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Hear No Evil: Book 27 in the Godhunter Series

Page 27

by Amy Sumida

  “Vervain?” Toby looked up at me in concern.

  All of my men were gathered close around me; Arach in a chair to my right, Trevor in one on my left, Kirill sitting beside Trevor, Odin beside Arach, Azrael standing behind me, and Re and Toby sprawled on the floor and leaning against my legs. We needed the proximity; we were still working through all the crap the Finns had done to us.

  “I'm just thinking about what Brevyn said,” I murmured. “How Thrud had changed when she stole magic from other gods. I'd like to believe that the Finnish Gods didn't start out evil either.”

  “They didn't,” Odin confirmed. “Ilmarinen was a good man once. He never would have...”

  Odin swallowed roughly as he stared sorrowfully at me. I shook my head at him; I didn't want the others to know what Ilmarinen had done to Odin and me. They had enough to deal with without adding that to it. Odin and I would carry this together; no one else. He sighed and nodded.

  “An evil deed has consequences,” Arach mused. “What is that quote, A Thaisce? Good begets good; evil begets evil.”

  “Yes,” I whispered. “That's what I was contemplating; that everything is in balance, and when the Finns took more than they were meant to have, it threw them out of balance. It was an evil act so it tipped them in that direction.”

  “And they spread their evil,” Trevor whispered as he took my hand; he had a baby monitor in his other one. “They touched humans and tainted them with their malevolence.”

  “And other gods,” Torrent added. “We should send someone to check on Qaus.”

  “Qaus.” I looked up at Torrent. “What happened to him after Odin and I left?”

  “Qaus told us the same things he had tried to tell you,” Azrael said. “That he was innocent; being controlled by the Finns. Then we all felt your fear.”

  “I tracked you to Sampo.” Arach took my hand and kissed it.

  “I texted the Squad, and we met them there,” Trevor added. “We went in after you but there were no gods on the upper levels of the club. We had to follow your trail to find the hidden elevator Odin had mentioned and then went down into the subterranean floors to search for you.”

  “Once we made it downstairs; they separated us and trapped us in those illusions,” Re finished.

  “So, Qaus is probably still at that house in Portland,” I concluded.

  “I can go let him know what happened,” Torrent offered.

  “No; I need to go,” I said as I stood.

  “What? Now?” Re asked in surprise.

  “He's been waiting anxiously this whole time,” I pointed out. “You think I should wait until morning? Get a good night's sleep while he worries?”

  “Fine.” Arach stood. “Then I'm going with you.”

  My other lovers got up as well; all except for Trevor, who stared at the baby monitor in his hand.

  “It's okay. Stay with the children,” I said to Trevor. “This won't take long, and I'll have the others with me. I'm not in danger anymore.”

  Trevor stood. “I'll be upstairs, waiting for you in bed when you return.”

  “Okay, Honey-Eyes.” I kissed him tenderly before I headed to the tracing room with the others.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  “Vervain!” Qaus shot to his feet when my men and I appeared in his living room. “Let me explain before you attack me, okay? Just give me five minutes.”

  “You don't have to explain, Qaus,” I said gently. “The Finnish Gods are dead. I came to tell you that we know what they've been doing and what they did to you.”

  “They're dead?” He began to smile. “Hell, woman, I should have just gone to you in the beginning.”

  “Why didn't you?” Azrael asked. “We would have helped you.”

  “I didn't even know if you'd believe me.” Qaus shrugged and looked at Odin. “Ilmarinen said that you and he were close, Allfather. I figured I'd do better on my own; gather some proof before I approached you. I tried to infiltrate their group, but Ulla didn't believe me, not after I refused her. You gave me an opportunity to prove myself to the Finns that day on the beach, Vervain. I saved Lemminkainen so I could win their trust.”

  “Wait; hold on.” I lifted a hand. “Who is Ulla?”

  “You didn't get Ulla?” Qaus asked with rising horror. “Fuck! We have to find her; she's the one who started this whole thing. She taught Disani and Gish how to kill Gods and take their magic and then she taught the Finns to do it in another way entirely. If she's still alive, this is far from over. She's brilliant and fucking evil.”

  “Ulla,” I whispered as I looked at Odin.

  Odin's expression was grim; he'd already come to the conclusion that I had just reached.

  “Is Ulla a tall redhead with icy blue eyes and a curvy figure?” I asked, just to be sure. “Likes to wear flowers in her hair?”

  “Yeah; that's her.” Qaus calmed down. “You did kill her?”

  “Yes,” I confirmed. “Her name was actually Thrud. She was Thor's daughter.”

  “That was Thor's daughter?” Qaus asked in shock. “And she was gunning for you? Damn!”

  “Her brother died, and I put his soul in my son's body,” I explained. “She wanted me dead so she could raise Brevyn herself.”

  “That's totally fucked,” Qaus muttered.

  “Her brother—my grandson—was named Ull,” Odin added.

