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Fated Volition: The Sapphire Star Saga

Page 28

by A.L. Meinhold


  “Stop!” She yelled again.

  Finally, Gavin let go of her arm and paused. He looked into her eyes and for a moment, she melted the way she had when they first met.

  “We are almost there, we need to keep going.” He said to her gently.

  “Where are we going? You haven’t told me anything and you expect me to just follow you?” Ryhan asked angrily.

  Gavin sighed impatiently. “You have no idea about anything Ryhan. You’ve been lied to, about so many things. I’m taking you to someone who can help you see the truth.”

  He took her arm again and she allowed him to lead her.

  “Who is it you are taking me to?” She asked.

  “Axiom.” Gavin said.

  Jerking her arm from his grasp, she put as much space between them as she could. “Axiom? You can’t be serious?”

  He moved toward her and she backed away again.

  “You aren’t scared of me are you?” Gavin asked sadly.

  “I don’t know what to think. Is that really where you have been all this time?” She asked.

  It was nearly impossible to keep her cool. When he had announced that they were under attack, she had tried to convince herself that she had not heard him correctly. That her mind was playing tricks on her. It had become clear to her it was true, but she did not understand why. When he had spoken about Axiom before, she could feel the hate Gavin had for him and what he had done to their land.

  “I told you, they have things twisted.” He yelled pointing in the direction of the stronghold.

  “You are the one that’s twisted, I see that now.” Ryhan screamed with tears in her eyes.

  Gavin reached for her and took her face in his hands. “I would never hurt you, never. Please just come with me, give him a chance to explain his side of things.”

  “Do you really think he would spare me just because you claim to love me?” She asked.

  “He won’t hurt you, I wouldn’t let him. I’d protect you with my life.” Gavin said.

  “And he’d kill me before you had the chance to sacrifice it.” Ryhan spat.

  Gavin stepped back and looked her up and down. “Do you have no trust left in your heart for me?”

  “Not if you can’t tell me more than what you’ve told me.” Ryhan said.

  “I can take you by force you know.” Gavin said angrily.

  She scoffed. “You could try.”

  He took a step towards her and she stepped back as her body lit ablaze. Stepping toward her again, she went to step back and hit rock. He had her cornered, but it did not matter. If he touched her, he would burn. If he was scared of the flames, he did not let on.

  Reaching out he grabbed her face again. She closed her eyes and waited for him to start screaming. No screams came. He wasn’t burning. When she opened her eyes, he was smiling at her. A tiny wave of relief washed over her. She might not trust him, but she still loved him and she was not sure if she could let anything bad happen to him. Instinctively she leaned into his hand and released the flames.

  She whispered. “This isn’t fair. You were supposed to come back to me.”

  “I did. I came back FOR you. To help you. Why can’t you believe that?” Gavin pleaded.

  She stared at him, unsure of what to say.

  Taking a deep breath, he asked. “Ayden is alive. Doesn’t that make you at all suspicious?”

  “Of Ayden, perhaps, but that doesn’t change anything that Axiom has done.” Ryhan said.

  “But that’s just it, Axiom has been accused of poisoning him, holding him prisoner and worse yet no one knows what really happened. No one knows that Axiom is not the dark prince everyone thinks he is. It is really Ayden. He made it look like Axiom tried to kill him and then disappeared, to the forest of Bastrioph of all places. You have been there; you have seen what an evil place that is. How is it he has survived all these years if he didn’t have some serious magic of his own?” Gavin asked.

  Shifting uncomfortably Ryhan took in what he said. Nothing he said seemed far off from the initial feelings she had about Ayden. She had not trusted him. Hell, she had tried to kill him. Was she really supposed to believe that Axiom was good?

  She shook her head. “No Gavin, there are too many things that Axiom has done that can’t be excused.”

  “I know how you feel right now. I felt the same way when I was first brought to him. But after listening to him and letting him explain, he was only doing what he must to protect us all from Ayden. The five of you were hidden away from him. He thought he would have to do it on his own. That is why he has been collecting and growing his power.” Gavin said.

