several more large rocks her way. Raising her arms Lillian created a small hole just beneath him just as she did with the wendigo. He fell into it and then conceded. She helped him up by raising the earth back to its former shape and they began again with Lillian taking the offensive.

  Victoria thought that perhaps Lillian was stronger than any one of them. At the very least, she seemed to have a better grasp at what her powers could do. Meanwhile, Ryhan was not doing as well as Lillian. It was her turn in the center ring for sword training and Victoria could see that she was getting angrier by the minute.

  “Lord Byron seems to be pushing her hard. He might regret that.” She said to no one in particular.

  “Oh hush, the circle is protected remember. She can’t hurt him.” Evangeline said.

  Alex laughed. “I wouldn’t count on that.”

  A worried look crossed Evangeline’s face and Victoria was puzzled. Surely, she was not worried about Ryhan. They all knew that girl could protect herself. They watched as Lord Byron struck blow after blow and Ryhan was unable to deflect any of them. Suddenly, Ryhan screamed in frustration and dropped her sword, lunging at him. He pushed her away, but it was too late. Fire exploded around them. Surprisingly it vanished as quickly as it had come.

  Ryhan looked confused at first and then furious. Growling, she exited the circle and stormed off toward the castle. Evangeline stood and Victoria expected her to go after Ryhan, but instead she headed toward Lord Byron. Victoria shot a glance at Alex to see if she saw the same thing, and Alex shrugged her shoulders in response. Ava told them all to rest while she went and calmed Ryhan. When she returned they would work in pairs while the fifth girl trained with the sword.

  Alex had taken Victoria’s hand in hers, and as Ava made her way toward the castle to find Ryhan a flash of worry settled over her, a mixture of doubt and fear.

  “What was that?” Victoria asked Alex.

  “You could feel that?” Alex asked.

  Victoria nodded.

  “That was what Ava was feeling about Ryhan. That was not good.” Alex said sadly.

  After nearly an hour, Ryhan stomped back onto the training field, glaring at Lord Byron as she took her spot in her quadrant. She and Lillian worked together creating flaming blobs of earth that they launched at Herne and a strange looking man.

  Victoria had not caught his name, because she and Alex were busy training with Villa and Nerei. They had managed to summon rain clouds and even a small tornado that dissipated shortly after it formed. Evangeline took Victoria’s place. It was her turn with Lord Byron. She could not help but notice the twinge of disappointment that hung in the air around Evangeline. Stepping into the stone circle, Victoria felt lighter and heavier at the same time. The charm around the circle disconnected her from her power and she did not like it.

  Before she could say so, Lord Byron raised his sword and struck out at her. Reflexes sharp, she parried his blow and thrust his sword back at his chest. He gave her a sly smile and his grey eyes twinkled with excitement.

  “Have you trained with a sword before?” He asked as he lunged and she deflected another blow.

  “There were a few guards in Volcaringuard that fenced for sport. I like to learn new things.” Victoria responded and ducked as he swung his sword over her head.

  Her body low she drove her shoulder into his stomach and knocked him off balance. She had hoped to knock him over. He was much more solid than she had anticipated and paid for her miscalculation when he brought the hilt of his sword down on her shoulder and she fell to the ground. As his sword came close to her face, she rolled to the side and jumped to her feet quickly.

  On it went, for nearly an hour, until both of them were gasping for breath and the entire training yard watched them with wide eyes. She did not believe in giving up and would not concede. Not that day or any other day. Raising her sword, he anticipated her attack and moved to side allowing her to fall. Tucking her head, she rolled back on to her feet and turned to face him.

  She was about to attack again when Ava interrupted and told them that was enough for the day. Victoria sighed gratefully, she was not sure how much longer she would have been able to keep it up, but found comfort in the fact that Lord Byron looked just as relieved.


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