  Qaus huffed a sound of amazement and shook his head. “You've got a hell of a family, Godhunter.”

  “We've had some issues,” I agreed. “This one, at least, has been put to rest.”

  “So, it really is over?” Qaus asked.

  I nodded.

  Qaus stepped forward and shook my hand. “Thanks for taking the time to come here and let me know; I'm assuming you've had a long day.”

  “You have no idea,” I muttered. “I'm glad that I wasn't wrong about you.”

  “I'm a god; I still want to live forever.” Qaus shrugged. “But there are some lines I refuse to cross; killing other gods simply for power is one of them.”

  “Hopefully those lines will keep you off my radar,” I shot back.

  “I can't promise anything.” Qaus smirked. “But I'm far more reluctant to cross you now.” He glanced at the other men. “I didn't think anyone could win against those gods, but here you all are. Impressive.”

  “I just wished upon a star.” I winked at him before my men and I traced home.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Vero's bassinet wasn't beside my bed. I was surprised by that. Arach had gone to sleep in his suite with our boys; we'd be leaving for Faerie in the morning. I would, of course, return to the God Realm with my Ring of Remembrance, to the exact moment I left. So, my men and children here wouldn't miss me, but I'd miss them; especially Vero. I'd had very little time to enjoy my son since his birth. Part of me didn't want to go to Faerie but it would be easier this way, and then I could help Arach get our boys through the Aether.

  My other men kissed me goodnight and went up to their rooms to leave me with my wolf. I stripped and climbed into bed beside him. The ruckus of our homecoming had woken Trevor, and he was sitting up, waiting patiently for me to join him.

  “Where's Vero?” I asked as I climbed beneath the covers.

  Trevor laid down and pulled me against his chest. He let out a long, contented sigh before he answered. “Up in his nursery; I thought we should start using it.”

  I had built Vero a nursery right above Lesya's room. It had the same layout as Lesya's; spreading out between the towers with a window overlooking Pride Lands. We hadn't used it yet; preferring to keep Vero in his bassinet so he could sleep beside us instead of putting him in the hand-carved crib Kirill had made for him.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  “I have the monitor right there.” Trevor pointed at the baby monitor; a high-tech contraption with a screen that showed us an image of Vero sleeping peacefully in his crib, guarded by the carved wolf heads that crested each corner pole.

  “All ri

  “I needed some time with you to myself,” Trevor admitted.

  I looked up at him and met his lips as they swooped down to claim mine. The kiss wasn't seductive; it was gentle. I could feel Trevor's soul in it; the wildness of the Wolf laid just beneath the steadiness of the Wolf Prince. But both aspects of my alpha husband were wounded. Out of all the illusions I'd seen my men battle, I'd thought that Trevor had the least traumatic. He'd nearly lost me before and had recovered well enough. But it looked as if it wouldn't be so easy for him to bounce back this time.

  “Tell me,” I whispered when he eased away.

  “The illusion.” His throat worked roughly as he swallowed. “They killed you in that machine, and it consumed your soul, Minn Elska. I was dying, but I couldn't follow you into the Void because there was no you left. They had utterly destroyed you.”

  “Oh, Honey-Eyes,” I murmured and hugged him closer. “They couldn't do that. No one can destroy souls.”

  “Perhaps destroy isn't the right word.” Trevor nestled closer. “One of them absorbed your soul; similar to what Katila was doing with Demon Souls. You were trapped inside another god; assimilated into the collection he'd amassed. I couldn't free you, and I couldn't follow you.”

  “And you think that's what they were doing? They were absorbing god souls along with the magic?”

  “I don't know. Perhaps that was just a lie concocted to torment me. Either way, it worked. I keep thinking about dying without the possibility of reuniting with you in the Void; an eternity without you.”

  “Neither of us are dying.” I moved up on the pillow so I could hold him instead of the other way around. “We have to take care of Vero now; we can't die. It's unacceptable.”

  I felt him smile against my breast as he nuzzled closer. Trevor settled his bulk around me; one leg twining between mine and both arms wrapping around my waist. It was comforting as well as comfortable, and I sighed as I settled my head over his.

  Then a shuffling sound made us both flinch and jerk our heads up. Kirill stood at the foot of the bed. His hair was braided back and moonlight outlined his stoic face. He just stood there and stared forlornly at us.

  Trevor pulled back the covers on my open side.

  Kirill gave a small smile and crawled into bed with us. “Zank you,” he whispered to Trevor.

  “I understand,” Trevor murmured back.

  “I should have talked to you earlier, Tima.” Kirill nestled his face into my hair. “I need to apologize.”

  “For what?” Trevor asked.

  “For having sex with a woman who he thought was me,” I explained so Kirill wouldn't have to.

  “What?” Trevor looked up at Kirill in horror.