  Confusion took place of anger and Ryhan leaned against the rock wall and sighed. What was she supposed to do? She could not leave the others. Gavin leaned in to kiss her, and she let him. The same fiery passion they shared before took over and Ryhan felt all her senses leave her. There was no Axiom or Ayden. There was no magical council or powers she didn’t even want. There was only him and their kiss and it was a fine thing to surrender to.

  “I love you and I would never allow you to be hurt. Please come with me.” He begged her.

  Ryhan couldn’t argue.

  She had been longing for him for weeks and now that he was finally in front of her, she could not bear to be away from him for even a moment.

  “Okay, I’ll come with you. But you have to promise that I will be free to leave when I choose.” Ryhan said.

  He nodded in agreement and took her hand.

  She followed him up the rough path and into a small clearing. They must have been moving up an incline because she could see the castle below her. There were still giants wandering about aimlessly and for a second she wondered if she was doing the right thing. How could she go with him when innocent people were being hurt?

  Pausing, she let go of his hand. He turned to her and gave her a questioning look. She was about to express her concern when two great winged horses flew down and landed in front of them. As they stood in front of the horses, she vaguely recalled a story about four brothers who angered a sorceress that cursed them to an eternity in the form of a winged horse serving those of great power.

  Caught up in the sight of the creatures she hadn’t noticed the woman sitting on top of the larger horse.

  “Gavin, time is short, we need to go now. Get her on Threxor and let’s move.” The mysterious woman said forcefully.

  She was beautiful and held herself in a way that reminded Ryhan of Alex. Confident that she was wanted and wanted by many. Ryhan took a step back. Gavin climbed on to the dark horse and reached out his hand for her. She looked at him and then glanced at the woman. She may be desirable, but Ryhan could see the desperation in her eyes.

  It was clear she would do anything to get Ryhan to come back with them, the woman’s face concealed nothing, and her face said danger.

  “Patience Lorelei.” Gavin snapped at her, and then concerned he turned back to Ryhan. “Ryhan?”

  “Ryhan!” Someone yelled from behind her.

  Turning quickly she saw Victoria and Alex approaching them, as fast as the path would allow.

  Gavin held his hand out to her again. “Ryhan, they don’t want you to be happy. They don’t want us together and will say anything to keep you here and under their control.”

  “That’s not true, they care about me.” Ryhan said.

  “Do they?” He asked, and then added, “Is that why they are always telling you what you can and can’t do. Always restricting how you use your power. They don’t understand the fire that burns inside of you, I do.”

  “Ryhan don’t you dare! Don’t you dare go with him!” Alex shouted.

  “See, they know how much you love me, yet they want to keep us apart.” Gavin said.

  Ryhan reached for his hand, as a gust of air pushed her away from him, and she fell to the ground hard. Victoria had just used her powers against her, again. Gavin was right. They would never understand her. If Victoria had been away from Alex
she would stop at nothing to reunite with her, yet they expected Ryhan to let him go. They did not care about her feelings.

  There was still a good distance between them. Ryhan threw up a wall of fire and ran to Gavin. She took his hand and climbed on to the large steed. Alex doused the fire quickly and they closed in on them.

  “Ryhan don’t do this, we need you!” Victoria yelled.

  “And I need him.” Ryhan said angrily with a hint of sadness.

  Victoria used her power again to try and knock her off the horse, Ryhan was sure of it. She felt her tap into the power, but nothing happened.

  Gavin laughed. “You forget. I was born under the sapphire star as well.”

  Ryhan knew what he meant. He had blocked their power as he had done to her before. It bothered her, but still she had made her choice and she grabbed ahold of him tightly as they lifted off the ground. Rising into the air was rough, but flying through it was smooth and incredible.

  Threxor was an incredible beast, and danced magnificently through the air. Looking back at the castle, she thought of everything she had been through and a bit of sadness crept over her. Her habit of living for others ended the moment she chose him. Hoping that she made the right decision no longer mattered. Following her heart was the only choice she could make that was her own.


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