  “It was his illusion.” I pulled Trevor back down onto one breast and then eased Kirill onto the other. “Lempo used his magic to arouse Kirill but it didn't work. Kirill refused to have sex with anyone but me. So, Lempo glamoured a woman to look like me.”

  “Then, that much was true,” Trevor muttered. “They really couldn't force anyone to have sex with someone they didn't want to.”

  Ilmarinen's face filled my mind again, and I shuddered. No; that much was not true.

  “I should have known it vasn't her,” Kirill insisted.

  “I told you, honey; their illusions were too powerful,” I whispered to Kirill. “You couldn't have known. There is nothing to forgive. Don't forget; I've been where you are. I've been forced to have sex with men who I didn't love. Did you hold it against me?”

  “Nyet,” Kirill growled. “It vas rape.”

  “And so was this, Kirill,” Trevor concluded. “Let it go, Brother.”

  “I need you to help me vith zat.” Kirill lifted his head to look at me. “Lesya made it easier to bear, but you are ze one who heals me. You brought me back before; pull me into your light again, Trinity Star.” He stroked the lock of starlight in my hair. “Banish zis poison zey left inside me.”

  I kissed Kirill gently but it soon turned into something savage. Trevor responded immediately to the rising lust; he shifted his mouth up to latch onto my nipple as his hand delved between my legs. I groaned and opened myself to my husbands; knowing that I needed this too. I needed them to burn away the memory of Ilmarinen's hands on me.

  “Lick me,” I broke away from Kirill's kiss to growl at Trevor.

  Trevor looked up at me in surprise and then grinned wickedly when I pushed on his shoulders; urging him down between my legs. He growled primally; a deep rumble that shivered into my skin. Then he jerked back the blankets and dove for my sex. I sighed as Trevor's lips worked over me then I deliberately looked down to watch him suck and lick me; his dark curls tousled against my pale skin and his strong hands spreading my thighs wider. Trevor's honey-colored stare angled up and connected with mine. Those beautiful eyes began to glow.

  I went back to kissing Kirill, but I kept my gaze on my wolf. My hand reached between Kirill's legs to stroke his hot, hard length, and my lion cried out into my mouth. Kirill pulled out of our kiss and bent his head to my breast. As I worked his sex, he tongued my nipple eagerly.

  “Use your fingers,” I said to Trevor. “One in my pussy and one in my ass.”

  Trevor flinched at my explicit words and the command in them. He lifted his head and narrowed his eyes at me. “Minn Elska?” He growled.

  “Just do it, Trevor!” I snapped.

  Kirill stopped kissing me to look back and forth between us. “Vhat's happening?”

  “Our wife isn't telling us something.” Trevor climbed up my body to level his face with mine. “And she's going to do so right now.”

  I grimaced. Why had I said that? I should have just kept my mouth shut.

  “Don't tell the others,” I whispered.

  “Vervain,” Kirill growled, “vhat have you kept from us?”

  “Promise me first,” I insisted. “I don't want to burden them.”

  “Burden them with what?” Trevor grabbed my chin and wouldn't let me look away from him.

  “Promise me.” I could be just as stubborn as him.

  “Fine; I promise,” Trevor growled.

  I slid my stare to Kirill.

  “I promise; just tell us, Tima,” Kirill said gently.

  “Ilmarinen was jealous of Odin,” I whispered. “He wanted what Odin had, and wanted to torment Odin with it.”

  “No,” Trevor whispered.

  “No; he didn't go that far,” I quickly assured them. “But he tried. Vainamoinen sang to me and made me believe that I was Ilmarinen's wife. It was just like Brevyn said; I forgot about all of you.”

  “Brevyn?” Kirill asked. “He gave you another varning?”

  “Oh, right,” I muttered. “I didn't tell you about that either.”

  “Damn it, Vervain!” Trevor hissed as he sat up.

  “I didn't want to worry you more,” I whined.

  “Vhat vas varning?” Kirill asked calmly.

  “That I was going to forget everyone and make Arach sad but it would all be okay, and we shouldn't be scared.” I shrugged. “Brevyn also said that he'd be okay; that he was going to be with family. I didn't know what he meant until...”

  “Until Thrud took him,” Kirill finished.


  Trevor cursed and shook his head.

  “I'm sorry I didn't tell you.”

  “At least it's over now,” Kirill said firmly; looking back and forth between us. “Ve can heal together.”

  “Is that it?” Trevor persisted. “Ilmarinen made you think you were his wife and paraded you around Sampo?”

  “He was going to have sex with me,” I admitted. “He laid me down on his bed and performed oral sex on me while he made Odin watch.”

  “That fucking bastard!” Trevor snarled.

  “He made Odin vatch?” Kirill asked with a horrified expression.

  “Ilmarinen made Odin stand right beside him at the foot of the bed while he—” I swallowed convulsively. “He made me say things and... h
e shoved his fingers into me while he told Odin what he was going to do to me. It angered us enough to break the spell he had over us. Odin and I killed him together before he could go any further.”


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